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Apr 26th, 2016
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  1. # default config.yml for MysqlPlayerDataBridge
  2. # config version 3.1.0
  4. #MySQL Database details
  5. database:
  6. mysql:
  7. #MySQL server address
  8. host: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  9. #MySQL server port (default 3306)
  10. port: 3306
  11. #Database name (NOTE! You need to create the database, then the plugin will create the tables.)
  12. databaseName: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  13. #Tables names (the plugin will auto create them)
  14. TablesNames:
  15. #Inventory and Armor table name.
  16. inventoryTableName: 'bridged_inventory'
  17. #Enderchest table name.
  18. enderchestTableName: 'bridged_enderchest'
  19. #Experience table name.
  20. experienceTableName: 'bridged_experience'
  21. #PotionEffects table name.
  22. potionEffectsTableName: 'bridged_potionEffects'
  23. #Health, food and air table name.
  24. healthFoodAirTableName: 'bridged_health_food_air'
  25. #Location table name.
  26. locationTableName: 'bridged_location'
  27. #Economy table name.
  28. economyTableName: 'bridged_economy'
  29. #User name
  30. user: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  31. #User password
  32. password: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
  33. #This maintenance task runs async with a 2 min delay after the server starts.
  34. removeOldAccounts:
  35. #Enable or disable database clean up of old accounts. | (true or false)
  36. enabled: false
  37. #Inactivity in days. Default 60 days.
  38. inactivity: 60
  41. #Other configurable options
  42. General:
  43. #Enable or disable sharing of player data features
  44. enableModules:
  45. #Share players inventory | (true or false)
  46. shareInventory: true
  47. #Share players gamemode | (true or false)
  48. shareGamemode: true
  49. #Share players equipped armor | (true or false)
  50. shareArmor: true
  51. #Share players enderchest | (true or false)
  52. shareEnderchest: false
  53. #Share experience | (true or false)
  54. shareExperience: true
  55. #Share potion effects | (true or false)
  56. sharePotionEffects: true
  57. #Share players health level | (true or false)
  58. shareHealth: true
  59. #Share players food and saturation level | (true or false)
  60. shareFood: true
  61. #Share players air level | (true or false)
  62. shareAir: false
  63. #Share players location | (true or false)
  64. shareLocation: true
  65. #Share players economy accounts | (true or false)
  66. #!!! NOTE !!!! For economy sync you need to install Vault and an Economy system.
  67. shareEconomy: false
  68. #Enable support for Give Anything Listener plugin. | (true or false) |
  69. #Info: It will delay the vote rewards after the sync is complete to prevent losing them.
  70. #NOTE: A server restart is required if you change this setting.
  71. giveAnythingListener-Support: false
  72. #Extra economy sync options. Note that this requires the economy sync to be enabled.
  73. economyOptions:
  74. #Enable support for ChestShop offline money sync. | (true or false)
  75. #NOTE! A server restart is required if you change this setting.
  76. #Only available for UUID compatible servers. (1.7.10 and up)
  77. ChestShop-Support: false
  78. #Save online players data task. If you disable this task data will only be saved when the player disconnects.
  79. saveDataTask:
  80. #Enable or disable the data save task. | (true or false)
  81. enabled: true
  82. #Time between data saves in minutes. | Default 3 min.
  83. interval: 4
  84. #Hide the data save task log messages.
  85. hideLogMessages: false
  86. #Disable sounds generated by this plugin. The sync confirmation sound for example. | (true or false)
  87. disableSounds: true
  88. #This will disable inventory, armor and enderchest sync for players in creative mode. | (true or false)
  89. #Can be useful in certain cases where you have 2 survival servers and give cretive access to some in one survival server and don't want them to get the creative items on the other servers. Note that you will require another plugin to create a separate inventory for creative mode.
  90. disableCreativeItemShare: false
  93. #Debug console messages.
  94. Debug:
  95. #Economy sync debug messages.
  96. EconomySync: false
  99. #Chat messages, supports color and format codes. To disable a chat message set it to '' Example: loginSyncConfirmation: ''
  100. #Minecraft Color and Format Codes:
  101. ChatMessage:
  102. #This message will be sent to players after data sync is complete.
  103. loginSyncConfirmation: ''
  104. loginSyncStarted: ''
  105. loginSyncFailed: ''
  106. noPermission: '&2&l[MPDB] &eYou do not have permission.'
  107. configReload: '&2&l[MPDB] &eConfig reload complete! Check the server log or console for details.'
  108. importingData: '&2&l[MPDB] &eImporting players data to the database... Check server console for details.'
  109. importingDataComplete: '&2&l[MPDB] &eData import complete!'
  110. #The place holder %money% will be replaced by the amount of money the player will receive.
  111. offlineMoneyReceived: '&2&l[MPDB] &eYou received&6 %money% &emoney from your shop sales.'
  112. #Other messages
  113. Commands:
  114. inventoryUsage: '&cUsage: &6/mpdb inv <name>'
  115. inventoryInfo: '&cInfo: &7Open a player inventory. Replace <name> with the player name.'
  116. armorUsage: '&cUsage: &6/mpdb armor <name>'
  117. armorInfo: '&cInfo: &7Edit a player armor. Replace <name> with the player name.'
  118. enderchestUsage: '&cUsage: &6/mpdb end <name>'
  119. enderchestInfo: '&cInfo: &7Edit a player enderchest. Replace <name> with the player name.'
  120. ecoBalUsage: '&cUsage: &6/mpdb ecoBal <name>'
  121. ecoBalInfo: '&cInfo: &7Check a player balance. Replace <name> with the player name.'
  122. ecoSetUsage: '&cUsage: &6/mpdb ecoSet <name> <amount>'
  123. ecoSetInfo: '&cInfo: &7Change a player balance. Replace <name> with the player name and <amount> with new balance.'
  124. ecoSetTip: '&2&l[MPDB] &eReplace <amount> with a number!'
  125. deleteUsage: '&cUsage: &6/mpdb delete <name>'
  126. deleteInfo: '&cInfo: &7Delete a player from the database. Replace <name> with the player name.'
  127. cmdNotFound: '&cCommand not found! For help do: &6/mpdb help'
  128. playerNotFound: '&2&l[MPDB] &ePlayer not found!'
  129. #The place holder %playerName% will get replaced by the player name.
  130. inventoryOpen: '&2&l[MPDB]&c %playerName% &einventory.'
  131. armorOpen: '&2&l[MPDB]&c %playerName% &earmor.'
  132. enderchestOpen: '&2&l[MPDB]&c %playerName% &eenderchest.'
  133. deleteData: '&2&l[MPDB]&c %playerName% &edata deleted!'
  134. #The place holder %balance% will be replaced by the player balance.
  135. ecoSet: '&2&l[MPDB]&c %playerName% &ebalance set! New balance: %balance%'
  136. ecoBalance: '&2&l[MPDB]&c %playerName% &ebalance: %balance%'
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