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- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Box2dWeb example</title>
- </head>
- <body onload="init();">
- <canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="400"></canvas>
- </body>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="Box2dWeb-2.1.a.3.min.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var world;
- function init() {
- var b2Vec2 = Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2
- , b2BodyDef = Box2D.Dynamics.b2BodyDef
- , b2Body = Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body
- , b2FixtureDef = Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef
- , b2Fixture = Box2D.Dynamics.b2Fixture
- , b2World = Box2D.Dynamics.b2World
- , b2MassData = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2MassData
- , b2PolygonShape = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape
- , b2CircleShape = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape
- , b2DebugDraw = Box2D.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw
- ;
- world = new b2World(
- new b2Vec2(0, 10) //gravity
- , true //allow sleep
- );
- var fixDef = new b2FixtureDef;
- fixDef.density = 1.0;
- fixDef.friction = 0.5;
- fixDef.restitution = 0.2;
- var bodyDef = new b2BodyDef;
- //create ground
- bodyDef.type = b2Body.b2_staticBody;
- bodyDef.position.x = 9;
- bodyDef.position.y = 13;
- fixDef.shape = new b2PolygonShape;
- fixDef.shape.SetAsBox(10, 0.5);
- world.CreateBody(bodyDef).CreateFixture(fixDef);
- //create some objects
- bodyDef.type = b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
- for(var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- if(Math.random() > 0.5) {
- fixDef.shape = new b2PolygonShape;
- fixDef.shape.SetAsBox(
- Math.random() + 0.1 //half width
- , Math.random() + 0.1 //half height
- );
- } else {
- fixDef.shape = new b2CircleShape(
- Math.random() + 0.1 //radius
- );
- }
- bodyDef.position.x = Math.random() * 10;
- bodyDef.position.y = Math.random() * 10;
- world.CreateBody(bodyDef).CreateFixture(fixDef);
- }
- //setup debug draw
- var debugDraw = new b2DebugDraw();
- debugDraw.SetSprite(document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d"));
- debugDraw.SetDrawScale(30.0);
- debugDraw.SetFillAlpha(0.3);
- debugDraw.SetLineThickness(1.0);
- debugDraw.SetFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit | b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit);
- world.SetDebugDraw(debugDraw);
- window.setInterval(update, 1000 / 60);
- };
- function update() {
- world.Step(
- 1 / 60 //frame-rate
- , 10 //velocity iterations
- , 10 //position iterations
- );
- world.DrawDebugData();
- world.ClearForces();
- };
- </script>
- </html>
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