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Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. Week 9 Collective
  3. Automaton - Nerf - Niche playable in robot. Removed from the Ash’s that ran this.
  5. Speed Demon - Nerf - Meta power level change. Representation unchanged.
  7. Glory of the Recruits - Average Power Level - High flexibility - Good fit for a lot of decks. Will be used for a number of strategies. Can tutor some healing options and late game cards. Can tutor places. Should see play immediately, at least experimentation.
  9. Stranded Sailor - High Power level - Situational flexibility - Only very effective in Ash, but giving Ash more uninteractive cards to proc trait for relative free is extremely strong. High enough pure value to see play on its own, but cost is problematic outside of Vriktik. Situational in Vriktik.
  11. Tales of the Past - No - No justification to use at all. It cycles itself so it presents a low level situational drafting option.
  13. Boost Juice - Very Situational - A very situational draft option that may have some use in future combos. Basically you’d know when this card is usuable when it comes up.
  15. Stag of Tricks - Medium Power level - Slightly situational - Has high potential in decks that want additional draw and burn. Almost always a very good draft options except against aggro. Probably doesn’t deserve a deckslot on its own in tighter lists; similar to Well of Wishes which is by no means a bad card.
  17. Rainbow Dragon - Above average power level - Theme deck enabler - Power level doesn’t match necessity of its theme to thrive, always a consideration in the future as it gets more support.
  19. Spellweaver - Above average power level - Theme deck support -
  20. Two ticks makes this bad value outside of Vriktik, and 5 mana makes this too expensive for Ash. It’s a one hero card at the moment for a hero is more interested in tinkering with machines currently. A card to look for in the future, wouldn’t expect immediate fireworks, no pun intended.
  22. Shikas Cultist - Average power level - Ok flexibility - If you feel like playing a later game Heldim or one that uses more of the Sacrifice tools that some lists are running this is a reasonable two drop. Otherwise it’s not notably better than Heldim existing 2 drops like Pack Raptor or Cave Slug. It’s a perfectly average card you can play or not play.
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