
Theo Skix Date

Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. <PuddleJumper> Skix was in the shower getting ready, singing (badly) old jazz songs from the early 40's. She was brushing her teeth in the shower and dancing along with music playing loudly on her laptop that sat open on the desk.
  2. <DarnellJermaine> Theo was arriving to Skix's room just now- wearing a full on suit. Don't be deceived though, he always wore this suit when he was meeting up with people- always good to look sharp. Hopefully it wasn't taken the wrong way. He knocks on the door, checking his phone for the time. He wasn't really looking for a relationship but... Skix was nice- one date wouldn't hurt, right?
  3. <PuddleJumper> Skix yelled from the bathroom, "Doors unlocked! Come right on in! I wont be long!" The room had changed little since he had been here last, she had a few more stuffed that looked coustom made, a bunny. Her pocket change was arranged by size and in little stacks next to her laptop. Her stuffed raccoon (the one stiched together with dentalfloss, sat on her pillow, her bed perfectly made. The
  4. <PuddleJumper> music player was on very very loudly so she could hear it through the shower. The google answeres search tab was up...aparently nobody thought to tell her about search histories.
  5. <DarnellJermaine> Theo opened the door- covering his ears a little to shield them from the loud music. He took a seat on the bed and decided to wait, doing his best not to make a big deal of the music. "Righto! I'll just wait here til you're ready" he didn't even have any idea for what to do for a date, he just gave up and decided hopefully walking around the campus or town would be sufficient.
  6. <PuddleJumper> The music swiched to experimental jazz...truely discordant beatnick stuff, on the screen was the last window of her search, google answeres forum. "What do i do on a date?"
  7. <PuddleJumper> Skix hummed along with her music and turned off the water, slicking her claws down herself to get off most the water and toweling off. to get into this thing...the open back should make this ok.
  8. <DarnellJermaine> Theo drummed his fingers against his knee- unsure what really to do. For someone who'd dated a lot of girls before and well...already done some more...advanced things- he really wasn't a romantic or date-y guy. He was mostly absorbed in trying to figure out what the hell to do so Skix would be happy with their little outing.
  9. <PuddleJumper> Skix exited the bathroom. She was wearing a black dress that was ment to be open in the back...her tail pulled it down a bit, her hips streached the fabric. With her short torso and large chest it showed a bit more then she would have liked. The light blue white scales of her chest, neck and cheeks were pinkish tinged. Her clawed feet were wrapped with black cloth, clean and nicer then the functional rags
  10. <PuddleJumper> she usually used. She had her claws clasped in front of her chest covering her cleavage..." was the closest i could find to my size...i hope its ok. Ive never worn a dress before." She twisted her foot knees slightly together, tail tucked against her leg.
  11. <DarnellJermaine> Theo gave her a soft smile- Skix was pretty earnest, and he could tell she was trying. "Yeah- it's great! Come on, let's get going!" going where? Theo uh, didn't know... he's kind of winging it at this point. "You don't mind just walking around the campus for a while, do ya? I didn't really uh, have anything planned. Just figured we could talk and stuff"
  12. * LipstickThespian ( has joined
  13. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to LipstickThespian
  14. <PuddleJumper> Skix blinks. a bit surprised, she assumed they would be going out into town or something. She shrugged and smiled, after all the school was nice and safe and she was still going on a date with Theo. She smiled nervously nodding. "Sure! um if we are going outside i should get my coat." She turned to the coatrack by the door, the open backed dress showed a wide array of scars criss crossing her was
  15. <PuddleJumper> almost all scars over scars. She had no hole cut for her tail she had simply slipped the dress on and put her tail through the hole in the back...unknown to her like this the back of the dress didnt fully cover her where her tail pulled the dress down.
  16. <DarnellJermaine> Theo was a little put off by the butt display at hand- but most of his focus went towards the scars- he was definitely concerned about her. He thought to mention it for a moment to ask- but didn't want to embarrass her or bring back any bad memories. "Yeah, of course. I'm uh, sorry I didn't plan anything by the way- I wasn't really sure what to do. I'm not really a ah- romantic kinda guy"
  17. <PuddleJumper> skix takes her beat up black leather trench coat and puts it on, she shakes her claw and wrists to get them through the sleeves Theo can see she is wearing the locket he gave her around her wrist as a charm. "You said so, its ok. Ive never been on a date before. I wasent sure what to do...but i used the interent to learn some!" She offers her claw to hold, clicking off her music and closing her laptop.
  18. <DarnellJermaine> Theo smiles at her- and notices the locket on her wrist, only making him even cheerier. He couldn't ignore that she was trying- she really was sweet. He felt bad for not liking her that way, but that's how the world goes sometimes. He takes her claw firmly in his own- the scales feeling weird to his skin, but he does his best to mitigate the reaction on his face. "You'll probably know what you're doing more than
  19. <DarnellJermaine> I will" he says jokingly as he leads her out of the room and into the outdoors!
  20. <PuddleJumper> Skix follows him through the snow. Her hands were soft, much much more so then the smooth hard scales on the backs of her hands, arms and pretty much everywhere else. Her cheeks and neck darkend a bit when he took her hand, she smiled widely. Eeeee! Her brain squeeked. ", nice i suppose just going on a walk with you. You look very nice in your suit. Willard had a uniform that he said was like a suit
  21. <PuddleJumper> but for soldiers. Its hard to imagine he ever looked like you though." she sniffed the air, he smelled really good today
  22. * gumbal1 ( has joined
  23. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore smiled a bit at that- compliments were nice. "Thanks- and Willard; from what I've heard, he must've been a great guy. Bet he looked better than I do when he was my age anyways" Theo was starting to piece together that Willard must've been a soldier at one point- and Theo had a strong respect for anyone that stood with a cause- or at least a good cause. "I wish I could've met him"
  24. <PuddleJumper> Skix nodded. "He, um heh no he wouldent have looked as good as you i dont think. I saw lots of pictures of him when he was our age and a little older. He was a pilot, he flew in World War 2 and was a captian. He stayed in england, thats how i knew about it when you told me. He would have liked you i think, he said even if you dont have much its important to dress nice. Even if you might not be the best
  25. <PuddleJumper> looking people will take you seriously."
  26. * Endorb is now known as Grandpa_ORb
  27. * Grandpa_ORb is now known as Grandpa_Orb
  28. * Karaoke has quit ()
  29. <DarnellJermaine> Theo started to get a little excited now- Willard was absolutely amazing! So he fought in WW2... Theo wanted to ask so many more questions- but he stopped himself before he could open his mouth- realizing that's probably not what Skix had in mind for their date. "Yeah, I think I woulda liked him too. You're pretty cool too, you know? I caught wind about the whole cave thing- you apparently saved Ambrose's hide"
  30. <DarnellJermaine> he'd heard rumors spread between the students and teachers, "I respect that- really. Especially considering Ambrose happens to be a friend of mine- so uh, thanks"
  31. <PuddleJumper> Skix smiled. "He helped me as much as i helped him. I had to look after Seiko more then him. He may not be strong with muscles, but hes strong in his heart. He is smart, so when Andrey had to get the miner out i followed him. I'm ok i suppose. I liked when you and me went on the mission, im glad you stopped me from attacking that big gorrilla...when i get angry and start fighting its hard to
  32. <PuddleJumper> make myself stopped her with words and we didnt have to hurt eachother."
  33. <DarnellJermaine> Theo nodded his head, "You were both just in the heat of the moment- neither of you needed to get hurt as far as I saw it. The gorilla was just doing what she felt she needed to defend herself and- well, I could tell you were trying to do your best for the group to protect us all- I appreciate that. I'm just glad everything went pretty well- only a few injuries here and there. Speaking of- you sure you're ok?"
  34. <PuddleJumper> (one sec brb)
  35. <PuddleJumper> (back)
  36. <PuddleJumper> Skix laughs not even considering that wasent a joke. "HA! I only got hit with a folding chair once and had a few monkeys scratch me a bit...the yelling in my ears was the worst bit!" She took high steps, when the breeze kicked up her tail snapped down to her side and she stood stock still a moment.
  37. <DarnellJermaine> Theo paused at her stopping, turning to face her, "Something the matter?"
  38. <PuddleJumper> Skix shivers, her back completley streight. "Ive never worn a dress before...the wind just shoots streight up it. Oh my god is that ever cold!"
  39. * dragonwielder is now known as AFKwielder
  40. <DarnellJermaine> Theo raises an eyebrow and circles around behind her to take a look at the situation.
  41. * Disconnected (No such device or address)
  42. * Now talking on #Sunnybrook-IC1
  43. * Topic for #Sunnybrook-IC1 is: IC1 | Dorm Building, usually open scenes (but still check first!) ||
  44. * Topic for #Sunnybrook-IC1 set by Kioku (Thu Dec 31 17:26:48 2015)
  45. <PuddleJumper> Skix's coat and tail basiclally turned her into a windsock, as soon as he went to look the wind kicked up enough to blow both her coat and dress up a bit, She eep'd and struggled to pull both back down quickly...but not in time to stop him from getting an eyefull of yellow cotten panties with three pink butterflies on them. She turned with a total look of shock on her face her scales trying to blend in with
  46. <PuddleJumper> the white background and her coat at the same time as she blushed deep red making her blend in with exactly nothing. "OH my god....out of the wind. "she grabbed his hand and pretty much lifted him up as she made a dash for the nearest treeline...Ohgodohgodohgod her brain screamed.
  47. <DarnellJermaine> Theo laughed- he couldn't help it at the ridiculousness of the situation- or at least, he /was/ laughing- until he was being pulled along by a lizard girl at running speed. Oh boy- not good. His heart started to go a little wonky- not good not good. "H-hey" he tried to stutter out, "Maybe we should s-slow down..."
  48. <PuddleJumper> Skix was near panic, this was not going well...she angled for what looked like a gazebo, someone had shovled the path recently and she angled onto it...Theo heard her claws scratch the icy surface right before she started sliding whilst clutching Theo to her chest, she managed to keep on her feet bravely for a few moments. then flew off the path landing ass first in the snow with her traditional
  49. <PuddleJumper> Raptor/horrified bird "ohshit" noise. She managed to keep from landing on Theo but only bairly.
  50. <DarnellJermaine> Theo carefully picked himself up, clutching his chest a bit until his hard calmed down. "Shit- fuck. What was that all about?" he turned around a bit pissed off, but his expression turned to concern for Skix after a few seconds, "You uh, alright love?" he asked, offering a hand to help her up.
  51. <PuddleJumper> Skix looked like a deer in headlights, "I'd a bit, I am so sorry...Its this stupid dress, it was a really really bad stupid self dosent fit into it and im*sigh* i was trying to look nice for you and ended up...bad." She reached out for his hand and leaning forward, as she did so there was a loud rip and Skix froze lip quivering...she looked like she was going to burst
  52. <PuddleJumper> into tears.
  53. <DarnellJermaine> A look of pity adorns his face now- it was sad to see Skix trying so hard for him and- well this was a trainwreck at this point. He undid the buttons on his dress jacket and handed it to her after pulling her up, pulling the sleeves down as far as he could on his undershirt to help with the cold. "Maybe we should just uh, call it quits for today" he offers a weak smile.
  54. <PuddleJumper> Skix stands slowly accepting the shirt...her problem was the dress though, she had just ripped the seem at the hip, and everything had come only her tail and the straps held it on she pulled her coat closed, she sniffed and wiped away a tear. "Im sorry i ruined it." She sniffled again "You still like me right?"
  55. <PuddleJumper> (had come apart)
  56. <DarnellJermaine> Oh boy- here's where Theo had to ah, break some news. "Skix- you're one of my best friends at this school- but uh, I don't really um, like you /that/ way. I'm uh- shit, err" he just kinda fidgeted around- he didn't really know how to bring this up.
  57. * AFKwielder is now known as dragonwielder
  58. <PuddleJumper> Skix sniffled. "" She hugged her coat shut holding her head down as they walked back to the school. "Its ok, i know im not...really good for you. Im ugly, im not even human." She sighed trying to keep her voice from cracking. "It was nice of you to say you would go on a date."
  59. <DarnellJermaine> He frowns a bit at that and gives her a flick on the head, "Oi- you look fine. Don't worry about the way you are- if anyone /ever/ says you're ugly or terrible because you're a lizard person- I'll beat them up myself. I just- I'm not really looking for a relationship right now- and I think of you as a great friend of mine. In fact... if my suspicions are correct- I may even know someone who likes you that way.
  60. <DarnellJermaine> Do you uh, happen to know a funny little dragon girl by the name of Quiln?"
  61. * DarcellJermaine has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  62. * DarcellJermaine ( has joined
  63. <PuddleJumper> Skix blinked and sniffled a little. She listened to him though. "Yeah, um...she said if you made me sad she would burn you then eat you. I told her even if you did that wasent really a good idea and would make me sad. I like her too. She flew me around and thinks im a baby dragon. "she sniffles again but also laughs "Shes gonna be disapointed when my wings dont grow in." she pauses "You think she likes me,
  64. <PuddleJumper> like...boyfriend girlfriend likes. Im new to this, im dont know how to feel...*sigh* and i think its pretty clear i suck at this date thing. I dont know what to do."
  65. <DarnellJermaine> He chuckles a little, slinging an arm around her, "It's fine- I suck at dating too. I took you for a bloody walk around the school- if anyone here sucks it's me, promise" he offers a warm smile to her as he begins to make his way with her back to the dorms. "As for Quiln- it's just a, uh, suspicion of mine. She told me some stuff earlier about someone she was 'Crushing' and you seemed to fit in the range of the
  66. <DarnellJermaine> information she gave me. My point is- people certainly do and will like you, so don't be ashamed of how you are- you're great /because/ you're you, alright?"
  67. <PuddleJumper> Skix smiles sadly "Heh crushing...but you dont like me like that right? I think you are really really nice, and very handsome. Whenever i see you my heart feels like its gonna pop. I cant help it." She sniffles again wiping her eyes. "We can still be friends though right? Even if i made it wierd right?"
  68. <DarnellJermaine> He shakes his head, "You didn't make anything weird- of course we're still friends- you're one of the coolest people here, you know that? Now don't go cryin on me, alright?"
  69. <PuddleJumper> Skix looked up, lip quivering eyes shrinkwrapped in tears. "Kay, I won't." she is already lying.
  70. <PuddleJumper>
  71. <DarnellJermaine> He pulls her in by the shoulder a bit closer and opens the door to the dorms, leading her back up to her room. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a handkerchief, handing it to her. "I'll take you up to ya room and head out for the night, if that's ok. My shift is today, after all. I'll let them know you can't come tonight"
  72. <PuddleJumper> Skix shakes her head. "I'll be there to cook, it makes me happy. And calling in sick because im sad is just dumb and lazy...i'll just make somethign with lots of you like new york style chili dogs?"
  73. <DarnellJermaine> "Never had 'em before- guess there's a first time for everything though"
  74. * Karaoke ( has joined
  75. <PuddleJumper> Skix sniffs. "Yeah..." Stupid dress! she thinks to herself. "Im fine...i'll see you at work today. i gotta go change out of this dumb thing."
  76. <DarnellJermaine> "Righto" he leads her back to her room and make sure she's all situated, "You can uh, keep that, if you'd like" he nods his head to the handkerchief- "I will need my suit jacket back though- gotta stay sharp, hehe"
  77. <PuddleJumper> Skix blows her nose on the hankey and gives him back the suit jacket, "Yeah, it looks nice." She sniffles and closes the door behind her with a sad wave. When he is out of the way she takes off her coat and heads into the bathroom, the stupid dress is split right from the hem clear up the side, she took the thing off and starred at herself in the mirror, she growled at her reflection she instead trudged to
  78. <PuddleJumper> the bed and flopped down feeling drained...she burried her head under her pillow and sobbed big wattery lizard sobs for awhile hugging her stuffed raccoon...that always helped. In short order she felt better, she got her pills and took what she was supposed to for the evening. Drinking down a ton of water. she thought, at least she could eat once she got there, she was starving.
  79. <DarnellJermaine> Theo left feeling pretty bad- maybe agreeing to the date wasn't the best thing in the long run. He really did care about Skix- he just didn't like her that way. Hopefully she'd work everything out and feel better soon- although that didn't stop his worry from clearly showing through his normally rather cheery face and demeanor. He let out a sad sigh and shuffled his way off to the kitchen.
  80. <PuddleJumper> -onions cut-
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