

Jun 19th, 2013
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  1. 21:03 -!- Irssi: Starting query in Zandronum with TiberiumSoul
  2. 21:03 <TiberiumSoul> i could use some help with some acs for a hexen class addon
  3. 21:03 <TiberiumSoul> and since you seems to be the go to guy for this...
  4. 21:03 <TiberiumSoul> yeah
  5. 21:05 <ijon> heh
  6. 21:06 <TiberiumSoul> terminus told me to look through samsara for a general idea for such a thing but its confusing as hell for me
  7. 21:06 <ijon> what is it
  8. 21:07 <TiberiumSoul> im trying to do what samsara does with the weapons for my hexen class where the fighter can see his weapons the mage can see his and the cleric can see his
  9. 21:08 <TiberiumSoul> and im trying to do the same with my generic caleb class cutout
  10. 21:08 <ijon> well, you can't do that online with zdoom, but in single-player it probably isn't an issue
  11. 21:09 <ijon> you need a way to have a script run uniquely on each client that can grab the inventory of the player
  12. 21:09 <ijon> samsara does that with clientside ENTER scripts, plus a "if (PlayerNumber() != ConsolePlayerNumber()) { terminate; }"
  13. 21:10 <ijon> when you have that, you can then have said script update a map variable for every clientside script to use
  14. 21:10 <ijon> so there, you can get the player's class
  15. 21:10 <ijon> as for DISPLAYING it, have the pickups run a clientside script through ACS_ExecuteAlways every...
  16. 21:11 <ijon> samsara uses every second
  17. 21:11 <ijon> in this script, check the value of the map variable the clientside ENTER script sets, and SetActorState appropriately
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