
Im thankful for my fake family

Nov 23rd, 2018
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  1. Covet: Cadence looked at everything on the island counter set up, then called out to everyone. "Dinner's ready, I'm not waiting!" She knew that Trick was being passed back and forth between Steph and Rochelle, and the guys were upstairs in the music room. She could yell up the stairs, but she knew they wouldn't hear her so she grabbed her phone and dialed up Remy, "Hey foods ready, don't kill eachother coming down the stairs. Love you too." She hung up then grabbed her plate starting to fill it with a bunch of food. // Rochelle went to get up,offering to take Trick from Steph as she got up, "Actually, you keep him I'll grab the swing sohe can sit with us in the kitchen at the very least." She said then grabbed the swing over by the doorway, moving it into the dining room. // Remy and the guys could be heard coming down the stairs, they all seemed to be getting along just fine. Seb had brought some of his mead and had been sharing it around and Felix was just joinging in on the conversation. Obviously they'd been smoking upstairs on the balcony too, so at least he wasn't left out of all the festivities. Remy came up and put his arms around Cadence giving her the lovey dovey shit before grabbing his own plate.// Felix sniffed the air when they came down and walked into the kitchen, "Wow, this looks great, and it smells awesome."
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was moving around the living room with Trick on her hip, bouncing him around and smiling as she'd conversed with Rochelle. "Good idea. I'll meet you guys in there in a minute." She said to everyone as they started coming down the stairs. She'd honestly been trying not to think of everyone sitting down to a big Thanksgiving dinner together because for years it had given her intense anxiety to be so overwhelmed with food.-
  3. Covet: "Thank you, and thank you two for keeping an eye on Trick, while I finished up. I appreciate it." She said with a smile, taking her plate and moving it into the dining room setting it down. There was a pitcher of water, the fizzy cider drink, and then Sebastian's mead on the table for everyone. Cadence poured herself a glass of the mead and then a glass of water as well.// Not a problem, any time to look after a little one over cooking, sign me up." She said with a laugh, before getting in line, cutting ahead of Felix and Sebastian.// "Yeah, I appreciate it too, guy time and all that." Remy, he was a man of words, but only when he actually wanted to.// "Hey!" He said as his mom cut in front of him. "You are lucky you're my mother." He grumbled before starting to load his plate up with all the deliciousness, that seemed to be twice as much as any normal human could eat.// Seb's plate at least looked a little more normal, though his veggie to meat ratio was poorly outweighed on the carnivore side.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Continuing to bounce Trick on her hip, she walked into the kitchen to make sure everyone was taking food and getting situated. Eyeing Seb's plate, she pointed at the tray of broccoli squares. "Take broccoli. It's good for you. Arizona? There better be something green in that pile."-
  5. Covet: Cadence looked at Steph who had Trick on her hip still, "How about you put your nephew down in his swing, and you get yourself something too."//Rochelle laughed, "Felix is usually pretty good about the green foods, But you're lucky to see anything at all of that color on Seb's plate. // Remy was eating the foods making all the good food noises. // Felix turned around to look at Steph, then pointed to the pile of green beans, and the brocolli and brussel sprouts on his plate, "Look, like half my plate is green..." He said in protest, but really he just sounded like he was five. // Seb looked at the brocolli then down at his plate, "Uh, maybe after all this. Brocolli isn't really my thing, regardless of the shape it's in.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -She chewed on the inside of her cheek and walked into the dining room with Trick, hesitating before leaning over to set him in his swing. Because now she had no excuse to not be getting a plate of food. "Alright alright, you're fine. Go sit." She said to Felix, straightening her sweater after setting Trick down. "Still good for you." She spoke to Seb as she passed him back into the kitchen, picking up a plate and staring down at all the different types of food. She gingerly took some of the brussel sprouts onto her dish and then just awkwardly stood there. Debating.-
  7. Covet: Cadence started eating her food, mixing things that didn't really belong like her brocolli square and some of her sweet potatoes, but she seemed to be enjoying it.// Remy was looking at her strangely, then gave a shrug, because who was he to judge. // Rochelle was still at the counter looking at Steph who hesitated. She put an arm around her shoulders then started to put a few of the other veggie options onto her plate, just the few small bites, but a little of everything. "There, a little of everything, think of it like a tasting menu, like they do for weddings?" She said giving her an encouraging wink as she assisted. // Felix was about to get up to help Steph seeing her struggle, but then he saw his Mom step in and chose to pour the drinks for his mom and Steph while he waited for them. "So did you ever figure out the date for the christening?"
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile at Rochelle. "Thank you. I guess that's something we'll need to do eventually anyway, right?" She asked, trying to half convince herself everything was fine. She headed over into the dining room and set her plate down, taking a seat and looking over at Cadence to watch her eat weirdly. "Are you feeling okay?"-
  9. Covet: "Uh.. yeah?" She said looking down at her plate, then over at Steph. "I've literally been slaving in the kitchen all evening, I'm starving." // Rochelle nodded, "We do, and I was thinking Seb could help out with that, considering he knows lots about the good chefs and caterers around." She leaned over to Steph, whispering "It's okay to take your time with it. Everyone here understands." // Felix brought his foot over to give Steph a nudge with his foot, grinning at her with a brussel sprout impaled on his fork, "I waited to try the brussel sprouts with you." // Seb heard his mom and nodded, "Of course, I'd be happy to help in any way I can. I know Felix isn't going to be worth much help." He snickered giving his brother shit.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "By all means, you deserve it." She said to Cadence, forcing her eyes elsewhere because watching her eat was kind of nauseating. She smiled at Felix and his brussel sprout, stabbing her own and tapping it to his in a sort of cheers way. "You're cute." She said and took a small bite, looking to Seb and Rochelle. "That would be awesome, actually. I think it would mean a lot to both of us if we had everyone involved in the wedding as much as possible." She paused, directing her attention specifically to Rochelle. "I was actually hoping you might be able to spare some time, when the time comes, to go shopping with Cadence and me for dresses...."-
  11. Covet: "Awwh, please tell me you're saying yes. You have to say yes, there's no other option." Cadence said, because she didn't get the whole Mom experience with her dress and didn't want Steph to miss out on that. // Rochelle looked at Steph and gave her a hug. "Of course, I have all the time in the world for you kiddo." // Felix rolled his eyes " Can we not make this some hallmark holiday movie special." then he looked at his brother, "I'll have you know, I've already said I'll help in anyway required. I have my duties already." // Seb smirked, "What to sappy for you, Felix? Let me guess, Cake and music? That's fine, you take the easy way out with those, and I'll just be over here wooing your bride to be, and we can turn it from a Halmark holiday special to a Rom Com where she ditches you at the altar."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned up to hug Rochelle, a little relieved that she didnt hesitate at all. "Thank you. I'm really looking forward to getting to do that with you. With both of you." She said, encompassing Cadence in that because she hadnt formally asked yet, but everyone knows that bitch is the maid of honor. Taking her seat again, she looked across the table at Seb. "You say that like you're forgetting our places to just switch you two at the last minute. No one will know the difference. It's all planned already."-
  13. Covet: "Yeah, Bitch I know." Cadence said with a wave of her hand, and just looked at the guys trying not to laugh, along with Remy, who at this point had finished his plate after inhaling it and was now getting Trick his bottle and such, doing the dad things. "Can you bring me a slice of the pumpkin pie, stud muffin? Just a small one." // "Sure thing, give me just a sec." He said adjusting Trick in his arms in order to multi task. // Rochelle looked between the boys, "Behave, this isn't your house." // Felix scoffed, "He started it! And no you're not switching nobody at the altar, unless he somehow happens to woo you and you're going to marry him instead and I'm the one he's swapped out with." He said. // Sebastian looked at Felix, "What? That made no sense. Jealous really makes it hard to understand you." He said then got the look from his mom, "Sorry, Ma'am."
  14. Covet: Jealousy*
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Oh stop, you're both easy." She said and poked at her broccoli, nibbling on it just a little. "There will be no twinhaps at the wedding, don't kill each other over a joke."-
  16. Covet: "Yeah, dramatic weddings aren't nearly as fun as you might think." Cadence said , exhaling as Remy brought her slice of pie over and she started eating it with her turkey, wtf Cadence. // Rochelle chuckled. "They wouldn't dare misbehave with me there. And if they do, it will be the strangest case of Mother-in-Law-zilla every seen." // Felix kicked Seb under the table, "You knew what I meant." he then looked over at Steph, then gave her kissy lips, "Just as easy as you, Red." // Seb groaned feeling his brother's foot connet with his leg, "Ouch... dude, you are ballsy."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Ugh no one wants Mother-In-Law-Zillas. From either perspective." She said quickly, shaking her head and reaching for Felix's hand to give it a squeeze. "You give yourself too much credit. And you both better behave if you want to live to see twenty two."-
  18. Covet: Cadence was just smirking from her spot, enjoying the show. " It's like you were all meant to be a family." She said getting a little watery eyed. // Rochelle laughed at Cadence's comment. "I like to think as much. Steph's the daughter I never had and always wished for." // Felix and Seb both dropped their mouths looking offended and echoed eachother's words in the same breath, "Rude."
  19. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled at Cadence, nodding. "It feels like we've been family forever. I've felt more at home and welcomed with everyone at this table than I ever have in my own house growing up. I'm just really thankful for every single one of you." She couldn't help, but get a little emotional, bringing her finger to the corner of her eye to dab just a bit.-
  20. Covet: "Bitch don't you start that crying shit....I'm already halfway there." Cadence said grabbing a napkin off the table for herself then tossing one pathetically at Steph. "You've always been my sister, and you've kept me sane more often than I can count. I'm thankful for your ass too." She said wiping her eyes. // Rochelle smiled, "I wouldn't have it any other way, Kiddo." // Felix smiled then rolled his eyes, "Are there cameras around that I'm not aware about? No Halmark Specials." // Seb gave a genuine smile. " It's nice that Mom has someone on her side now."
  21. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed and grabbed the napkin Cadence was throwing at her, dabbing at her eyes under her glasses and setting it down. "We've kept each other sane. And grounded. And for the most part, out of jail. Mostly." She was sure to add because shit happens, people are flammable. Quickly elbowing Felix, she looked at Seb. "Of course. I couldn't leave her to deal with the two of you alone. No one deserves that."-
  22. Covet: "Mostly... barely." Cadence said with a laugh. // Rochelle looked at Seb and Felix both. "See at least someone cares about your mother." // Felix and Seb both gave their mom dramatic looks. "She brought it on herself, I can only feel so sorry, okay. She wanted us." Felix said and Seb nodded pointing at Felix as he had a mouth ful of food now.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Well.... technically.... she was probably only expecting one of you. And had only set out to have one of you. It's just a matter of who she wanted..." She trailed off, intentionally setting them up for this debate. She propped her hand underneath her chin, starting to laugh.-
  24. Covet: "You shit stirrer." Cadence said with a laugh pushing her plate away, leaning back rubbing her pudgey stomach, that she assumed was from food and post baby weight that she hadn't had the energy to work off. // Rochelle just sat back waiting for the boys to get going again, sipping off her glass of mead. // Felix scoffed, "Well obviously it was me. She's always wanted me." // Seb laughed giving his brother a pat on the back. " The way you hide your insecurity is adorable Felix."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Easyyyyy." She said in a sing songy voice, beaming over at Cadence. "Is everyone done eating?" She asked as she stood up, reaching for her plate that had a lot of the same things on it as when she sat down and reaching over for Rochelle's as well, beginning to walk them into the kitchen to start cleaning up.-
  26. Covet: "Yeah, But we're not cleaning up. We're leaving that for the guys to do. I was thinking the three of us could take our glasses and go sit in the hot tub and relax, I have a joint, I stashed from the guys. I think we've earned it. And they got to relax earlier." Cadence said. basically doing all the things you shouldn't be doing while pregnant. // Rochelle nodded her head, "Now I see why you asked if we had pool wear we could bring. I like the way you think. It's so nice to not have anything to do or clean up for on this holiday now." // Felix, Sebastian and Remy all complained about having to clean up, but they all begrudgingly accepted it.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, but..." She started, not feeling very comfortable with the idea of being in a bathing suit right now. "What about Trick? Why don't you guys enjoy the hot tub and I'll just... watch Trick while the guys clean up?" She asked, depositing the plates she'd gotten into the sink to leave for them to wash. "It's a good opportunity for Seb and Felix to discuss how they're going to spend their day together on Tuesday." She added, trying to force that on them because it was easier if they went out together to pull off this surprise party.-
  28. Covet: "Trick will be fine in here with the guys, and they can discuss that without us in here." Cadence said. "Besides, it's just us. And I kind of want to discuss wedding stuff, because I don't have to do any of it this time." She said with a bit of a pout. // Felix looked at Steph, hearing the unease in her voice. "How about you two head out there, and Steph will be out in just a sec." He said then motioned her to the hallway with him. "What's wrong...I can see it in your face, something's up."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Right..." She agreed with Cadence, running out of logical excuses. "Yeah... I'll meet you outside." She said to Cadence and Rochelle, turning to follow Felix into the hall and dropping her voice down. "Thanksgiving just makes me uncomfortable. It always has. I used to have to pop Xanax before going to Kelsey's because the idea of being taunted by everything around me is just not the greatest in the world."-
  30. Covet: "I get that, I'm sorry that's how it makes you feel. But this isn't Kelsey's. This is just us. And nobody here wants to make you feel uncomfortable at all. We all love you and know that this is hard. But you did great tonight, and nobody said anything about it. Besides, I'm pretty sure my mom and Cadence aren't going to be focused on anything about you physically. They know this is a rough day for you, and just want to distract you. And what better distraction, than what's going to be the happiest day of your life?" He asked her, rubbing her shoulders. "Stop thinking about how terrible previous holidays were, and start enjoying the ones now, because I promise I intend to make everyone from here on out better than the last for you, Okay?" He said to her giving her a hug and a kiss to the top of her head.
  31. Alexithymiaa: -The corners of her mouth turned up into a small smile. "I thought you said no Hallmark specials." She leaned in to hug him, giving him a long squeeze. "Thank you. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." She leaned up to give him a kiss before swatting his butt. "Now go help Remy and Seb clean up."-
  32. Covet: "Well I figured if everyone else was, I might as well make one that's actually worth while and meaningful." He said with a smirk, squeezing her back. "I'm pretty sure I'm the lucky one. Love you, Red. We'll have it spotless when you ladies come back in. We'll probably be napping on the couch in food comas." He told her with a smirk as he walked back into the kitchen where Remy was supervising with the baby in his arms, while Felix and Seb did all the cleaning.
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