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a guest
Jul 16th, 2018
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  1. discourse@dewis-app:/var/www/discourse$ bundle exec rails c
  2. Loading production environment (Rails 5.2.0)
  3. irb(main):001:0> topic = Topic.find(47939)
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  5. irb(main):002:0> topic_view =
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Starting on TWO major p...", cooked: "<p>You, Sir are a BRAVE man! Starting on TWO majo...", created_at: "2098-12-15 02:14:39", updated_at: "2098-12-15 02:14:39", reply_to_post_number: nil, reply_count: 0, quote_count: 0, deleted_at: nil, off_topic_count: 0, like_count: 0, incoming_link_count: 4, bookmark_count: 0, avg_time: 12, score: 2.6, reads: 11, post_type: 1, sort_order: 6, last_editor_id: 6112, hidden: false, hidden_reason_id: nil, notify_moderators_count: 0, spam_count: 0, illegal_count: 0, inappropriate_count: 0, last_version_at: "2016-11-14 17:12:41", user_deleted: false, reply_to_user_id: nil, percent_rank: 0.8, notify_user_count: 0, like_score: 0, deleted_by_id: nil, edit_reason: nil, word_count: 394, version: 1, cook_method: 3, wiki: false, baked_at: "2018-04-25 12:52:33", baked_version: 2, hidden_at: nil, self_edits: 0, reply_quoted: false, via_email: false, raw_email: nil, public_version: 1, action_code: nil, image_url: nil, locked_by_id: nil>]>, @user_custom_fields={}, @post_custom_fields={}, @draft_key="topic_47939", @draft_sequence=nil>
  7. irb(main):003:0> puts topic_view.filtered_post_stream
  8. 189331
  9. 7152
  10. 314649
  11. 7152
  12. 314789
  13. 7150
  14. 314791
  15. 7150
  16. 314813
  17. 7150
  18. 743697
  19. -29371
  20. => nil
  21. irb(main):004:0> puts
  22. 1
  23. 7152
  24. 3
  25. 7150
  26. 6
  27. -29371
  28. => nil
  29. irb(main):005:0>
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