
Hypnosis induction log 4

Oct 21st, 2015
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  1. 2:42:36 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So, all I'm gonna do is bring you into a nice deep relaxing trance, and then take you through a deepener. You don't have to do anything else except relax and follow along. Is that alright?
  2. 2:43:00 pm: [INFO] Blank has left.
  3. 2:43:02 pm: <Michael> Wonderful.
  4. 2:43:17 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good. I'd like for you to picture a spiral for me
  5. 2:43:21 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Any spiral
  6. 2:43:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It can be as big or as small as you like
  7. 2:43:44 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> the size and the colour of it is not important
  8. 2:43:49 pm: <Michael> good. done.
  9. 2:44:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> What is important is that the spiral should be spinning.
  10. 2:44:19 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Round and round and round.
  11. 2:44:23 pm: <Michael> spinning
  12. 2:44:32 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Yes spinning.
  13. 2:44:38 pm: <Michael> round
  14. 2:44:52 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> That motion is so familiar to you
  15. 2:45:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> and because it is familiar, it relaxes you
  16. 2:45:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The longer you stare the more relaxed you feel.
  17. 2:45:37 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The spiral has an attraction about
  18. 2:45:38 pm: <Michael> familiar relax
  19. 2:45:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> it
  20. 2:45:51 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It attracts you and draws you in
  21. 2:46:09 pm: <Michael> home
  22. 2:46:14 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Round and round and round
  23. 2:46:35 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The more you watch it, the more relaxed you feel
  24. 2:46:58 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The spiral is conscious
  25. 2:47:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It delights in spinning
  26. 2:47:08 pm: <Michael> that's true
  27. 2:47:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> and its inviting you to spin with it
  28. 2:47:33 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> not physically of course
  29. 2:47:45 pm: <Michael> inside
  30. 2:47:48 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Rather, it's inviting your mind to spin
  31. 2:48:04 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Round and round and round
  32. 2:48:12 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> and it feels relaxing
  33. 2:48:24 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> comforting
  34. 2:48:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> familiar
  35. 2:48:31 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> warm
  36. 2:48:46 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So attractive
  37. 2:48:57 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It seems to want something
  38. 2:49:00 pm: <Michael> round relaxing spinning beyond comforting familiar
  39. 2:49:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The more you watch it, the more you begin to understand the message
  40. 2:49:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> "Relax and become One with the Spiral
  41. 2:49:50 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Round and round and round
  42. 2:49:53 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Your mind
  43. 2:49:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> spinning
  44. 2:50:00 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> and that feels good
  45. 2:50:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> comforting
  46. 2:50:08 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> relaxing
  47. 2:50:08 pm: <Michael> yes
  48. 2:50:14 pm: <Michael> beyond
  49. 2:50:49 pm: <Michael> beyond sight and mind
  50. 2:50:55 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Now then, you probably haven't noticed but beneath the spiral is a rectangular bar, like what you might see in a video game
  51. 2:51:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You then notice that the bar is slowly increasing the longer you watch the spiral
  52. 2:51:45 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> That is your mind, slowly being loaded into the spiral.
  53. 2:51:59 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Round and round and round,
  54. 2:52:03 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling so good
  55. 2:52:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> so wonderful
  56. 2:52:09 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> so warm
  57. 2:52:13 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> so comforting
  58. 2:52:22 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> relax
  59. 2:52:24 pm: <Michael> loaded
  60. 2:52:48 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Is your mind, loaded into the spiral, Michael?
  61. 2:53:15 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Relaxing deeply for me
  62. 2:53:25 pm: <Michael> only my mind yes
  63. 2:53:32 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Following the spiral and letting your mind load into it.
  64. 2:53:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And that feels good.
  65. 2:53:48 pm: [INFO] Beanie has joined.
  66. 2:54:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I'm going to count, from 5-1 and when I reach 1 you will be in a deep relaxing trance
  67. 2:54:10 pm: [INFO] Englishharry has left.
  68. 2:54:15 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 5
  69. 2:54:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> sinking deeply into the spirals attraction
  70. 2:54:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> letting go
  71. 2:54:34 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> relaxing
  72. 2:54:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 4
  73. 2:54:45 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> thoughts drifting,
  74. 2:54:53 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> foggy
  75. 2:54:58 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> calm
  76. 2:55:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 3
  77. 2:55:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> soothing
  78. 2:55:13 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> going down, down down
  79. 2:55:18 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 2
  80. 2:55:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> almost there
  81. 2:55:31 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> spinning
  82. 2:55:34 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> relaxing
  83. 2:55:37 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> deep
  84. 2:55:40 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 1
  85. 2:56:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Your mind, now one with the spiral
  86. 2:56:17 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Spinning, round and round and round.
  87. 2:56:22 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling so good.
  88. 2:56:36 pm: <Michael> always did
  89. 2:56:37 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Does this feel good being in a deep relaxing trance?
  90. 2:56:43 pm: [INFO] BlackWood78 has joined.
  91. 2:57:07 pm: <Michael> always did
  92. 2:57:13 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  93. 2:57:20 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Are you in trance?
  94. 2:57:35 pm: <Michael> beyond space and time
  95. 2:57:46 pm: <Michael> yes
  96. 2:57:54 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  97. 2:58:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I'm going to take you deeper now.
  98. 2:58:12 pm: <Michael> my finger s can still move
  99. 2:58:30 pm: <Michael> to typ e
  100. 2:58:36 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> That's ok. Its normal for your fingers to still be able to move
  101. 2:58:50 pm: <Michael> yes
  102. 2:58:54 pm: [INFO] Woahhhh9 has left.
  103. 2:58:57 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Just relax and follow along as I take you deeper
  104. 2:59:19 pm: <Michael> go ahead
  105. 2:59:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Right now, you're in what I call a lvl 1 trance.
  106. 2:59:41 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I need you to look at the spiral again.
  107. 3:00:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Picture the spinning again and feel those wonderful feelings
  108. 3:00:15 pm: <Michael> never left
  109. 3:00:22 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> There's another bar underneath reading Lvl 2 trance
  110. 3:00:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I'm about to begin loading your mind into the lvl 2 trance
  111. 3:00:47 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> IS that ok?
  112. 3:01:14 pm: <Michael> there is no bar anymore
  113. 3:01:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Hmmmm.
  114. 3:01:38 pm: <Michael> there is only space
  115. 3:01:41 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Picture another one beneath the spiral please
  116. 3:01:53 pm: <Michael> I will
  117. 3:02:12 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Now then, you don't have to concentrate on the bar.
  118. 3:02:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Just let yourself relax and float as you watch the spiral
  119. 3:02:32 pm: <Michael> this bar is what you will want to be lvl2
  120. 3:02:44 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Yes that is correct
  121. 3:02:46 pm: <Michael> as we go again
  122. 3:03:12 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> We're about to load your miind into lvl 2 of trance. Are you ready?
  123. 3:03:21 pm: <Michael> go on
  124. 3:03:43 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I'm now pressing the button to load your mmind into it.
  125. 3:04:19 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The feelings of relaxation, comfort, and warmth are intensifying as you begin loading
  126. 3:04:37 pm: [INFO] Englishharry has joined.
  127. 3:04:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Growing stronger and stronger, as you sink deeper and deeper into trance
  128. 3:04:58 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Relaxed
  129. 3:05:02 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Warm
  130. 3:05:06 pm: <Michael> my concious mind says you should get out more.
  131. 3:05:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Mind spinning
  132. 3:05:37 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Ok, well you can just relax for now.
  133. 3:05:42 pm: <Michael> but yes relaxed, warm swirling
  134. 3:05:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Yes.
  135. 3:06:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> That's good.
  136. 3:06:12 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Has the bar fully loaded yet?
  137. 3:06:18 pm: <Michael> follow your suggestions
  138. 3:06:45 pm: <Michael> the bar is gone
  139. 3:06:58 pm: <Michael> if it loaded it loaded
  140. 3:07:07 pm: [INFO] WatchTheWatch has left.
  141. 3:07:22 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Ok, I'm gonna bring you up out of trance now and you can tell me how it felt.
  142. 3:07:32 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I will count from 1 to 5
  143. 3:07:47 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> and when I reach 5 you will awaken, feeling warm, relaxed and refreshed
  144. 3:07:54 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 1
  145. 3:08:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Limbs stretching
  146. 3:08:09 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling calm and relaxed
  147. 3:08:11 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 2
  148. 3:08:14 pm: <Michael> 2
  149. 3:08:21 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Thoughts returning
  150. 3:08:32 pm: <Michael> spiral
  151. 3:08:32 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> refreshed and energized
  152. 3:08:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 3
  153. 3:08:51 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> coming back up slowly
  154. 3:08:55 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 4
  155. 3:08:59 pm: <Michael> 3
  156. 3:09:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Nearly there
  157. 3:09:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 5
  158. 3:09:08 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Wide awake
  159. 3:09:17 pm: <Michael> 4 almost
  160. 3:09:23 pm: <Michael> 5.
  161. 3:09:42 pm: <Michael> 5.
  162. 3:09:50 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Are you awake?
  163. 3:09:58 pm: <Michael> Very.
  164. 3:10:03 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> How was that?
  165. 3:10:31 pm: <Michael> I can still imagine the spiral right here next to me.
  166. 3:10:59 pm: <Michael> I'm calm, steady, clear.
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