
I'm nice wall

Mar 6th, 2017
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  1. Im getting paid to write this pastebin HEH. Also this pastebin is 100% Zelda Spoiler Free.
  3. This weekend was certainly something. Thank god Zelda came out and is amazing. Saturday was awesome because we went to Round1 and despite the one game I REALLY wanted to play being broken, and the bar being closed, I had a lot of fun. I think I will go back but definitely not a lot because its like 30 min away.
  5. I stayed up until like 5am playing Zelda and dbd friday and saturday night and it was really nice to just lose myself in the games.
  7. Zelda especially is really nice because I've been able to just use it to escape from real life right now. Which isn't great to be honest. Its hard to say that this weekend was bad because so many good things happened, but it still kinda sucked for multiple reasons. This last month has been a bit harder than I've let on. I had a few things that I was leaning on heavily for emotional support and positivity and without sparing you the unfortunate details one of the things that i was relying most on is not really an option anymore. Hopefully I can pull out of this slump and get back to at least a reasonable level of sanity soon.
  9. Thank you to the people who have been there during the past month. Even if you don't think you made a difference, you really did.
  11. I really hate writing depressing pastebins because I feel like I'm asking for attention, but this is the one place where I can just say whatever I want and I use it as my out for stuff. I just start writing stuff and it usually just spills out.
  13. On a positive note my switch is cool as heck and I can't wait for more games to come out especially ones I can play with friends. I am very happy with my purchase.
  15. thanks for reading
  17. edit: i did zero rereading of this pastebin so it probably sounds awful but i dont feel like editing so rip.
  19. Here is a song for your troubles:
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