

Jan 19th, 2015
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  1. Name: Jefferson Thanstitine Morrison, the Saint of Thanstitine
  2. Race: Human
  3. Religion: Elice
  4. Age: 19
  5. Appearance: Average, to somewhat taller height, brown hair, very short, green eyes.
  7. Misc. Equipment: The Mask of Thanstitine, a silver, horned mask previously worn by his father that muffles the voice so no one can hear him. Bag for holding his disguises, mask+armor+weapon or street clothes.
  8. Weapons: The Dagger of Thanstitine of his father as well as his chainsword.
  9. Armor: Lightweight, spiked, leather armor with the Mask of Thanstitine.
  11. Non-disguised weapon: Basic Twin Daggers
  12. Non-disguised armor: Fancy Clothes
  14. Notable Skills: Thievery, Sneaking, Assassination, Dagger throwing/wielding, Chainsword wielding.
  16. Any Other Info You Deem Relevant: I need an elemental of some kind with a cool name... perhaps a shadow elemental named Moros.
  18. Backstory: The Son of Doom, Jefferson grew up never knowing his father. Having survived the attack of goblins, unlike his mother he grew up thieving and stealing for a living. Even murdering a man before skipping town at the age of 15. He never heard from his father for many years until a package with no signature came to him two years ago. He didn't know where it came from, having appeared on his bed inside of an inn as he had no actual home. It contained a mask, a dagger, and a chainsword with a note laid on top. The note read, "These were your father's, they have no meaning to me, but you do. If you wish to know what happened to him and to be trained in his ways, sign your name below and we shall meet before the next passing sun. ___________" Jefferson signed the note, not fully knowing what it meant but soon forgot about it before sleeping that night. The following morning Jefferson woke up underground within the passages of the sewers in a far off land, to be trained by <Insert name here> and sent out to search for his father, thieving, stealing, to make it by, all while enjoying every last bit, reveling in the death and looting along the way much unlike his father, but with a sliver of a heart still intact where there isn't gold to be made.
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