
burner9875's Fallout 3 mod list

Jan 8th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. +Capital Skies - Weather Effects DLC
  2. +Realistic Interior Lighting
  3. +Street Lights Script Fix
  4. +Fallout Street Lights
  5. +Megaton Lighting Overhaul
  6. +Energy Visuals Plus
  7. +IMPACT
  8. +EXE - Effects teXtures Enhanced
  9. +Lighting Retextures_separator
  10. +UHQ FO3 Lod (Perfect)
  11. +FO3LODGen
  12. +LOD_separator
  13. +All Weapon Sounds Overhaul Modern Edition - AWSOME
  14. +Weapon Retexture from EVE
  15. +Simplified Fallout 3 Weapon Retexture Project
  16. +Weapon Enhancement Pack
  17. +Louisville Slugger
  18. +Hi-Res Weapons v3
  19. +HD One Hand Melee by Insanity Sorrow
  20. +Weapon Retextures_separator
  21. +4k Realistic Pip-Boy Retexture
  22. +AntAgonizer and Mechanist 2K
  23. +Winterized DX
  24. +Tribal DX
  25. +Hellfire DX
  26. +Tesla Power Armor DX
  27. +T51b DX
  28. +Outcast DX
  29. +BoS DX
  30. +HR Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit
  31. +FO3 2k Armor
  32. +Armor Retextures_separator
  33. +Dog 2K
  34. +Mirelurk 2K
  35. +FeralGhouls Hires retexture
  36. +Mothership Zeta DLC Retextured
  37. +Trog and Factory Protectron 2K
  38. +Robot Revolution HD - Protectron
  39. +EYEBOT Retextured
  40. +Robots HD Retexture
  41. +The Molerat Extravaganza - Molerat Retexture
  42. +Vandr HD Creatures
  43. +Creature Retextures_separator
  44. +Robert S - Male Body Replacer F3 (BodySlide-BP-BB)
  45. +Ghoul retexture
  46. +Fallout 3 Redesigned - Facegen
  47. +Fallout 3 Redesigned HD Scrubbed
  48. +Fallout 3 Redesigned - Formerly Known as Project Beauty
  49. +NPC Retextures_separator
  50. +Enhanced Blood Textures v2_22b
  51. +Hectrol Vintage Radio Deluxe HighRes Retex
  52. +Hectrol Lockinterface Deluxe HighRes Retex
  53. +PM's HD Ammo Boxes (F03 Edition)
  54. +Superpele's Disorganized Texture Pack
  55. +6IXES Clutter Texture Pack
  56. +Essentials Retex
  57. +MGs Neat Clutter
  58. +Misc Retextures_separator
  59. +MothershipZeta_
  60. +PointLookout
  61. +BrokenSteel
  62. +ThePitt
  63. +Operation Anchorage
  64. +FO3 Flora Overhaul
  65. +Glowing muck pools
  66. +UHQ_Terrain_Rock_Roads_Grass_Overhaul
  67. +NMCs_Texture_Pack_for_FO3
  68. +Terrain and Flora Retextures_separator
  69. +Ragdoll Overhaul FO3 Edition
  70. +Can Has Recoil
  71. +Weapon Animations Replacer FOMOD
  72. +Animation Compilation (First Person)
  73. +Simple Sprint Fallout 3
  74. +Animations_separator
  75. +Automated FOV
  76. +Vicious Waste Patches
  77. +Fallout 3 Ending Restored
  78. +Dad Follows Player to Rivet City
  79. +Delay DLC Plus Updated
  80. +Fallout 3 Quick Start
  81. +Misc. Gamesetting Tweaks
  82. +Vicious Wastes
  83. +Fugacity - Vanilla-Plus Balance and Difficulty Overhaul
  84. +Overhauls_separator
  85. +Crosshair Ultimate Project - CUP
  86. +Crisp Main Menu
  87. +HD Main Menu - Pause - Loading Screens - DLC
  88. +Visual Objectives (FOSE)
  89. +Loot Menu
  90. +Immersive HUD - iHUD
  91. +darnified_ui_for_fallout_
  92. +User Interface_separator
  93. +Iron Sights Plus
  94. +New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod - NVMIM
  95. +Goodies
  96. +Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch
  97. +Bug Fixes_separator
  98. +Out Of Memory Fix
  99. +OneTweak but Really Updated
  100. +F3TF - Fallout 3 Tick Fix
  101. +Performance_separator
  102. +High Resolution Screens F3
  103. +Fallout 3 - Enhanced Camera
  104. +Console Paste Support
  105. +Geck Extender
  106. +lStewieAl's Tweaks
  107. +Command Extender
  108. +FOSE Plugins_separator
  109. +Patched ESM's
  110. *DLC: Anchorage
  111. *DLC: BrokenSteel
  112. *DLC: PointLookout
  113. *DLC: ThePitt
  114. *DLC: Zeta
  115. +DLC's_separator
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