

Dec 11th, 2014
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  1. [00:54] [Avernnus]: let me just be clear on 1 thing if you are still here
  2. [00:55] To [Avernnus]: yeah
  3. [00:55] [Avernnus]: I am not unhappy on how this all works, I am very setisfied, I am just confused as I see no recognizable pattern
  4. [00:55] To [Avernnus]: trying to explain that there is no recognizable pattern
  5. [00:55] To [Avernnus]: we just decide on the fly
  6. [00:55] To [Avernnus]: as a group of 4
  7. [00:55] To [Avernnus]: we keep 1k as a guideline
  8. [00:55] [Avernnus]: for all it matters I got away SUPER NICE, i got my EP and am still not saved and can PUG it, so im good. But the no-pattern thing confuses/consued me
  9. [00:57] [Avernnus]: I might come of as too strong sometimes, I let my tongue speak before thinking too much on how to make it polite, but it is how I am, no point hiding it
  10. [00:58] To [Avernnus]: alright good to know you said that last
  11. [00:58] To [Avernnus]: oh well
  12. [00:58] To [Avernnus]: jsut don't dwell on it too mcuh
  13. [00:58] [Avernnus]: well yeah, maybe should have mentioned but was kinda obvious after that guild chat discus yday
  14. [00:58] To [Avernnus]: is what I can say
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