
AL Tier List V2.0 (Nepnep Ver.)

Oct 16th, 2017
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  1. Kopfjäger's opinionated & extra-biased tier list
  3. Ships are compared to others in their own CLASS for tiering purposes,
  4. Ships are tiered under IDEAL conditions pertaining to their own respective skills.
  5. Ships in a tier are listed from BEST TO WORST within the tier.
  6. All skill values mentioned are at MAX level.
  7. Resetscumming is not taken into consideration.
  8. Auto performance is NOT taken into consideration. (AI is dumb, deal with it.)
  10. Tier Explanations:
  11. Tier 0 : Fucking Broken. Meta-defining
  12. Tier 1 : Best of the Best, use if available, ASAP
  13. Tier 1.5 : Nearly as good as the best, but has flaws compared to the best
  14. Tier 2 : Good and perfectly usable, especially if waifu
  15. Honorable Mentions : Ships with specific niche uses they excel at
  16. Overrated : Ships that are rated highly elsewhere despite actually lacking the performance to justify said rating
  17. Free Medals : Ships that are best smelted for medals on sight
  19. Retrofit/Kai Priority List:
  21. Jintsuu = Portland > Leander > Ayanami > Ajax = Achilles = Abukuma = Yamashiro = Shouhou = Javelin > Everyone else.
  24. DD (Destroyer, blue torpedo icon)
  26. Tier 1:
  27. - IJN Ayanami Kai
  28. Skill: 5% chance on firing main gun to boost Torpedo by 60% for 8s; 70% chance every 20s to fire a special barrage and boost Evasion stat by 30% for 5s
  29. CN: Collection reward for 15* total among the 3 starters, buildable afterwards
  30. JP: Starter choice, drops pretty much everywhere
  31. The current torpedo queen of the game. She lives and dies by her torps. With her skill procced, Ayanami easily causes utterly OBSCENE damage with her torpedoes.
  33. - Poi (IJN Yuudachi)
  34. Skill: 6% chance on firing main gun to boost Firepower, Torpedo, RoF, and Evasion by 40% for 8s
  35. Drop-only, 6-4 Boss node
  36. Poi was the best of the best for a simple reason. Superior stat spread compared with an all-rounder skill that pretty much boosts EVERYTHING worth boosting on a DD. The general strat is to gear her with a super-fast DD gun to proc her skill as often as possible, though using a slower but harder hitting gun also works to make use of the firepower boost.
  38. - KMS Z46
  39. Skill: 15% chance on firing AA gun to boost AA by 50%; increases AP damage by 25%
  40. Limited crafting at KMS event
  41. Z46 is an all-round decent DD, not really standing out, but perfectly serviceable overall. Best used with her sisters. Of note is that her AP-damage boost also affects her EXCELLENT special shot, which is AP. Probably the best DD for Autoplay.
  43. - IJN Kagerou
  44. Skill: 15% boost of torpedo stat to every DD in the fleet; 30% chance to launch a second salvo on torpedo launch
  45. Drop-only, Relatively common drop at later maps
  46. A relatively common ship that packs a LOT of punch. Combines high torpedo stat with double-torplaunch proc and a fleetwide torpedo boost.
  49. Tier 1.5:
  50. - KMS Z23
  51. Skill: 5% chance on firing main gun to boost Firepower by 60% for 8s
  52. CN: Starter choice, drops pretty much everywhere
  53. JP: Collection reward for 15* total among the 3 starters, buildable afterwards
  54. Z23 is special in one way: She is basically a CL masquerading as a DD. Capable of mounting a CL main gun, she actually has pretty poor torpedo stat, and relies more on her gun to do damage.
  56. - HDN White Heart
  57. Skill: Every main gun shot increases torpedo critical chance by 1.5%, can stack up to 20x; 40% chance every 20s to launch a special barrage
  58. HDN Collab event craft
  59. Great synergy with some of the best DD-supporting ships in the game and reasonable stats nets her her ranking.
  61. - IJN Kuroshio/Oyashio
  62. Skill: 30% chance to launch a second salvo on Torpedo launch; every 20s, 60% chance to boost Firepower by 40%
  63. CN: Does not exist yet
  64. JP: Mikasa limited construction
  65. Kagerou's sisters with practically identical stats and the same double-launch skill. The firepower skill is less relevant though.
  68. Tier 2:
  69. - KMS Z1 (Tier 1.5 if running full Z-series setup)
  70. Skill: Increases Firepower and Evasion of Z-series ships by 40%
  71. Craftable
  72. Z1's main use is for running the Z-class destroyer trio, where she provides a MASSIVE boost to her sisters. She herself is a pretty normal torpedo-focused DD statwise.
  74. - USS Gridley
  75. Skill: 15% boost of torpedo stat to every DD in the fleet; 30% chance to launch a second salvo on torpedo launch
  76. Craftable and Farmable
  77. Identical skillset to Kagerou, worse stats
  79. - USS Maury
  80. Skill: 40% chance every 10s to raise evasion by 60% for 8s; 30% chance to launch a second salvo on torpedo launch
  81. Collection reward
  82. Another DD with double-launch skill, always useful to have.
  84. - USS Laffey
  85. Skill: 6% chance on firing main gun to boost Firepower, Torpedo, RoF, and Evasion by 40% for 8s
  86. Starter Choice, drops pretty much everywhere
  87. Same skill as Poi, worse stats everywhere.
  89. - HMS Javelin Kai
  90. Skill: 5% chance on firing main gun to boost Evasion by 60% for 8s; 70% chance every 20s to fire a special barrage and boost torpedo stat by 30% for 5s
  91. Starter Choice, drops pretty much everywhere
  92. The recent retrofit finally allowed Javelin to enter the tier list. Her main selling point is mostly the double special barrage and her high evade.
  94. - IJN Tanikazi Kai
  95. Skill: When only escort ship alive, increase own evasion by 10% and reduce damage taken from airstrike to self by 50%; When her torpedo hits an enemy, 17% chance to make said enemy take 40% more damage from all torpedoes for 8s.
  96. Craftable
  97. Amazing Torpedo stat and efficiency, but sub-par skills. Better skillset than Hamakaze at least.
  99. - IJN Hamakaze Kai
  100. Skill: When an ally ship is sunk, 60% chance to heal self for 8% HP and heal all other surviving allied ships for 3% HP; Every 20s, 30% chance to evade all attacks for 6s
  101. Mikasa limited craft
  102. Amazing Torpedo stat and efficiency, but sub-par skills. Still pretty usable, just not amazing.
  104. - IJN Shigure
  105. Skill: 5% chance on firing main gun to boost Evasion by 60% for 8s
  106. Drop-only, earliest at 4-2
  107. Excellent stats, lackluster skill, still pretty good to use overall
  110. Honorable Mention:
  111. - IJN Shiranui
  112. Skill: 30% chance to launch a second salvo on torpedo launch
  113. Farmable
  114. One of the top DD choices for a 0LB min-cost farm fleet due to her high torpedo stat, low fuel usage, and chain torpedo skill.
  116. - USS Fletcher
  117. Skill: Increases Firepower of all Fletcher-Class in fleet by 30%; Increases Firepower, Torpedo, and Reload of DDs in the fleet by 10%
  118. Craftable and farmable
  119. Paired with 2 other Fletcher-class ships (any 2), excellent for 0LB farming purposes.
  122. Overrated:
  123. - USS Eldridge
  124. Skill: Upon taking damage, 15% chance to make entire escort fleet to evade all attacks for 10s
  125. PVP Shop only
  126. Often overrated because her skill IS pretty broken in low to midgame PvP matches. Lategame her utterly low HP just causes her to die way too fast to be of use.
  130. CL (Light Cruiser, Yellow gun icon)
  132. Tier 0:
  133. - IJN Jintsuu Kai
  134. Skill: -20% Damage taken to self, +10% Torpedo Critical chance and +30% Torpedo Critical Damage to all DD/CL in Fleet; +20% Reload and Torpedo to all DD/CL in Fleet
  135. Drop only, 10-4 boss node.
  136. Jintsuu offers extreme flexibility with her combination of decent durability, great supporting skills, and overwhelming Torpedo power (highest Torpedo stat among CLs AND highest Torpedo Efficiency in the game). Probably the only issue is the difficulty in getting her (since it requires reaching and farming stage 10-4).
  139. Tier 1:
  140. - USS Cleveland
  141. Skill: 15% chance every 20s to boost Firepower fleetwide by 25%; 25% chance on firing AA guns to boost AA by 40% and reduce Firepower by 20% for 3s
  142. Craftable, also farmable
  143. Cleveland is an oddball. She takes the "Best CL" throne by virtue of her stats alone since her skills are mostly poor and unreliable. What Cleveland DOES offer, is a very solid combination of HP and Evasion that lets her out-tank the vast majority of CAs in the game, paired with her decent Firepower and the fact that she's a gunboat do to good DPS at the same time.
  145. - HMS Belfast
  146. Skill: Increase HE damage by 25% and chance to ignite fire by 3%; 10s after battle starts and 20% chance at every 20s thereafter, create a smokescreen that lasts 10s. Smokescreen provides 35% evasion and 35% reduced damage taken from airstrikes
  147. Craftable
  148. Belfast is an HE-specialist who provides good damage and packs a punch with her torpedoes. Her main selling point is her smokescreen, which is amazing for reducing damage taken in PvE and in cutting down airstrike damage in PVP.
  150. - HMS Edinburgh
  151. Skill: Increase AP damage by 25%
  152. Craftable
  153. Edinburgh is in a similar situation as Cleveland. While her skill is arguably MORE relevant, she is placed here mostly based on her stat. She trades some offense for even MORE tankiness compared to Cleveland, and is indisputably the tankiest CL in the game. Very powerful in an all HMS setup.
  155. - HMS Leander Kai
  156. Skill: Increases Firepower of Cruisers (both CL and CA) in the fleet by 15%; At battle start and 20% chance at every 20s thereafter, create a smokescreen that lasts 5s. Smokescreen provides 40% evasion
  157. Craftable, common drop
  158. Arguably the best support-DPS CL in the game. Leander offers extremely solid stats despite her low rarity, paired with two useful skills. As a bonus, she is also a HMS ship, ideal for usage in an all-HMS setup.
  161. Tier 1.5:
  162. - HMS Ajax Kai/HMS Achilles Kai
  163. Skill: 60% chance every 20s to boost Firepower by 40% for 10s; increases damage dealt to CAs by 25%
  164. Craftable, common drop
  165. Ajax/Achilles is a brutal offensive machine, but is put down by their relatively poor defenses.
  167. - USS Phoenix
  168. Skill: Once per battle, when HP falls under 20%, heals 25% HP and increases firepower by 30% for 15s
  169. Craftable and farmable
  170. Phoenix's claim to fame is her skill, which makes her a monster in PvE clear fleets and powerful in PvP both.
  172. - KMS Leipzig
  173. Skill: Increases Firepower, Torpedo, and Reload of Cruisers (both CL and CA) in the fleet by 10%
  174. Collection Reward
  175. Leipzig is a solid buff-provider, but is put down by her own somewhat lacking stats. Best used in an all-KMS lineup for maximum impact.
  177. - USS Helena
  178. Skill: 60% chance every 20s to make all enemies take 40% more damage for 10s
  179. Craftable, also farmable
  180. Helena's stats are decent, but her main selling point is her skill, which while amazing when it procs, is hard to time well because it affects ONLY enemies that are on-screen when it procs, IF it procs. This makes her a bit RNG-reliant.
  182. - USS St. Louis
  183. Skill: 60% chance every 20s to boost her own Firepower, Reload, and Evasion by 30% for 8s; 25% chance on firing AA guns to boost AA by 40% and reduce Firepower by 20% for 3s
  184. Drop only, 10-3 stage all nodes
  185. In simple terms, a more selfish Helena with superior AA capabilities. Stats are identical to Helena.
  187. - IJN Abukuma Kai
  188. Skill: 15% boost of torpedo stat to every DD in the fleet; 30% chance to launch a second salvo on torpedo launch
  189. Droppable in several past events and world 8 onwards
  190. Abukuma is a DD-support CL. Her own torpedo stat is high, and she is mostly there as a tankier alternative to Kagerou in a DD-heavy composition
  192. - HDN Purple Heart
  193. Skill: Every 6 main gun shots, the next shot will be a Critical hit; 115s after battle starts, fires a special powerful barrage; 40% chance every 20s to fire a special barrage
  194. HDN Collab event craft
  195. Ignore the semi-useless 115s skill, Purple Heart's other skills are decent, and her statline also makes her perfectly serviceable.
  198. Tier 2:
  199. - USS Brooklyn
  200. Skill: Increases Firepower of Cruisers (both CL and CA) in the fleet by 15%
  201. Craftable and farmable
  202. A worse Leander Kai, has the benefit of being a gunboat, but inferior statwise and lacks additional benefits.
  204. - HDN Neptune
  205. Skill: If in fleet with any other HDN ship, increases own damage by 10% and decreases damage taken by 6%, also increases own damage by 2% and decreases damage taken by 1% for every HDN ship in fleet except herself.
  206. HDN Collab event reward
  207. Demands fellow HDN ships in use to show her best, but reasonable stats allow her to be used on her own as well.
  209. - KMS Karslruhe Kai
  210. Skill: 60% chance every 20s to boost Firepower by 40% for 10s; Damage increased by 25% against Suicide boats, Torpedo Boats, and Transport ships
  211. Craftable and Farmable
  212. Lackluster skills, but workable stats.
  215. Honorable Mention:
  216. - USS Juneau
  217. Skill: When sunk, heals all other ships in fleet for 25% HP
  218. Craftable and Farmable
  219. Has a niche use in PvP trollish defense fleets
  222. Free Medals:
  223. - USS San Diego
  224. Skill: doesn't matter
  225. You'll see WAY more of her than you ever want
  226. Best use: Scrap for 10 medals. Seriously. San Diego has insane AA stat and multiplier... and nothing else to offer.
  229. CA (Heavy Cruiser, Yellow gun icon with a +)
  231. Tier 1:
  232. - USS Portland Kai
  233. Skill: When together with Indianapolis, Increase Firepower, AA, and Reload by 15%; 15% chance every 20s to reduce damage taken by 15% for 8s
  234. Common craftable and drop
  235. Portland is much like Cleveland. She's Tier 1 solely based on her statline and gunboat status, with her skills being merely icing on the cake. As it is, Portland combines heavy DPS and great tankiness all in one very common and yet solid siscon package.
  238. Tier 1.5:
  239. - IJN Takao
  240. Skill: 30% chance to do double damage when firing main gun; 30% chance to launch a second salvo on torpedo launch
  241. Craftable
  242. Takao is a tad on the RNG side. Her skills are what makes her as good as she is, but they're not exactly the most reliable. Still, they are powerful and thus worth respect.
  244. - IJN Maya
  245. Skill: Increases Reload by 25% and 30% chance to launch a second salvo on torpedo launch
  246. Drop-only, 8-4 Boss node
  247. Maya trades Takao's double damage chance for a permanent passive reload boost, combined with her very high torpedo efficiency, this makes her a hilariously powerful torpedo-CA while still packing good non-torpedo firepower.
  249. - KMS Deutschland
  250. Skill: Increases damage dealt to DD and CL by 35%
  251. KMS Event drop
  252. Deutschland boasts the highest firepower among ALL CAs in the game, and her bully of a skill makes her a superb member of a PVE clear fleet, while also being a great piece of an all-KMS PvP fleet.
  254. - KMS Admiral Graf Spee
  255. Skill: Increases damage dealt to DD and CL by 35%
  256. CN: Graf Spee Event Reward/Drop/Construction
  257. JP: Does not exist yet
  258. Like her sister, Graf Spee boasts the highest firepower among ALL CAs in the game, and her bully of a skill makes her a superb member of a PVE clear fleet, while also being a great piece of an all-KMS PvP fleet.
  260. - USS Wichita
  261. Skill: Increases Firepower of Cruisers (both CL and CA) in the fleet by 15%; 25% chance when firing main guns to fire another salvo
  262. Collection Reward
  263. Wichita is bar none, THE heaviest frontline DPS in the entire game. Why she's tier 1.5 you ask? Because she's simultaneously made out of wet single-ply toilet paper.
  266. Tier 2:
  267. - KMS Admiral Hipper
  268. Skill: Every 30s, spawns 2 shields that last 15s and blocks 10 shots; 8% chance to reduce any damage taken by 50% on taking damage
  269. KMS Event craft/drop
  270. Arguably the best "tank" type CA in the game atm, with a great balance between offense and defense.
  272. - USS Indianapolis
  273. Skill: Every 30s, spawns 2 shields that blocks 8 shots; 8% chance to reduce any damage taken by 50% on taking damage
  274. Day 2 Login
  275. The "tank" gunboat, often used together with Portland to buff her onee-chan.
  277. - IJN Atago
  278. Skill: Increases HE burn chance by 8% and burn damage by 50%; 30% chance to launch a second salvo on torpedo launch
  279. CN: Craftable
  280. JP: PoW event crafting
  281. Worse than her sisters, but still pretty solid overall. The recent addition of a GOOD CA-use HE gun makes her solidly tier 2 for the time being.
  283. - KMS Prinz Eugen
  284. Skill: 70% chance every 20s to spawn 3 shields that lasts 10s and blocks 10 shots
  285. Day 8 Login
  286. The tankiest CA in the game due to her absurd health pool. Poor offense brings her rating down however.
  288. - HDN Black Heart
  289. Skill: Main Gun damage ignores enemy armor type, also Increases main gun damage by 15%; 40% chance every 20s to fire a special barrage
  290. HDN Collab event craft
  291. Reasonable stats with decent skills, but arguably still far from the best around.
  293. - HMS London
  294. Skill: Increases escort fleet firepower by 15%
  295. Craftable and farmable
  296. A decent support-DPS CA brought down by her relative fragility
  298. - HMS Exeter Kai
  299. Skill: 15% chance every 20s to reduce damage taken by 15% for 8s; 60% chance every 20s to boost Firepower by 40% for 10s; increases damage dealt to CAs by 25%
  300. Craftable and farmable
  301. A mixed bag of a skillset, but the Kai bonuses at least make her somewhat decent.
  303. - HMS Suffolk Kai
  304. Skill: 25% chance when firing main guns to fire another salvo; 60% chance every 20s to increase Firepower by 40% for 10s
  305. Common craftable and drop
  306. Superb offense, but fragile. Also not a gunboat which makes her double-shot skill half as good as Wichita's.
  309. BB/BC (Battleship/Battlecruiser, Red gun icon)
  311. Tier 0:
  312. - KMS Tirpitz
  313. Skill: 30% damage increase when Tirpitz is the only BB/BC in the fleet; Every 15s, launches 4 Magnetic Torpedoes
  314. KMS event point shop and drop
  315. THE Hardest-hitting, toughest ship in the game. Pair her with CV/CVLs only because her damage increase is the main reason for her power. Tirpitz just brute forces everything to submission with ease.
  317. - HMS Hood
  318. Skill: 70% chance on firing main gun to fire a special salvo and increase main fleet reload by 40% for 8s
  319. Craftable
  320. Hood lives and dies by her skill. Her skill is plain ridiculous, and easily wipes the map clean from enemies when it procs. For this reason, all Hood setups emphasize speed for more procs per fight.
  323. Tier 1:
  324. - HMS Prince of Wales
  325. Skill: For every USS ship in the fleet, increase her own Firepower, AA, Reload, and Evasion by 5%
  326. CN: Craftable
  327. JP: PoW Event drop and craft
  328. Demands a specific fleet composition, but the boost she gets from it is pretty broken, totaling to 25% to each of the boosted stats.
  330. - HMS Warspite
  331. Skill: Every 15s, fires a 2-bullet salvo at the furthermost target. This salvo will automatically crit
  332. Craftable
  333. Warspite mostly gains her spot by combining solid stats with an overall good skill.
  335. - USS Washington
  336. Skill: Every 20s, 70% chance to fire a special barrage; When South Dakota falls under 30% HP, makes South Dakota unkillable for 5s, increases damage done by 20%, and absorbs 30% damage done to South Dakota for the rest of the Fight. This Skill only procs once per battle.
  337. CN: USS Event Craftable
  338. JP: Does Not Exist yet
  339. A Solid BB that offers a semi-independent barrage, works just fine even if South Dakota is ignored.
  341. - HMS Queen Elizabeth (Tier 0 in an all-HMS fleet)
  342. Skill: Increases Firepower, Torpedo, Air Power, AA, Reload, and Evasion of HMS ships by 15%
  343. Craftable and farmable
  344. Another ship that deserves her spot mostly for her skill. QE is the core of an all-HMS lineup and the reason it's so powerful.
  347. Tier 1.5:
  348. - IJN Yamashiro (Kai) (Tier 1.5 at 90% Kai, Tier 2 at 100% Kai)
  349. Skill: Increases Firepower by 20%; (Launches more seaplanes on first airstrike)
  350. Droppable
  351. Yamashiro has 2 approaches. Either leave her at the last node before Kai to have a super-high firepower BB, or Kai her to trade some firepower for extra bulletclearing airstrikes.
  353. - IJN Hyuuga
  354. Skill: Increases Firepower by 20%; Increases main fleet Firepower by 15%
  355. ZKK/SKK event craft
  356. A high-firepower BB who also boosts other BBs in the fleet with more firepower.
  358. - USS North Carolina
  359. Skill: While alive, reduces airstrike damage to main fleet by 15%; While together with South Dakota, increases own Firepower by 20% and South Dakota's Firepower by 10%.
  360. CN: USS Event drop/gacha
  361. JP: Does not Exist yet
  362. Another semi-solid USS BB that is somewhat hampered by the need to be partnered with South Dakota.
  364. - KMS Gneisenau
  365. Skill: Increases Firepower by 25%; Every 20s launches 3 torpedoes
  366. KMS event drop
  367. Discount Tirpitz
  369. - KMS Scharnhorst
  370. Skill: Every 15s, fires a 3-bullet salvo at a random target. This salvo will automatically crit; Every 20s launches 3 torpedoes
  371. KMS event reward/drop
  372. Discount Warspite
  375. Tier 2:
  376. - USS Arizona
  377. Skill: 50% chance on firing main gun to heal escort fleet for 10% HP
  378. Craftable and farmable
  379. Generally used for extra endurance in PvE clear fleets. Great synergy with Phoenix and other healers.
  381. IJN Mikasa
  382. Skill: 12% Chance to reduce damage taken by 50%, When sortied as flagship, increases allied IJN ship Firepower and Reload by 20%; 60% chance when firing main gun to increase damage done by allied BB and BC by 20% for 8s.
  383. Mikasa Event Craft
  384. A reasonably good DPS/Support BB, but hampered by the fact that she needs the flagship slot while having poor HP.
  386. - USS South Dakota
  387. Skill: Every 30s, absorb 50% damage taken by main fleet for 8s, then heal for 50% of the damage taken during that time; 30% chance to do double damage when firing main gun
  388. PVP point shop only
  389. Two major reasons why South Dakota is rather underwhelming: 1. while the same skill is great on a CA like Takao, BBs fire too slowly for the very RNG-y 30% proc chance to work well. 2. The defensive skill is too little, too late, and only affects main fleet to boot. The Recent indirect buffs from North Carolina and Washington does help her though.
  392. Honorable Mention:
  393. - HMS Terror & Erebus
  394. Skill: Every 20s, 60% chance to fire a special barrage
  395. Craftable
  396. Weak stats, but great for low-cost farming fleets.
  399. CV/CVL (Fleet Aircraft Carrier/Light Aircraft Carrier, Purple plane icon)
  401. Tier 0:
  402. - IJN Akagi & IJN Kaga (Tier 1 if not paired)
  403. Skill: First Airstrike launches 50% faster; When paired, increase Air Power by 35%
  404. Drop-only, 3-4 Boss node
  405. So good they're what defined the PvP meta even until now. Their main feature is their obscene air power (when paired) coupled with the early launch for brutal damage at high speeds.
  408. Tier 1:
  409. - USS Enterprise
  410. Skill: 70% chance on Airstrike to do double damage and evade all attacks for 8s
  411. Craftable
  412. The best solo CV in the game, her skill is as overpowered as it gets. The only reason she loses to the Akagi/Kaga pair is because they would wipe her out before she gets to launch most of the time.
  415. Tier 1.5:
  416. - KMS Graf Zeppelin
  417. Skill: 30% increase in efficiency for equipped German planes; All KMS ships in fleet take 15% less damage.
  418. KMS Event craft
  419. The best bomber-focused CV in the game, courtesy of her 2 3x Bomber slots at 160% efficiency. Her KMS-focused buff also makes an all-KMS composition hilariousy tough.
  421. - HMS Ark Royal
  422. Skill: Airstrikes deploy a round of Torpedoes from Swordfish planes, slowing enemies by 60% for 8s; 25% chance to do double damage on Airstrike.
  423. Craftable and farmable
  424. A rare Torpedo-focused CV. Ark Royal kills bosses like no other CV can for this reason. Sadly, she's sub-par at clearing enemy fleets.
  426. - HMS Unicorn
  427. Skill: On launching an airstrike, heals the escort fleet for 8% HP; Increases Reload of escort fleet by 15%
  428. Craftable
  429. Arguably the best support CVL in the game, between the heal and the reload buff she provides a lot of value simply by existing.
  431. - IJN Zuikaku (Tier 2 if not paired)
  432. Skill: Increases next airstrike damage by 20% on launching airstrike, stacks up to 3 times; When paired, increases Air Power by 20% and takes 20% less damage
  433. ZKK/SKK Event point shop/drop
  434. An extra-tough carrier designed for boss fights. Not as great for PvE clear fleets, serviceable in PvP
  436. - IJN Shoukaku (Tier 2 if not paired)
  437. Skill: On launching an airstrike, gives a fleetwide increase of damage dealt by 10% and reduces damage taken fleetwide by 10% for 12s; When paired, increases Air Power by 30% and INCREASES damage taken by 10%
  438. ZKK/SKK Event craft
  439. More support-based than her sister. The odd debuff on her paired skill makes her rather fragile, but still a good supporting CV overall
  441. - USS Lexington/Saratoga
  442. Skill: Every 10s, fires a special salvo; On launching an airstrike, increases escort fleet Firepower by 15% for 8s
  443. Craftable and farmable
  444. These two ships are identical in use, and specialize in clearing smaller enemy fleets due to their bomber focus and special salvo. Great for PvE clear fleets.
  447. Tier 2:
  448. - HMS Illustrious
  449. Skill: On launching an airstrike, provides a shield to the escort fleet for 8s. Shield HP is 10% of Illustrious's HP
  450. Craftable
  451. A very defensive-focused CV with double fighter slots. Her offense is poor in comparison to others, but she excels at defense.
  453. - IJN Shouhou Kai
  454. Skill: On launching an airstrike, heals the escort fleet for 8% HP; On launching an airstrike, Increases Air Power of other CV/CVLs by 15% for 8s
  455. Farmable
  456. Trades the permanent reload buff of Unicorn's for a temporary Airpower buff. Arguably inferior for that reason.
  458. - HMS Glorious
  459. Skill: On launching an airstrike, increase damage dealt by escort fleet by 15%, does not stack; On launching an airstrike, reduce damage taken by escort fleet by 15% for 8s
  460. CN: Glorious Fight event SP3 Drop
  461. JP: Does not exist yet
  462. Another Torpedo-focused CV. Glorious offers less firepower than Ark Royal for more defense and support capabilities.
  464. - IJN Hiryuu (Tier 2.5 if not paired)
  465. Skill: Once a battle, upon taking lethal damage, will not sink and will evade all attacks for 15s, simultaneously launching an additional airstrike; When paired, increases Air Power by 35%
  466. Farmable
  467. High airpower when paired, but otherwise her skill is pretty lackluster outside PvP
  469. - IJN Souryuu (Tier 2.5 if not paired)
  470. Skill: On launching an airstrike, increases escort fleet Firepower by 15% for 8s; When paired, increases Air Power by 35%
  471. Farmable
  472. A more support-based version of Hiryuu, with most of the same pros and cons.
  474. - USS Yorktown
  475. Skill: Once per battle, if HP falls under 20%, heals for 25% HP and simultaneously launching an additional airstrike; On launching an airstrike, increases escort fleet Firepower by 15% for 8s
  476. Craftable and farmable
  477. Reasonably useful skill for PvP and also decent to use in PvE, but isn't that great overall.
  479. - HDN Green Heart
  480. Skill: Every 15s switches between one of the following Effects: Reduces damage taken by 20%, Increases damage dealt by 20%, restores 15 HP every 3s; 40% chance to launch a special airstrike every 20s
  481. HDN Collab Event Craft
  482. Stats on the mediocre side, but her skills allow her to potentially see some usage, though a bit heavy on RNG.
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