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X-Piratez options.cfg

a guest
Mar 13th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. displayWidth: 1280
  3. displayHeight: 720
  4. fullscreen: false
  5. asyncBlit: true
  6. keyboardMode: 1
  7. maxFrameSkip: 0
  8. traceAI: false
  9. verboseLogging: false
  10. StereoSound: true
  11. geoscapeScale: 1
  12. battlescapeScale: 2
  13. useScaleFilter: false
  14. useHQXFilter: false
  15. useXBRZFilter: false
  16. useOpenGL: true
  17. checkOpenGLErrors: false
  18. useOpenGLShader: Shaders/openxcom.opengl.shader
  19. vSyncForOpenGL: true
  20. useOpenGLSmoothing: true
  21. debug: true
  22. debugUi: false
  23. soundVolume: 85
  24. musicVolume: 23
  25. uiVolume: 11
  26. language: en-US
  27. battleScrollSpeed: 5
  28. battleEdgeScroll: 1
  29. battleDragScrollButton: 2
  30. dragScrollTimeTolerance: 300
  31. dragScrollPixelTolerance: 10
  32. battleFireSpeed: 9
  33. battleXcomSpeed: 1
  34. battleAlienSpeed: 16
  35. battleNewPreviewPath: 3
  36. fpsCounter: false
  37. globeDetail: true
  38. globeRadarLines: true
  39. globeFlightPaths: true
  40. globeAllRadarsOnBaseBuild: true
  41. audioSampleRate: 22050
  42. audioBitDepth: 16
  43. audioChunkSize: 1024
  44. pauseMode: 0
  45. battleNotifyDeath: true
  46. showFundsOnGeoscape: true
  47. allowResize: false
  48. windowedModePositionX: -1
  49. windowedModePositionY: -1
  50. borderless: false
  51. captureMouse: false
  52. battleTooltips: true
  53. keepAspectRatio: true
  54. nonSquarePixelRatio: false
  55. cursorInBlackBandsInFullscreen: false
  56. cursorInBlackBandsInWindow: true
  57. cursorInBlackBandsInBorderlessWindow: false
  58. saveOrder: 3
  59. geoClockSpeed: 139
  60. dogfightSpeed: 50
  61. geoScrollSpeed: 53
  62. geoDragScrollButton: 2
  63. preferredMusic: 0
  64. preferredSound: 0
  65. preferredVideo: 0
  66. musicAlwaysLoop: false
  67. touchEnabled: false
  68. rootWindowedMode: false
  69. playIntro: false
  70. autosave: true
  71. autosaveFrequency: 4
  72. newSeedOnLoad: true
  73. mousewheelSpeed: 3
  74. changeValueByMouseWheel: 10
  75. soldierDiaries: true
  76. maximizeInfoScreens: false
  77. geoDragScrollInvert: false
  78. aggressiveRetaliation: false
  79. customInitialBase: false
  80. allowBuildingQueue: true
  81. craftLaunchAlways: true
  82. storageLimitsEnforced: true
  83. canSellLiveAliens: true
  84. anytimePsiTraining: true
  85. globeSeasons: true
  86. psiStrengthEval: false
  87. canTransferCraftsWhileAirborne: true
  88. retainCorpses: false
  89. fieldPromotions: true
  90. meetingPoint: false
  91. battleDragScrollInvert: false
  92. sneakyAI: false
  93. battleUFOExtenderAccuracy: true
  94. showMoreStatsInInventoryView: true
  95. battleHairBleach: true
  96. battleInstantGrenade: false
  97. includePrimeStateInSavedLayout: true
  98. battleExplosionHeight: 2
  99. battleAutoEnd: true
  100. battleSmoothCamera: false
  101. disableAutoEquip: true
  102. battleConfirmFireMode: false
  103. weaponSelfDestruction: false
  104. allowPsionicCapture: true
  105. allowPsiStrengthImprovement: false
  106. strafe: true
  107. forceFire: true
  108. skipNextTurnScreen: true
  109. noAlienPanicMessages: true
  110. alienBleeding: true
  111. executeUnconsciousEnemies: true
  112. twoHandedIndicator: false
  113. twoHandedIndicatorInventory: false
  114. minimapBorderIndicator: false
  115. everyoneFightsNobodyQuits: true
  116. bleedingIndicator: true
  117. knockOutIndicator: false
  118. statisticalBulletConservation: true
  119. showItemNameAndWeightInInventory: false
  120. showGunMeleeOnTop: true
  121. showAllCommendations: false
  122. removeWoundedFromTraining: false
  123. autoAssignPilots: false
  124. fullNightVision: false
  125. nightVisionColor: 5
  126. autoSell: true
  127. techTreeViewerSpoilerProtection: false
  128. keyOk: 13
  129. keyCancel: 27
  130. keyScreenshot: 293
  131. keyFps: 288
  132. keyQuickSave: 286
  133. keyQuickLoad: 290
  134. keyGeoLeft: 276
  135. keyGeoRight: 275
  136. keyGeoUp: 273
  137. keyGeoDown: 274
  138. keyGeoZoomIn: 43
  139. keyGeoZoomOut: 45
  140. keyGeoSpeed1: 49
  141. keyGeoSpeed2: 50
  142. keyGeoSpeed3: 51
  143. keyGeoSpeed4: 52
  144. keyGeoSpeed5: 53
  145. keyGeoSpeed6: 54
  146. keyGeoIntercept: 105
  147. keyGeoBases: 98
  148. keyGeoGraphs: 103
  149. keyGeoUfopedia: 117
  150. keyGeoOptions: 27
  151. keyGeoFunding: 102
  152. keyGeoToggleDetail: 9
  153. keyGeoToggleRadar: 114
  154. keyBaseSelect1: 49
  155. keyBaseSelect2: 50
  156. keyBaseSelect3: 51
  157. keyBaseSelect4: 52
  158. keyBaseSelect5: 53
  159. keyBaseSelect6: 54
  160. keyBaseSelect7: 55
  161. keyBaseSelect8: 56
  162. keyBattleLeft: 276
  163. keyBattleRight: 275
  164. keyBattleUp: 273
  165. keyBattleDown: 274
  166. keyBattleLevelUp: 280
  167. keyBattleLevelDown: 281
  168. keyBattleCenterUnit: 278
  169. keyBattlePrevUnit: 44
  170. keyBattleNextUnit: 46
  171. keyBattleDeselectUnit: 92
  172. keyBattleUseLeftHand: 113
  173. keyBattleUseRightHand: 101
  174. keyBattleInventory: 105
  175. keyBattleMap: 109
  176. keyBattleOptions: 27
  177. keyBattleEndTurn: 8
  178. keyBattleAbort: 97
  179. keyBattleStats: 115
  180. keyBattleKneel: 107
  181. keyBattleReload: 114
  182. keyBattlePersonalLighting: 108
  183. keyBattleReserveNone: 282
  184. keyBattleReserveSnap: 283
  185. keyBattleReserveAimed: 284
  186. keyBattleReserveAuto: 285
  187. keyBattleReserveKneel: 106
  188. keyBattleZeroTUs: 127
  189. keyBattleCenterEnemy1: 49
  190. keyBattleCenterEnemy2: 50
  191. keyBattleCenterEnemy3: 51
  192. keyBattleCenterEnemy4: 52
  193. keyBattleCenterEnemy5: 53
  194. keyBattleCenterEnemy6: 54
  195. keyBattleCenterEnemy7: 55
  196. keyBattleCenterEnemy8: 56
  197. keyBattleCenterEnemy9: 57
  198. keyBattleCenterEnemy10: 48
  199. keyBattleVoxelView: 291
  200. keyInvCreateTemplate: 99
  201. keyInvApplyTemplate: 118
  202. keyInvClear: 120
  203. keyInvAutoEquip: 122
  204. keyBattleActionItem1: 49
  205. keyBattleActionItem2: 50
  206. keyBattleActionItem3: 51
  207. keyBattleActionItem4: 52
  208. keyBattleActionItem5: 53
  209. keyToggleQuickSearch: 113
  210. keyNightVisionToggle: 302
  211. keyNightVisionHold: 32
  212. FPS: 60
  213. FPSInactive: 30
  214. mods:
  215. - id: piratez
  216. active: true
  217. - id: xcom1
  218. active: false
  219. - id: Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons
  220. active: true
  221. - id: Limit_Craft_Item_Capacities
  222. active: false
  223. - id: PSX_Static_Cydonia_Map
  224. active: false
  225. - id: UFOextender_Gun_Melee
  226. active: false
  227. - id: UFOextender_Psionic_Line_Of_Fire
  228. active: true
  229. - id: UFOextender_Starting_Avalanches
  230. active: false
  231. - id: XcomUtil_Always_Daytime
  232. active: false
  233. - id: XcomUtil_Always_Nighttime
  234. active: false
  235. - id: XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports
  236. active: false
  237. - id: XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage
  238. active: false
  239. - id: XcomUtil_Improved_Ground_Tanks
  240. active: false
  241. - id: XcomUtil_Improved_Heavy_Laser
  242. active: false
  243. - id: XcomUtil_No_Psionics
  244. active: false
  245. - id: XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot
  246. active: false
  247. - id: XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot
  248. active: false
  249. - id: XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Base
  250. active: false
  251. - id: XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base
  252. active: false
  253. - id: XcomUtil_Starting_Improved_Base
  254. active: false
  255. - id: XcomUtil_Statstrings
  256. active: true
  257. - id: altSmokeOps
  258. active: true
  259. - id: altTacArmor
  260. active: true
  261. - id: Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons_TFTD
  262. active: true
  263. - id: Limit_Craft_Item_Capacities_TFTD
  264. active: false
  265. - id: StrategyCore_Swap_Small_USOs_TFTD
  266. active: false
  267. - id: UFOextender_Gun_Melee_TFTD
  268. active: false
  269. - id: UFOextender_Psionic_Line_Of_Fire_TFTD
  270. active: true
  271. - id: XcomUtil_Always_Daytime_TFTD
  272. active: false
  273. - id: XcomUtil_Always_Nighttime_TFTD
  274. active: false
  275. - id: XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage_TFTD
  276. active: false
  277. - id: XcomUtil_Improved_Gauss
  278. active: false
  279. - id: XcomUtil_Infinite_Gauss
  280. active: false
  281. - id: XcomUtil_No_Psionics_TFTD
  282. active: false
  283. - id: XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot_TFTD
  284. active: false
  285. - id: XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Base_TFTD
  286. active: false
  287. - id: XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base_TFTD
  288. active: false
  289. - id: XcomUtil_Starting_Improved_Base_TFTD
  290. active: false
  291. - id: piratezNaughtyMod
  292. active: true
  293. - id: OpenXCom_Unlimited_Waypoints
  294. active: false
  295. - id: TFTD_Damage
  296. active: false
  297. - id: XCOM_Damage
  298. active: false
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