

Oct 28th, 2019
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  1. So I’ll come right out and say that I find this post quite problematic from an information standpoint. This amino has an exceptionally bad history with euthanasia. Previous members flocked to recommending it. One person was told to crush their otocinclus that was easily suffering from a curable disease. This topic is extremely serious. I will also say that I’m personally against the thought of euthanasia. I will still judge the wiki with fairness. So first we start with the fact that the opening statements don’t have a title. Unfortunately should have a comma behind it. There should be a comma after to do this. There is an Oxford comma behind and. In the when should I euthanize my fish section, there’s an Oxford comma before or. Lists are additionally not paragraphs. Opinion shouldn’t really play a part in wikis as well. All of the situations you identified are not specific. Refusal to eat can come from bloat, difficulty breathing can come from ich, difficulty swimming can come from sbd, lethargy can come from lack of stimulation or growing old, paleness can simply come from stress and fish can somewhat recover from seizures. These grounds are far too lose for euthanasia and could lead an uneducated member to putting down their fish. Additionally, the section after the list is not formatted. Titles throughout the article are relatively inconsistently done. There’s an Oxford comma in front of as. I’m not sure if we can say what is the most common euthanasia methods. Are you saying that immersion is the most common way or the most ethical? The title how do I euthanize my fish is unneeded. You need a comma after euthanize. Are you saying we need two containers? There’s not need for the and/or. It is only or. Remove the comma before cloves. If you do not know why it acts as anesthetic, it might be a bit dangerous to recommend. If you do not fully understand the product, recommending it can be really risky. Run-on sentence before however. With the run-on sentence, this section is only three sentences and not a paragraph. There’s an extra space before the word then. There’s an unneeded comma after then. You mean slowly instead of slowing. There’s an unneeded comma after to. There’s an Oxford after and. The first paragraph of 95% ethanol isn’t a paragraph. You need a comma after oil. There’s an Oxford comma before and. There should be a comma add your fish. There should be a comma after typically. There’s an Oxford comma before and. Physical methods isn’t a paragraph either. Oxford comma after because. What methods are unethical is also not a full paragraph. You haven’t given an explanation for what you state to be true in this paragraph either. Why do these methods prolong death? What do I do now is based on an opinion, not a paragraph and not needed. It also includes a lot of commas you do not need. You only used one source, which is against wiki guidelines as well. There is also no background which is just a personal issue. Going further, it is semi clear that you night not have the best understanding of the medications you recommended. From using my logic, it has always seemed that these methods of euthanasia might actually be choking the fish rather than sedating it. Tea tree oil is another commonly used medication that is said to euthanize fish in high doses and is the most important component of medications like melafix but this is not a form of euthanasia. This medication coats the lungs and prevents breathing even though it looks like the fish is relating. I would be very concerned about this wiki and most likely take it down quickly as recommending any lethal practices can be both scaring and problematic.
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