
DevilSheep - herhor67

Jun 13th, 2014
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  1. options:
  2. nazwa-owcy: &4&lOWCA TERRORYSTKA
  3. nazwa-miecza: &CMIECZ TERRORYSTKI
  4. minhp: 200
  5. maxhp: 150
  7. on spawn of a sheep:
  8. chance of 1%:
  9. set {_zycie} to random integer between {@maxhp} and {@minhp}
  10. set the name of last spawned entity to "_jeb"
  11. set the max health of last spawned entity to {_zycie}
  12. set {_golem} to last spawned entity
  13. heal last spawned entity
  14. apply speed 3 to last spawned entity for 999999999 days
  15. apply jump boost 3 to last spawned entity for 99999999 days
  16. spawn sheep at {_lokacja}
  17. set the name of last spawned entity to "{@nazwa-owcy}"
  18. set the max health of last spawned entity to {_zycie}
  19. make last spawned entity ride {_golem}
  20. heal last spawned entity
  22. every second:
  23. loop all entities:
  24. loop-entity is sheep:
  25. name of loop-entity is "{@nazwa-owcy}":
  26. shear loop-entity
  27. wait 1 tick
  28. unshear loop-entity
  29. loop players in radius 7 of loop-entity:
  30. chance of 20%:
  31. strike lightning at loop-player
  32. loop players in radius 3 of loop-entity:
  33. damage loop-player by 3 hearts
  34. chance of 20%:
  35. push loop-entity upwards at speed 3
  37. on death of a sheep:
  38. victim's vehicle is sheep:
  39. kill victim's vehicle
  40. kill victim's passenger
  41. name of victim is "{@nazwa-owcy}":
  42. drop diamond sword named "{@nazwa-miecza}" at location of victim
  44. on damage:
  45. victim is sheep:
  46. name of victim is "{@nazwa-owcy}" or "_jeb":
  47. damage is caused by fall or lightning or fire or lava or drowning:
  48. cancel event
  49. attacker's tool is diamond sword named "{@nazwa-miecza}":
  50. increase damage by 5
  52. command /owca [<text>]:
  53. trigger:
  54. arg is "autor":
  55. send "&6-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
  56. send "&6Autorem skryptu jest &cHerhor67"
  57. send "& &6oraz &"
  58. send "&6-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
  60. command /owcadmin [<text>]:
  61. permission: devilsheep.admin
  62. permission message: &cNie mozesz tego zrobic
  63. trigger:
  64. arg is "spawnuj":
  65. set {_lokacja} to location of player
  66. set {_zycie} to random integer between {@maxhp} and {@minhp}
  67. spawn sheep at {_lokacja}
  68. set the name of last spawned entity to "_jeb"
  69. set the max health of last spawned entity to {_zycie}
  70. set {_golem} to last spawned entity
  71. apply speed 3 to last spawned entity for 999999999 days
  72. apply jump boost 3 to last spawned entity for 99999999 days
  73. heal last spawned entity
  74. spawn sheep at {_lokacja}
  75. set the name of last spawned entity to "{@nazwa-owcy}"
  76. set the max health of last spawned entity to {_zycie}
  77. make last spawned entity ride {_golem}
  78. heal last spawned entity
  79. arg is "odswiez":
  80. execute player command "/sk reload %script%"
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