
Mooning Mom

Feb 16th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Felix came in from the back porch after smoking his "last" cigarette for the night. Rubbing his arms he gave a shiver and went to go stand next to the fireplace. "As soon as I get warmed up, We should be able to video call my mom, tell her thank you for your gifts." He said intentionally leaving out his owb.
  2. Covet: *own
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sat on the couch with her laptop on her lap, her eyes glued to the screen as she read her ebook, desperately trying to keep up with her schoolwork while trying to manage the music stuff going on right now with all the craziness. When Felix spoke, she lifted her eyes from her screen, pushing her glasses up on her nose to look at him. "Oh, right. And yours too. And I also want to make sure she got the shirts I sent her. I sent her that cactus one and a Krucial Kittens merch tank."-
  4. Covet: "Yeah.. sure...." Felix said with a shrug in regards to his gift, forcing a smile on his face. "Oh I knew you were planning on the cactus shirt, but I didn't know you sent her a Krucial Kittens one too. She's definitely going to love that." He told her then made his way over to the couch sitting down. "I'll get to show her my gift for her as well." He said with his own little devious grin.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Please don't moon your mother in front of the cats." SHe spoke in the driest fucking monotone she could muster, her eyes dropping back down to her computer as she opened her email. Moving her hands over the keyboard, she started to type quickly, talking at the same time. "Are you grabbing your computer or are you using mine?"-
  6. Covet: "hmm, neither, because I don't want to go get my computer." He said and pulled out his phone with a shrug. "I'll just use my phone." Felix pulled up his contacts and selected his mom hitting the call button and switched it over to video. He made a couple of faces into the camera before Rochelle picked up. // "About time you called me, You got your gifts two days ago. I was expecting a call then. Where's Steph at?" She asked looking around for her.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Lazy..." She mumbled as she finished up her email when Rochelle answered, leaning over into the frame and onto Felix's shoulder to smile at his phone. "I'm here, sorry. Just finishing up some work. We should have called sooner, but time kind of gets away from us here."-
  8. Covet: "Convenient." Felix responded, then scoffed, "Excuse me mother, for wanting to enjoy the day of love, with the person I love, and might love more than you." // Rochelle ignored her son's mean response, and waved at Steph as she came into frame, "It's okay, I know it's not your fault, but my son's. I got the shirts you sent in today. Thank you so much, I love them both. And I will defintely promote your band, not that you need my help after that amazingly sweet dedication you did."
  9. Alexithymiaa: -She nudged Felix in the side with her elbow, shaking her head. "Don't say that to your mother." Closing her laptop and leaning forward to set it down on the coffee table, she moved back into frame to watch Rochelle through the phone. "I'm glad you like them. It's not so much about wanting you to promote the band as it was wanting you to be included in our successes. I didnt realize our dedication was going to garner as much attention as it did and I'm kind of still handling a lot of the incoming attention we've gotten from it."-
  10. Covet: Felix grunted then glared back at Steph for a second. "Fine, I guess I might love her a little bit more, I mean I did get a tattoo of her name and not yours." He said with a cheeky smile. // "Aww, well thank you for including me. That's really nice of you. The attention has all been positive though yes? I can't really see why any of that would have gotten negative feedback. Wait... Felix Alymere Marlowe, what did you do?" She asked hearing his comment.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Better not get a tattoo of my name otherwise we're going to have a problem." She threatened because love or not, it's just such a bad tattoo idea. She pursed her lips when Rochelle started to question him, instantly putting her hands up in innocence. "I had nothing to do with this and even advised against it. I'm not responsible for this."-
  12. Covet: "I'd just get a tinman if I did anything like that." Felix said with a shrug, then handed his phone to Steph, " It's easier if I just show you Mom." He said then turned around and pulled his shorts down to show off the cactus banner heart on his ass with 'MOM' on the banner. " What do you think? I wanted to get something that showed you how much I love you." // "I wish I could say I'm surprised he didn't listen to you, but I know that feeling." She laughed then gave a slight facepalm as Felix mooned her. "Is that on your ass? Why would you get that on your ass? Child, sometimes.. I wonder about you." Rochelle said shaking her head. " But, I'm both flattered and amused by your homage to me, by making it a cactus heart."
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She took his phone and pointed it at him as he mooned his poor mother, letting out a sigh. "If it makes you feel any better, he was very clearly in pain the entire time despite the fact that it's a mostly fatty and fleshy area to get a tattoo. Your son is a big baby." She said with a smirk as she eyed Felix's butt because she knew Rochelle couldn't see her checking him out.-
  14. Covet: "I was not, I handled it like a man!" He said, "I really didn't, but if anything it makes up for all the pain I put you through." He said after pulling his shorts back up, seeing the look Steph gave him he smirked back, taking the phone again. // "I wish I could have been there to see him cry like he used to." Rochelle said with a laugh, then shook her head, "It's adorable that you think that kiddo, but it's not even close, maybe after a few more then I'll reconsider us as possible equals." She told him, then looked at Steph, " So, What inspired this first tattoo thing exactly?"
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She let out a deep sigh and passed his phone back to him, making herself comfortable on the couch again. "I went to get another one and he came with me. And somehow that transpired into and impromptu tattoo in your honor. Although in all fairness he's at least become a pain in his own ass now."-
  16. Covet: "Ha ha ha." He said rolling his eyes, " No, it's because she told me to stop being predictable, so I was unpredictable and got a tattoo. I wanted it to be at least a little meaningful if it was going to be a spur of the moment decision." // Rochelle raised her eyes, "So you're telling me all we have to do is criticize how you do something to get you to do the things we want?"
  17. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh, leaning in to kiss Felix's cheek. "In all fairness, that has completely worked. I've done nothing, but bitch and moan about his smoking and he's made such a good effort to quit. He's come a long way." She beamed at him proudly just to twist that knife a little more, tipping her head to the side to rest against his shoulder. "You should be very proud of him."-
  18. Covet: "Yeah, definitely." He said with the fakest smile that ever smiled. "I've been working so hard. It's been difficult, but rewarding." Felix gave a shrug, swallowing back as much guilty as he could. "I haven't opened the kit you sent yet, but that's because I haven't had to, since I started before you sent it. Thanks for the gum, that will really help too. Even if I miss my Reeses hearts." // "Wow, Really? Felix that's amazing, that's a really big step for you. I am very proud. Keep it up Kiddo." Rochelle said with a genuine happy smile.
  19. Alexithymiaa: (Suffer.)
  21. Alexithymiaa: -She moved her hand to his arm to give it a gentle stroke with her fingers, turning her head into him to stifle her yawn with his shoulder. "I will get you Reese's hearts tomorrow for your efforts." She reassured him, especially since all the candy was going to be on sale. "But there's still heart brownies in the fridge and I'll bake whatever you want over the weekend. You deserve it." She leaned in to kiss him again before pushing up to her feet, collecting her laptop so she could go stow it in the office, calling out to him. "Now let your mother go to bed!"-
  22. Alexithymiaa: (Sounds so backwards out of context)
  23. Covet: [right? XD]
  24. Covet: "Oh okay. Uh, Thank you." Felix said then shook his head, "I'm not in a brownie mood tonight, and you don't need to bake for me all weekend." He gave a soft sigh then looked at his mom, "I guess it is pretty late, and I've kept you up. Thanks for everything Mom, Happy Valentine's day. Love you." He said then hung up after she said she loved him back. "Okay I've mooned her, and told her I loved her and let her go to bed. I take it we're going there too?"
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Yes!" She called out to him, scooping up Alfred from her desk and walking back out into the living room with him in her arms. "Now get your ass into my bed right now." She gave him a fucking look before turning and heading into the bedroom, letting Alfred down onto the foot of the bed and slipping out of her pants to get ready for things.-
  26. Covet: Felix looked at her and got up, taking his phone with him as he chuckled at her, "Yes Missy." He followed behind her to also get ready for the bed things.
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