

Jan 17th, 2013
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  2. Player Name:Firagadam-Gustavo tani
  3. Character Name:Nanami Kisaragi/ Mahou Yuusha SUNRAISER
  4. Contact email:you have my skype man.
  6. PHYSICAL TRAITS:Mostly average body but decently athletic.
  7. Gender :Female
  8. Hair:Brown with a lot of green strands
  9. Eyes:Green
  10. Height:(I suck with accurate measurements) 1.55 meters
  11. Weight:(I also suck with weight) 44 Kg
  12. Age (10-16):15(can change depending on the group consensus for stuff)
  15. Type:Blazing heroine
  16. What convinced you to make a contract?
  17. The opportunity to help a lot of people in a special way, and make my brother memory proud
  18. -
  19. What is your wish?
  20. In a way, it was already granted, but i want to have absolute certainty that my brother will wake up again and see the world im protecting
  21. -
  22. Crisis:Big brother suffered in the line of duty and went into a Coma, took that way to hard
  26. -non-magical
  27. Aggro:3
  28. Cool:7
  29. Social:5
  30. Sharp:7
  32. -magical
  33. Magic:9
  34. Heart:6
  35. Fury:4
  36. RESOLVE- 22
  37. EXP-3
  38. MAGIC
  39. Element:COURAGE
  40. -effect:Regeneration
  41. Power:ACCEL UPGRADE - Over Accel Ray
  42. -effect:OVERCHARGE 3, TRIPLE ACTION, Sacrifice 2 Resolve to gain a +1 for each roll in the turn
  44. Weapon:Energy manifested from her armor, can be arm blades, feet blades, Fist-fighting, and energy Boomerangs and etc.
  45. Costume:Tekkaman Style power armor, mostly white with Gold and yellow highlights in key part of the armor or in details, has a somewhat short frill skirt and frills in the shoulder armor, Hair becomes green and very long, a big thin red ribbon is also attached to the hair.
  47. Finishing Attack:RAISING Dimension Smash- She is engulfed by energy and charges the enemy with a flying kick, she looks like a super-sonic bullet while doing it.
  48. -type:Powerful-Magic
  51. - Normal happy girl, big brother was a huge influence on her since her parents where always away when she was very little till they found more relaxes jobs, so she always looking up to him, he became a cop because of his childhood dream and promise, even if he was a little too idealistic for the job he always tried to make that ideal true, got severely injured while trying to save some families from a huge accident in the city and has spent 6 years in a coma.
  53. This affected nanami greatly, she became a emotional wreak for quite a while before doing the only thing she thought would make her feel better, watch the old hero shows her brother admired, you could say she tried her best to emulate that, and in turn she became very happy with herself over time, but she always felt she could not do enough, until....
  56. Name:Big Brother/Onii-chan - Takaya Kisaragi
  57. Type:Love
  58. description:Relation with the Older Brother, nanami misses him so very much, but no matter what she takes comfort in following in what he believed was right, and she will never give up hope, no matter what.
  60. Name: Chika Hisakawa
  61. Type: Fury
  62. Description: For some reason, Chika see's Nanami as a rival in JUSTICE! Though, Chika is not a magical girl, she tries to outdo Nanami by helping others. She isn't aware of Nanami's magical nature.
  64. Name: Hayato Ichimonji
  65. Type: Magic
  66. description: Young School teacher who always supported nanami after the accident with her brother, he was always very playful when dealing with bullies and delinquents in other schools, never being an asshole who was not able to understand them but always punishing them, Usually in embarrassing beat downs but he was never caught doing them, go figure how.
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