
runaway - prologue

Jan 22nd, 2013
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  1. - spell checked once, 23-1-13, testing new program for writing.
  3. >you are anon, and you made a decision, you are running away
  4. >you are 13, and you are tired of the hell you have to deal with
  5. >you “dad” as he calls himself, is your legal guardian
  6. >and he made damn sure to rub it in that you were there for a check and a tax break
  7. >yea, closer to your step dad than anything else
  8. >your real dad fucked off when you were young
  9. >”stepmom” is a useless whore he found a few months back at a bar...
  10. >real mom died a few years back in a hit and run.
  11. >she was a good person, but with shit taste in men...
  12. >apparently all that was holding the monster back in “dad” at the time was the fact she was alive
  13. >when she died, he stopped hiding it, but that’s beside the point, “stepmom” time now
  14. >all she does it watch tv, eat (and waste large portions) of food, and blow that asshole every now and than...
  15. >and here you are
  16. >you handle the money, because who the fuck else will
  17. >he at least goes to work... albeit hung over, but still gets money
  18. >the grocery store is close enough to walk to so you stock up every day or so, cant make a weekly trip because you can only hold 2 bags at a time.
  19. >but 2 months ago, you decided 1 thing... fuck this life
  20. >you stopped spending so much money on good food, stopped paying a few of the bills a month later,
  21. >when ever money was in the checking account, shithead decided that was the time to buy something expensive.
  22. >and he liked his porn
  23. >so you have been down clocking the computer slowly over the last month, making him get more and more frustrated at it and not able to fix the problem...
  24. >you also just so happen to leave laying around an advertisement for a desktop replacement laptop...
  25. >yea it was a long shot... but low and behold, it payed off.
  26. >the douche bag bought it.
  27. >you feign being pissed, met with the usual backhand for disobedience.
  28. >and also included in that was a laugh because he knows you will have to do something drastic to pay the bills
  29. >last time the power got cut, you thought it was the only safe thing to have get cut, you wound up with a lump on your head, and a lock on the basement door, that stayed there till the bill was payed
  30. >yea... his way of punishing you for inconveniencing him by making the asshole have to do some of the adults work he is suppose to do.
  31. >but you don't care
  32. >you got what you wanted
  33. >all you needed to do was wait
  34. >”dad” knew some shady people
  35. >”dad” also had 5 credit cards
  36. >”dad” also qualified for a fairly high limit on them.
  37. >and dad owed a few people a sizable amount of money.
  38. >1000$ payed up front to them, 25000 withdrawn across the 5 cards, and an extra 20% for having do do some more... shady things to get the money
  39. >yea... “dad” is a prick but you are 19 grand richer, and you have a plan.
  40. >all the cards still have a bit of money left on them, so to make sure he cant max one by mistake
  41. >and with the money in your hands, no paper trail
  42. >simple...
  43. >you buy what you can only describe as a mix between go cart and atv...
  44. >you buy a sizable battery,
  45. >and you finish it off with a fairly large solar panel.
  46. >you buy several large hdds,
  47. >you buy a fairly big ssd
  48. >and you buy a smaller wacom monitor
  49. >you got everything you ever wanted
  50. >you got a desktop replacement laptop
  51. >battery to use it
  52. >a monitor to draw with
  53. >some camping gear
  54. >some sporting equipment
  55. >enough gas to go about 300 miles.
  56. >a forest in a moderate climate
  57. >and not a single thing left here to stay for
  58. lets do this.
  59. >and you ride off into the forest, hoping to never be seen again
  60. >its been about a month and a half sense you entered the forest
  61. >you set up camp by a small lake
  62. >easy to fish off of.
  63. >sure, its no the best area to live with, but god dammit its almost better eats than you had at “home”
  64. >a small save is by you, you store thing in there and set the tent up just outside... nothings in there, you checked, but at the same time, you don't feel comfortable being to deep in.
  65. >as you catch the 4th fish today, you get ready to clean and cook them...
  66. >and you hear it...
  67. >its faint, but it sounds like a search party...
  69. >can you never be rid of that asshole...
  70. >the nearest you can figure, you are about 20 miles into this forest, at least. You didn't set up camp on purpose for about a week, just in case your tracks were found and you needed to make a quick getaway
  71. >about the only thing you could think of was light, or smoke...
  72. >you tried to use things that burnt clear, and you never lit a fire to late at night so what the fuck...
  73. >but as I said, faint... you can hide...
  74. >ground... covered in leaves, check
  75. >everything that you set up... inside, and ready to move
  76. >tent and all the fasteners... out of the ground, and in the... what the hell is that thing called.
  77. >... fuck it we will just call it a go cart
  78. >all fish... in a small cooler.
  79. >you push the cart deeper into the cave,
  80. >deeper, and deeper you go
  81. >and you can hear them getting closer, cave must funnel the sound
  82. >the deeper you go, the less you understand the cave...
  83. >this fucking thing wasn't this deep before, what the hell.
  84. >you see a light, not bright, but it looks like an exit on the other side...
  85. >that shit wasn't there before
  86. >you look back, and as you figure it, you are about half way between the two sides.
  87. >and than it hits you...
  88. >a flashlight's bright glare...
  89. >than a rather bright flash
  90. >and some pain... your shoulder is bleeding...
  91. >you put two and two together rather quick and get in the go cart and start the thing up.
  92. >you hear pinking of metal hitting rocks before a yell “YOU ARENT GETTING AWAY FORM ME YOU FUCKING SHIT”
  93. >yea... hes mad...
  94. >and trying to kill you
  95. >but mostly mad...
  96. >hell, you crippled him financially,
  97. >stole his things
  98. >and ran the fuck away
  99. >you really have to wonder what has been going on for the 48 days...
  100. >that thought leaves your head when a bullet manages to wiz past your head and hit the metal cage of the go cart, sending some shrapnel into your forehead...
  101. >...
  102. >well you aren't passing out... so it cant be to deep, you're you are bleeding into your eye now...
  103. >you are just about out, when you hear rumbling...
  104. >fucking GREAT
  105. >did that bastard really just make the cave start to collapse
  106. >well... better speed up...
  107. >flooring it, you just barely miss getting hit by a bolder large enough to squish you like and ant under the thumb of an angry god.
  108. >and your out...
  109. >the sudden rush of relief quickly fades to horror as you start to plummet to the ground...
  110. -
  111. ok, for the sake of me not knowing how to antiquity describe this in the context of the story, anon is falling down the side of a mountain, barely missing a large rock in his path, and barely avoiding rolling this fucking go cart. He came out of the side of a mountain, about 9 story's higher than he though he would, that had an incline of about 50% on the slopey areas, and 80% from where he raced out of.
  112. -
  113. >as quick as it all started, its over...
  114. >you come to a stop... of your own volition
  115. Jesus christ... fuck...
  116. >you look back
  117. holy shit... god I hope I never have to do something like that again...
  118. >you take your time to calm the fuck down...
  119. >and you remember...
  120. >eye being bleed into, shoulder bleeding, forehead cut open...
  121. >And you decide to survey the damage...
  122. >thank god you packed that mirror.
  123. >preliminary assessment
  124. >your forehead is just bleeding bad, nothing more, nothing that needs stitches
  125. >your shoulder though...
  126. >that probably does...
  127. >its not bleeding so much you need medical attention right now... but its deep enough you are concerned about it healing properly.
  128. >you weren't stupid, you packed a first aid kit. When you got that out, you went to patching your forehead, and wrapping your arm in gauze and medical tape.
  129. >about half way through your shoulder, you realize something
  130. >the cave caved in...
  131. hehehehehe
  132. >oh wow...
  133. >he may be dead...
  134. >that asshole may finely be out of your life for good.
  135. Hehehe HAHAHAHAHA
  136. >its a good 10 minutes before you stop laughing, and about another 20 before you can really think of anything else besides being out for that oppressive pricks thumb for good.
  137. >and the first thought that comes to you is... where the hell are you?
  138. >yea yea... you know where you should be, you aren’t stupid... but dammit where ARE YOU...
  139. >there is no mountain like that in the forest... you looked at the map...
  140. >you even looked at a topological map, there were no places close to here that should be that tall, let alone that steep, it was one of the reasons you got a go cart...
  141. >so that leave the question...
  142. where am I?
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