
Session 01: Drugs, Mines, and Superheroes, Oh My!

Nov 30th, 2013
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  1. DontAskForCookies >> Accessing Network
  2. DontAskForCookies >> Starting Bronco Computer Network
  3. DontAskForCookies >> System Access Granted: Running as Admin
  4. <DontAskForCookies> >> ...
  5. DontAskForCookies >> Starting now:
  6. DontAskForCookies Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria
  7. DontAskForCookies There came a time when the collective fear and hatred of the pony kind erupted the skys in bale fire and destruction, shaking the earth and reshaping the land. Rivers and seas boiled as whole coastlines shifted and sank into poisonous waters.
  8. DontAskForCookies Where once Live thrived there was now only death, radiation, and sorrow. Those who remained to work the waves along one long stretch of river known as the Missipony did so at great peril, risking all to stake a claim in a dieing world.
  9. DontAskForCookies Over Generations stretches were reclaimed and those in control of them were rightfully proud of there accomplishments. Then came the Gardens of Equestria, and with them a cleansing wave of magic that freed the Misipony of those great poisons that bedeviled its deeps.
  10. DontAskForCookies At first the Rivers Keepers were all to glad at the sudden liberation of even more resources ease of travel, but then came something new, competition. With most of the dangers eliminated new settlements came, new armies, new nations, swarming to find a hoof hold along the Misiponie's banks.
  11. DontAskForCookies The old guard however is not so eager to be thrown off... And so ushers in a new dawn of brutality to the wasteland, one that tints freshly cleaned water red with new sin.
  12. DontAskForCookies But Friendship?
  13. DontAskForCookies Friendship Never Changes
  14. DontAskForCookies ...
  15. DontAskForCookies >> Signal interupted
  16. We begin our story in a small Town, or not even a town really, a Throp perhapse? In any case we begin our story in the small Hamlet of Easy Passing, a tiny settlment of the NCR (an early convert from the first few years of its growth).
  17. A small fishing community primarily it is still a fairly popular stop of travelers as it is the last purely NCR affiliated town this far south before Reaching the newly intergrated BatPone Rouge.
  18. In this small community is a tub of a pub, one known as "The Last Mare Inn and Tavern" where a mysterious and week radio signal has been being broadcast the past week. A gruff Voice named "Fathom Storm" has been promising Work and Cheep voage on his ship.
  19. Though the message is lacking on details, it dose include a date to seek out the ships captain at the Last Mare Inn before his ships departure.
  20. >>> Game Start: Session 1.0 of Cry Me A River.
  21. GreatAndPowerfulGM an early morning sun rises in the east over the small hamlet of Easy Passing, a quiet town on a mostly quiet day. Somewhere in a dank tavern a pony waits...
  22. Heartmend wounders around Easy Passing to get a fell for the small hamlet
  23. Midnight_Bliss landed softly at the towns edge, trotting inward softly seeking the origin of the radio broadcast
  24. Flora_Bloom glances up to the morning sun, sighing happily from the feeling of it on her back. She smiles a bit, wiggling as she would imagine a seedling would on it's very first taste of the brilliant rays. She looks towards the tavern and huffs a bit, not wanting to leave the rays. She adjusts her glasses and starts to trot in, he saddle bags making a small shaking noise, not unlike maracas.
  25. GreatAndPowerfulGM a few young foals giggle and play in the streets, mothers watching from rickety screen doors and smiling. A sight that a decade ago was unheard of, meanwhile off the coast various smaller boats sail along the coast while larger ones coast briskly through the Missiponys center.
  26. GreatAndPowerfulGM the double doors of the "Last Mare Inn and Tavern" Swing to and fro on queeky joins, inside is a small collection of weathered old river ponies sipping on coffee and other strong drinks. A Earth pony waitress weaves about serving pie and drinks.
  27. Midnight_Bliss slides silently into the pub, ignoring the wallsa nd cieling surrounding her and the tight confines of ponies within as she searches for this Fathom Storm
  28. Cap_Rat lounges against a fence across the street, watching as life passes by in the street. He smiles and gets up, giving the recently arrived a short wave as he makes his way across the street.
  29. Thomas_OMalley floats off the air currents, landing near the town's edge and walking toward the tavern. His battle saddle, the recharger rifles glinting in the morning light, is secured tightly against the leather armor that creaks as the batpony walks. His light blue coat is offset by his dark blue mane, the mane touched lightly with silver. His cutie mark, a collection of stars in the constellation...
  30. Thomas_OMalley ...Libra, can be seen as he heads toward the pub.
  31. GreatAndPowerfulGM the smell of fresh brewed dark coffee almost is enough to hid the musky wetness in the air, almost. The pie helps as well.
  32. Heartmend slowly trots over to the Last Mare, as she takes in the sight of the young foals playing in the street
  33. Gerlinde is fit, fast, and strong in form. Dark peach feathers cover her body, contrasting the beige feathers of her head. A tuft of feathers upon her head is swept messily to the side, and she wears a confident smirk as she approaches the bar.
  34. Gerlinde doesn't plan on working with the ship captain for long… for as soon as she has the opportunity, she plans on claiming the ship for her own.
  35. Gerlinde strides forward, brass talons noisily hitting the door open. She quickly scans the bar, looking for the captain in question-- Fathom Storm.
  36. GreatAndPowerfulGM a foal kicks a ball a bit long and his friends quickly chace it close to Heartmend, "howdy mister!" they offer before running off again
  37. <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Inside the Last Mare Inn the waitress notices the newly arrived crowed from behind the counter and her array of no less than five coffee brewers. "Well how are ya'll doin? Looking for a nice pick me up are we?"
  38. Flora_Bloom balks at the strong smell, before looking around, listening her best for the voice she had heard on the radio. She had thought exploring the Missipony would make a good research paper. She blinks and looks to the Waitress and shakes her head. "No. Looking for Fathom Storm."
  39. Midnight_Bliss ears twitch at being addressed, looking to the waitress "No...apologies but I have no currency. I as well am seeking Fathom Storm"
  40. Gerlinde decides not to repeat the name, watching the other ponies and waiting for the waitress' answer.
  41. GreatAndPowerfulGM chuckles, "What a pair then, eh? And not looking to buy anything? well you will fit in with that old Sea pone well". Chuckling at her own joke she nods towards the back. "Hes somewhere about there, just look for the outragous hat"
  42. <Thomas_OMalley> The batpony smiles at the waitress. "Oh, ma cherie, de sight of you is good enough." The batpony winks to her, and then goes toward where she directed.
  43. Flora_Bloom gives a nod as she trots towards the back, attempting to keep straight faced before she heard the accent, smirking lightly and letting out a quiet guafa.
  44. Midnight_Bliss gives only a silent nod before moving about the crowd, slipping between ponies like a shadow
  45. Cap_Rat adjusts the straps to his overalls and smiles to Heartmend. The soft featured young pony has an unkempt yellow mane and a peach colored coat. "You're new around here, aren't you?"
  46. GreatAndPowerfulGM fans herself with a rag as she waves the batpony away with a hoof, "Oh you~ I doubt my husband would appreciate that, and I know far to many batponies to fall for your sweet talk"
  47. Gerlinde rolls her eyes, following the small crowd towards the captain.
  48. Heartmend looks the younger pony up and down witha slow nod "Yes just got in to town, the names Heartmend, and your may be?"
  49. GreatAndPowerfulGM Past a few rickety tables lies a row of even older and more rickety booths along the back wall under shuttered windows. Occupying one booth is a old and shaby looking Radio broadcaster array, in another is an old and shabby Earth Pony, his face coverd in a obsenly large and weathered grey captains hat.
  50. Midnight_Bliss ignores the others as her eyes dart around, eyeing the walls like they might fall on her at any time as she searches for an outrageous hat
  51. GreatAndPowerfulGM the elderly Sea Green stalion snoozes loudly under his hat, a large ledger of sorts set before him.
  52. Thomas_OMalley pauses in mid-step, turning and giving a small bow. "Ah, a gem is always taken." He then turns and continues to walk toward the back, his eyes eventually spotting a large hat.
  53. Cap_Rat "I'm Cap! Nice to meet you, miss. It's good to see things moving around here. It's a nice little place, but just too boring for me." He says.
  54. Flora_Bloom blinks at the hat as she moves and sits down after pulling a chair up. She coughs loudly. "ahem."
  55. GreatAndPowerfulGM the waitress waves off the dashing batpony with a blush and a wave
  56. GreatAndPowerfulGM the captain chortles and coughs under his hat before resuming his snoring
  57. Gerlinde huffs. This is no time for sleep! It looks like everyone's here, or enough at least. Her wings unfurl and she lunges forward... to poke the captain's forehead.
  58. Midnight_Bliss stares at the sleeping earth pony with a cold stare, waiting for him to awaken. he had enough trying to get his attention already
  59. GreatAndPowerfulGM the hat depresses under the tallon, like a flash the Sea Green Earth pony leaps up in his seat, old bones creeking lightly as his startled eyes appear while he wraps his hooves over his head protectivly. "Dont Touch the Hat!" he commands in the same gravvely voice from the braodcast.
  60. Gerlinde shrugs. "Whatever." It's an old, shitty hat anyway. "Here for the job."
  61. Flora_Bloom doesn't fall back in her chair but is surprised a bit. "U-umm.. As am I." She says
  62. Midnight_Bliss raises a wing "Same"
  63. GreatAndPowerfulGM looks about in a confused manner, old baggy eyes seaking out each face in kind. Relazing he breaths a heavy sigh, "Ah, is that all? Well this be the place for it then. One at a time tell me yer name and what ya can do. Best to get this along, got a schedule to keep dont cha know"
  64. Heartmend takes in the comotion with some concern
  65. Midnight_Bliss stood at attention, back stiff, neck straight "Midnight Bliss, Scout"
  66. Cap_Rat takes a peek into the pub. "Yeah, things are really going to get interesting." He trots into the pub, holding the door with his telekinesis. "You coming?"
  67. Gerlinde smirks. "Gerlinde Griffon. I can pilot, pick locks, set up traps, and help you with anything concerning 'security' of your ship." She leans in, going off of a hunch as she whispers, "Plenty of experience 'in the Maze'."
  68. Thomas_OMalley catches up with the group, and hearing the captain's request jumps in. "I'm Thomas O'Malley, podna. I'm a mechanic, shot fair wit dese saddles, and know my way round a rudder or a till."
  69. Flora_Bloom "Flora Bloom, Student from the Acadamy, skills are versed in the knowledge of the land's flora and fauna."
  70. GreatAndPowerfulGM nods at each in kind, eyes following the new arrival. "Scouting sounds useful... Ah, jack of all trades then? Aint headed thereabouts anytime soon but I seen them waters up close with these peepers"
  71. GreatAndPowerfulGM turns to Omalley, "Ah, a mechanic. Could use you onboard certainly. May even hier you on long term if you work out lad"
  72. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom scratches his chin at Flora, "You aint against manual Labor, are ya lass?"
  73. Heartmend trots over to the old captain and his ledger "My name is Heartmend, and medical care is my occupation."
  74. Flora_Bloom "Course not." She says, smiling a bit. Upon closer inspection, it seems she has a set of lesser defined, but lean muscles in her legs. "I've been told i'm rather hearty."
  75. Midnight_Bliss looks the growing group over
  76. GreatAndPowerfulGM smiles at Heartmend, "A medic are you? Well well, havent had one onboard ma ship in ferever an'ah day it seems like"
  77. GreatAndPowerfulGM looks around the group, "Humm.. one, two, thre...five so far. May close up soon, wont have the pay for ye all if to many more show up"
  78. Cap_Rat whistles. "That's a nice crew you got there mister. Can you find a place for me? Cap Rat, jack of all trades, but trading is what I do best." He walks to the group, nodding at the captain.
  79. GreatAndPowerfulGM nods and motions towards the next booth over, "yer welcom to at the very least hear the buisness proposition sonny. Somepone turn that blasted contraption off? Already lookin a tad overstaffed as it is. Didnt know so many were looking fir work"
  80. Flora_Bloom looks to the machine and back to the captian. "Oh. I forgot to mention. I can navigate."
  81. GreatAndPowerfulGM nods, looking a bit more confident in Flora, "Good ta hear Lass"
  82. Thomas_OMalley looks over the growing group with a smile... though he raises an eyebrow at Cap_Rat. Was the unicorn competition... or another to be wooed? Only time would tell. The batpony walks over to an empty table, grabbing a chair and taking it back to where he could hear the sea captain's offer.
  83. Gerlinde leans back, rapping her talons against the floor as she waits to hear his offer.
  84. Midnight_Bliss Remains where she stood at attenton though fell into an 'at ease' posture as she awaited the offer
  85. GreatAndPowerfulGM motions at the table, "Well now dat you told me yer names I spect its my turn, though you would be daft to not ah guessed I was the pony from da radio signal, Fathom Storm. Im looking fer a crew to make a real easy delivery rout, two stops, Batpone Rouge and New Hourseleans. Three days travel, tops"
  86. Flora_Bloom "Catch?" She asks, her glasses shining somehow in the dim light.
  87. Midnight_Bliss ear perked at the mention of New Horseleans
  88. Cap_Rat "Cool. What are we delivering?" He raises an eyebrow, curious.
  89. GreatAndPowerfulGM shrugs, "Well da pay is fixed, an I cant afford ta give ya nofin up front like I usually like with my... current situation, but its a real milk run, easiest caps ya ever make. Meals and lodging included, bonuses should it take longer dan three days"
  90. Thomas_OMalley sits back and listens. Luna gave you two of those fuzzy ears and two of those slitted eyes and only one sweet fanged mouth for a reason, after all.
  91. Flora_Bloom "Situation?" She asks, examing the stallion
  92. GreatAndPowerfulGM looks to Cap Rat, "Oh, nothin to big, just a dilivery of Tobaco to New Horselenas, dats the big shipment. The other is a smaller one to one of those Academy fellers in Batpone Rouge, whole flank load o' junk from some estate sail further up twards da NCR"
  93. GreatAndPowerfulGM blanks at Flora, "Err... yes, Ma Situation". Fathom dosent explain further.
  94. Flora_Bloom nods. "Alright." She states, thinking to herself about any promenant Acadamy members in Batpone Rogue
  95. Cap_Rat smiles. "That sounds cool to me." He looks at the others with enthusiasm, then turning back to the captain. "So, how much do we get after that?"
  96. Heartmend takes this all in silence
  97. Midnight_Bliss whatever caps are offered is enough. I have business in New Horseleans and am eager to get underway a.s.a.p."
  98. Flora_Bloom nods lightly. "I'm fine with it. Any money to support my reasearch will be in handy."
  99. GreatAndPowerfulGM nods, "Well the job Pays 25 caps a day, ye can cut ties and leave whenever you like, 50 caps a day past the third, with a 50 caps bonus upon compleation in New Horseleans"
  100. GreatAndPowerfulGM smiles, "So a Cool hundred an twenty five caps without doing much fer it besides moping up a old tub fer a few days and moving some crates about when we get ta where we goin. Sounds nice, ya?"
  101. Midnight_Bliss nods "Acceptable"
  102. Thomas_OMalley nods to the captain. "I ken always go for a voyage down the Missipony, and paid makes it all the better. When can we head down the bayou?"
  103. Gerlinde shrugs. "Fine with me."
  104. Cap_Rat looks the old captain up and down, appraising him. "Hmm... I could go with three hundreds. We have to take with your word for it right now and who knows how tomorrow will be?"
  105. GreatAndPowerfulGM nods to the ponies and other beings, "Ya, well we kin head out tommorow, would be right away like but again this gos back to me... situation. See local NCR reps been keeping me doced here abouts this blasted town fer going on two months now. Leached me near dry it has"
  106. Heartmend clears her throat "How long of a layover will we see at each stop?"
  107. Flora_Bloom shrugs to the others, no longer paying much attention. she takes out a small notebook, grabbing a pencil in her mouth and writing something.
  108. GreatAndPowerfulGM eyes Rat while speaking to Hearmend, "A day in Patpone Rougue, dat is all miss. this shipment is taking to long as it is, no need to dilly nor dally"
  109. Midnight_Bliss narrows her eyes "and precisely...what would need to be done to get the NCR to release us today?"
  110. Heartmend nods at the captain's relpy
  111. Thomas_OMalley strokes his chin. The NCR was always looking for a way to get themselves greased, they were.
  112. GreatAndPowerfulGM humps, "Aragant blighters, kept me caught up in red tape afer I refused to grease the wheels with caps so ta speek. Made an aragment though, gunna be deliverin a package to a friend oh deres in Batpone Rouge fir up. Dont like it one bit but its all I kin do fer now. Already in trouble enough being dis late"
  113. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom storm looks somehow even greener than before, this news obviously upsetting him.
  114. Cap_Rat "That isn't cool. We should have a talk with those ponies." He tilts his head. "Are you okay there, captain?"
  115. Thomas_OMalley frowns at the news. "Dis package, how dangerous it is?"
  116. GreatAndPowerfulGM shrugs, "They say they need a bit o time to tell em Im coming with the stuff, So we head out tommorow. I just don'likit when I transport somfin when I dont know what it is. Smells bad, most me crew split weeks back so Im hiering on good numbers case this gos bad fir me"
  117. GreatAndPowerfulGM pouts, "I wuld investigate o'course. But dat is a young ponies job, to old to be pokin around in NCR's doins, been burned before lookin whereabouts I shouldnt. Got a job ta do so I said yes"
  118. Flora_Bloom finishes writing and closes her notebook, putting it in her saddlebags. "So then. We leave tommorrow, unless something is said to the NCR. Correct?"
  119. Midnight_Bliss nods "Understood" gives a small salute
  120. Gerlinde smirks. "I wouldn't mind bustin' heads over at the NCR if someone else wanted to."
  121. GreatAndPowerfulGM nods, "that is the tall and short of it"
  122. GreatAndPowerfulGM looks up at Gerlinde, "Sounds like ah good way ta get me shiping papers fer NCR territory revoked Lassy... Unless of course no one new who dun it"
  123. Gerlinde nods. "Not like they'd know we're with you."
  124. Midnight_Bliss ears twitched
  125. GreatAndPowerfulGM chuckles, "Tarturus, I would pay to see dem two cap counters get what fur"
  126. Midnight_Bliss nods again at that "Understood" she says again and heads for the door
  127. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom Winks.
  128. GreatAndPowerfulGM watches midnight go, "Ah like the cut o'her jib, I knew a lass liker her once. Nothin but trouble, boy was she a blast though!"
  129. Gerlinde grins. "Anyone else interested? Could be fun~."
  130. Cap_Rat shakes his head. "There's no reason to look for trouble. I'm sure we can arrange something. We don't want to have them after us, right?" He turns to the others. "You just got here, the NCR is a big deal around. If they find out, it will be trouble. And they will want to figure it out. They are kinda nosey like that."
  131. Flora_Bloom smiles lightly and gets up. "I will investigate myself." She starts to leave.
  132. Thomas_OMalley smiles and chuckles. "Well, I'm in. I'll help with you're pirogue and make sure you're dreegailles get to were dey need." The batpony spits in his hoof and offers it to the captain. He does wink toward Gerlinde, though.
  133. Cap_Rat "Geez, what a start." He turns to the door and trots out.
  134. Gerlinde blinks, looking around. 'The hell?' she asks herself, 'Why's he winking at me?'
  135. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom Stands on shakey old legs not used to standing on solid land. "Well you all sound like real go-gettirs ta me. Should work out fine an dandy with me, Now if ya excuse me Ill be on mah ship, Da "Captains Grace", its down at da docks, ya cant missit"
  136. Midnight_Bliss once outside she looks around and drops down, blending into the early morning shadows
  137. GreatAndPowerfulGM takes Thomases hoof
  138. GreatAndPowerfulGM nods, "Good to meecha all, one way r another meet me at my boat tommora, or sooner if can be arranged. May free up some more caps if ya can. Anyway good luck to ya all! ... oh an if ya is in trouble and ya take it within 50 yards o' mah ship Ill gun ya down"
  139. Heartmend smerks "If we say, 'found' some incriminating evidence. I think we may be able to get them to let us go today?'
  140. Flora_Bloom moves towards the NCR building if she can easily recognize it
  141. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom collects his broadcast equipment, "Who knows, maybe? I leave dat to you young types"
  142. Cap_Rat trots after Flora_Bloom. "I'm sure they are nice ponies when we get to know them."
  143. Flora_Bloom "Depends." She says quietly. "On their ideals."
  144. Midnight_Bliss begins her sneaky search of the area for NCR looking ponies
  145. Thomas_OMalley shakes the captain's hoof and nods. "Alright. I'll come by and drop my tings off later on." The batpony stands up and walks to Gerlinde. "Shall we go?"
  146. GreatAndPowerfulGM The NCR building is easily recongnizable and one of the better buildigns in town, Once the town hall it now stands neet and clean waving a NCR flag proudly over a recently added water feature out front. Rusty old cannons flank either side of the front door of this two story building.
  147. Gerlinde nods. "Yeah... sure." She raises an eyebrow. "So, any ideas on how to do this?"
  148. |<-- Heartmend has left (Connection closed)
  149. -->| Heartmend (rwocjanescf@Pony-v6e.7uh.103.97.IP) has joined #CryMeARiver
  150. Cap_Rat goes to a discreet place by a mount of clutter and pulls out his spyglass, counting the NCR ponies he could see and taking a general impression about the place.
  151. Midnight_Bliss draws her scope recharger rifle and pears through the scope, takeing note of windows and visible ponies
  152. GreatAndPowerfulGM like the town of Easy Passing there is little in the way of patrolling guard, most of the towns defenses lieing near the docs. Two standard NCR troopers stand near the front door, but beyond this nothing ells is apparent.
  153. Thomas_OMalley starts to walk out of the pub, putting a bit of distance between himself and the captain. "Depends on how par en sous you want to be. I'm not that good."
  154. -->| The_Blossom ( has joined #CryMeARiver
  155. Cap_Rat also looks for alternate entrances.
  156. GreatAndPowerfulGM Ponies move about near windows on both floors. Offices seem to ocupy the top floor, with most of the first floor covered with drapes and such.
  157. The_Blossom arrives near the scene near the walls, attempting best possible to be sneaky
  158. Gerlinde follows with a slight ruffling of her feathers, "Par en sous...?"
  159. Thomas_OMalley smiles, fangs twinkling in the light. "Ma chagren. Sneaky."
  160. Gerlinde blinks. "Riiiiight. Sneaky." She waves her talons. "Yeah, I'm not that sneaky either. Think you can talk us in?"
  161. Cap_Rat dons his cloak, trotting to the NCR building nonchalantly.
  162. Midnight_Bliss locks crosshairs onto one of the guards out front, internally debateing the best course of action
  163. Midnight_Bliss holds off at seeing the other one approach
  164. GreatAndPowerfulGM the guard sneezes but otherwise shows no sighn of knowing anythign about the crosshairs aimed at him.
  165. GreatAndPowerfulGM The two guards near the door eye Cap Rat but dont interpose when he approches the door, instead opening it for him. "Please stop at the front desk to sighn in sir"
  166. Cap_Rat "Thanks mister. Have a nice day." He smiles, trotting in.
  167. Midnight_Bliss lowers her rifle a bit in disbelief at how easy it was to get inside
  168. The_Blossom has attempted to sneak, but even she blinks as she sees that. She sighs and rolls her eyes, trotting off in disappointment
  169. Thomas_OMalley chuckles, silver eyes glimmering with mischief. "I tink I can make somethin work. Let me pouponer and we will pay dem a visit." The batpony looks around until he finds a bathroom, stepping inside and changing out of his armor and saddle, putting on a pristine pre-war suit and stepping out.
  170. |<-- The_Blossom has left (Connection closed)
  171. GreatAndPowerfulGM A griffin at the front desk Clicks away at an ancient keyboard, pausing to look at Rat as he enters, "Can I help you sir?
  172. Flora_Bloom coughs a bit as she comes out of a public restroom, blushing as she trots towards the NCR base, moving towards the entrance.
  173. Gerlinde snickers. "Fancy." She gestures forward with a wing. "Let's go."
  174. Midnight_Bliss holsters her rifle and sneaks closer, looking for another entrance or open window
  175. Thomas_OMalley smiles again. "So, have you ever captained a pirogue, a boat?" He starts leaving the pub and turns toward the NCR building.
  176. Cap_Rat smiles and looks down in curiosity. "Oh, that is a nice writing gizmo you have there. Say, I was looking for ship transportation licenses."
  177. GreatAndPowerfulGM The two guards studiously hold the door open for each pony or gentle being that come
  178. Flora_Bloom moves in, examining her surrondings politely
  179. Gerlinde shakes her head, small frown forming. "No... I've piloted one, but never been a captain." She shrugs, smirk returning. "Someday, maybe."
  180. Gerlinde quirks her head. "And you?"
  181. Heartmend sits outside the NCR building in wonderment of what's happening around her
  182. Midnight_Bliss takes notice of a second story window and moving around the back out of sight, flys up silently to slip inside
  183. GreatAndPowerfulGM the Griffin smiles, "Why then you have come to the right place, We are not a reginal office like the one in BatPone Rouge but we do have the documentation to file for such a licence. If you dont mind waiting a day for the paperwork to be approved we can certainly make arangments"
  184. Flora_Bloom trots up to where it would seem like she might need to sign in
  185. Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Well, all we are is getting information, not trying to make the misere." The batpony pauses out of earshot of the guards, lowering his voice. "If it starts, we'll go from der."
  186. GreatAndPowerfulGM the griffin eyes Flora as she enters and gives a polite smile and wave while she continues to speak with Rat, meanwhile Midnight_Bliss has found herself in an empty office that currently reaks of strong cleaning chemicals, a mod and bucket sit near the open door.
  187. Flora_Bloom grips a pencil in her teeth as she signs in, looking around after in the halls.
  188. Gerlinde nods, though slightly confused. This batpony uses too many words that she doesn't know the meaning of.
  189. Midnight_Bliss begins to look through the desks and cabinents for info or incriminating materials
  190. GreatAndPowerfulGM Outside Hearmend steps backwards and hears a crunch of broken glass, turning she spots a garbage can overflowing with empty pharmasudical bottles.
  191. Cap_Rat "That sounds fine, but..." His smile weakens. "'s my little sister." He looks down in sadness. "She is very sick, and the boat that is bringing her medicine is late already, we spent our last caps to get them." He looks at the griffin with a devastated look. "I'm worried. She could barely get up last I saw her... If only the ship could cross these waters faster..."
  192. Thomas_OMalley is about to take a step toward the building, but pauses. "Where you from? Not here?"
  193. Gerlinde shakes her head. "Lived on the sea until recently."
  194. GreatAndPowerfulGM looking through the desk and draws Midnight finds the cabinet holds paperwork for trade documents and such mostely, meanwhile the desk hold many partialy empty bottles of alchahol. From the mostly incomplete work and the undertones of puke coming in from under the cleaning chemicals, the quality of the offices owner comes into question
  195. Heartmend takes a closer look at the garbage can of empty pharmasudical bottles "And what do we have here?"
  196. Thomas_OMalley nods. "Ah, dat explains a lot. I'll try to be clearer. Let me know if I lapse, ma cherie." The batpony starts walking toward the NCR building again.
  197. GreatAndPowerfulGM the empty bottles seem to mostely be Morphine (med x basically) and other such addictive stimulants.
  198. Gerlinde smiles. "Thanks." She follows silently. She'll let the batpony talk them in... since she's not good at that kind of stuff.
  199. Midnight_Bliss looks over the trade paperwork documents before pocketing them
  200. GreatAndPowerfulGM the Guards once again open the door for the griffin and batpone. Inside the Griffin seems completely obsorbed in Rats story and has lost interest in Flora, "Oh you poor, dear. how long has it been hold up for, can you make other arangments?"
  201. GreatAndPowerfulGM Flora sees many recently hung pictures and photos, the first floor doors are all marked storage except for a employee breakroom down the hall near a set of stairs leading up.
  202. Flora_Bloom smiles from the distraction and moves towards the breakroom, glancing in to sight anything of interest
  203. Heartmend gathers some of empty pharmasudical bottles, more notably addictive stimulants
  204. GreatAndPowerfulGM Midnight Notes that the desk and door reads "Office of Root Juice: Shipping Supervisor"
  205. GreatAndPowerfulGM the breakroom is empty save for what appears to be a janitor pony who is poking around a fridge, pulling out a Sparkle Cola.
  206. Flora_Bloom licks her lips, thinking for a moment before smiling and trotting upstairs to take a look around, her mind working around several ideas.
  207. Midnight_Bliss looks up and takes notice of the name on the desk and door
  208. Cap_Rat "It's been three weeks. I couldn't find another boat. All I could manage is talk to her through radio... her weak voice, her shallow breath... she said she felt sleepy, but she was trying hard to stay up to talk to me." He looks down. "We are poor... even that radio they lended was so hard, but they couldn't do anything else from there." He looks back into the griffin's eyes. "I need... to see my sister... again."
  209. GreatAndPowerfulGM Flora steps onto the second floor landing, noticing another set of stairs going up further (to the roof?). However she is soon bumped into by a Unicorn in NCR uniform steping through the second floor door, "Oh hey, Sorry about that!" says the mare.
  210. Midnight_Bliss uses the materials on hand to attempt to duplicate the Root's signiture
  211. Thomas_OMalley notes the absorbed griffin and Cap_Rat, and walks in like he is on business. He walks past the griffin and the unicorn, hiding a smile. Good story there. The batpony heads up the stairs and looked for where you might find someone in charge of shipping.
  212. Flora_Bloom blinks as she bumps into the pony. "O-oh no i'm sorry!" She says thinking for a moment, this had to be part of her plans. "I'm a bit lost. I'm from the acadamy, do you mind showing me to the labs around here? I was recently commissioned to work here." She smiles, adjusting her glasses.
  213. GreatAndPowerfulGM Midnight ACES the singniture, much to even her own suprise, unable to tell the diffrence hardly between her own forgery and the real deal. She now has signed documents that will free up Storms ship... so long as no pony pays to much attention.
  214. GreatAndPowerfulGM Hearmend collects as many of the glass containers as she wishes.
  215. Midnight_Bliss gives herself a light smile as she slis the awesomely forged document into her bags and makes her way towards the door, turning to look at the desk and debating something
  216. Gerlinde follows Thomas_OMalley, and acts like... a bodyguard! She glares at anyone that might even -think- of looking at the batpony funny.
  217. GreatAndPowerfulGM Heartmend can spot a few of these chems are addatives and ingredients for a good number of small time drugs, most illigal in NCR teritory.
  218. Midnight_Bliss sets a mine beneath the desk
  219. Cap_Rat glances subtly at Thomas, with a small nod, as he dries his eyes. "I'm sorry... you must be busy. I'm sure you do a lot of important stuff here. It must help a lot of other ponies." He sobs back to the griffon. "But... is there something I can do?"
  220. GreatAndPowerfulGM the officer blinks, then grins widely, "OHHHH, your here to work at the labs? well why didnt you say so? They are down in the basment of course. Want me to lead the way?"
  221. GreatAndPowerfulGM the griffin bites at her tallons, eyes swelling up, "Oh dear, you poor poor pony, I had a sick relative once, a uncle who passed. Is there anything I can do to help?"
  222. Midnight_Bliss her business done, the silent sneaky pony now takes her leave, exiting through the same window she entered
  223. Cap_Rat 's eyes light up in hope. "If only my friend's boat could continue travel. Maybe... maybe she will be okay." The gloom crosses his face. "I hope it's not too late..."
  224. Flora_Bloom nods happily. "Please do!" She smiles at the officer, her own curiousity getting the better of her. "I look forward to working here."
  225. GreatAndPowerfulGM eyes light up, "OH! well you should talk to Root Juice, he in charge of... oh, well really now that I think about it... maybe he isnt the best choice right now. Juice is a bit, well he hasnt been himself as of late. Why dont you give me your information and I can move this along through other channels?"
  226. GreatAndPowerfulGM nods, "Pleased to do so, and im sure you will. We have been having to double our output recently and it has been to much on poor Burner. So much demand, you know?" Steping down the stares he leans Flora to one of the store rooms on the first floor.
  227. Midnight_Bliss lands on the ground and trots around to the front of the NCR building, nodding to the guards as she goes inside "Ahem...Cap was it...we have some business elsewhere..."
  228. Flora_Bloom nods as she follows. "Oh my, don't have to worry about that with me! I perfected hard working all night at the Acadamy!" She smiles lightly, her eyes hidden by her frames.
  229. Thomas_OMalley walks up the stairs, moving to the left and past Flora_Bloom and the guard unless he objects. The batpony continues to look like he belongs, like he has... an appointment!
  230. GreatAndPowerfulGM opens the door to "Archives S-V". waving a hoof he smiles, "Well its over in the corner under a rug, just knock twice before opening the hatch so Burner dosent get itchy when you get in. Also you may want to hold your breath"
  231. Gerlinde continues to glare at everything looking in her and Tom's general direction!
  232. Flora_Bloom nods as she goes and looks under the rug, knocking twice and opening slowly, taking a deep breath.
  233. GreatAndPowerfulGM Tom and Gerlinde notice a NCR officer showing Flora into a random storage closet, mentioning something about a hatch and some pony named Burner?
  234. GreatAndPowerfulGM the officer closes the door and turns, moving back to the second floor. A scratchy voice calls up from downstairs, "Cliff, Angel, that you?"
  235. GreatAndPowerfulGM a potent smell practically erupts from down under the hatch.
  236. Thomas_OMalley makes a note of it, but otherwise continues up the stairs. The batpony checks the name on each doorway until he arrives at the one he wants. "Ah, de shipping supervisor." The batpony tries the door, testing to see if it is locked, and anyone is home.
  237. Flora_Bloom "No no." she says, holding her nose. "I'm Fauna, Fauna Burst, from the Acadamy. I'm here because I was sent to work in the lab?"
  238. GreatAndPowerfulGM a ranitor is leaving from that area and notices Omalley, "Oh, you looking for Root Juice?"
  239. Cap_Rat nodnods. "My name is Cap. I've been camping by the pub, you can ask about me there. How soon do you think you can have it?" He leans closer, then looks at Midnight. "Is it urgent? Just let me finish talking with this generous mister." He throws a meaningful glance at the door.
  240. Thomas_OMalley nods to the janitor. "Yeah mon ami. Is Root Juice in?"
  241. GreatAndPowerfulGM "Burner" calls up, "An academy pony? those DOLTS brought me a snooty Academy pony? Gah, im going to strangle those two half wits, they dont think im good enough! get down here, and make sure and grab a mask, some of this stuff is toxic, if you didnt know!"
  242. Midnight_Bliss nods to cap "Quite urgent"
  243. Flora_Bloom blinks and nods as she looks for a mask. "Not snooty." She says quietly to herself. "So umm, what will I be doing here?"
  244. GreatAndPowerfulGM the janitor shakes his head, "Guy just got done emptying his guts on the floor, had to scrub it three freaking times. Anoying, I swear he always like his spirits but things have been getting worse and worse", Rolling his eyes he turns to leave, "Three guesses why that is"
  245. Cap_Rat "I'm sorry." He bows to the griffin. "I hope that isn't too much trouble to you." He turns to Midnight_Bliss, trotting to the door. "Is it about my sister?!" He asks, seeming frazzled
  246. GreatAndPowerfulGM she spots a mask downstairs on a rung, two hang on the way at the bottom of a short ladder. The voice calls up, "Well im sure that cooking Dash and Rage is a bit below your 'Standards' school filly, but if you want your caps that is what you will be helping with"
  247. Thomas_OMalley nods his head and turns to follow. "Ah. De sweet call of bourbon has made me seem de bon rien. Juice take de rest of de day?"
  248. Midnight_Bliss looks from Cap to the griffon behind before nodding "Yes, I have secured safe transport"
  249. GreatAndPowerfulGM the griffin types furiously at the keayboard, "Dont worry, Ill have you free and clear as fast as the NCR political system can!"
  250. Flora_Bloom nods as she takes the mask and confirms
  251. Cap_Rat "Oh, thank goodness! Thank you so much!" He says as he leaves.
  252. Gerlinde remains silent. She taps her talons anxiously. She was hoping for some action!
  253. GreatAndPowerfulGM the janitor nods as he stores his mop and bucket in a closet, "Sure did, been taking more and more of those. Seem like those two newer fellers been taking up the slack for him"
  254. Thomas_OMalley nods to the janitor. "Who are de green folk? Maybe dey can help me out?"
  255. Flora_Bloom drinks a Sparkle Cola Rad from her Saddlebags
  256. GreatAndPowerfulGM the Janitor snorts, "Some geen eared no good folk from up north, Cliff Racer and Angel foodcake. Practically been runing the show here"
  257. Midnight_Bliss nods to Cap_Rat "Welcome...the others should be notified. I will relay info to the captain"
  258. -->| The_Blossom ( has joined #CryMeARiver
  259. Cap_Rat "I'll see what I can do." He nods, taking a look back to see if he can find any of the others.
  260. Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Ah, dey will get better, dey always do. Where are dey at?"
  261. Midnight_Bliss turns and flaps her wings, taking flight towards the ship they were told
  262. The_Blossom moves down, grabbing one of the masks and strangeling wearing it over her own mask, trotting towards them. "Oh I think Your petty plan will be put to an end. I will not tolerate those who distrupt the growth from the wasteland by trying to revert it to it's previous horrors!" She says, readying her whip.
  263. GreatAndPowerfulGM the janitor points behind them to the unicorn from downstairs who is walking into Roots office, "Well that there is Angel Foodcake"
  264. Heartmend see's Midnight_Bliss and calls out to her
  265. Midnight_Bliss looks down to Heartmend before detouring her flight to land beside them "You called for me?"
  266. GreatAndPowerfulGM A bright red Earth Pony turns from a chemistry set, holding nothing but a sturing spoon. A confused look covers his face, "Ummm... Pardon me?"
  267. Heartmend "Yes I've found some cems. for makeing some illigal drugs, what have y'all found in there?"
  268. Midnight_Bliss looks around before speaking "Documents to free our ride, signed and approved by the director of to speak"
  269. The_Blossom attempts to make two whip cracks, using her tail missing both times as she gets used to the feel of using said tail.
  270. GreatAndPowerfulGM Burner eeps and drops his spoon, backing up and bumping into his chemistry set, spilling various chemicals. "ARE YOU NUTS WAVING THAT THIING AROUND IN HER!?!?! You can BLOW US SKY HIGH!"
  271. Thomas_OMalley smiles again at the janitor. "Ah, thank yeah." The batpony heads back to Root Juice's office, tapping on the door. "Miss Foodcake? I'm told dat you were taking over for Root Juice today."
  272. The_Blossom "The new clean world has no need for your disgusting habits! Greed leads to ruin, and as do drugs! I will stop you and persrve the sanctity of the new world. for I am The Blossom!" She says, enthusiastically. "
  273. Gerlinde unfurls her wings, flying just above Thomas_OMalley. At least she can stretch her wings.
  274. Heartmend smiles at the good news "So we may leave this place as fast as we can. I don't like what more we may find."
  275. The_Blossom moves quickly towards the pony and attempts at another two whip cracks
  276. Midnight_Bliss nods "Cap_Rat will gather the others who went inside. I am on my way to inform our captain of the development"
  277. GreatAndPowerfulGM Foodcake turns, closing the open filing cabinate with her rump and stowing a retrived Document into a breifcase at her side. "Oh, hello there scivillian, Umm no I was not looking for him. Just grabing a document to cover some of his work while he is home sick" She seems to grin at Root Juice being home and away from the office.
  278. Heartmend "Well I'll fallow you back to the boat then."
  279. Gerlinde taps Thomas_OMalley rather urgently, talong pecking at his head from above. She cranes her head down, frowning. "...There's a landmine under the desk."
  280. Gerlinde talon*
  281. Gerlinde whispered this, of course .
  282. The_Blossom whips her whip correctly this time, damaging the beastly evil pony known as Burner!
  283. Midnight_Bliss nods to Heartmend "It's best we all vacate the area quickly, lest we arouse suspicioin" she says, again takeing flight and heading for the ship
  284. GreatAndPowerfulGM The boat, "The Captains Grace" is easy to spot. I medium sized fishing boat it has a double stacked quarters with lots of lights in the rigging, the only obvious weapon is a Incinerator mounted on the front of the ship with a simple pivot mount allowing it to fire 360.
  285. Thomas_OMalley nods with a sigh. "Mo chagren. I was hoping Root Juice could help me wit..." The batpony's bug out as Gerlinde's whisper reaches his ears. "Ma cherie, please back slowly from de desk. Der is a mine."
  286. GreatAndPowerfulGM Burner Gasps as he is lashed, Reaching around the desk he pulls out a small caliber weapon and aims it at the "super hero", screaming, "YOUR NUTS!"
  287. Midnight_Bliss lands on the deck of the ship and begins looking for the captain
  288. Midnight_Bliss "captain? I have returned"
  289. GreatAndPowerfulGM Burners shots are wild and echo around the front level of the building. The second shot even jams the weapon! Truly Justice is on the side of... THE BLOSSOM!
  290. GreatAndPowerfulGM Angel food cake tilts her head, "Pardon me?" Her ears twitch for a moment at the sound of gunfire from downstairs. "What is going on down there... wait, BURNER!". Angel Foodcake sprints out the door.
  291. GreatAndPowerfulGM is up on the second floor deck leaning out of the controle room, "Eye missy, what can I do fer ye Midnight?"
  292. The_Blossom Laughs as the sound of the jamming. "Do you not see? Evil will lead to the worst of circumstances, you should repent your ways and I may spare thee the pain."
  293. Gerlinde 's head swivels towards the sound of gunfire. "So... I guess that's one of the others?"
  294. Midnight_Bliss fly's to the control room "I have obtained paperwork to free your ship"
  295. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom storm claps his hoovs on the rail, smiling widely, "EXCELENT NEWS! well with that settled we can set sail as soon as everypony is here, and talk about that bonus!"
  296. Midnight_Bliss nods and hoofs over the paper work
  297. Thomas_OMalley steps sideways and nods to Gerlinde. "After her! Maybe we kin help!" Thomas flits up to Gerlinde, leaning into whisper to her ear. "And if we help stop an attack, we might be able to get de boat out." The batpony whips the saddle out of his bags and throws it on.
  298. GreatAndPowerfulGM Angel Foodcake runs downstairs and slides to a stop as she sees the griffin and one of the guards standing outside of the archives room, panicking she waves her hooves, "WAIT, dont go in there!"
  299. Heartmend trots up to the Captains Grace and quickly bord her "Ummmm... Captain Storm, Captain Storm."
  300. Gerlinde grins. Finally, some action! The griffon is quick to follow Tom's idea, wings flapping as she follows quickly after Angel. Her brass talons are out... and she's ready for some fun.
  301. Cap_Rat projects a small illusion of a boat before Gerlinde and Thomas before they disappear from sight, then scurries back to the pub
  302. GreatAndPowerfulGM Storm looks over the documents and whistles, stowing them in the pocket of a large naval coat he is now wearing, "Looks mighty fine to me", looking over the rail he waves to Heartmend, "Up here lass"
  303. The_Blossom makes a sure shot right to disarm Burner, smiling at him as the whip wraps around the gun, and she pulls it.
  304. Gerlinde is too focused on getting to the sound of the gunshot to notice the illusion! She continues to fly.
  305. The_Blossom catches the fire arm with a look in her eyes if it were showing that tells she was VERY happy with that
  306. GreatAndPowerfulGM watches as his gun flies through the air, Screaming he grabs a set of saddle bags and sprits for the ladder and into the Archives. Pushing through the doors and ... right before the guard, the desk griffin, a sweating Angel Foodcake, Gerlinde, and a certain bat pony.
  307. Cap_Rat trots into a bar, waiting for the others to set a joke up.
  308. Cap_Rat goes after the captain
  309. GreatAndPowerfulGM Angel foodcake groans and starts to backpeddel.
  310. Heartmend "Captain you may want to know there is a good chance that the package that you have may contain illicit drugs."
  311. Thomas_OMalley notices the illusion, fortunately, and follows behind Gerlinde and Angel. He pulls a lever, and the trigger bit rotates around his head, in an easy position to fire the linked repeaters. The gems of the repeaters glow as he is ready to fire on the intruder, and he flies up to allow the wounded earth pony out of the basement.
  312. Gerlinde continues past, down into the basement, as soon as the earth pony moves out of the way, and inspects the area.
  313. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom Storm scrunches up his face, "that a fact? Wouldnt put it past em, dont like the idea of moving something like that, not after an incident that cost me half my coat near 15 years back"
  314. Cap_Rat looks around for the captain or Midnight_Bliss
  315. The_Blossom The Ponies coming down find a Green Clad Mare, he outfit much like the old Mare Do Well costume, however, this one has been colored green, with pink round eyes, her chest decorated with the red colorings that mark something that looks like an orchid. She is laughing in success.
  316. GreatAndPowerfulGM the captian is sitting on his ship talking with Heartmend and Midnight
  317. The_Blossom "Another nobel victory for. THE BLOSSOM!" She says, holding the gun.
  318. Gerlinde smirks. "Not gonna be victorious for long." Her grin widens, talons ready.
  319. Thomas_OMalley looks at the NCR gathered below him. "That smell... am I ok to fire these down there?" The batpony gestures to his saddles, with the charging repeaters.
  320. Heartmend shows Fathom Storm the empty pharmasudical bottles "I found more of these out side the NCR building."
  321. GreatAndPowerfulGM Burner wilts and slides to a stop before the guard who lowers his weapon at the Earth Pony, "Crud" says teh drug cooker. The guard cocks an eye, "Didnt we lock lock you up near a few months back, before that pardon showed up?"
  322. GreatAndPowerfulGM Angel Foodcake continues to back away from the group.
  323. The_Blossom looks to the Group. "Hold Citizens! I have found out that this pony has been brewing drugs in this basement! I have stopped his operation, however. My intelect tells me, he must have had a partner, as he mentioned a name. Angel!"
  324. Thomas_OMalley pauses for a moment as he looks at the guard, hearing what he says. The batpony flits around, landing between Angel and the door. "Ma chagren mon amie, but if you try to leave, dis is gonna hurt."
  325. Gerlinde snarks, approaching and brandishing her talons, "I'm not a citizen. And I'm itchin' for a fight."
  326. The_Blossom "As well as another. Cliff." The superhero says, looking to them, sliding the gun on the floor. "I mean no harm to those who help the new world grow."
  327. GreatAndPowerfulGM Angel Foodcake gulps, looking left and right before charing, "OUT OF MY WAY!"
  328. Cap_Rat joins the group, raising an eyebrow. "So tolls aren't paying much." He looks over to the Midnight. "Can I take a look on the document?"
  329. Midnight_Bliss looks to Cap_Rat and points to the captain "I handed over the document to him"
  330. GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain Fathom Storm busiess himself with preping the ship to leave.
  331. Gerlinde continues to approach The_Blossom. Her eyebrows furrow. "Are you gonna fight back or not?"
  332. GreatAndPowerfulGM Turns around at the mention of him, "Hum, what now? Oh yes, sure the document. Here you are" he hands it over to Rat
  333. Thomas_OMalley fires at Angel, aiming for her leg. He did warn her, after all...
  334. The_Blossom "I will not fight one who has no motive other than Violence." She says, stepping back. "Your target is getting away, as is mine."
  335. GreatAndPowerfulGM Angels leg burst into glowing light as a good bit of it simply dusts and she lands in a mess. The Desk Griffin is instantly on top of her. "Hold it right there missy!"
  336. Cap_Rat reads it carefully, trotting to a well illuminated corner of the place.
  337. The_Blossom throws a smoke pellet down
  338. GreatAndPowerfulGM the Signature looks like a signature, with no other letter to compare it to its hard to say if its real or not.
  339. Gerlinde growls, charging into the smoke! She lashes out, trying to hit something... anything!
  340. Thomas_OMalley stays where he is, nodding to the griffin who tackled Angel. He keeps his guns trained on the mare. "Dere is also a mine dat was hidden on Root Juice's desk... my podna, Gerlinde, noticed it. Want me to git de guards from outside?"
  341. The_Blossom grunts a bit in pain as she is hit but she smirks inside her suit. She reaches out towards the griffon!
  342. GreatAndPowerfulGM the desk Griffin grabs Angels head and grinds it into the floor as the mare sobs in pain, "Drugs AND you were planning on killing Root Juice? Your sick!" Behind her the guard is putting Burner into cuffs while a scuffle plays out in the smoke.
  343. The_Blossom stuffs a carrot into Gerlinde's mouth!
  344. Gerlinde squawks, spitting the carrot out. "What the hell?!" She looks down into the smoke and sees a... carrot?
  345. GreatAndPowerfulGM The griffin looks from Thomas to the cloud, "Your friend ok?"
  346. The_Blossom "Carrots help your eyesight! Perhaps it will help you see Justice insteado f your misguided attacking!"
  347. GreatAndPowerfulGM the second guard from outside shows up and sprints into the cloud.
  348. The_Blossom gasps and coughs a bit, scowling. "Perhaps you are just as evil as this drug pony." she says.
  349. Thomas_OMalley nods to her. "Let me check." The batpony flies into the cloud, shouting. "Gerlinde, ma cherie! We caught dey ponies who caused dis mess! Where you at?"
  350. GreatAndPowerfulGM the guard slips on the carrot, "What the hey?" and bumps into Gerlinde, nocking the two prone
  351. Gerlinde manages several more hits, grinning. "You stuffed a carrot in my mouth. That's what you get."
  352. |<-- Cap_Rat has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  353. The_Blossom attempts to crawl down on the floor and out of the fight
  354. GreatAndPowerfulGM The two guards are occupied and the desk griffin is still dealing with the injured Angel Foodcake
  355. Gerlinde looks around for the carrot-shoving pony! She's still got JUSTICE coming to -her-!
  356. Gerlinde [redact]
  357. Thomas_OMalley lands near the wounded unicorn. "Ma cherie, you are hurt! Can I help?"
  358. Gerlinde groans, flailing at the guard. "Get OFF!" She tries to shove him away.
  359. GreatAndPowerfulGM Foodcake pants under the griffins weight, "you SHOT me, now you want to help?"
  360. GreatAndPowerfulGM the guard tries to roll off but his armor straps are tangled, "IM TRYING!"
  361. GreatAndPowerfulGM *Redact
  362. GreatAndPowerfulGM *Specifically Angel Foodcakes bit
  363. The_Blossom coughs a bit and looks to Thomas_OMalley. "I am fine. My ribs will heal, it is all for the sake of justice I just... I need.." she speaks quietly. "I need to get out."
  364. Gerlinde huffs. "Stupid mud ponies... OFF!" She tries to shove him again!
  365. GreatAndPowerfulGM the guard elbows her, "HEY! that is intolerent you rat with wings!"
  366. -->| LuckyLeaf (LuckyLeaf@wandering.fateweaver) has joined #CryMeARiver
  367. Thomas_OMalley nods to the masked pony. "If you kin run, the front is unguarded. Here." The bat pony offers a hoof to help the unicorn up, giving a charming, if fanged, smile.
  368. The_Blossom nods, taking the hoof and taking off. "Justice thanks you." She says, moving up the stairs as quickly as she can
  369. [INFO] There is nothing to tab-complete. Use F6 to cycle through the user list, input box and the chat output.
  370. Gerlinde growls. "You call me intolerant, then call me a 'rat with wings'?" She elbows back!
  371. GreatAndPowerfulGM the guard waves his hooves about as the smoke clears, the mysterious mare gone, "You started it!"
  372. |<-- The_Blossom has left (Connection closed)
  373. Thomas_OMalley stops The_Blossom and points her to the front door. "Not dat way, or you'll end up defan podna." The batpony redirects the unicorn in the right direction before the smoke can clear. Once it does clear, he goes to help Gerlinde and the guard get untangled.
  374. Gerlinde waves her talons around too! "No, you! You tripped on me!"
  375. Heartmend looks to the NCR building wondering a little "Whats taking the other so long?" she asks Midnight_Bliss
  376. GreatAndPowerfulGM wiggles as he tries to get untangled, "THERE WAS SMOKE!"
  377. Thomas_OMalley (( Redact My last statement ))
  378. Midnight_Bliss shrugs "I havent heard any the delay isn't my fault"
  379. Gerlinde squawks. "That doesn't mean shit! If I hit you in the eye with my brass talons, you think it'd be fine to say 'THERE WAS SMOKE'?"
  380. Thomas_OMalley finds Gerlinde now that he can see, and helps the two get untangled. "Easy podnas, you're making it hard on each other."
  381. Flora_Bloom comes out from the NCR building, surprised at the crazyness. She moves towards the boat, wincing a bit with each step
  382. Heartmend looks to Midnight_Bliss confused "What, your fault, what did you do?"
  383. GreatAndPowerfulGM captain Fathom Storm is busy making his ship ready to leave post haste.
  384. Midnight_Bliss looks to Heartmend "I did nothing, nothing anyone can prove"
  385. Midnight_Bliss "Its classified"
  386. Flora_Bloom looks up to Cap Rat, Heartmend and Midnight_Bliss. She smiles a bit wearily. "You know. Stairs hurt when you fall down them. I think I have some broken ribs."
  387. =-= LuckyLeaf is now known as Cap_rat
  388. =-= Cap_rat is now known as Cap_Rat
  389. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom eyes Floral, "Ya, they tend ta do that when you throw yerself down them... might wan and talk to Heartmend"
  390. Gerlinde brushes herself off as Tom helps her untangle herself with the guard. She makes sure to give the guard a health glare.
  391. Thomas_OMalley smiles once the guard and Gerlinde are untangled. He walks over to the griffin, holding down Angel. "So, anyting else we kin help wit?"
  392. Gerlinde healthy*
  393. Heartmend rolls her eyes to Midnight_Bliss comment and looks to Flora_Bloom as she limps/trots up to the boat
  394. Flora_Bloom nods chuckling. She looks to Heartmend. "Hey there... umm a little help? I don't have the caps for a full fix up, but I promise, I'll pay you by popping some cherries." She winks to Heartmend
  395. GreatAndPowerfulGM The desk Griffin speaks to the guards, telling them to take Burner and Angel Foodcake to the lockup, Turning she looks at Tom and Gerlinde, "Soo... any idea what the hay just happened? Becouse that was plum confusing"
  396. Gerlinde shrugs. "Something... then something else. Pretty sure it adds up to us being worthy of a reward." She nods. Perfect logic.
  397. Heartmend pays little attention to Flora_Bloom comment about cherries "Get up here and let me take a look at you."
  398. |<-- Cap_Rat has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  399. Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "I kin't say. All I know is Angel was up in Root Juice's office, and Gerlinde noticed a mine on de desk." Thomas smiles at Gerlinde's suggestion. "I'm sure de NCR kin spare some piastre to dose who help."
  400. Flora_Bloom gets up there and lets the nice mare look at her.
  401. GreatAndPowerfulGM the griffin scratches her beak, "So you say... humm, a reward?
  402. Gerlinde nods. "Yep." She narrows her eyes, talons scraping on the ground. "We did just stop a drug ring, after all."
  403. GreatAndPowerfulGM teh desk griffin taps a paw, "Ok, tell you what. You stick around a few days for the investigation and I might be able to put in for some sort of reward... otherwise Im going to need info and a desination so you can check in at an NCR office for any pending reward, Deal?"
  404. Heartmend take some minutes looking over the wounded mare "So fell down some stairs did we? Well next time ask the stairs not to hit so hard ok."
  405. Gerlinde looks to Thomas_OMalley, wondering if he deems it fair.
  406. Flora_Bloom sighs a bit. "Look, Stairs are not good conversationalists. I tried, I was like "Oh please ouch, stop dropping me" And the stairs just stayed silent, they're good at that."
  407. Thomas_OMalley nods to the mare. "We are headed out here, but should be down in New Horseleans in a few. You got an office dere?"
  408. Thomas_OMalley (( griffin ))
  409. Heartmend administers to Flora_Bloom one Healing Potion
  410. -->| LuckyLeaf (LuckyLeaf@wandering.fateweaver) has joined #CryMeARiver
  411. Flora_Bloom drinks it happily and stretches. "O thank the great heavens. Those stairs will never hurt me once again!" She giggles lightly. "Thanks"
  412. GreatAndPowerfulGM the Griffin nods, "Just give us a name and we will have whatever you earned, if anything, waiting on you there then. The NCR appreicates your help scivy"
  413. Thomas_OMalley smiles to the griffin. "Mon amie, I am Thomas O'Malley. And dis is Gerlinde Griffon." Thomas smiles and gestures to Gerlinde as he introduces them both.
  414. LuckyLeaf gives the document back to the captain.
  415. Midnight_Bliss ears twitch from her perch as she continues to listen for an explosion, dreading the thought of her carefully placed explosive being discovered and disarmed
  416. Flora_Bloom looks around the boat for a pot of somekind
  417. GreatAndPowerfulGM The Griffin takes there names and politely asks the group to leave the office as it is now a crime scene
  418. Gerlinde nods, heading out. "So... that went... okay. Think the others got what we need to leave?"
  419. Thomas_OMalley nods in agreement, and leaves the office as directed. No sense sticking around. Once outside, he nods to Gerlinde. "I saw a boat before I went down de stairs. We should go, I tink."
  420. =-= LuckyLeaf is now known as Cap_Rat
  421. Gerlinde shrugs, taking to the air. "There -are- a few boats here... How does that mean we need to go?"
  422. Flora_Bloom takes the pots available and smiles. She puts in a Strawberry seed in one and an Orchid in the other.
  423. Thomas_OMalley shrugs, following. He's a slow flier, but he does his best to try and keep up. "I don't know. But boats don't appear near my head for no reason."
  424. Gerlinde blinks. "Well... I thought you meant, like, in the water."
  425. Flora_Bloom smiles as she finishes her spell in secret, the two plants growing a good ammount each
  426. Cap_Rat looks out through his spyglass. "Where to from here, captain?"
  427. Flora_Bloom sets the pots near her sides, the Strawberries now with vines and blossoming, the Orchid slowly growing.
  428. Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Nope, in front my head. Acted like it was floating, though. Then vanished."
  429. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom tests the ties holding the ship in dock, "Well as soon as everypony is here we shove off for BatponyRougue to unload all that junk from the estate sale to the Academy Pony".
  430. Gerlinde snickers. "That's probably a good sign then... unicorn magic or something." She nods, flying forward towards the bar.
  431. Midnight_Bliss flies to the top of one of the ships masts and perches on top, using her scoped recharger rifle to examine the surroundings
  432. Thomas_OMalley follows behind her. "Eh, probably. Not sure which unicorn... might been Flora. Academy ponies know quite a bit of magic."
  433. Flora_Bloom smiles to the captian. "So then, wheres the map?" She asks, smiling a bit at the plants on her sides
  434. Cap_Rat "Cool! What do you know from the place?"
  435. Gerlinde shoves open the bar's door rather noisily, once again, and looks around for the captain.
  436. GreatAndPowerfulGM nods towards the deck, "There should be plenty of maps in there, just look about. Ther is a big'un in the mess area. As for what I know its plenty, been going up an down this river me whole life, well.. nearly me whole life, not quite over yet". Chuckling the Pony pulls out his own spyglass, a brass one that is much bigger (almost comicly bigger) and looking through it.
  437. Heartmend "Oh, Captian you may want to have that package not be on your boat, if thats an optionfor you?
  438. Heartmend "*
  439. GreatAndPowerfulGM the Captain the the rest of the crew are not at the Inn, however Gerlinde dose seem to remember something about him being at his ship.
  440. Flora_Bloom smiles and nods. "Good." She goes into the areas with maps and studies them intently
  441. GreatAndPowerfulGM nods, "Yes, gunna have ta deal with it"
  442. Gerlinde frowns and turns around. "Right... ship." She heads for the ship, flying above and looking for the captain!
  443. Cap_Rat raises an eyebrow. "What is your idea?" He asks Heartmend
  444. Thomas_OMalley follows behind inside, looking around. "I don't see him, Gerlinde." The batpony starts to walk over to the waitress when Gerlinde heads out. The batpony turns tail and follows the griffiness.
  445. GreatAndPowerfulGM the Griffin and Batpone can easily find the ship, the rest of the crew currently on deck and the sun still high in the sky as it is only around 2pm
  446. Heartmend looks to Cap_Rat and shows him the empty pharmasudical bottles "They where making the good captian here smuggle drugs for them it seams."
  447. Thomas_OMalley lands on board the ship after the Griffin, smiling. "Now... were is de Captain?"
  448. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom waves his hoof, "Over hear"
  449. Cap_Rat "Where to?" He tilts his head.
  450. Gerlinde lands, sticking with Tom as she looks for the Cap't.
  451. Flora_Bloom wiggles her ears as she trots from the maps and looks to Thomas_OMalley, smiling a bit, then to Gerlinde, smirking a bit.
  452. Midnight_Bliss looks down at the two late arrivals
  453. Heartmend "That, I don't know.
  454. Midnight_Bliss "About time"
  455. Heartmend "*
  456. Flora_Bloom "Hey there, have trouble finding the ship? Maybe you two should eat some carrots. They help your eyes you know."
  457. Gerlinde glares at Midnight_Bliss. "We're not even that late."
  458. Cap_Rat "Where does each cargo goes, captain?"
  459. Thomas_OMalley nods, trotting over. "Sorry about de wait. Turns out a pair of NCR were running drugs. Helped put a stop to em." Thomas smiles back at Angel, then turns to the captain. "Unfortunately, Root Juice was out sick. With all the chaos... no one to convince to get you out quicker, sorry."
  460. Gerlinde blinks. Carrots... She turns on Flora_Bloom. "Why. Did. You. Mention. Carrots?"
  461. Midnight_Bliss holsters her rifle "Late is late, too much time has passed, we could have sailed already"
  462. Flora_Bloom "Because I'm a horitcultural mahor from the Acadamy." She says with a dead pan look. "And they help your eyes."
  463. Flora_Bloom major*
  464. Midnight_Bliss lands on the ships deck by Thomas_OMalley "I took care of it. We're good to go"
  465. GreatAndPowerfulGM the captain waves a hoof, "Well you can look at the ledger if you want for specifics, but I was ta hoof it ova' to some pony in Batpone Rouge
  466. GreatAndPowerfulGM "
  467. Gerlinde narrows her eyes, glaring at Flora. "I'm sure." She moves closer. "How're you doing? Any broken ribs?"
  468. Thomas_OMalley gives Flora_Bloom a fanged grin. "Don't worry ma cherie. Just had to help somepony stop a drug operation. Pity that masked figure vanished... she had a nice flank." Thomas nods to Midnight_Bliss. "Ah, alright. Do I need to sign anyting for de voyage, capitan?"
  469. Flora_Bloom "Naw." She says smiling. "I fell down some stairs right about the same time i heard a commotion down stairs." She blinks, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. "Wow. All that happened when I was limping my way out of there?" She asks, looking to her Strawberries.
  470. GreatAndPowerfulGM the captain finishes casting off the ship quickly. "Yes, Need ya all to sign the books fer purposes of record keepin and such. We can get that done once were underway, as well as talking about a bonus fer getting me out of this one pony town right quick. I was about to go MAD waiting!"
  471. Gerlinde smirks. "Well, be careful. I hear carrots can cause ponies to fall down stairs. Wouldn't want it to happen to you. Again."
  472. Flora_Bloom thinks on that. "Where did you hear that?" she asks Gerlinde. "I haven't read anything about that."
  473. Midnight_Bliss nods to the captain
  474. Heartmend trots past Gerlinde and Flora_Bloom "Yes stairs can leave so interesting wounds."
  475. Gerlinde shrugs. "An old griffon wive's tale. Maybe you should take the advice."
  476. Flora_Bloom "See, the medic knows what she's talking about." She smiles.
  477. Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Apparently you weren't de only one, capitan. Someone left a mine at Root's desk." The batpony flies up to the control room, ready to move the boat when the captain signals.
  478. Cap_Rat smiles. "Sounds like you had an exciting day."
  479. Midnight_Bliss eye twitches hearing her mine was discovered
  480. Flora_Bloom shrugs. "I'm out of carrots, I ate the last one." She trots towards the map room. "So then, masked pony? Weird shit happens in the Missipony, eh?"
  481. GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom nods sagely at Flora, "No kidding!"
  482. Gerlinde looks around for a perch as she turns away from Flora.
  483. Cap_Rat chuckles. "So Flora, you are from the Academy. What is it like there?"
  484. Flora_Bloom freezes in her tracks from the question, coughing. "F-fine..." She says. "Taught me... alot about plants and animals. They had other courses, but I focused on those."
  485. GreatAndPowerfulGM moves up towards the deck, pushing his way to the controles he nods to Thomas, "Hey Tom, see to it da engines are in shape, been a while since I had them looked at. Its a short trip to BatponeRogue but I still dont want anything goin wrong"
  486. Midnight_Bliss "I'll be at my perch if anyone needs me" she said with an irritated tone as she flapped back to the crows nest
  487. Cap_Rat tilts his head. "Oh, sounds nice. I could never go to a proper school."
  488. Gerlinde also flaps to the crow's nest! She was looking for a perch first, or so she thinks.
  489. Thomas_OMalley nods to the captain. "Aye capitan. Do you run the boat at night?"
  490. Gerlinde nudges Midnight to the side, making room form herself.
  491. Gerlinde for*
  492. Flora_Bloom "I got lucky. My Grandmother had connections." She says, trotting away. "I'll be reading maps, sudding the land if you need me."
  493. Midnight_Bliss nudges her back "Dont need two lookouts. arent your skills best suited elsewhere?"
  494. Gerlinde frowns. "I like being up high. I figure the captain'll be piloting, and I can always fly down if I need to help with security." She nudges back! Again!
  495. Cap_Rat nods. He trots to the captain. "Anything I can do, capt'n?" He salutes.
  496. GreatAndPowerfulGM the Captain nods, "Not along the nastier parts of the Missipony, but this is a relitvly safe strip, still wouldnt typically risk it till I got all my lights running. But with Batpone Rouge less than a days travel away we can get there lickity split, like I said, im in a rush"
  497. Midnight_Bliss not to be outdone she too nudges back "Do what you will, just dont get in my way"
  498. Gerlinde smirks. "I'm doing what I will then." She sits down in the crow's nest next to Midnight, making it rather cramped.
  499. GreatAndPowerfulGM waves at Rat, "check that the boxes above and below deck are secured down, make sure the ties are good and tight"
  500. Thomas_OMalley nods to the captain. "Alright capitan. Once de lights are runnin', I'd like to volunteer for night shift... eyes are better at night." The batpony offers the captain a salute and then heads below deck, to change from his suit, into his armor, put his saddle away, and get to work inspecting the engines.
  501. Heartmend sets herself up as best as she can on the boat
  502. Midnight_Bliss grumbles to herself and draws her rifle out, peering through the scope over the horizon
  503. Gerlinde lounges, leaning back, making it slightly -more- cramped!
  504. Flora_Bloom spends her time studying her plants and the maps, smiling peacefully.
  505. Cap_Rat "Yes, captain!" He salutes again and goes check the boxes happily.
  506. GreatAndPowerfulGM Midnight Bliss sees a relitivley peacful and wide stretch of the missipony before her, adventure awaiting ahead as the group chugs along with the current.
  507. Gerlinde sees nothing! As she lounges, she begins to drift off, using the comfy Pegasus as a pillow.
  508. Flora_Bloom looks out onto the river and sighs happily, glad for everything.
  509. Thomas_OMalley smiles as he enters the engine room... and is greeted by a distinctive lack of attractive mares or stallions in the engine room. One day he'll find someone truly attracted to engine grease. One day.
  510. Flora_Bloom moves towards the engine room herself, seeing the batpony go down. She smirks. "Virlity?"
  511. Gerlinde smirks. With no objection, she definitely gets comfortable with Midnight_Bliss as a pillow.
  512. Midnight_Bliss "If you enjoy your will get away from me now....:
  513. Thomas_OMalley smiles as he starts to survey the engine room. "Oh, mechanics is a very virile trade. Place bolts in proper holes, checking pistons are properly pumping..." The batpony chuckles as he shakes his head. "So, what does an attractive mare like yourself find interesting about engines?"
  514. Gerlinde frowns. And here she thought Midnight didn't mind. "I do like my feathers... but you're pretty comfortable."
  515. Flora_Bloom "Nothing." she says flatly. "Thank you for the compliment. But I was asking how virile you are.."
  516. Midnight_Bliss "You know whats not comfortable? a frag mine up your tail hole"
  517. Gerlinde smirks. "C'mon... We can trade shifts even! Not like you can be a lookout all night. So when you need rest, my wings are comfortable too."
  518. Thomas_OMalley turns to the mare, an eyebrow raised. "I believe I am, though, I do not know. I have not seen a silver colt or filly running around, but I tend not to please mares while dey are in heat. Why?"
  519. Flora_Bloom "Because, if you have no interest in me, stop flirting." She says flatly. "I'm socialy inept, not stupid. I had tests done and apparently I'm a master foal maker. Now." She steps up to him. "Either you learn to stop flirting with every mare you meet, because you'll never know which one will be carrying your blood nursing baby. Or you devote yourself to one mare." She smirks and steps back. "I don't enjoy maresmales. They remind
  520. Flora_Bloom She smirks and steps back. "I don't enjoy maresmales. They remind me of the old wasteland. I despise the wasteland."
  521. Midnight_Bliss looks to Gerlinde "I'd prefer to be up all night personally...If you take the day watch and let me sleep through the light hours, A fair trade could be given"
  522. Gerlinde shrugs, sitting up. "I guess I can go for that." She wriggles up, her wings particularly fluffed.
  523. Midnight_Bliss holsters her gun and reclines against the griffon's wings, letting out a soft sigh as she closed her eyes
  524. Gerlinde smirks, taking watch and looking out...
  525. Thomas_OMalley looks surprised for a moment. "Oh! De fangs!" He chuckles. "Batpony foals do not crave blood. It is a learned skill, not innate. As for flirting with de mares... or de stallions... what harm comes from it? It is only in de act dat harm can come, and dere are ways to prevent an unwanted foal. Whether dat is in what lovers do together, or in alchemy. I am no bon rien. I check and make sure...
  526. Thomas_OMalley ...dere is no pregnancy."
  527. Flora_Bloom nods to Thomas. "Good. Now then. As we will be traveling. I must ask you be... Noble. And not take advantage of me while I may get intoxicated." She says. "Ah yes, as I'm sure you're aware, I know you know about the whole thing.' She says waving her hooves around. "Gryph knows too, but it's more fun to screw with her."
  528. Thomas_OMalley pauses for a moment, and then things click. "Ah mon amie, if you wish to save ponies, why do you wear a mask? Surely you have nothing to fear... and I never take advantage of a drunk. Now, if we both fall under bourbon's cunja, well... I promise nothing. But I am no bon rien... I will not take advantage."
  529. Flora_Bloom "Because." She puts a hoof to his mouth. "I... can't without the disguise." She sighs. "I feel... braver with it."
  530. Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. Thomas walks toward Flora as he says "if Luna taught us anything, it is bravery when you stand true to what you believe, even when afraid. If you need a mask, den use it. But never mistake who does dat heroics. Not de mask, you." He ends his little speech standing within hoof reach of the mare, reaching up at the end and giving her a boop on the nose.
  531. Flora_Bloom scrunchies her nose. "Thanks but... I'm pretty useless." She chuckles dryly. "at least Blossom can do something. I just... I'm a waste as a unicorn." she says. "I only have one spell, and it's not even Telekinesis."
  532. Thomas_OMalley takes a seat in the hold, pulling a canteen out of his saddle bags and taking a sip. He offers the canteen for Flora_Bloom. "I never heard of a unicorn like dat. Though, I never really ask a unicorn about his or her spells." Thomas chuckles.
  533. Flora_Bloom sips from the canteen and sighs. "I hate it. I got bullied so badly for it." She frowns. " I couldn't even do magic until I was 12."
  534. Thomas_OMalley nods and leans back. "Ah... you learned to do other chose to be better, right? You aren't a de'pouille, and you don't need be hont. You are a good mare."
  535. Flora_Bloom nods. "I try my best. If we don't have justice... then what's to stop us from going back to the wasteland?"
  536. Thomas_OMalley shrugs. "Justice is good, but only if de just aren't corrupt. Den justice must be visited on dem... like de NCR. Dey can be justice, but Angel and Burner, dey needed justice. From a certain Flora_Bloom." Thomas's silver eyes are sprinkled with mirth, and he delivers a wink at the end of his sentence.
  537. Flora_Bloom 0x01ACTION smiles a bit. "No, Flora has no ablity to give out justice." She smiled. "My grandmother was a great artist, got her cutiemark in it. She actually made The Blossom. she sold the comics about once a month in Library, up in equestria. I read through them as a foal and loved the idea of... consvering the best of the past with the best of the now, to make a New world. So Thats why The Blossom can give Justice. Because thats
  538. Flora_Bloom So Thats why The Blossom can give Justice. Because thats what she's meant to do."
  539. Thomas_OMalley nods. "I suppose... but de Blossom is nothing without Flora. Just... a mask."
  540. Flora_Bloom smirks. "True. But sometimes I feel like nothing without the mask."
  541. |<-- Flora_Bloom has left (Connection closed)
  542. -->| NitoKa ( has joined #CryMeARiver
  543. =-= NitoKa is now known as Flora_Bloom
  544. Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Remember: Everything dat de Blossom does, you do. One day you'll come out from de mask and, well... bloom." The stallion stands, stretching. "Just don't be a chadron or piss-au-lis." The stallion laughs before he pops his neck, sighing in content as a small, sharp 'crack' interrupts the chug of the engine.
  545. Flora_Bloom nods. "Oh speaking of which. I'm growing strawberries upstairs. They're about 4 weeks from fruit, so they'll be ready tommorrow."
  546. Thomas_OMalley smiles in delight. "Oooh, sweet fresh fruit! If we are fortunate, I can get a cloud, get us clean water."
  547. Thomas_OMalley pauses as he is about to do a happy dance. "Wait... de fruit needs four weeks. How will dey be ready tomorrow? Have I been made into a couyon?"
  548. Flora_Bloom snickers. "No no. it's my spell." She says. "My growth spell allows for ripe fruit pretty quick. I can cast it about... 7 times a day? which gives the fruit 6 days each to advance from each casting. So, tommmrrow is I cast around 5 times, the strawberries will be ready."
  549. Thomas_OMalley nods to Flora_Bloom. "Ah, you can grow food. Dat is always good." Thomas does a happy dance, fluttering around at the idea of fresh strawberries. He lands after a few seconds of the silliness. "So... what other things can de Blossom do?"
  550. "Well." She takes out a few odd seeds. "These are dangerous and poisonous plants." She smiles. "If the situation became dire, BLossom could... grow them."
  551. Thomas_OMalley nods to Flora_Bloom. "But... won't dey take a while to grow? Even wit dat spell?"
  552. "Well.." She sighs. "Yes some, but others are weeds. can grow to full size in one casting." She smiles. "I hope to learn more about plants... help my magic somehow, be a better superhero."
  553. GreatAndPowerfulGM has left (Quit: Page closed)
  554. Thomas_OMalley nods. "So... can dey grow anywhere, or do dey need to be planted?"
  555. Midnight_Bliss has left (Connection closed)
  556. "My magic will allow them to grow pretty much anywhere. Almost anywhere. "She chuckles."
  557. Thomas_OMalley winces at that. "Well... do dey bad ones, dey need to be touched when grown? What makes dem so poisonous?"
  558. "Differnet aspects, some need touched, some only need smelled." She smiles. "Tom, you're pretty nice, so I'll tell you this now." She leans in . "I don't care if we both get drunk, you better put something on that member of yours before ANYTHING happens. I'm as fertile as a mare in heat, always." She giggles lightly. "But yes, some of the plants are just dangerous, some can burn skin by the juices."
  559. Thomas_OMalley chuckles. "Ah, ma cherie, I said dere is other things dat can be done dat don't risk pregnancy. And I know dem all... but I'll keep an eye out." Thomas winks, and then considers the seeds. "Hrm... do you need to see de seeds? If dey were under something, could you make dem grow?"
  560. "As long as I was aware that they were there... yes" She says thinking. "Yeah I'm pretty sure I could."
  561. Thomas_OMalley frowns as he thinks. "Well... I can build quite a bit if you bring me de blueprints. And, de Blossom might be more dangerous if she had a friend dat fired darts dat injected seeds into a target."
  562. Flora_Bloom blinks a bit. "Thats..." She thinks "Brilliant. But I have no skil with guns." She states. "But... I could make the blueprints if I think on it."
  563. Thomas_OMalley chuckles. "De nice thing about battle saddles... don't matter if it goes bang, zap, or boom... if I can fit it, I can shoot it." Thomas gives another cheerful grin, happy to help.
  564. Flora_Bloom smirks. "You'd want to be the Blossom's sidekick?" She smirks.
  565. Thomas_OMalley laughs. "I wasn't aware de Blossom had a sidekick."
  566. "She doesn't" Flora smiles.
  567. Thomas_OMalley smiles back. "Well, maybe not a sidekick, but I can at least be Flora's friend."
  568. Flora_Bloom smiles. "Sure, I'm fine with that Tom." She says happily. "You get first pick of strawberries. That gryph who almost killed me gets last."
  569. Thomas_OMalley chuckles. "Alright. I just hope Gerlinde don't make de misere. MEW aren't known for bein' easy ta heal."
  570. Flora_Bloom nods. "I saw what you did to that mare." She says, frowning. "At least she isn't dead."
  571. Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "I kin fix only machines... not people. My talents are not dat way. If only she'd listened to my warning, but..." The silver batpony shrugs. "Nothing I kin do now."
  572. Flora_Bloom has left (Connection closed)
  573. Thomas_OMalley gets to work on the engines as Flora_Bloom leaves to study the maps and make sure the course is clear.
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