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Dec 17th, 2016
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  1. // To optimally read/edit this cfg, use a text editor/viewer featuring syntax highlighting set to C++
  2. // To disable options/binds/commands you do not want forced by this cfg, start lines with //
  3. // This file: Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg\autoexec.cfg (make sure extension is .cfg not .cfg.txt)
  4. //
  5. // Dota 2 cfg tweaking is very limited ever since Reborn, so also use tweaked launch options:
  6. // 1. Run the game once with:
  7. // -autoconfig_level 0 -benchframes 1 -bench
  8. // 2. The game will close itself shortly. Then replace all launch options with:
  9. // -dx9 -nod3d9ex -nofocus -novr -nohltv -nojoy -usetcp -uselocalweb -disablehangwatchdog -console -condebug -conclearlog
  11. // -dx11 -dxlevel 101 -nofocus -novr -nohltv -nojoy -usetcp -uselocalweb -disablehangwatchdog -console -condebug -conclearlog
  12. // for LOW-GRADE GPU
  13. // -dx11 -nofocus -novr -nohltv -nojoy -usetcp -uselocalweb -disablehangwatchdog -console -condebug -conclearlog
  14. // for MID-GRADE GPU
  15. // -vulkan -nofocus -novr -nohltv -nojoy -usetcp -uselocalweb -disablehangwatchdog -console -condebug -conclearlog
  16. // for HIGH-GRADE GPU
  17. // -gl -nofocus -novr -nohltv -nojoy -usetcp -uselocalweb -disablehangwatchdog -console -condebug -conclearlog
  18. // for OTHER
  19. // 3. Last step is to enable "Use advanced settings" under Settings - Video and restart the game.
  20. //
  21. // Can also add launch options to the Steam executable (adjust to your path) Right-click Desktop - New - Shortcut:
  22. // "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -silent -forceservice -nocrashdialog -tcp -complete_install_via_http -single_core -no-dwrite -no-shared-textures -vrdisable -console
  23. // Bonus, the definitive steamwebhelper_killer! add: -no-browser (you will need to use a web browser for all steam links)
  24. //
  25. // Don't forget to change the preferred VIDEO QUALITY PRESET at the end of the script (default: VQ_POTATO, recommended: VQ_OPTIMAL)
  26. // Last updated 2016-12-13 for DOTA 7.000000
  29. log_flags General InputService +donotecho | grep %;con_enable 1; // Stop console spam
  31. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  32. alias ' AVEYO`S D-OPTIMIZER (cc) DOTA 2 REFERENCE CFG HOTKEYS [ ] : default * : changed by this cfg
  33. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  34. alias ' ABILITIES or dota_ability_quickcast x / dota_ability_autocast x
  35. //bind "Q" dota_ability_execute 0;// Ability 1
  36. //bind "W" dota_ability_execute 1;// Ability 2
  37. //bind "E" dota_ability_execute 2;// Ability 3
  38. //bind "D" dota_ability_execute 3;// Ability 4
  39. //bind "F" dota_ability_execute 4;// Ability 5
  40. //bind "R" dota_ability_execute 5;// Ability Ultimate
  42. alias ' ITEMS or dota_item_quick_cast x
  43. //bind "Z" dota_item_execute 0;// Item 1
  44. //bind "X" dota_item_execute 1;// Item 2
  45. //bind "C" dota_item_execute 2;// Item 3
  46. //bind "V" dota_item_execute 3;// Item 4
  47. //bind "B" dota_item_execute 4;// Item 5
  48. //bind "N" dota_item_execute 5;// Item 6
  50. alias ' CONTROL GROUPS
  51. //bind "1" +dota_control_group 1;// Group 1
  52. //bind "2" +dota_control_group 2;// Group 2
  53. //bind "3" +dota_control_group 3;// Group 3
  54. //bind "4" +dota_control_group 4;// Group 4
  55. //bind "5" +dota_control_group 5;// Group 5
  56. //bind "6" +dota_control_group 6;// Group 6
  57. //bind "7" +dota_control_group 7;// Group 7
  58. //bind "8" +dota_control_group 8;// Group 8
  59. //bind "9" +dota_control_group 9;// Group 9
  60. //bind "0" +dota_control_group 10;// Group 10
  63. //bind "F1" +dota_camera_follow;// Select Hero
  64. //bind "F21" dota_select_all;// * Select All Units GUI Suggestion: ALT+F1
  65. //bind "F22" dota_select_all_others;// * Select All Other Units GUI Suggestion: ALT+F2
  66. //bind "TAB" dota_cycle_selected;// Next Unit
  67. //bind "MWHEELUP" dota_cycle_selected;// * Wheel:Next Unit GUI Suggestion: ALT+MWHEELUP
  68. //bind "MWHEELDOWN" dota_cycle_prev_selected;// * Wheel:Prev Unit GUI Suggestion: ALT+MWHEELDOWN
  72. //bind "A" mc_attack;// Attack Move / Force Attack
  73. //bind "S" dota_stop;// Cancel / Stop
  74. //bind "H" dota_hold;// Hold Position
  75. //bind "M" mc_move;// Move
  76. //bind "SHIFT" +dota_unit_movetodirection;// * Directional Move Ignore PathFinding
  77. //bind "K" mc_patrol;// * Patrol
  78. //bind "J" dota_glyph;// Activate Glyph
  79. //bind "P" dota_radar;// Activate Scan
  80. //bind "[" use_item_client player_loadout action_item;//* Action Item
  81. //bind "]" use_item_client current_hero taunt;// * Taunt Item
  83. alias ' SHOP ACTIONS
  84. //bind "F2" dota_select_courier;// Select Courier
  85. //bind "F3" dota_courier_deliver;// Courier Deliver Items
  86. //bind "F23" dota_courier_burst;// * Courier Speed Burst GUI Suggestion: ALT+F3
  87. //bind "F4" toggleshoppanel;// Open Shop
  88. //bind "F5" dota_purchase_quickbuy;// Quickbuy
  89. //bind "F8" dota_purchase_stickybuy;// Stickybuy
  90. //bind "SPACE" stash_grab_all;// * Take Stash
  92. alias ' INTERFACE
  93. //bind "`" +showscores;// Scoreboard
  94. //bind "F9" dota_pause;// Pause
  95. //bind "PRINTSCREEN" jpeg_screenshot;// * Screenshot GUI Suggestion: PRINTSCREEN
  96. //bind "F12" toggleconsole;// * Console GUI Suggestion: F12
  98. alias ' CAMERA ACTIONS
  99. //bind "MOUSE3" +cameragrip;// Camera Grip
  100. //bind "UPARROW" +forward;// Camera Forward
  101. //bind "DOWNARROW" +back;// Camera Back
  102. //bind "LEFTARROW" +moveleft;// Camera Left
  103. //bind "RIGHTARROW" +moveright;// Camera Right
  104. //bind "=" camerazoomin;// * Camera Zoom In
  105. //bind "-" camerazoomout;// * Camera Zoom Out
  106. //bind "BACKSPACE" dota_recent_event;// * Show Recent Event
  107. //bind "I" inspectheroinworld;// Showcase View
  110. //bind "kp_1" dota_camera_saved_position 1;// * Position 1
  111. //bind "kp_2" dota_camera_saved_position 2;// * Position 2
  112. //bind "kp_3" dota_camera_saved_position 3;// * Position 3
  113. //bind "kp_4" dota_camera_saved_position 4;// * Position 4
  114. //bind "kp_5" dota_camera_saved_position 5;// * Position 5
  115. //bind "kp_6" dota_camera_saved_position 6;// * Position 6
  116. //bind "kp_7" dota_camera_saved_position 7;// * Position 7
  117. //bind "kp_8" dota_camera_saved_position 8;// * Position 8
  118. //bind "kp_9" dota_camera_saved_position 9;// * Position 9
  119. //bind "kp_0" dota_camera_saved_position 10;// * Position 10
  121. alias ' CHAT
  122. //bind "ENTER" say;// Chat to Team
  123. //bind "KP_ENTER" say;// Chat to Everyone Hold SHIFT while pressing key
  124. //bind "Y" +chatwheel;// ChatWheel
  125. //bind "G" +iv_voicerecord_party;// Voice (party)
  126. //bind "MOUSE4" +voicerecord;// Voice (team)
  128. alias ' PHRASES
  129. //bind "'" chatwheel_say "7";// * Chat Phrase 7:Well played GUI Suggestion: ' "
  130. //bind "," chatwheel_say "2";// * Chat Phrase 2:Get Back GUI Suggestion: , <
  131. //bind "." chatwheel_say "6";// * Chat Phrase 6:Push GUI Suggestion: . >
  132. //bind "/" chatwheel_say "8";// * Chat Phrase 8:Missing GUI Suggestion: / ?
  135. //chat_wheel_phrase_0 8;// 8:Missing!
  136. //chat_wheel_phrase_1 1;// 1:Careful! phrase_6
  137. //chat_wheel_phrase_2 2;// 2:Get Back! phrase_5 < > phrase_7
  138. //chat_wheel_phrase_3 3;// 3:We need wards. phrase_4 < o > phrase_0
  139. //chat_wheel_phrase_4 4;// 4:Stun now! phrase_3 < > phrase_1
  140. //chat_wheel_phrase_5 5;// 5:Help! phrase_2
  141. //chat_wheel_phrase_6 6;// 6:Push now
  142. //chat_wheel_phrase_7 7;// 7:Well played!
  144. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  145. alias ' AVEYO`S D-OPTIMIZER (cc) DOTA 2 REFERENCE CFG OPTIONS [ ] : default * : changed by this cfg
  146. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  148. alias ' GAME OPTIONS
  149. //dota_player_units_auto_attack_mode 1;// [1] Auto Attack 0:Never, 1:Standard, 2:Always
  150. //dota_player_add_summoned_to_selection 1;// [0]* Auto Select Summoned Units
  151. //dota_ability_quick_cast 1;// [1] Double Tap Ability to Self Cast
  152. //dota_smart_doubletap 1;// [1] Smart Double Tap 1:Alt+Key does Self Cast
  153. //dota_player_multipler_orders 1;// [0]* Unified Orders with CTRL
  154. //dota_player_teleport_requires_halt 1;// [1] Teleport Requires Stop
  155. //dota_force_right_click_attack 1;// [0]* Right-Click to Force Attack
  156. //dota_settings_quick_target_attack 1;// [0]* Quick Attack
  158. alias ' GAME - ADVANCED OPTIONS
  159. //dota_summoned_units_auto_attack_mode -1;// [-1] Summoned Unit Auto Attack -1:As Hero, 0:Never, 1:Standard, 2:Always
  160. //dota_disable_autoattack_during_stop 1;// [0]* Disable Autoattack When Stop is Held
  161. //dota_toggle_autoattack_automatically_during_orders 0;// Toggle Autoattack Automatically [0] Cvar longer than description...
  162. //dota_quickcast_onkeydown 1;// [1] Quickcast On Key Down
  163. //dota_shop_force_hotkeys 0;// [0] Shop Always Uses Hotkeys
  164. //dota_settings_targeted_attack_move 1;// [1]* Smart Attack Move
  165. //dota_player_auto_repeat_right_mouse 0;// [0] Auto-repeat Right Mouse
  166. //dota_spectator_use_broadcaster_stats_panel 1;// [1] Use Broadcaster Stats
  167. //dota_activate_window_on_match_found 1;// [0]* Bring Dota2 to front when match found
  168. //dota_activate_window_on_hero_picking_start 1;// [0]* Bring Dota2 to front when pick phase begins
  169. //con_enable 1;// [0]* Enable console KEEP IT ENABLED!
  171. alias ' CAMERA OPTIONS
  172. //dota_camera_edgemove 1;// [1] Edge Pan
  173. //dota_camera_reverse 0;// [0] Reverse Camera Grip
  174. //dota_reset_camera_on_spawn 0;// [1]* Center Camera on Hero on Respawn
  175. //dota_camera_disable_zoom 0;// [0] Disable Camera Zoom
  176. //dota_camera_hold_select_to_follow 0;// [0] Hold Select Hero to Follow
  177. //dota_camera_speed 5000;// [3000]* Camera Speed 5000:DotA-like
  180. //dota_leftclick_cameragrip_new 0;// [0] Left-Click Activates Camera Grip 0:Directly(new)
  181. //dota_screen_shake 1;// [1] Enable Screen Shake
  182. //dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag 0;// [0] Smoothdrag Camera when Spectating
  183. //dota_camera_accelerate 50;// [49]* Camera Deceleration
  186. //dota_saved_camera_pos_1 [5100 -5700 0];// Bot T1 Radiant
  187. //dota_saved_camera_pos_2 [2800 -2300 0];// Bot Rune
  188. //dota_saved_camera_pos_3 [6200 -1900 0];// Bot T1 Dire KEYPAD
  189. //dota_saved_camera_pos_4 [-3300 350 0];// Ancients Radiant top 7 8 9
  190. //dota_saved_camera_pos_5 [-500 -400 0];// Mid River GUI Suggestion: mid 4 5 6
  191. //dota_saved_camera_pos_6 [4100 -300 0];// Ancients Dire bot 1 2 3
  192. //dota_saved_camera_pos_7 [-5900 2200 0];// Top T1 Radiant roshan 0
  193. //dota_saved_camera_pos_8 [-2300 1650 0];// Top Rune
  194. //dota_saved_camera_pos_9 [-5500 5700 0];// Top T1 Dire
  195. //dota_saved_camera_pos_10 [4150 -1500 0];// Roshan
  197. alias ' MINIMAP OPTIONS
  198. //dota_minimap_simple_colors 0;// [0] Use Simple Colors in Minimap
  199. //dota_minimap_hide_background 0;// [0] Hide Minimap Background
  200. //dota_minimap_show_hero_icon 1;// [1] Use Alt to show Hero icons
  201. //dota_minimap_always_draw_hero_icons 1;// [0]* Invert Alt Toggle
  202. //dota_hud_flip 0;// [0] Show Minimap on the Right
  203. //dota_minimap_hero_size 800;// [600]* Minimap Hero Size 800:133%
  204. //dota_hud_minimap_size 2;// [1]* Minimap Size 0:Small 3:Large
  206. alias ' INTERFACE OPTIONS
  207. //dota_show_hero_finder 0;// [1]* Holding ALT Highlights Hero
  208. //dota_alt_shows_neutral_spawn_boxes 1;// [0]* Holding ALT Shows Neutral Spawnboxes
  209. //dota_alt_shows_tower_attack_range 1;// [0]* Holding ALT Shows Tower Attack Range
  210. //dota_enable_range_finder 1;// [0]* Show Ability Rangefinder While Casting
  211. //dota_hero_overhead_names 1;// [0]* Display Names over Healthbar 0:Heroes 1:Players 2:Nothing
  212. //dota_hud_healthbar_disable_status_display 1;// [0]* Disable Status Text i.e. "Stun bars"
  213. //dota_hud_disable_damage_numbers 1;// [0]* Hide Damage Numbers
  214. //dota_hud_query_panel 1;// [0]* Unit query overrides hero control console
  215. //dota_hud_colorblind 0;// [0] Colorblind Mode 0:None 1:Enabled 2:Differentiate Ally
  216. //cl_auto_cursor_scale 1;// [1] Automatically choose cursor size
  217. //cl_cursor_scale 1;// [1] Cursor size 0.3 - 3.0
  220. //dota_minimap_misclick_time 0;// [0.2] Minimap Misclick Protection Time 0:every click counts
  221. //dota_ability_self_cast_timeout 0.4;// [0.6]* Double-Tap Self Cast Timeout
  222. //dota_minimap_hero_scalar 1;// [0]* Dynamically Scale Hero Icons in Minimap
  223. //dota_continue_click_movement_after_cast_cancel 0;// [1]* Move after Ability Target Cancelled Cvar longer than description...
  224. //dota_camera_deatheffect 0;// [1]* Camera Color-shift when Dead Still forced always on
  225. //dota_hud_netgraph 1;// [0]* Display Network Information
  226. //dota_hide_tips_on_loading_screens 0;// [0] Hide Tips on Loading Screens
  227. //dota_default_spoilers_blocked 1;// [0]* Default Tournament Spoiler Block to On
  228. //dota_armory_automatically_add_new_item_to_collection 0;// Automatically Add New Items to Collection Cvar longer than description
  229. //dota_join_regional_chat_channel 0;// [1]* Join regional chat channel on startup PRIVACY ISSUE!
  231. alias ' SOCIAL OPTIONS
  232. //dota_chat_enable_whispers 1;// [1] Display Steam messages as whispers
  233. //dota_chat_allow_global 0;// [1] Channel messages appear in other channel tabs
  234. //dota_ignore_nonfriend_invites 0;// [0] Block party invites from non-friends
  235. //dota_rp_hide_party_unless_open 1;// [0]* Hide party status when not in an Open Party
  236. //dota_open_party_manual_accept_invites 1;// [0]* Do not auto-accept invites when in Open Party
  237. //dota_trading_show_requests_from 1;// [1] Trade invites from 1:Guildmates and Friends, 0:Friends, 2:Anyone
  239. alias ' NETWORK OPTIONS
  240. //cl_updaterate 30;cl_updaterate 30;// [30] Network Quality 30:I have a High-end Network
  241. ////cl_cmdrate 15;cl_updaterate 15;// [15] Network Quality: 15:I have a Low-end Network
  243. alias ' HOTKEYS OPTIONS
  244. ////input_button_code_is_scan_code 0;// [0] Bind keys based on keyboard position Hit and miss, set it in GUI
  245. //dota_enable_direct_quickcast_bindings 1;// [0]* Enable Advanced Quickcast/Autocast Hotkeys
  247. alias ' AUDIO VOLUME
  248. //volume 1.0;// [1]* Master Volume
  249. //snd_gamevolume 0.5;// [1]* Game Sounds
  250. //snd_musicvolume 0.25;// [1]* Music
  251. //snd_voipvolume 1.0;// [1]* Voice
  252. //snd_gamevoicevolume 0.5;// [1]* Unit Speech
  253. //dota_speech_level 1;// [2]* Unit Speech Level: 0:Off 1:Events 2:All
  255. alias ' AUDIO - ADVANCED
  256. //sound_device_override 0;// [0] Sound Device Better set the default in OS settings
  257. //speaker_config -1;// [-1] Speakers config -1:default,1:hphones, 2:stereo, 4:4.0, 5:5.1, 7:7.1
  258. //snd_mute_losefocus 0;// [1]* !Play Sound in Desktop Really dislike these inversed gui-cvars
  259. //chat_sound 0;// [0] Chat Message Sound
  260. //dota_mute_cobroadcasters 0;// [0] Mute Co-Broadcasters
  261. //closecaption 0;// [0] Use Captions
  262. //dota_force_default_respawn_stinger 0;// [0] Always use default respawn music
  263. //dota_force_default_death_stinger 1;// [1] Always play default death music
  264. //snd_autodetect_latency 0;// [1]* Autodetect Audio Latency
  266. alias ' AUDIO - VOICE
  267. //voice_vox 0;// [0] Enable Open Mic 0:None, 1:Party, 2:Team
  268. //voice_threshold 5000;// [4000]* Open Mic Threshold
  269. //voice_always_sample_mic 0;// [0] Streamlined Push To Talk Enable if voice hotkey gives fps loss
  271. alias ' VIDEO - D-OPTIMIZER PRESETS: Potato Low OPTIMAL Medium High Ultra
  272. //dota_portrait_animate 0;// [0] Animate Portrait - - - - - -
  273. //r_deferred_additive_pass 0;// [0] Additive Light Pass 0 1 0 1 1 1
  274. //r_deferred_simple_light 1;// [1] World Lighting 0 1 1 1 1 1
  275. //r_ssao 0;// [0] Ambient Occlusion 0 0 0 0 0 1
  276. //r_dota_normal_maps 1;// [1] Normal Maps 0 1 1 1 1 1
  277. //r_dota_allow_parallax_mapping 1;// [1] Ground Parallax 0 0 1 1 1 1
  278. //dota_ambient_creatures 0;// [0] Ambient Creatures 0 0 0 0 0 1
  279. //dota_ambient_cloth 0;// [0] Ambient Cloth Simulation 0 0 0 1 1 1
  280. //r_grass_quality 1;// [1] Grass 0 0 1 2 3 4
  281. //
  282. //r_dota_fxaa 0;// [0] Anti-Aliasing 0 0 0 0 1 1
  283. //r_deferred_specular 0;// [0] Specular 0 0 0 1 1 1
  284. //r_deferred_specular_bloom 0;// [0] Specular and Light Blooms 0 0 0 0 1 1
  285. //dota_cheap_water 1;// [1] !High Quality Water 1 1 1 1 0 0
  286. //r_deferred_height_fog 0;// [0] Atmospheric Fog 0 0 0 1 1 1
  287. //r_dashboard_render_quality 0;// [0] High Quality Dashboard - - - - - -
  288. //r_dota_allow_wind_on_trees 0;// [0] Tree Wind 0 0 0 0 0 1
  289. //
  290. //r_texture_stream_mip_bias 1;// [1] Texture Quality 2 1 1 1 0 0
  291. //r_texturefilteringquality 3;// [3] Texture Filtering 1 3 3 3 3 3
  292. //cl_globallight_shadow_mode 2;// [2] Shadow Quality 0 1 2 2 2 3
  293. //mat_viewportscale 0.85;// [0.85] Render Quality 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 1.00 1.00
  294. //fps_max 60.0f;// [60] Maximum frames per second 30 60 60 60 120 0
  297. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  299. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  302. snd_mixahead 0.2;// [0.05]* Sound engine buffer - Fixes crackling, for a slight delayed sound
  303. //m_rawinput 1;// [0]* Use Raw Input for mouse - should be better in high pooling rate (500Hz+)
  304. //engine_no_focus_sleep 50;// [20]* Power savings while alt-tab 50=more savings, 0=no savings for streaming
  305. //r_experimental_lag_limiter 1;// [0]* VSync with less inputlag, if you can maintain high fps (dev.dota t=184108)
  306. //r_frame_sync_enable 0;// [1]* Disable frame sync for broken systems as a last resort (dev.dota t=174732)
  307. //r_overlap_scaleform 0;// [1]* Workaround for render - mainly bugfix for vulkan
  308. //voice_chat_bubbles 0;// [1]* Hide Voice bubbles - Random polygon lines when someone speaks? set to 0
  309. //dota_show_itempickups 0;// [1]* Hide Item pickups - If multiple instances lowers fps, set to 0
  310. //@panorama_show_fps 1;// [0]* Show FPS in main menu, too
  312. alias ' MAIN NETWORK SETUP
  313. cl_updaterate 30;// [20]* max=sv_maxupdaterate=60, min=sv_minupdaterate=10
  314. cl_cmdrate 30;// [30] max=sv_maxcmdrate=40, min=sv_minupdaterate+sv_client_cmdrate_difference=30
  315. cl_spectator_cmdrate_factor 0.25;// [0.5]* Rate multiplier when connected via hltv - reduced to allow high cl_cmdrate
  316. cl_interp_ratio 1;// [2]* min=sv_client_min_interp_ratio=1, max=sv_client_max_interp_ratio=5
  317. cl_spectator_interp_ratio 4;// [2]* When connected to hltv or playing a demo, adjust interp time by this ratio
  318. cl_interp 0;// [0.05]* final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate // 0.016667 for 60 update
  321. rate 80000;// [8000]* min=sv_minrate=5000 won't actually consume that much
  322. net_maxcleartime 1.0;// [4.0]* chocke fix #1
  323. net_splitrate 2;// [1]* chocke fix #2
  324. //net_maxroutable 1200;// [1200]* max=sv_maxroutable max packet size before splitting
  325. host_limitlocal 1;// [0]* Apply cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate to loopback connection
  326. cl_downloadfilter none;// [all]* does nothing?
  327. cl_voice_buffer_time 0.2;// [0.1]* Amount of time between receiving voice data and playing the audio
  328. cl_voice_hltv_extra_buffer_time 2;// [1]* Extra voice buffer for casters
  329. workshop_concurrent_fileinfo_requests 1;// [5]* Limits bandwidth in case of numerous guides, custom games subscriptions
  330. //cl_predict 1;// [0]* The most important tweaking cvar has been disabled in matchmaking
  331. //cl_pred_optimize 2;// [2] if didn't receive a network update (1), also for not repredicting (2)
  332. //cl_lagcompensation 1;// [1] Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
  333. cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1;// [0]* Player index of other player to check for position errors.
  334. //cl_smooth 1;// [0]* Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors
  335. //cl_smoothtime 0.1;// [0.1] Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds
  336. //cl_interp_threadmodeticks 0;// [0] Additional interpolation ticks to use with threaded engine mode set
  337. //cl_interp_animationvars 1;// [1] Interpolate LATCH_ANIMATION_BIT vars if interp interval is greater
  338. //cl_interp_simulationvars 1;// [1] Interpolate LATCH_SIMULATION_BIT vars if interp interval is greater
  339. //cl_interp_all 0;// [0] 1 will disable interpolation list optimizations (but why do that?)
  340. //cl_interp_npcs 0;// [0] >0 CRASH! Interpolate NPC positions starting this many seconds in past
  342. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  344. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  345. alias EE "grep . [REFRESH CFG] ;exec autoexec";// These do not work during a matchmaking game. But you could temporarily disconnect
  346. alias FF "grep . [DISCONNECT/STOP] ;disconnect;stopdemo;dota_wearables_clientside 0;dota_bot_practice_start 0;sv_cheats 1;sv_cheats 0;hideconsole";
  347. alias BB "grep . [STARTING GAME WITH BOTS] ;sv_cheats 0;sv_lan 1;sv_alternateticks 1;sv_stats 0;tv_enable 0;host_limitlocal 1;dota_creeps_no_spawning 0;dota_bot_practice_start 1;dota_easybuy 0;hideconsole;map dota;sv_cheats 0";
  348. alias NN "grep . [STARTING GAME WITHOUT BOTS, PRESS PAUSE TO PICK] ;sv_cheats 1;sv_lan 1;sv_alternateticks 1;sv_stats 0;tv_enable 0;host_limitlocal 1;dota_creeps_no_spawning 1;dota_bot_practice_start 0;dota_easybuy 1;hideconsole;map dota;sv_cheats 1";
  349. alias LL "grep . [LEVELUP X5] ;dota_dev hero_level 5;dota_bot_give_level 5;hideconsole";
  350. alias RR "grep . [REFRESH HERO AND SPAWNS] ;dota_dev hero_refresh;dota_spawn_neutrals;hideconsole";
  351. alias QQ "grep . [QUIT] ;quit";// Whoever thaught that q-Tab = +query is a good idea...
  352. bind PAUSE "jointeam 2; rr";// If the pick screen does not show up, press this key
  355. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  356. alias ' AVEYO`S D-OPTIMIZER (cc) ADVANCED VIDEO PRESETS: console cmd = VQ - enter it to switch preset
  357. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  358. alias U1 "cl_globallight_shadow_mode 3;r_ssao 1;r_grass_quality 4;r_dota_allow_wind_on_trees 1;dota_ambient_creatures 1;dota_ambient_creatures_pop 0";
  359. alias U0 "cl_globallight_shadow_mode 2;r_ssao 0;r_grass_quality 3;r_dota_allow_wind_on_trees 0;dota_ambient_creatures 0;dota_ambient_creatures_pop 1";
  360. alias H1 "dota_cheap_water 0;r_dota_fxaa 1;r_deferred_specular_bloom 1;r_texture_stream_mip_bias 0;mat_viewportscale 1.0";
  361. alias H0 "dota_cheap_water 1;r_dota_fxaa 0;r_deferred_specular_bloom 0;r_texture_stream_mip_bias 1;mat_viewportscale 0.9f;r_grass_quality 2";
  362. alias m1a "allow_clientside_entities 1;dota_allow_clientside_entities 1;dota_allow_clientside_particles 1;dota_use_animated_inventory_icons 1";
  363. alias m0a "allow_clientside_entities 0;dota_allow_clientside_entities 0;dota_allow_clientside_particles 0;dota_use_animated_inventory_icons 0";
  364. alias m1b "cl_particle_fallback_base 0;cl_particle_fallback_multiplier 0;cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms 6";
  365. alias m0b "cl_particle_fallback_base 4;cl_particle_fallback_multiplier 1;cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms 3";
  366. alias m1c "rope_collide 1;rope_subdiv 2;rope_smooth 1;rope_averagelight 1;rope_rendersolid 1;r_ropetranslucent 1";
  367. alias m0c "rope_collide 0;rope_subdiv 1;rope_smooth 0;rope_averagelight 0;rope_rendersolid 0;r_ropetranslucent 0";
  368. alias m1d "cl_ragdoll_limit 20;enable_boneflex 1;flex_smooth 1;r_PhysPropStaticLighting 0;mat_colcorrection_disableentities 0";
  369. alias m0d "cl_ragdoll_limit 10;enable_boneflex 0;flex_smooth 0;r_PhysPropStaticLighting 1;mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1";
  370. alias m1e "r_deferred_specular 1;dota_ambient_cloth 1;r_dota_allow_parallax_mapping 1;r_deferred_height_fog 1";
  371. alias m0e "r_deferred_specular 0;dota_ambient_cloth 0;r_dota_allow_parallax_mapping 0;r_deferred_height_fog 0";
  372. alias m1f "cl_retire_low_priority_lights 0";
  373. alias m0f "cl_retire_low_priority_lights 1";
  374. alias M1 "m1a;m1b;m1c;m1d;m1e;m1f";
  375. alias M0 "m0a;m0b;m0c;m0d;m0e;m0f;r_grass_quality 1;cl_globallight_shadow_mode 1;mat_viewportscale 0.85f";
  376. alias L1 "r_dota_normal_maps 1;r_texturefilteringquality 3";
  377. alias L0 "r_dota_normal_maps 0;r_texturefilteringquality 1;r_grass_quality 0;cl_globallight_shadow_mode 1;mat_viewportscale 0.8f";
  378. alias p1a "cloth_update 1;cloth_step 1;cloth_simulate 1;cl_show_splashes 1;dota_hud_reduced_flash 0;dota_disable_unit_ring 0";
  379. alias p0a "cloth_update 0;cloth_step 0;cloth_simulate 0;cl_show_splashes 0;dota_hud_reduced_flash 1;dota_disable_unit_ring 1";
  380. alias P1 "p1a;r_deferred_additive_pass 1;r_deferred_simple_light 1";
  381. alias P0 "p0a;r_deferred_additive_pass 0;r_deferred_simple_light 0;cl_globallight_shadow_mode 0;r_texture_stream_mip_bias 2;mat_viewportscale 0.75f";
  382. alias VQ_ULTRA "U1;H1;M1;L1;P1;alias VQ VQ_HIGH;grep . VQ=Ultra ;";
  383. alias VQ_HIGH "U0;H1;M1;L1;P1;alias VQ VQ_POTATO;grep . VQ=High ;";// for safety, VQ alias does not cycle VQ_ULTRA, it must be enabled manually
  384. alias VQ_MEDIUM "U0;H0;M1;L1;P1;alias VQ VQ_HIGH;grep . VQ=Medium ;";
  385. alias VQ_LOW "U0;H0;M0;L0;P1;alias VQ VQ_OPTIMAL;grep . VQ=Low ;";
  386. alias VQ_POTATO "U0;H0;M0;L0;P0;alias VQ VQ_LOW;grep . VQ=Potato ;";
  387. alias o1a "r_deferred_simple_light 1;r_dota_normal_maps 1;r_dota_allow_parallax_mapping 1;r_grass_quality 1";
  388. alias o1b "r_texture_stream_mip_bias 1;r_texturefilteringquality 3;cl_globallight_shadow_mode 2;mat_viewportscale 0.85";
  389. alias VQ_OPTIMAL "U0;H0;M0;L0;P0;o1a;o1b;alias VQ VQ_MEDIUM;grep . VQ=Optimal ;";
  391. // Default video quality preset: just enter //uncomment one of the options below (last one will be active)
  392. //VQ_POTATO;// VQ_POTATO = lowest quality with everything off (includes engine tweaks not available in GUI)
  393. //VQ_LOW;// VQ_LOW = low quality with simple lights added so rune spots are highlighted
  394. //VQ_OPTIMAL;// VQ_OPTIMAL = optimal quality with tree shadows added and better terrain details
  395. VQ_MEDIUM;// VQ_MEDIUM = medium quality with specular, grass, fog, cloth added and all extra engine tweaks removed
  396. //VQ_HIGH;// VQ_HIGH = high quality with most options enabled except ambient oclusion, creatures, tree wind
  397. //VQ_ULTRA;// VQ_ULTRA = best quality - everything turned on
  399. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  400. log_flags General InputService -donotecho | grep %; // Resume console spam
  401. alias ';grep . AVEYO`S D-OPTIMIZER (cc) DOTA 2 REFERENCE CFG loaded ;
  402. execifexists user.cfg;// Recommending customization in an external user.cfg file
  403. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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