
Text Adventure Chapter 2 Log

May 5th, 2014
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  1. >You move closer to Redheart, slowly placing a hand on her back.
  2. >Rubbing slowly you attempt to ease both of your nerves before speaking.
  3. "Maybe we should get somewhere safe, back to your house."
  4. >"Anon, I can't. I need to go check on the patients...b-but maybe you can accompany me?"
  5. >You nod, accepting that for now as you follow close behind her.
  7. >You scan the surrounding are, looking for any signs of danger.
  8. >Alas, there is nothing, and whatever had blacked out the stars has vanished.
  18. >COMMAND (Take knife) INVALID.
  21. >You stick behind Redheart, walking briskly as your eyes dart around to search for potential danger.
  22. "So, how long will you be working for?"
  23. >"As I said, I work graveyard shift."
  24. >A yawn escaped her lips at the end of that sentence and it struck you that she hadn't slept today.
  25. >Neither had you for that matter, as preoccupied with each other as you were.
  27. "You know I could hear you yawn, when do you usually sleep?"
  28. >"Heh. I usually sleep during the day, but I had a pleasant guest I got lost in conversation with."
  29. >You blush from the compliment, as well as realizing you played a role in her lack of sleep.
  30. "Say, do you have any medical pamphlets or other material I could read as I accompany you?"
  31. >"Hmm. I am sure I can dig up something."
  33. >The rest of the walk goes without conversation.
  34. >You inspect the surroundings one more time, finding nothing.
  38. >Overall it looks like an ordinary hospital, small beds for the ponies and larger beds for...well, larger creatures.
  39. "Um, do you have anywhere I could sit and read while I wait for you."
  40. >"Sure, you're old bed isn't taken. You can rest in there. Oh! Here!"
  41. >The white mare hands you a medical pamphlet, the topic seems to be about procreation.
  42. >As you watch her wander off you can't help but think that you'd love to procreate with her.
  43. >Following Redheart you arrive to the Hospital room you woke up in.
  45. >You look around for a mop, but can't seem to find one.
  46. >Maybe next time.
  51. "Thank you, stay safe. I will be here if you need me."
  52. >She smiles at you, heading off hurriedly to attend to her duties.
  53. >You open the pamphlet and begin reading.
  54. >Quickly, your eyes get heavy and your vision gets clouded in darkness as sleep embraces you.
  56. >Status: Fully healed.
  57. >Inventory: Pamphlet added.
  59. >You awake, fully rested as a white hoof shakes your arm awake.
  60. >You turn to her to see that Redheart isn't quite as cheery as you left her, fatigue setting into her features.
  63. >Redheart leads you out as she makes her way home.
  64. >You can tell she didn't get any rest.
  65. >As you approach her door, she turns to face you.
  66. >"Hey Anon. I really need to get some sleep. Feel free to relax at the house, but try to keep it down. You can browse the town if you want too. Oh! In case you get hungry or want to buy something."
  68. >Inventory: Coin pouch added.
  69. >Inventory: 25 bits added.
  71. "Thank you, gorgeous."
  72. >She blushes before moving towards her bedroom.
  73. >You stand in the doorway, thinking about what to do for the day.
  77. >You run up to Redheart, grabbing her attention as you gently place your hand on her back.
  78. >She turns to face you as you lean in close, whispering.
  79. "Redheart, could I please kiss you?"
  80. >She blushes deeply, taken aback by your question.
  81. >Clearing her throat, she continued to her bedroom.
  82. >"Maybe someday, hun."
  83. >She giggles a bit as she closes her door.
  84. >Though defeated, you take pride in the fact that she did say someday.
  86. >You head out the door, randomly wandering off as you bring out your pamphlet to read.
  87. >Procreation, the best of all reading material.
  88. >Glancing up you found yourself in a town center.
  89. >There seemed to be a few ponies out and about, a few looking at you in curiosity.
  90. >Among the buildings you spotted a gingerbread like house as well as a carousel.
  91. >In the center a few stands were set up, and you could see a few ponies selling various goods.
  92. >Well, it looked like there was a lot to explore.
  96. >You pull out your wallet to inspect it more closely, opening it up and remembering how you tossed out your cash.
  97. >In it is a few credit cards and what appears to be a driver's I license.
  101. >You look for the closest pony near you who happens to be a cream colored mare.
  102. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find a library."
  103. >She is obviously a bit perturbed at your appearance, but she answers you regardless.
  104. >"Um, yes. You just go right down that direction, it will be a large tree."
  105. >You thank her and begin to make your way as the gingerbread house catches your attention again.
  107. >DECISION:
  108. >A) Gingerbread house.
  109. >B) Tree
  114. >You decide the library can wait as you make your way to the gingerbread building.
  115. >As you approach you see a pair of ponies walk out, donuts in each hand.
  116. >Suddenly, you were very hungry.
  117. >Upon entering you see a pink mare behind the counter.
  118. >She was finishing helping a few customers bef-
  119. >"Hi there stranger, I'm Pinkie Pie! I haven't seen you here before!"
  120. >She had zoomed in front of you, her mouth moving at a mile per minute as words quickly lost meaning and more resembled bullets of air hitting your face as her snout pressed to your nose.
  121. "Uh! H-hi."
  126. >"Hi! What's your name?"
  127. >She smiles radiantly, lightly bouncing in excitement as she awaits a response.
  128. "Uh. I'm Anon. Are you an employee here?"
  129. >"You bet! Nice to meet you Anon!"
  130. >She extends her hoof to you, and you grip it in return with a tight shake.
  131. >"So, what can I get you Anon?"
  132. >Hmm. Good question.
  137. >You look over the menu.
  138. >God, a chocolate cake sounds so good right now, but it is also 12 bits.
  139. >Hmm, what to do.
  140. >An idea pops into your head, and you boop Pinkie on the nose.
  141. >This, in turn, causes her to giggle maniacally at your silly antics.
  142. >"Hey now mister, at least ask me to dinner first!"
  143. >She flutters her eyelashes at you, laughing at her own joking and teasing.
  144. >You laugh with her and lean in to whisper.
  145. "Look. I know I am new here, but I don't have many bits. Could I get a discount?"
  146. >"I'd love to! Last time I did though, I got in trouble with Mr. and Ms. Cake. Sorry!"
  147. >She smiles regardless as you debate if the quality is worth the cost.
  150. >Well, she does work here, you might as well see if she has any recommendations.
  151. "What would you recommend? I am looking for something breakfasty."
  152. >"Well! You can try our strawberry frosted vanilla cupcakes!"
  153. >That sounds delicious, actually.
  154. "How much?"
  155. >"10 bits for two! It's a sale we have going on!"
  156. >Hmm. Sounds enticing enough. Let's do it!
  157. >You place down 10 bits and she takes them happily.
  158. >"Just one sec!"
  163. "Oh! Wait! One more thing. Do you know what Redheart's favorite snack is?"
  164. >"I do! You know her? I'll go ahead and get it! I'll pay for it myself! I owe her anyway, hehe."
  165. "I do know her! Thank you very much, Pinkie!"
  166. >Perfect! Now you just have wait.
  170. >You observe the shop, it was plain enough but nice.
  171. >Maybe it was the atmosphere or the pink mare, but you couldn't help but smile.
  172. >You wait a bit longer, and see Pinkie approach the counter again with your cupcakes.
  173. >"Here you go Anon! I'll bring Redheart's cookies to her personally after work! Then maybe we can hangout? Where do you live? What's your favorite food? Favorite color? Wha-"
  174. "I live with Redheart, and that sounds splendid. See you then, thank you Pinkie!"
  175. >"No problem Anon, see you later!"
  176. >You exit the shop, making your way towards the direction that other mare pointed you in.
  177. >Soon enough, you run into a giant tree.
  182. >You begin to eat as you continue your medical studies, quickly finishing the pamphlet along with your meal as you approach the door of the this
  183. >You look around, but see nobody.
  184. >Raising a hand you knock, the only sound you hear from inside is the thump of what you presume to be hoof steps approaching.
  185. >A purple unicorn opens the door, eyeing you with intrigue before speaking.
  186. >"Hello. How may I help you?"
  191. >You begin to inform her of your purpose for being at her door.
  192. >Then you are distracted by the mare’s appearance
  193. “Damn, you’re cu-”
  194. >She snaps out of her trance, seemingly just realising how different you look from the rest of the races of Equestria.
  195. >“What are you, anyway?”
  196. “Well, my name is-”
  197. >”I’ve never seen anything like you in Equestria!”
  198. >You keep up your patience as you try to respond again.
  199. “That’s probably because-”
  200. >“This is AMAZING!”
  201. >Stopfuckinginterrupting.
  202. >“A new, undiscovered sapient- you are sapient, aren’t you?”
  203. >You nod.
  204. “Yeah, I am. Anyways-”
  205. >“I can’t believe it! A new sapient species! May I ask you some questions?”
  206. >Looks like there’s no stopping her. Might as well humor her.
  207. >The two of you talk back and forth until sunset.
  208. >By the time you are done, you are pretty damn tired.
  209. >Twilight excitedly waves goodbye to you as you leave the library.
  210. >You wave back in turn, deciding to make your way back to Redheart’s house.
  211. >In a few minutes, you are walking down the path to her hous when you realize something.
  212. “God dammit, I forgot the books!”
  214. >As you make your way back, your thoughts wander to the anomaly that happened last night.
  215. >Curiously enough, it seems like others didn't see or feel it.
  216. >Maybe nobody was talking about it, either way it was an itch in your mind that you couldn't scratch.
  217. >As you approach your temporary home, you see Pinkie making her way there as well.
  218. >She waves enthusiastically as you both enter the house, finding Redheart as she is mid bite into an Apple.
  219. >Pinkie speaks to Redheart, pulling out some cookies as the nurse slowly rolls her eyes at the pink mare's excessive speech.
  220. >You aren't really listening though, that feeling is building up.
  221. >The dread from last night. Something bad was about to happen.
  223. >CONTINUE?
  229. >You clear your throat grabbing the attention of the two.
  230. "Hey, look. I have th-"
  231. >Suddenly instinct took hold, you practically tackle the two to the ground as you hold them close and shield them with your body.
  232. >That's when it happens, darkness floods the sky as the roof is torn apart right above you.
  233. >Buildings fall apart and the ground shakes violently underneath you.
  234. >Out of the corner of your eye you can see ponies being pushed across the ground from the force, what looks like pegasus trying to push their way against the force or flying from it.
  235. >Unicorns rush out, including Twilight as they set up a barrier to attempt and block the onslaught.
  236. >It stops, and only then do you see a mass of shadow soar past over the town.
  237. >Even with a glance you can see the town was ravaged, ponies were injured.
  238. >Some took just a scratch, others were already being attended to by what you assume are nurses.
  239. >Yet somehow, you were unharmed. How?
  240. >You stand up as you see Redheart and Pinkie, fear distorting the nurse as the party pony takes a serious expression to her face.
  241. >How? How are you unharmed?
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