

Jul 10th, 2018
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  1. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: I thought since we'll be kicked virida out any day now we ight as well get another trialist hre
  2. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: here*
  3. QnDebShadow: i agree
  4. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Also, the vote on Ravens isn't so good either.
  5. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: I
  6. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: I'll invite him in here when you're ready.
  7. QnDebShadow: im ready
  8. QnDebShadow: Welcome
  9. IndridCold: thank you
  10. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Welcome, when you're fully loaded in please come and stand in front of the table in front of us.
  11. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Alright, I just want to start off by saying thank you for taking intrest in Kaz'geroth and taking the time to fill out the application.
  12. IndridCold: it was my pleasure miss, in truth it served to heighten my interest.
  13. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: What drives you to role-play?
  14. IndridCold: i reather enjoy the escape from reality, as well as the chance to engauge with other people. im also interested in the other concepts people delop, writing is a hobby of mine and this place...well some of it, offers a wonderful plethora of opertunity and inspiration.
  15. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: What about Kaz’geroth did you find enjoyable enough to try to join?
  16. IndridCold: i had run across it whilst meandering, intruth it was a find of "dumbluck" if you will. however, as i came to speak with you about this place the setting struck my fancy, as well as a post minimum. once i was given the opertunity to fill out the aplication uppon reading more details of this place as well as the rules i found it remarkably simmilar to my own tastes and thought it would be a wonderful fit, and possibly some of the better RP i have had the chance to participate in.
  17. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Good, I'm glad I was able to peak your intrest then. Can you tell us a little more about your character and his abilites?
  18. IndridCold: as thats a rather large area, if you could specifiy a particular field i could perhaps answer more readily...or, should you perfer it i have information written down which i would be more then happy to retrieve. in short Fides, the RPC i intend to use is a "Sin elemental" drawing both power and pleasure from the commitance of sin. physicaly though, as well as the majority of the abilities it possesses are shadow based, quite similar to a shade, or "shadow person" more accurately.
  19. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Tell me more about his powers then, considering this whole RP is based in hell and our Lords and Ladys are Sins. I'm curious how he would work around that. If we were taking a circle of sin for example and your character was to accompany us?
  20. IndridCold: well, it does have a bit of disposition towards demons. that is to say generally speaking Fides does not like them, to to a number of IC reasons. however, threre are things in hell, souls and various artifacts which would greatly interest it. as far as being surrounded by sinful individuals it would be rather empowering and possibly "good company". in theory he would be rather "juiced up" by all of the sin around it making a number of tasks perhaps more easy to accomplish, making itself "useful" to perhaps aid in the bartering of future relics, artifacts, perhaps lost tomes of knowledge, or most notably souls.
  21. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Gotcha gotcha. Alrighty. How often can we expect to see you online?
  22. IndridCold: i tend to be online most nights, bar those few nights when my son is being particularly ornery, or i have the rare free evening with my wife to enjoy. im genreally online from 9-12 most evenings. that being said soon my wife is having her thyrpoid removed monday, and im not entirely sure just how that is going to effect my avilability. however i religiously check my personal page for messages and the like so i tend to be rather easy to get a hold of should a need arise to do so.
  23. IndridCold: the thyroid removal recovery was estimated to be about a week
  24. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: OKay gotcha, I hope everything goes well in the endeavour.
  25. QnDebShadow: Sorry about your wife, hope things go well for her
  26. IndridCold: its a rather miniscule chance for catastrophy, but i am greatful and thank you for your well wishes
  27. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: What made you chose to be a visitor instead of resident or another role?
  28. IndridCold: well in truth it is a common hesitation of mine. i have been around here for a while, about ten years now. ive been involved in the backround and foreground of a number of things. perhaps most notably would be the first colapse of SE, but i digress, ive seen many great houses come and go. it is not so much an unwillingness as simply being weary, i am hoping things here go well and that in time i might find a home of sorts here, as for not choosing a particular post i saw none that i thought would be "fitting" of Fides. that being said i would not be opposed to perhaps using a diffrent RPC and filing a military role.
  29. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: UNderstandable
  30. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Are there any Kingdoms you are associated with using a different character or the same you bring here? Are there any Kingdoms or individuals who may track you to our room and cause a problem? If you don’t notify us about these potential threats it will be cause for suspension or termination.
  31. IndridCold: i dont meant to sound egotistical but i dont imagine any would dare? at least not to cause issue. if it is of any asistance i again mention that i am in fact CardinalSinn, while you may not have heard of myself perhaps one amoung your numbers have. my reputation in some circles was sullied, though that was due mostly to the best of my knowledge due to some of my past associations. that being said there are not many who are aware that i am infact Sinn.
  32. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Sounds great.
  33. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: We maintain contact as well as share announcements in regards to the roleplay to Discord and our imvu group page. While it is not required it is HIGHLY advised that you join so you can stay informed of any rule changes. Will you be able to join us on discord?
  34. IndridCold: i have been asked to join Dischord on a few occasions and have refrained. while im not opposed to the idea i would rather wait for the time being for that, though i would be more then happy to join you IMVU page. i tend to check such things rather often.
  35. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: You'll be invited to that 7 days into your trial.
  36. IndridCold: ~nods~
  37. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: There are times King Sai calls meetings, all members and trialists are encouraged to attend. Sometimes battles are discussed, when wanting to take over another Sin circle. If you attended one of these meetings, and you thought you would have nothing to contribute, would you walk away from Kaz, or would you offer assistance in any way, shape or form?
  38. IndridCold: as a sumbject under a ruler or lord it is ones duty to said lord to offer assistance in whatever way you can, or that lord sees fit. as even though it is not desireable both cannon fodder and martyrs are ligitimate usages. as far as walking away from this group, or kingdom i do not believe i would be inclined to do so lest i were asked, or told.
  39. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Alright, cool. I'm just gonna go ahead and state a few things before we end this.
  40. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Please keep in mind that we are not as strict as we appear first glance. We joke, we play, but everyone has their boundaries. If something bothers you PLEASE take the matter up with that individual (in private), unless its a group offense you can state it in room. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING (Screenshots only, i say this because copy logs can be altered.). If the behavior continues then present the evidence to the mods and it will be reviewed thoroughly and dealt with. If you do not have sufficient proof but can provide 2 witnesses who can confirm the accusations, the individual(s) will be warned. If you have no proof or no witness that can confirm then none of us can help you.
  41. IndridCold: agreed
  42. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Rules are made in accordance of each mod present and finalized by the King. These rules can be changed, removed, or added AT ANY TIME. If there have been any changes to the rules, an announcement will be posted on the group page and the discord. Since you submitted the app you acknowledge that you’ve agreed to our rules and you are liable to be terminated if any of our rules are broken. You will be given one warning, then disciplinary action will be taken depending on the offense.
  43. IndridCold: certainly
  44. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Do you understand the time limitations associated with the trial? I.e., presenting yourself in absences that span no longer than 3 consecutive days. This now includes, after your trial, should you pass. There is an away Tab in Discord to also put how long you will be gone, if it’s 3 or more days. (This is why we encourage Discord)
  45. IndridCold: yes i do recall and much like that particular rule. i imagine it does well on discouraging stagnation.
  46. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: It helps a lot
  47. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Is there anything you have against race, color, gender, sexual orientation?
  48. IndridCold: i do not
  49. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: One thing we do not talk about in Kaz is politics, as it tends to start fights, cause drama, rip friends and members apart. Is that something you would agree to not talk about?
  50. QnDebShadow: That and medical issues in the Kaz rooms
  51. IndridCold: chuckles im used to having keep my unconventional political views to myself, so yes i will actively avoid that topic as it has been asked. im not entirely sure what you mean about medical conditions Miss Shadow, however i can avoid the topic of "medicine" as well.
  52. QnDebShadow: Well, if people talk about their health, or depression and someone walks in, they turn around and leave because its too depressing. People come on imvu to forget those things for a time
  53. IndridCold: ahh, of course. further more should it ever be wished...hopefuly my sing this wil not be presumptuos, i offer my service and or assistance where it might be of use. i have been used as a mediator as well as consultant on things many times in the past.
  54. QnDebShadow: Many of us are also here for those that need to vent or just talk as well
  55. IndridCold: ~nods~
  56. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: When a Sin enters a room, they are to be addressed as Lord(name) or Lady(name). Most, after the initial greeting, dont need the titles. We worked hard for the title and would like to be addressed as such. Same for when you are greeted by a Sin when you enter the room.
  57. IndridCold: i am willing to acknoledge station, yes. though due to IC quirks would highness perchance be an acceptable subsitute?
  58. QnDebShadow: no, that is saved for a prince or princess. I will send you a list of the lords and ladies if you make it to trial
  59. IndridCold: ~offers a half bow~ thank you kindly, it may take some time to comit it to memory. i will make it a point to keep said list handy till such a time im familliar with it
  60. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Alright, Lady Deb, do you have any further questions?
  61. QnDebShadow: nothing i can think of offhand. You have any questions, Indrid?
  62. IndridCold: uhm, they are questions of a sort. ~chuckles~ the easyest way to make it a definitve question is may i please have more of your time? to run a few more extencive albeit what i feel important caveats of Fides are? for instance my list of skills and how/why they work to aviod possible future confusion or clashes?
  63. QnDebShadow: I dont mind
  64. IndridCold: Lady Mae, is that permissible to you as well?
  65. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Sure, and please, call me Lady Kittiah
  66. IndridCold: "dae tu votom" (as you wish)
  67. IndridCold: Manifest- The Nefas manifest by pulling shadows into particular forms, exerting will accordingly to give the desired shapes mass. This takes a considerable amount of effort usually. This means the "details" tend to get fudged. The manifestation of Nefas are for show, and little more. They are a tool by which the creatures make themselves known and interact. Now, that being the case there truly is not "much there" aside from the desired shaped, or appearance. This means seldom if ever do they possess any form of internal workings. Since there is no need for common internal workings there are a few notable changes, namely a way a Nefas looks is practically irrelevant, pure vanity in most cases. The force they may exert has little to nothing to the manifestation. There are no muscle fibers, no nerve endings, no veins, and no organs. This means they are nearly immune to pain, should they choose it. Things like poison are a moot point as well as there is nothing to suffer the venom. Nefas who have been around long enough have learned to manipulate their Umbra incredibly well and are capable of producing things such as organs, or a nervous system, on the rarest of occasions they may even produce reproductive organs. The catch to a Nefas "reproducing" is it is not actual genetic offspring; hence it is seldom if ever considered as kin. Nefas, as they do not have actual bodies, possess none of the genetic material required. With enough practice and skill, or perhaps simply time one may however "copy" genetic material. Effectively using Umbra as a sort of stem cell in this twisted genetics project in this instance. Effectively "borrowing" whatever genetics it has a working knowledge of. It is also occasionally possible possess a host bod
  68. IndridCold: though i feel it important to add Nefas find flesh to be repulsive, a weakness.
  69. QnDebShadow: got ya
  70. IndridCold: is there an issue in there, or a qestion perhaps, or shall i continue?
  71. QnDebShadow: go ahead
  72. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Please, continue
  73. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: I'll be back I have to leave for a few moments.. ))
  74. IndridCold: Umbral Manipulation-,. Nefas manipulate shadows through "force of will", directing thousands, if not millions of souls to s single defined goal. They (every soul a kinn dominants) receive the blessings of “The Dark One”, the Nefas god of darkness and "evil". In essence what this does is instill in every solitary soul involved, a skill which is not so uncommon. "Shadow magic" is probably the most basic conveyance of the thought, simple and to the point. Now, it’s not all that uncommon for the occasional master shadow mage to be found, depending on where you are it is common. What would not be common would be thousands/millions of them joined in a sort of hive mind, all driven to the same end. Whereas the mage may be a master, he is only one mage. The will of the many, VS the will of the one, most people agree "majority rule".
  75. QnDebShadow: (tyt)
  76. IndridCold: should we contiunue in your absince?
  77. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Yes, please do. ))
  78. QnDebShadow: I do need to warn you. Lady Dao is also one to manipulate shadows, so im not sure how she will react
  79. IndridCold: i do know it always draws Fides interest
  80. IndridCold: Aura of Sin- in nearly every case this field emanates from the Nefas thirteen feet in any given direction. More often than not this field is visible, as the aura of darkness that a Nefas has is more in actuality the effective area of influence over this particular trait. When entering into this area of influence the easiest way to describe the effect is a person’s inhibitions ebbing away. The way this tends to come about is Nefas can be considered as "sin elementals". The power it takes for these things to manifest is immense, a concentration of evil wills more or less. This much evil leaks out into the area around it, a sort of spilling over. Commonly when one enters this field you would be more likely to recall past questionable deeds. The sins that make you smile might come to mind, it’s easier for that influence to bring these things to mind, as they are perceived as pleasant, maybe even "fond memories". Now, by bringing these things to mind in rapid succession, one after the other, eventually blurring into one massive memory as it continues to play the images become more appealing as new fantasies would be formed taking parts of the fond memories and turning them into an amalgam of debauchery, the longer this play continues the more "evil" the images and imagined actions become. Playing in the back of the mind of all the evil that person has done, and wishes to do, and the pleasure it brought them. this can put an individual into a particular mood, where they may not actually act on the continuing flow of demented and evil memories, but it can be said they would certainly be more likely to do something questionable while under this influence. It is important to note that the closer a person is to the Nefas the more intense the effect is. On the occasion someone touches a Nefas, there is a more profound effect were the Nwfas may manage to "link up" to a person through their sins, these images now known and perceived by the Nefas that was touched. This on occasion has led to a certain sort of mental link.
  81. QnDebShadow: so the effect is just more or less, remembering more at a faster rate? but doesnt actually act in the worst way?
  82. IndridCold: its supposed to make a person more inclined to. im aware though that i can not force that efect on any one though...mind you it does tie into something rather signifigant about the RPC
  83. QnDebShadow: ok
  84. IndridCold: Soul Pressure- The Evincar has such an abundance of souls that its manifestation also has an aura that exerts a considerable pressure on any whom cross it. This pressure is formed by the consciousness drawing itself into a material form, the shear ridiculous number of souls commanded by this evil being are so numerous that even while in immaterial form being drawn in so close to the dominant soul they exert a tangible and very real pressure or weight, much like water pressure. Lesser beings may in fact be crushed by this force. At minimum without conscious effort the force exerted is equivalent to three hundred pounds per square inch; at maximum it can become as burdensome as thirteen tons per square inch.
  85. QnDebShadow: damn
  86. IndridCold: the direct effect can be reduced, but in doing so it expands the area of influence.
  87. IndridCold: so whereas to be thirteen feet close would generally become 300 psi, it can "thin out" that weight, but then the area influenced by it is expanded.
  88. QnDebShadow: less psi the further it expands?
  89. IndridCold: right
  90. QnDebShadow: got ya
  91. IndridCold: Profane presence- Fides is so incredibly evil that its aura of darkness holds another secondary set of effects which whisper to the depths of this creature’s evil. Most notable it the sudden drop in temperature, however this presence now causes flames to burn black if they are within the field of influence, nor will water be able to run/flow and perhaps most notable would be the effect on holy artifacts and imagery. It will now writhe as if in agony at the simple presence of the Evnicar. Holy or more “blessed” beings may take damage from the presence of the Evincar as well.
  92. QnDebShadow: how long have you been working on this character?
  93. IndridCold: about a decade
  94. QnDebShadow: figured about that much, a lot of detail
  95. IndridCold: im quite the stickled for it, as well as sound logic.
  96. IndridCold: and thank you
  97. QnDebShadow: you are welcome
  98. IndridCold: Soul Forging- Fides has the coveted ability of being able to take souls and turn them into what are often powerful artifacts with any number of beneficial perks bestowed upon them. Using the soul much as if it were some malleable material, capable of being combined with as many other souls as desired. The souls used in soul forging must be dominated to be used in such ways meaning a soul must have a certain set amount of time to ferment and become damned. There are rare artifacts which are formed from “pure” souls though these are incredibly rare and hard to craft.
  99. QnDebShadow: how does a soul ferment, exactly
  100. IndridCold: by "gestating" in the umbra, a place remarkably simmilar to hell actually.
  101. QnDebShadow: ahh ok
  102. IndridCold: they also have a drink, called "Silver wine" t thick silver liquid that tate like vanilla, which is literally distilled from damned souls.
  103. QnDebShadow: never heard anyone use that before
  104. IndridCold: Refined sense of sin- The Evincar is more in tune with sin, and can readily identify the intentions or wants of sinful thoughts and or actions. On occasion this has given him a sort of ability to predict future sinful actions of others as well as to know what sin to channel to which target to more easily influence the commitment of any given sin with range of its perceptions. (more or less VERY intuitive)
  105. QnDebShadow: no questions for that one, i understand that one
  106. IndridCold: Umbral Anchor- when the Evincar manifests it does so by a more complex method which requires more time then the common kinn manifestations. The Evincar will “bind” itself to the darkness of the place it first manifests, often this having a lasting effect on surrounding terrain. This anchor serves as a place where the Evincar may manifest from with considerable ease as well as a sort of gateway, which will call out to other Nefas, as well as beings which are considered evil. This of course leaving an infamous “Nefas Tree”
  107. IndridCold: that actually happens to be a physical item i gift room owners on IMVU once i have credits to do so. a sort of calling card for where i have been
  108. QnDebShadow: ahh i see
  109. IndridCold: now. the next part is what tends to cause the most issues with the race...and is a bit...wordy.
  110. QnDebShadow: ok
  111. IndridCold: incomimng "page rape"
  112. QnDebShadow: lol
  113. IndridCold: Nefas CHARGE COUNTERS ---Perhaps most important thing to make the other person aware of is the way in which Nefas acquire charge counters. This works quite a bit differently than simply waiting and charging during melee actions. Most players will have a race which can draw in and build up power, charging for a more powerful attack or spell. Nefas CAN NOT do this; instead they must be “given” their charge counters. This WILL require you to speak with a judge PRIOR to the match. You should attempt to remain true to the stereotypical Christian definition of what a sin is, as it’s a more widely accepted and known system of moral code, however there are acceptable options if they are asked about. It will be up to the judge to decide how many sins are committed, and how much of a charge you receive from your opponent. Now given this is in a way very broken there is a stipulation on these charges, a Nefas may only store their charge counters for TWO melee rounds, if they are not used by the beginning of your action on the third melee round your charges revert to ZERO. There are very few ways around this, and those may be called into question by any judge, as no matter how much sense it might make, or how plausible it is they have every right to not allow it, as does your opponent in this case. As it is not a common thing at all it may well be perceived as an intention to try and cheat. Hence the need to discuss this aspect prior to combat. If it is not discussed prior to combat the judge has every right to deny this aspect of the Nefas race and it will leave you at quite the handicap. ---The Nefas are creatures which can be generally defined as “Sin elementals”, meaning they can gain energy and power from the sins committed around them. It has been mentioned that in a combat setting the sins of the opponent can and often do wind up giving the Nefas charge counters, what has not been discussed yet is how these things are considered. ---The first thing of note, aside from this ability being a bit broken, is just how it works, the particulars if you will. The first part of the explanation is how much energy a given sin yields. Obviously there are some which grant more energy than others, the most potent as example would come from any given one of the “seven deadly sins”. This do to the fact that infractions of this are considered to be particularly profane, hence the larger energy gained from those particular infractions. A “Cardinal Sin” committed in their presence should always become a full counter in the least, but no more then three. Meaning if someone is guilty of a cardinal sin then you gain at least one charge counter from every infraction. ---There are a plethora of sins which are not cardinal sins, many of which people do not even realize are sins, I’m going to attach a link for a page with a more comprehensive list (which I myself will take no credit, this will be “straight from the horse’s mouth if you will). ---Given this is a rather “broken” way of charging there are a few things worth note before going further. Namely and most important would be that a Nefas CAN NOT charge of its own accord. It MUST get its charge counters from its opponent(s). The only exemptions here would be in the case of some form of “battery”. ---Now just how much energy, or power, is gained from sins depends on a few different things. This is where it gets a bit complicated, as there are three considerations. Each consideration has its own little bracket for energy yield, and the considerations are as follows THOUGHT and ACTION and “egregiousness”. ---Thought is only worth a third; action is worth a full counter. The easiest way to think about this bit is to put a fraction into your mind. You would need three tics, to gain a counter. Thought grants only one tic, so a person would need to think of sinning at least three times, or three different sins for you to gain a counter from it.The egregiousness of a sin is to be decided by majority rule of the judges present (which should be three for any “cannon combat”) ---“Stacking”- most people are capable of sitting on their charge counters, another built in “nerf” to help control the broken aspect of the Nefas is that there is a limit as to how long the counters remain, or how they are stacked. A Nefas may “sit on” or “stack” their counters for two melee rounds, at the conclusion of the first melee turn in the third melee round the counters, or energy stored will revert to zero(lest there was some legitimate method of alternative storage). Now a bit of clarification, as not ever one is familiar with what a melee turn is, or what constitutes a melee round. A melee turn would translate to a post. So say your opponent has the first post, that is one melee turn, your response is a melee turn. Once a post and a response have been given, that is a melee round. In short two turns equal one round. ---The next tricky aspect of this is how much energy, or how many charge counters a particular action might take. This should be left to a judge and some sort of premise set prior to a match, but the following is an example of what I would consider standard. ---Simple illusions and “prestidigitation” often require no energy to perform, at least not enough to label it as something that would consume a full charge counter. To be clear “simple” illusions are considered here as things which can be seen and heard, but not physically interacted with. ---Complex illusions are illusions which carry some sort of effect to them, or are tangible. This can require any degree of power depending on the complexity and resilience of the illusion. However it does have a base cost of one charge. Things such as this tend not to be very strong or resilient as far as resistances, more often than not simply dismissed or defeated, the more charges that are spent in this way the larger the resistance and abilities the illusion may possess. Generally each counter spent will give the illusion a marker of sorts, each marker is good for a degree of resistance, so something with say, only one counter, would only take one challenge to it, such as a physical attack. Each hit scored on or against the illusion would remove one of the counters spent in its creation.---“Summoning” is another thing which has a degree of variance to it, obviously the stronger the summon is, the more energy it will take, often using the same premise as the complex illusions. The exception here comes things with a “predisposition”, or things which are bound to the Nefas, such as a personal weapon or armour” (if these are not mentioned in your bio under equipment then you cannot use it freely, if at all. It will fall under the judges decision.) ---“Projectiles” are a thing which more often than not falls under the complex illusion clause. It’s going to take at least one counter for it to be of any real usage, aside from distraction. The more counters or energy put into the projectile the more damage it will be capable of yielding, and the more difficult it would be to deflect. ---“Casting” works much as any other magical based skill or ability would be expected to. The exceptions are there are some magic’s Nefas simply cannot cast. Things such as holy, or cleansing magic, most notably fire. Not to say that fire is completely off limits, but most conventional fire certainly is, the exception being things like “black fire” or “unholy flame”. ---Spell Costs- This part of it works again, as it should. Simple/ intermediate/ advanced. Taking one, two, or three charge counters accordingly, of course there are spells which would require more than your usual casting cost, but those tend to be specified and AOE more often than not. The cost of something SHOULD fall to a judge to declare, as for how a person goes about asking the judge is up to them. I advise some fairly private method, to avoid possible metagaming, and this should be done Prior to combat. Something to remember in combat is the Judge holds final word during the fight. AFTER the fight a log can be posted on the GP for a “proofing” of sorts. Keep in mind once you produce this log, the prior clarifications regarding rules must be included before the combat part of the posts. IF something has happened which might conflict with our ruling here and was not specified or noted prior, or is not part of the “stereotypical T-1 rules” the Judge’s ruling will hold and generally be held as a truth in regards to logs/history. IF it is something which blatantly contradicts one of our rules or standards and YOU fail to mention it prior your failure to mention such prior will then be taken as an offence against the house. ---ALSO, when you use a charge counter to accomplish any given action you MUST mention it in the post, preferably in brackets after the action. for example "throws a bladed umbral projectile for its opponents face with startling speed (1 counter)." ** [] ** (list of sins and the verses which confirm them in the bible )
  114. QnDebShadow: wow
  115. QnDebShadow: that was quite the read
  116. IndridCold: it was, thank you for reading it
  117. IndridCold: it is the single largest thing which causes issues with the race
  118. QnDebShadow: yeah i can see it would be
  119. QnDebShadow: are you the only one on imvu to play this race, or have you found others
  120. IndridCold: i seldom recruit
  121. QnDebShadow: or got others to play that race
  122. QnDebShadow: it is hard to trust people on here
  123. IndridCold: because its a complete pain in the ass to learn them as well
  124. IndridCold: currently there are...two working on becoming Nefas, which i think will happen before too terribly long
  125. IndridCold: well three actually. but the third is still forming a concept to run, so i dont generaly count that one
  126. QnDebShadow: was that all of it then?
  127. IndridCold: well at the height of my...."rule" ive technically had hundreds of people, but as for people to be actually able to play these creatures ever...altogeather maybe twenty or so. currently I am the only legitimate Nefas, though the older members may have kept their kinn off sinn RPC's which are basically the same creatures.
  128. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Sorry for being gone so long.
  129. IndridCold: quite allright RL first always
  130. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Well, I read through everything. I also read that bio that you had sent me yesterday
  131. IndridCold: did you have any questions or issues then?
  132. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: None come to mind
  133. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Well, Deb and I are going to speak on this for a few minutes. If you will kindly wait in the Empire room we'll give you our answer there. THank you again for interviewing with us and taking time out of your night to do so.
  134. IndridCold: ~bows and fades into nothingness~
  135. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: You still alove?
  136. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: alive?
  137. QnDebShadow: sorry, yes i am
  138. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: What do you think of him?
  139. QnDebShadow: i have mixed feelings...he is way to serious, he comes off as having a very large ego, but he knows his stuff, and we need people like that
  140. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: I agree. He was cutting back woth us last night. So he can loosen up, I think he was just being /that/ serious because we were in interview
  141. QnDebShadow: i hope so
  142. QnDebShadow: i say give him a chance, but i will be watching him closely
  143. QnDebShadow: something he said to Sao kind of irked me
  144. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Me too. We need people who know their shit and can rp. What did he say to Sao? When was this?
  145. QnDebShadow: Saotoka he thinks a moment and nods "I primarily seek intellectual stimulating conversations but they lack most now a days"
  146. QnDebShadow: IndridCold: if we may be so bold...inteligence is define by the lack there of in those around all means Lord
  147. QnDebShadow: first of all...we?
  148. QnDebShadow: second of all....defined by the LACK of those around oneself? Is he trying to say something?
  149. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: I.. Hm..
  150. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Yeah, I think we should keep a close eye on him
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