
Doki Doki Mafia Club

Dec 30th, 2017
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  1. How is this happening, why is this happening? I was a good man a pious man! I went to church on Sunday! I prayed to God at night, I even volunteered at the soup lines for those poor bastards hit hard by the recession. Perhaps it’s because I refer to them as “poor bastards”... Regardless of my previous good deeds here I was, tackling and shielding the Don of my cities mafia from a flurry of automatic gunfire. I suppose it would be best to go back to how it started some weeks ago though lest I get ahead of myself.
  3. The alarm signaling work time was over finally rang out across the factory floor. I was one of the few lucky ones not hit too hard by the recent recession. Still had a job and a roof over my head, but work was tough as nails. It was practically a competition to make sure you stayed employed. Plenty of others vying for your place so they could get their families off the streets. Heading out I made my way down the street before hopping on the trolley further downtown before hopping off to get dinner at my local diner.
  5. “Hey Sue, can I get the usual please?”
  7. “Course, Anon coming right up.”
  9. “Thanks doll!”
  11. I said as I sat down at the stool at the counter before pulling a newspaper off to the side to read. Most was about the President and the state of the economy however I also noted a segment about the increase in alcohol raids by the police. Seems like the new chief of police was actually going to try to do something about all the speakeasy’s in this town.
  13. “Here ya go dear, same as always.” The waitress said placing my plate of food and glass of water in front of me.
  15. “Preciate as always, here you go.” I responded placing thirty cents on the counter.
  17. I began eating some of my meal as I continued thumbing through the pages when I heard the bell on the door ring.
  19. “Anon? Anon is that you? It is you!”
  21. “Huh?” I said as I turned to see who was calling my name.
  23. Before I could turn fully I felt someone hug me from behind and laugh. That’s when I remembered who it was.
  25. “Ehehe, Anon it really is you! It’s been too long, how have you been at least well enough to be eating here!”
  27. Sayori; we had been extremely close friends when we were younger living out in the country until her father moved their family downtown. Last I had heard was from my pastor that her father had died in the Great War. Poor guy was blown to bits by a mortar just as he breached into the fray of no man’s land. Definitely not an open casket funeral…
  29. “What have you been up to? I’m surprised to see you out here in the city, I always figured you’d stay back home and work for some farmhands. Your family is doing alright are they not?”
  31. “Hey there Sayori! It’s been way too long I’m doing ok myself, still got a job and a roof over my head at least. Barely scrounging enough cash to send back to my folks to keep them afloat back home though. Yeah I ended up coming to the city a little bit before the recession hit. Managed to snag myself a factory job and have been working for their for the past three years. How about you though, I tried to contact you when your father… passed but wasn’t able to reach you, the phone lines are rather bad out there and only Billy’s family owns a telephone.”
  33. “I wish your call would have made it through I missed you a lot Anon… but on the upside I wouldn’t have gotten the job I have now. Or perhaps downside ehehe,” She said awkwardly. “Hey uhh maybe you’d like to help me with my job, it’s just a little something easy I mean and it pays well! That way you can send some money back to your parents!”
  35. “Uhh well I don’t know Sayori, I mean I have a pretty decent job right now, and I don’t want to risk getting fired if my boss somehow found out and thought I was looking for a different job.”
  37. “No, no Anon! It’s nothing like that it’s just a simple delivery! You drive and help me unload the truck and then you get paid! A simple errand for my boss! Pleeease? Besides that way we can spend some more time catching up!”
  39. “Hmmm well alright I guess I could use the extra cash and it would be nice to catch up with you Sayori.”
  41. “Yay! Alright let’s go!” Sayori responded with glee as she pulled me out of my chair and towards the door.
  43. “Hey what the hell Sayori I haven’t even finished my meal!”
  45. “You only had a little bit of that slop and your city juice left anyway! The night is young Anon and so are we! It’s time we seize it together like old times!”
  47. “Jeez you’re one funny bird Sayori even more than I remember. Alright alright let’s ankle.” I responded as we walked onto the bustling city streets.
  49. “Hop on in, Anon!” Sayori said to me as she walked around the side to the driver's seat.
  51. “Woah what the… Sayori where do you work? This is a brand new car!”
  53. “Ehehe, Anon it’s not polite to ask about a ladies private affairs!”
  55. “What? You got some rich daddy?” I chuckled as I got into the car.
  57. “What! No! I haven’t even gone on a date with any guy, I guess I’ve just been waiting for the right guy to show up… Hey wait! What did I just say about prying into a young woman’s life!” She responded as we began driving.
  59. “Alright alright, but tell me what have you been up to all this time?”
  61. “Well for awhile my mom and I were able to live pretty well from the insurance and veterans checks from my father’s passing. Then around 1923 my uncle actually helped my mother get into his business which once I was old enough led to me getting a job from another business associate of his. I now work for her doing jobs like the one we’re about to do!”
  63. “Your uncle and his associate must be some shrewd business people. I’m happy to hear you’ve been doing well though. Next time though we should sit down and have some dinner instead of rushing out right away.”
  65. “Ehehe, Anon I’d like that a lot. But! Business first!” She responded veering left before parking on the side of the street once again.
  67. “Alright here we go, we’re just delivering some restaurant supplies to my boss’s friend near the docks.” She said as we walked towards an alley off the side of a large restaurant building.
  69. In the alley was a large hatch truck with some crates in the back with a decal of a winking woman with a big white bow in a ponytail with some writing saying “Monika’s Mess Hall Menagerie”.
  71. “Alright hop on in, Anon all we gotta do is bring these to the buyer at his restaurant and we’ll get paid on the spot!”
  73. Once again I hopped in and we began driving towards the fishing district while Sayori hummed the jazz tune on the radio. I couldn’t help but look at her in all her cheer, she was the same as I remembered her all those years before. Although, she’d grown into quite the beautiful woman now. I tried to make my mind wander because it only made me depressed since I knew a girl like her would have boyfriend already. I stared out the window at the people and cars until we reached the fishing district. Sayori pulled the truck over to the side before turning to me with a beaming smile.
  75. “Alright we’re here! The client should come on out soon and you’ll help him carry the crates in before he pays us and sends us on our way.”
  77. “Heh sounds good, easy enough,” I said as we both stepped out of the truck and walked towards the back of it. “So say, Sayori I was curious I know you kind of blew it off but do you-”
  79. I was cut off by a man rushing around the corner a fierce look on his face.
  81. “There you are! Alright listen here sweetheart you’re handing over one of them crates to me or we’re going to have a problem.”
  83. “Ahh w-what no my boss’s client has ordered these!”
  85. “Hey fella you heard the lady scram before I call the cops.” I said to him with a glare
  87. “I don’t give a fuck I need the good stuff and I know Monika makes the best hooch in town. Now don’t make me ask twice.” He said pulling a 1911 from his coat pocket.
  89. “Woah what the hell you screwy queer, why are you threatening us over some goddamn restaurant supplies!?”
  91. “Restaurant supplies? Shut the hell up I’m not playing around, now hand over the crate!” He screamed cocking back the trigger before pointing his gun at her.
  93. “EEP! Ok, ok just-”
  95. “Back away broad!” He yelled forcing us back while he climbed up and pulled out a big knife off his side to pry open one of the crates.
  97. “Ah yeah that’s the stuff right there. Alright you, shithead, help me get this on my truck over there.” He said pointing the pistol at me from his hip.
  99. I walked towards him while he stared me down. As I got to the back of the truck I saw what he was actually after. Within the crate wasn’t any restaurant goods but bottles of booze.
  101. “Don’t hurt him he doesn’t even work for the Don!” Sayori screamed at him.
  103. “I said shut the-”
  105. I cut him off as I suckerpunched him across the chin while I tried to push his hand holding his gun away. We both started struggling to get ahold of the pistol; he pushed it up to fire it into my side before I shoved it back down. A shot rang out from it into the ground beside me, Sayori screamed my name worried I’d been shot. I reeled my head back with all my might and bashed his nose with the top of my head. While he was stunned I grabbed the side of his head and slammed it into the truck bed before wrestling the gun from his hand. I pointed his gun at him while he kneeled on the ground bloodied and concussed.
  107. “Now go on and dry up you twit.” I threatened him with his own piece.
  109. He dejectedly looked at me before running off and hopping in his truck and screeching out of there.
  111. I sighed before hearing Sayori’s voice yell out and then her jump into my arms hugging me.
  113. “Anon! I’m so sorry! This has never happened I don’t understand how he knew about our meetup! I was so worried about you I can’t believe how brave you were, but please never scare me like that again!”
  115. “So… you’re a bootlegger eh, Sayori?”
  117. “Eh! Uh no I, umm…”
  119. “It’s ok I don’t mind the law’s bullshit anyway my dad still has his old whiskey collection hidden down in the basement. I just never expected a sweetheart like you to join up in something like that.”
  121. “It… it pays well and my boss is a good person! We’re not like the other people who do this I promise! Please don’t think of me as a criminal!”
  123. “It’s ok Sayori honestly, it was just surprising is all.”
  125. “Hey what the hell happened out here?” A man said coming out from within a building to the side.
  127. “Ah you’re here, good. Some man tried to muscle in on the goods here but my friend managed to scare him off.” Sayori replied to the man.
  129. “Hmm I’ll look into it, we might need to switch up the drop location then. Either way my men here will take them away thank you for the speedy delivery. People are drinking this like it’s going out of style!” He said handing Sayori a bundle of cash.
  131. “Thank you for your patronage!” Sayori said her cheer seemingly back again like nothing had happened.
  133. Some men then came out also and carried the crates away before Sayori came up to me holding out some dollars.
  135. “Here you go, Anon! Your cut of the work!”
  137. “Wh-what the, ten dollars! That’s insane!” I replied dumbfounded by how much money she was giving me.
  139. “Well I think you deserve the extra amount for saving the product after all!”
  141. “Hah well maybe I’ll use this to treat you to dinner like I promised then!”
  143. “I’d like that Anon, but I need to report this to my boss first and foremost. Do you have a telephone in your apartment?”
  145. “Yeah I’ve gotta horn, why?”
  147. “I’ll call you soon! Abyssinia, Anon!” She yelled before driving off down the road leaving me there.
  149. I sighed and wondered what she had in store for me before placing the pistol in my waistband and walking towards the nearest trolley stop.
  152. For a week my life went back to normal; I went to work in the factory, got food at the diner, listened to the radio show and went to bed. For a moment I wondered if she had forgotten about our whole ordeal that had gone down. Sayori was a forgetful young lass at times after all; or perhaps she couldn’t figure out how to contact me. Well, that was until I was sitting down on my couch listening to the night time mystery radio show.
  154. *BZZZT* *BZZZT* *BZZZT*
  156. “Who the hell could that be at this hour?” I thought aloud getting myself up from my relaxation to pick up the phone on the wall.
  158. “Hello, Anon speaking.”
  160. “Ah, Anon good it’s you! Did you know how many people have your name in this city? There should be a law!”
  162. “Heh well then people like you would just break it after all.” I replied smugly.
  164. “I told you Anon! I’m not a criminal!”
  166. “Well technically you are Sayori heh.”
  168. “Well yeah… but I’m not a bad person! You know what they say; an unjust law isn’t a law worth following!”
  170. “Alright alright haha, I understand. Anyway Sayori, how are you? How did everything go with your… boss?”
  172. “Oh fantastically! In fact that’s partly the reason I called you today. You see I told my boss about everything that went down. She was actually particularly impressed with your fortitude and discipline. She’d like to meet the person who helped not only deliver her shipment but defend it from a thief despite not having any previous work within the business!”
  174. “Huh… why would she want to meet me? I just did what anyone would have done in that situation. Especially when some mook is threatening your childhood friend.”
  176. “Well when she gets interested in something she becomes very determined, Anon. She won’t take no for an answer, besides she’s actually a very nice woman!”
  178. I thought for a moment just why on earth she wanted to meet me. Could it be she was going to make sure I didn’t rat her business out to the authorities? The chief of police has been muscling in this area to crackdown on bootleggers. Then again Sayori still appears to be a sweetheart albeit seemingly still rather naive. I doubt she’d put me up to this if my life was in danger. I suppose the least I could do would be to meet this woman and ensure her my lips are sealed if not for my own life for Sayori’s.
  180. “Uh well alright when and where does she want to meet?”
  182. “Tomorrow at noon for lunch at her restaurant.”
  184. “Tomorrow? I work then though, I can’t be gone for that long on break!”
  186. “Don’t worry bout it Anon! She’s a very convincing woman and I’m sure once you tell her about your predicament she’ll see to convincing your boss to let you extend your break time for once.”
  188. I got a slight shiver when she said that; despite Sayori’s cheerful happy-go-lucky voice, scenarios ran through my head of what might happen.
  190. “Haha… alright, I’ll be there tomorrow I guess. What’s the address?”
  192. “Oh don’t worry Anon! She’ll be sending you a ride over to your work to pick you up! Just look outside the front of your work at break time for a black Studebaker, a driver will be waiting to take you!”
  194. “Will you be there?” I asked Sayori.
  196. “Of course silly! I’m actually basically second in command! I just like to do jobs for the business too!”
  198. “Alright, well I guess I’ll see you then Sayori.”
  200. “Ehehe, see you tomorrow Anon!” She replied hanging up the phone before I followed suit.
  202. I breathed in and stood there wondering just what the hell I’d gotten myself into. I figured it was going to be a long day tomorrow, so I got to bed as soon as I could. Unfortunately for me I barely was able to sleep I was so anxious, at times I was afraid I was going to fall asleep working the machinery. Luckily time went quickly and the bell was ringing out announcing lunchtime to all the workers. Stepping out the doors of the factory I gazed out upon the bustling crowd of people and cars passing by until I saw the black Studebaker Sayori mentioned. I walked up to it but didn’t see anyone in the driver's seat before looking around to see if they were around.
  204. “You just gonna stand there, wheat? Or are ya gonna get in? Cause if not take a powder already.” A petite voice called out from the car.
  206. I peered in and realized it was a small girl with pink hair speaking to me in the driver’s seat. She could barely see over the steering wheel. “Is this woman hiring children to work for her business too?” I thought to myself.
  208. “Ah sorry, right!” I responded hopping into the back of the automobile.
  210. I had barely finished closing the door and we were already reeling out onto the street towards our destination. You’d think the kid would slow down a bit especially when heading to her boss’ business. Imagine that; getting your foundation and crew shut down and arrested because you brought some copper to the front door because of a speeding ticket.
  212. “So… what’s your name?” I tried making small talk as we continued driving.
  214. “Tch, what was that? Ya gotta speak up kid.”
  216. Kid? Me? Are you kidding me right now.
  218. “Uhh, I said what’s your name? The name’s Anon, myself; I didn’t realize your boss was having uh youngsters work for her.”
  219. As soon as I finished that sentence she slammed on the brakes yanking the car off to the side of the road.
  221. “Holy shit, what the hell-”
  223. “Listen here you sap, I’m not a child! I’m the same age as Sayori, now you’d do best to never insult me like this again. You’re just lucky the boss is interested in you and you’re childhood friends with Sayori!” She cut me off turning back to look me dead in the face.
  225. This little bearcat sure had some spunk in her. Come to think of it, she was pretty cute too now that I think about it.
  227. “Sorry I meant no offense!” I blurted out.
  229. “Tch, it’s fine… also I’m not cute either…” She murmured under her breath.
  231. “Did… did I say that all aloud?” I thought to myself. For the rest of the trip we mostly just sat there in silence. I’d occasionally see her eyes look at me in the rear view mirror before darting back to the road. I wonder what she did for Sayori’s boss, was she a runner just like her or did she maybe help make the booze?
  233. “Alright, we’re here.” She responded as we pulled up to the front of a building.
  235. I stepped out and realized it was the same building Sayori had brought us too to pick up the truck for the run the other day. It was a large fancy Italian restaurant with large glass windows displaying the inside. Above the front door was a neon sign reading “Battito, battito Italian Ristorante.”
  237. “The name’s Natsuki, by the way.” The driver said sheepishly.
  239. “Hmm? I’m sorry what was that?” I responded.
  241. “Natsuki! That’s my name, but just call me Nats, all the others do anyway. Don’t think it makes you special or anything.” She responded with an air of confidence.
  243. “Ah, it’s nice to meet you Nats.” I replied with a smile.
  245. She blushed before shaking her head and replying again.
  247. “Yeah whatever, just try not to make a fool out of yourself in front of the boss.” She said leaning back against the car.
  248. I chuckled before making my way up the steps and entering the restaurant.
  250. “Good day sir, do you have a reservation?” A greeter asked as I stepped through the doors.
  252. “Hey, Anon! Over here!” I heard Sayori call out to me.
  254. She was standing up from her seat at a table off to the side waving her hand towards me; her eyes closed with a beaming smile.
  256. “Ah my apologies, sir.” The greeter said before stepping aside to let me in.
  258. “There you are, Anon! I’m glad you decided to join!” Sayori exclaimed as she jumped up and hugged me around the neck like a playful child.
  260. “Woah, slow down Sayori I thought this was just introducing me to your boss!”
  262. “Oh well...ehehe.” Sayori said tentatively poking her forefingers together as she looked to the side.
  264. “So, you’re Anon hmm? My name’s Monika, Sayori has said much about you, I’m quite happy to finally meet the man who saved one of my closest subordinates and more importantly my product.”
  266. “Hey Monika that’s mean!” Sayori said with a pout.
  268. “Please have a seat Anon, order whatever you’d like, my treat! It is my restaurant after all ahaha.” She said with a smile tilting her head slightly.
  270. “Ah, well thank you very much honestly, but I’ll probably only have a drink and something small so I can get back to work on time.”
  272. “Didn’t Sayori tell you already? We’ve already talked with your boss! He gave you the rest of the day off ahaha!”
  274. I gulped and wondered how she managed to do that considering how strict the ole bastard is. Probably not the most pleasant meeting he’s had with visitors to say the least.
  276. “Uh well thank you…” I responded.
  278. She then waved the waiter over and he began taking all of our orders down before I heard the bell on the door ring again. Before I could glance back to see who it was Natsuki, the driver was sitting herself down in a seat next to me before placing her feet up on the table.
  280. “How nice of you to join us Natsuki, I presume you were doing your usual check up of the car and to make sure no one tailed you?”
  282. “That’s right, you know me Monika always looking out for the business! In fact I-”
  284. “Natsuki please remove your feet from the table, it’s very unladylike and extremely rude not to mention disgusting.” A long haired woman who was sitting across from me said without looking up from a book she was reading.
  286. “What was that? I don’t see you out there bustin’ your ass for the business!”
  288. “You know I’m a specialist! I only go on jobs when called upon! Besides we have a guest, and you’re making a bad impression.” Nats removed her feet from the table before speaking again.
  290. “Eh what of it I already met the guy, he may have saved Sayori but he seems a bit slow.” She said with a smug half smile looking at me.
  292. “At least I can see over the steering wheel.” I murmured before taking a sip from my glass of water.
  294. “What did you say wise guy!” She yelled at me tugging me back and forth from my collar.
  296. “Haha sorry, sorry!” I responded trying to contain my laughter.
  298. “Ehehe, see Anon you’ve already made some friends here!” Sayori said enthusiastically.
  300. “Psh, like I’d be friend’s with this goof, besides he’d probably cramp my style.”
  302. “She’s just worried someone’d mistake me for her fire extinguisher haha.”
  304. “You sure talk like you put on the Ritz despite being a goon!” She replied giving me a jab in the ribs before crossing her arms and pouting.
  306. “Alright you two, enough of that besides, Anon hasn’t agreed to anything yet.” Monika said.
  308. “That’s right, so tell me, why are you interested in me? I just helped my friend Sayori out nothing more.”
  310. “True, but you had every reason to back off when you found out what she was actually delivering. Plus you took down that thief with ease despite not having any experience with any of the Families. What can I say, I could use a man like you working for me ahaha.” She said intertwining her fingers together before placing her chin on her hands.
  312. “I’m just an average joe honestly! Besides what could I do for you anyway, I know nothing about bootlegging or working for the mafia.”
  314. “Well I’d probably start you off doing runs with Sayori, it’d also help having her show you the ropes since you already know her well. Then maybe if you felt up for it you could some odd jobs with Natsuki and perhaps some special jobs with Yuri. And if you show some real potential maybe I’ll have you become my bodyguard, I’ve been needing one since we’ve been making a name for ourselves.” She said with a wink.
  316. “Oh, Anon it’ll be so much fun! You and I going on runs escaping the coppers, like those capers on the radio.” She said raising her hand up like a gun and closing one of her eyes before making a pow sound.
  318. “Don’t those guys almost always get caught in them?” I responded.
  320. “Ehehe…” Sayori laughed awkwardly as she realized I was right while she tapped her index fingers together.
  321. Before any of us could say anything more our waiter was back with our meals.
  323. “Well how about we all get more acquainted while we eat. Yuri! How about you introduce yourself to Anon, you've barely said a word since he walked in! What would he think of my top assassina sitting about skulking in her books? You should know that’s no way to meet a man let alone an honored guest!” She said with a smug smile.
  325. The girl with long purple hair who had been reading most of this time quickly darted her face to the side blushing furiously before closing the book and placing it on her lap.
  327. “Ah! Pl-please forgive me, it was rude of me to not introduce myself to you! M-my name’s Yuri…” She said self consciously still not directly looking at me. The only visible part of her face uncovered by her long flowing hair was her beet red cheeks.
  329. “It’s nice to meet you Yuri, my name’s Anon.” I responded in kind.
  331. She looked at me before smiling generously and taking a sip from her glass of wine.
  333. “Ehehe, you already know me Anon, but I’m looking forward to working with you!”
  335. “And you already know me, I’ll give ya one day before you chase yourself.” Natsuki said through chewing as she stuffed some more bread in her mouth.
  337. “And I’m Monika, I run this establishment! Started it up as a passion project because it wasn’t right to deprive the people of their juice. Life’s too short to not have a stiff drink every now and then I always say ahaha! So what do you say Anon? You know exactly why I invited you here in the first place, will you join us?”
  339. They all looked at me with bated breath, well Natsuki was trying to put on a facade of disinterest despite her eyes and body language saying otherwise. I sighed knowing I couldn’t say no especially to girls like these.
  341. “Alright. I’m in.”
  343. “Yay! Anon this’ll be so much fun! It’ll be just like old times!” Sayori exclaimed.
  345. “I’m looking forward to working with you, Anon.” Yuri said with a smile.
  347. “Yeah, yeah don’t get a big head, like I said you’ll be outta here by tomorrow.”
  349. “Ahaha, welcome aboard, Anon I know you’ll make me proud.”
  351. I sighed before saying sorry to my ma and pops in my head for getting myself wrapped up in a business like this. What could I say, I couldn’t say no to this for whatever reason I needed to see how this would go.
  353. “Well then, I’ll let your boss know you’re resigning and to have your paycheck by the end of the week!”
  355. “Woah woah wait a second! I thought I’d still work at the factory and just help with odd jobs for you!?”
  357. “Ahaha silly Anon, this job is full time! Besides I think I like having you around you add a new dynamic to this group!” She said with a coy smile.
  359. “Hmm… well alright, so when do I start?”
  361. “Right now, Anon!” Sayori exclaimed triumphantly.
  363. “That’s right, in fact I was thinking of having you and Sayori do the next run for the old Lindh couple. They have a large bulk they've ordered for the month. Then when you get back you can do a run for the Moretti brothers. They ordered a much more fancy brew compared to the ones you helped save before so there’s definitely a lot more to worry about in that regard.” Monika responded.
  365. “Wait so suddenly? That seems like a big job for someone you just hired and only’ve seen work once!”
  367. “I know you won’t disappoint, Anon. Besides I know you still have the gun from the thief the other day.”
  369. How did she know that I was still carrying that around? Jesus she’s much more receptive and intuitive than I thought.
  371. “H-how did you know?”
  373. “You pick up body language especially in regards to someone wearing iron. You need to when you’re the Ma of a leading bootlegger crew. Speaking of which none of you made a mention of Anon carrying a gun into my establishment!” Monika replied.
  375. “Wait, Anon you’re carrying a gun! Sheesh I don’t mind you protecting us but you can warn a gal… not that I mind you protecting me ehehe.” She said slightly whispered towards the end.
  377. “Oh please, stop gushing over him Sayori, besides if he was stupid enough to make a move on ya Monika he’d have been gunned down by myself before he could even flip his coat to the side!” Natsuki said with a look of bravado.
  379. “But did you realize he was carrying Natsuki?” Monika replied.
  381. “Uh well… sheesh what does it matter he couldn’t do anything!”
  383. “I trusted your judgement Monika, I doubted you would invite a man into your establishment if you were not absolutely certain he wasn’t going to attempt something foolish.” Yuri added.
  385. “Hmm, very well. You are all right in your own ways; I also knew because I can tell Anon’s a big ole softie he’d never hurt a sweet girl like me ahaha.” Monika said with a smile looking at me.
  387. “Sweet girl? Monika you broke that mooks fingers a couple days ago when he tried to skimp you on the amount of ingredients you ordered.” Natsuki said bluntly.
  389. Monika’s face contorted slightly in annoyance before she spoke again.
  391. “Alright! Sayori, how about you and Anon get that next job going right away!”
  393. “Mhmm!” Sayori responded pumping a fist in the air before grabbing my arm and yanking me out of my chair towards the door.
  395. “Hey, come on give me a second! Jesus, Sayori can’t you give a guy a moment to get situated?”
  397. “Uh-uh, Anon! We gotta show Monika just how good you are no time to dilly dally! Besides this job is going to take a bit longer so we can actually catch up together while we’re driving!” She said with a bright smile.
  399. I blushed from her beautiful smile and cheerful optimism before sighing and quickly following her to the alley once again.
  401. “How bout you drive this time Anon, you can drive can’t you?” Sayori said to me as she walked to the side of a large cargo truck.
  403. “Of course I can, it’s just hard to afford one since the stock market collapse after all!” I replied as we both hopped into the truck and I fired up the engine. “Alright, so where we heading?”
  405. “Hearth Township, I’d hope you remember the way.”
  407. “We’re going all the way to our hometown? That’s a good six and a half hour drive!”
  409. “I told you Anon we’ll have plenty of time to catch up! Plus then you can treat me to dinner like you promised ehehe!”
  411. “I did promise that, didn’t I? Well alright let’s get going then; this outta be interesting.” I replied as I drove towards the freeway out of town.
  413. For a good chunk of the trip we both made idle small chat while occasionally listening to the radio; with Sayori humming the melody every once and awhile.
  415. “So Sayori tell me, what made you join Monika’s gang? You were always... well a goody two shoes so I never figured you for a gangster haha.”
  417. “There’s a lot you might not no about me Anon… ehehe well I umm was just trying to help my Mom and uncle run their businesses and I guess I just really liked the appeal of Monika’s crew. Sure it may be wrong but a law like this one was bound to mess up a lot of people's lives! I mean for one many people’s bars and restaurants had to close when they outlawed booze! That’s people’s livelihoods at stake! Plus Monika is my friend now we’re actually pretty close!” Sayori said with a smile. I didn’t like the way she said the first part but I ignored it in case I was making a big deal of nothing.
  419. “I can’t deny that, I remember reading about all the people who struggled after it. Hell the local bar in our hometown nearly went out of business because of it. He only stayed afloat because of our community being so close with him. I can’t really talk much seeing as I’m with you now, I wouldn’t have it any other way, you always were my closest friend Sayori.”
  421. “I feel the same way, Anon even after all these years. At least we were able to stay in contact for awhile with letters!”
  423. “Heh those were always the best, I always looked forward to them and worried when one didn’t show up on time…” I said before realizing what I’d said.
  425. I glanced to my side and could only make out Sayori holding her hand to her chest smiling slightly.
  427. “I felt the same way, Anon. Do you remember the letter I sent talking about how big the city was and how you and your family should visit sometime?”
  429. “Yeah, you talked about how while you couldn’t see the stars the lights from the buildings replaced them. How the whole thing gave you a melancholic feeling. Do you remember the letter I sent you talking about all the funny things that the Perkins boys would get up to?”
  431. “Ehehe yeah! How they managed to shave Mr. Andersons sheep and paint spots on them while also glueing the wool onto his cows?”
  433. “Haha yep, those three got a real thrashing after that but if it wasn’t funny! Then it was about a year ago that I moved to the city, I sent a letter but since it was just before the collapse it probably was lost in all of that…”
  435. “Yeah… but hey! We’re together again now, and working together too!” She said as she leaned over and hugged me around my shoulders.
  437. I really did miss her a lot, I guess I kind of forgot about her when I moved, I had just made it into the city got a job and suddenly the world is crashing around me. Yet somehow I made it out unscathed and we’ve reunited! I must be the luckiest guy in the world.
  439. “Hey Sayori, you feeling hun-” I began to ask as her stomach growled. “Hah I’ll take that as a yes.”
  441. “Ehehe, yeah I could eat.”
  443. “Alright there should be a nice little diner on the outskirts of town, I remember it serving the best God damn breaded pork chops this side of the Mississippi!”
  445. “Anon, language!”
  447. “Wha- oh haha, Sayori you goofball we’re criminals and you’re worried about that?”
  449. “Anon, it’s a sin to use the Lord’s name in vain! Plus swearing is mean!”
  451. “You’re right, I apologize.”
  453. “Thank you.”
  455. “Goofball.”
  457. “Hmmmmph!” Sayori huffed as she pursed her lips to the side and playfully hit my arm.
  459. We finally made it to the edge of town as I pulled the truck into the diner driveway. Stepping out and hopping down I stretched my arms and legs before turning to Sayori.
  461. “Do you think it’ll be okay to leave the cargo unattended?”
  463. “Yeah besides we can take a seat at the window to keep watch!” She said before putting on a look of determination and mock scanning the horizon with her hand above her eyes.
  465. The bell on the door jingled as we entered and the waitress behind the counter greeted us.
  467. “Just have a seat were ever ya like you two, I’ll be right with ya’ll!”
  469. We sat across from each other in a booth next to a window overlooking the truck.
  471. “So what can I getcha two lovebirds this fine evening?” The older female waitress said as she came up to us pulling a pen and notepad from her apron.
  473. We both blushed deeply before I stuttered a response.
  475. “Oh n-no we’re not a couple! We just work together!”
  477. “Honey, a young man and a young woman together, late at night…”
  479. “I’m just gonna get the steak!” I blurted out trying to shift the subject.
  481. “Uh, I-I’ll get the... flapjacks!”
  483. “Alright steak for the strapping young lad who’s totally single, and pancakes for the little missy who’s also totally single coming right up!” She said with a smirk before walking to the kitchen.
  485. “Pancakes? Seriously Sayori, it’s dinner not breakfast!”
  487. “I was stressed, you put me on the spot Anon! Plus, I like sweet things ehehe.”
  489. “Yeah well you’re sweet enough as is, you keep that up and you’ll turn into a sugar cube.” I responded taking a sip of water.
  491. “You’re cuter Anon! You didn’t even want to join us because you’re too much of a sweetheart ehehe!”
  493. “Them’s fightin words Sayori!” I said jokingly as our waitress came out with our meals.
  495. “Here you are ya two, steak for the sir, and pancakes for the madam. Now is there anything else I can getcha?”
  497. “That’ll be all, thank you very much!” We both responded in unison before laughing together. The waitress smiled before walking back to the counter.
  499. I cut into my steak and took a bite as I watched Sayori drench her flapjacks in syrup.
  501. “Geez Louise, Sayori what did I just say about sugar?”
  503. “Ish nu bih del!” She responded with a mouth full of fluffy pancakes.
  505. “What am I gonna do with you, Sayori?” I chuckled.
  507. We continued eating for awhile making idle small chat until we had both finished and I went to the counter to pay. We only had about a twenty minute drive until we reached our destination now.
  509. “How often do you have to drive this far away, Sayori? It’s a really long drive for one person after all.” I asked her as we drove down the road.
  511. “Oh not often at all most deliveries are in the city since most of the speakeasies are in the city. That’s why we’re taking this truck, deliver the brand in bulk so they don’t need a refill for a good month out here.”
  513. “Makes sense, how many speakeasies are there anyway and how many deliveries do you even do?”
  515. “You’re much more curious than I remember, Anon ehehe.”
  517. “Well if I’m gonna be working with you I’d like to know all I can haha.” I responded.
  519. “Hehe, I understand Anon, there’s too many to count and how often they need to be restocked depends on each. Some don’t get as many customers so they don’t need to be restocked as much while others get really busy and our brand is extremely popular. Especially the juice joint near the Fritz Hotel downtown. You’d be surprised how many of the high class who look down on us common folk come into there looking for a cold drink.”
  521. “Huh, so you even got business in a fancy upstate place like that eh?”
  523. “Mhmm, and because of the area and increased police activity we get to up the price!”
  525. “Haha, serves them uppity-ups right!” I said as I began pulling up the driveway to our destination. “Alright we finally made it, jeez that was one hella’ve drive!”
  527. We both hopped out of the truck and I began opening up the back of the truck while Sayori, went to the back of the building to notify the owner. As I pulled the crate to the front of the truck bed and pried it open with a crowbar Sayori returned with an older man and woman followed by four men slightly older than myself.
  529. “Who might this be, Sayori? Monika hiring new blood to work with you?” The old man asked.
  531. “This is Anon, he actually helped save me and the cargo on my last run!” Sayori responded.
  533. “It’s nice to meet you sir.” I said extending my hand.
  535. “Is that so?” He asked to Sayori and I as he firmly shook my hand. “The name’s Marty, I’m happy to hear you were there to help Sayori, I keep telling that girl to carry a gun but she’s too much of a sweetheart. Astounds me every time that she chose this line o’ work.”
  537. “It astounded me too sir and I’ve known her since we were kids!” I responded as we both chuckled.
  539. “Heeeey! I’ve told you countless times I joined because the law isn’t right and I wanted to help my friends keep their livelihoods! Hmph.” Sayori said with a cute pout.
  541. “Oh it’s alright dear, in fact I’m relieved that Anon is so much like my husband, it means I can count on him to protect you during these deliveries.” The old woman said.
  543. “I’ve been doing these deliveries by myself for a long time with no problems Mary!”
  545. “Yes, but this one you almost got hurt! We’ve come to care about you almost as a daughter you know. Besides does Anon make that bad of company?” She said.
  547. “O-of course not I care about Anon a lot as he said we’ve known each other since we were kids! I just don’t want him having to worry about me is all…” Sayori said rather solemnly.
  549. “Hey Sayori, how could I worry about you if I’m right there working with you? Besides these few hours working with you have been more fun than all of my time working in the factory!” I responded.
  551. “Well he seems alright in my book!” Marty interjected slapping me on the shoulder.
  553. “You need to let others care about you sometimes Sayori, we’re not burdened by you, Hell it’s the least we can do to repay you for all the times you’ve helped all of us, Anon included.” Mary said.
  555. “She’s right Sayori, we all care about you, let us show it every once and awhile!” I said with a smile.
  557. “I… thank you.” Sayori said with a small smile “Well, enough about me for now let’s get your booze off the truck!”
  559. “Right! Men off your asses already!” Marty yelled at the four men as they rushed up hoisting the crates out of the truck and into the building.
  561. “Why don’t you two stay over for the night, it’s awfully late, plus then we can repay you for all you do with a nice hometown breakfast. How does that sound?” Mary said to us.
  563. Sayori looked at me with a smile seemingly waiting for me to accept the request.
  565. “Do we not have to report to Monika right away?”
  567. “Uh uh, we should be fine to get back to her by tomorrow afternoon!”
  569. “Well we have been driving for a long time and it’d be a bit dangerous for us to be driving with so little sleep… ah why not!” I responded.
  571. “Yay, sleepover just like when we were younger!”
  573. “Ya two ain't young no more so you’re sleeping in separate rooms, Sayori.” Marty said.
  575. “Right... of course, I wasn’t suggesting sleeping with Anon in the same room ehehe.” Sayori said awkwardly tapping her forefingers together.
  577. After the four workers finished storing the goods in a shack off the side of their home me and Sayori proceeded to follow the old couple inside.
  579. “Welcome to our home! The late night show was just about to begin if you two wish to join us? There’s some snacks in the cupboard in the kitchen over there if you’re still somewhat hungry” Marty said pointing to the kitchen to the right.
  581. “Hey that sounds pretty fun how about it Sayori?” I responded turning my head towards her.
  583. “Yeah, I love the late night show!”
  585. It was nice to kick back on the couch with Sayori while Marty and Mary sat together in some long chairs as we all listened to the comedy show. While commercials went we’d talk together about our lives, it’s funny they were almost like loving parents. In a way I came to view them that way same as Sayori had. Before long the show was over and it was time to start getting ready for bed. Marty showed me to my room while Mary showed Sayori to hers before he gave me an extra pair of pajamas to wear for the night. After changing into them I went to the bathroom to wash my face before calling it a night and bumped into Sayori on my way back.
  587. “Ah, sorry about that Sayori!”
  589. “It’s no problem, Anon!”
  591. We both stood there for a moment unsure of what to say before I hugged her around the shoulders.
  593. “Hey Sayori… I’m really glad you stepped into that diner last week, working with you has been the best time of my life!”
  595. “Ehehe, Anon I’m glad I decided to go there too… it’s almost like fate!” She responded hugging me tight.
  597. We slowly parted and smiled at each other before saying goodnight and closing the doors to our rooms. My whole world had been taken for a spin, I wasn’t sure where I was going but I knew I’d enjoy the journey.
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