
Getting some food

Aug 4th, 2017
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  1. Jul WK1 1000
  4. (Jalen)
  6. Oh man....What the hell happened last night?....I can't recall anything....Why does my bed feel so soft? I reach out hand out to feel the pillow when grasp something....very soft....soft, but pleasant. I hear a grunt as I do this and squint my eyes. (What the hell is this?)
  8. "Well morning to you too, Asswipe"
  9. ".....The fuck?"
  11. I look up and there's Soleil with an amused look. Suddenly, the memories of last night comes rushing to my head as I widen my eyes. I raise my head and look around my room...Our clothes are thrown everywhere as she reach over to my bedstand for her phone and smirk. "Yeah, We rutted hard last night." "No kidding...." I sniff the air and still can smell the heavy musk of 2 Alphas rutting. "How long was it?" She shrugs while texting someone. "Possibly an hour and 2?" "Holy shit...."
  13. "Yup...." She place her phone on the stand and look at me with a stoic gaze. "Sooo...2 things....1st off, your Knot's still in me from last night." Oh fuck! I look down and there we were, still connected. "I know I'm fucking sexy, but damn give me some room~" Ever the smirking bitch, she place her hand on my chest as I rise up to reach down and pull myself out with a loud POP! "Ah! Damnit Jalen, Warn me next time!" "Aww, Does that hurt to be empty without me?~" Looking at that angered look makes my day as I get off the bed and inspect her pussy that flows with cum. with a proud smile, nothing could bring me down....
  15. "2nd thing is that my brother's coming over cause I told him where I'm at." Oh fucking goddamnit..."Well how long do we got?" Checking her phone's timer as she reach over to grab it and then stand up....our cum leaks on the floor as she does this(DAMNIT, I JUST CLEANED THAT FLOOR!) "About 25 mins." Nodding as I walk to my door and crack it open.
  17. "RHIANNON! WE GONNA GET SOME COMPANY IN 25 MINS!" I hear some covers shuffing, must had slept on the couch. "WHO!?!" "SOLEIL'S BROTHER!"
  18. "AH, GODDAMNIT! WHY!!??!" Pausing for a moment, I look at Soleil who have her phone to her face as she read the text. "That dirty bastard.." She reads it in a mocked version of his voice. "Have sullied you and my honor for the last time!!! I shall ave-" "I FUCKED HIS SISTER!!!" Cutting Soleil off there before I hear more BS...Rhiannon groans downstairs. "ARE THE 2 OF THEM FUCKING AT LEAST SO YOU CAN CUCK HIM!?!" "No". Soleil with a deadpan look as she go through Rin's clothing. "NO!" "FUCKING TARDNATION! FINE, LET ME GET JOTARO UP!"
  20. I close the door and turn to Soleil who's checking out my sister's clothing. "She got good taste in anime, nice Serial Experiment Lain shirt here." Walking to my dresser for my clothes, I ask her without looking at her. "What are you doing?" "Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna wear her clothing after I wash up." You mean after I wash up?" We stare at each other before she sighs. "Look, my brother gonna be here and I wanna wash up before that....Why don't we just share the shower?".
  22. ".....Fine with me."
  23. The 2 of us hop in the shower together...
  26. (Soleil)
  28. [Current Theme]
  30. Surprisingly, we didn't fucked other in the shower, although we did wash each other rather nice. However, the good time ended as we got dresed and came downstairs just in time, as Inigo is outside the house now shouting.
  32. "COME OUT HERE, YOU DAMNED HOME WRECKER AND FACE JUSTICE FROM MY RISTON!!" A groan from Jalen who's behind me as he walk outside. I follow and walk past Rhiannon(Who looks happy that I'm wearing her clothing while she head upstairs with a gas mask...I guess to not get drunk on the scent up there to wash our clothes) where Inigo and his Riston(Hare/Gali) is out there. Riston is gearing up for battle as is Inigo, as Jalen and Jotaro, who is just now walking from his shed, isn't ready for battle. As I look behind him, I see Inigo have brought Andrea who clearly doesn't seem pleased to be here...
  36. ...Nothing happens as Andrea look at Inigo with an agitated stance and tap the grass with her foot. Glaring at him with sheer annoyance as I walk up to him, I grab him by his neck and lift him up. Riston is beyond scared by this as Andrea laughs....I can hear Jalen saying something to Jotaro here.
  38. "Now listen here, brother...who I sleep with is none of your concern. I appreciate you being the 'protective lil brother' here. But I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Do I make myself clear, Inigo?"
  40. Not capable of speaking, He tap my hand on his neck compiling to my order as I let him go. He breaths for air upon landing on the grass as Rhiannon comes out after putting me and Jalen's clothes in the washer machine.
  43. (Jalen)
  45. "You see, Jotaro..." I crouch down and point to Soleil choking her brother.. "This is why you never try to fight a Alpha Female...They are more dangerous than us males...Bitches be crazy." I motion to Andrea who's laughing at this as Riston is scared as shit. "You see, the apple don't fall far from the tree here."
  47. [End Theme]
  49. After the 'lovely sibling moment' Rin comes out dressed and tap me on the shoulder. I lean towards her."Wanna get some breakfast?"
  50. Nodding, I go inside to get the car keys and get some anime CDs out for Jotaro to watch as he rest from the last tourney yesterday.. Putting on some JJBA Part 3 makes him sit down with a bucket of fruit to snack on as I head outside. Soleil turn to me after speaking with Rin regarding breakfast.
  52. "Hey, You 2 are going to get some food? Me and Inigo will come as well. Ok?"
  54. I shrug, not willing to turn her down. "Ok, good, come on Inigo! Go get in your car and leave your Hare here with Andrea and Jotaro." "Wh-what? WHY!?! What if Jotaro attack Riston?" Pointing at me, Inigo yells at Soleil. "Well, as long as he don't mess with his anime, Riston will be fine."I point towards the house where Jotaro is watching JJBA. "Just let your Hares leave him be and everyone will be fine." That seems to make Inigo happy as we finally head out to get some food.
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