
Katseu and Ethnos talk again

Nov 30th, 2015
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  1. * remoteResearcher has begun espering avariceIncarnate!
  2. <remoteResearcher> Kasteu.
  3. <avariceIncarnate> Ethnos.
  4. <avariceIncarnate> good to Hear from you
  5. <avariceIncarnate> but due to some...
  6. <avariceIncarnate> Biological problems i've had to postpone my current Project
  7. <remoteResearcher> do not Speak too soon.
  8. <remoteResearcher> i bring Bad Tidings.
  9. <avariceIncarnate> oh
  10. <avariceIncarnate> Speak
  11. <avariceIncarnate> there's never a use waiting for Bad News.
  12. <remoteResearcher> it is about Pehria.
  13. <remoteResearcher> i Believe she is Sick.
  14. <remoteResearcher> and no, not in the Obvious Mental Fashion.
  15. <avariceIncarnate> Overdosage?
  16. <remoteResearcher> most likely.
  17. <remoteResearcher> i Convinced her to Send me a Blood Sample.
  18. <remoteResearcher> it Arrived.. nothing like i Expected.
  19. <avariceIncarnate> how so?
  20. * aimlessCanine is now known as Lyra_Noirtier
  21. <remoteResearcher> i would Send you a Picture, but my Camera is.. not Currently Functioning.
  22. <remoteResearcher> Kasteu, it Hardly resembles Blood.
  23. <avariceIncarnate> here, just send it back Please
  24. * avariceIncarnate has sendificated the camera
  25. <remoteResearcher> ah!
  26. <avariceIncarnate> i'd rather See than be Told of it.
  27. <remoteResearcher> many thanks.
  28. <remoteResearcher> hold, please.
  29. <avariceIncarnate> better yet, send me the Blood Itself
  30. <remoteResearcher> i would Rather not.
  31. <remoteResearcher> i Need what i have to Study.
  32. <remoteResearcher> here.
  33. <avariceIncarnate> fair Enough
  34. * remoteResearcher sent file runnymuddyblood.png!
  35. <avariceIncarnate> Damn
  36. <avariceIncarnate> you weren't Exaggerating
  37. <remoteResearcher> it is Thin as well.
  38. <avariceIncarnate> it makes sense though, Biologically
  39. <remoteResearcher> i do not Know how she Lives, Biologically!
  40. <remoteResearcher> but Explain.
  41. <avariceIncarnate> it normal Trolls, or presumably humans
  42. <avariceIncarnate> we can Presume the cuttlefish Venom acts as a thinner
  43. <avariceIncarnate> rather than a Coagulant
  44. <avariceIncarnate> but in the case of a Fuschiablood
  45. <avariceIncarnate> she survives, due to her insane Durability of her caste
  46. <remoteResearcher> how much would she Need to have Blood so Obviously Thin?
  47. <remoteResearcher> even Fuchsiabloods have Limits.
  48. <avariceIncarnate> she's certainly overdosing
  49. <remoteResearcher> and the Color is Alarming as well.
  50. <remoteResearcher> i have Never Seen anything like it.
  51. <avariceIncarnate> i can't comment on the color
  52. <avariceIncarnate> but it does look somewhat strange for even Fuschiabloods
  53. <remoteResearcher> it isn't Fuchsia. that is the Strange part, yes.
  54. <remoteResearcher> it isn't any Caste Color.
  55. <remoteResearcher> it actually Looks Toxic.
  56. <avariceIncarnate> do you have any spare Bacteria Plates?
  57. <avariceIncarnate> try putting it on and seeing if the Bacteria Survive
  58. <remoteResearcher> does a Barkbeast have Four Limbs?
  59. <remoteResearcher> i have some of the Blood being Spun, Analyzed for Composition, and drying for a Slide.
  60. <remoteResearcher> i can Add a Culture Test to the Battery, i Suppose.
  61. <remoteResearcher> but my Sample is Limited.
  62. <avariceIncarnate> true
  63. <avariceIncarnate> perhaps that's a test for Another time
  64. <remoteResearcher> it Took no small Cleverness to get her to Part with this much.
  65. <avariceIncarnate> unfortunately, my Skills do not reach to Medicine
  66. <remoteResearcher> Mine are Stretching as it is.
  67. <remoteResearcher> but i would be Content with Getting the Message through to her.
  68. <remoteResearcher> i Failed to make her See Reason.
  69. <avariceIncarnate> i'll contact her
  70. <remoteResearcher> for her own Sake, please do.
  71. <avariceIncarnate> reconnecting with someone only to have them Die of Overdosing days later is
  72. <remoteResearcher> because she Seems to Care little.
  73. <avariceIncarnate> not the Goal, to say the least
  74. <avariceIncarnate> i will
  75. <remoteResearcher> of course not.
  76. <remoteResearcher> that is Why i came to you.
  77. <remoteResearcher> if you can Finagle from her Details of her Drug of Choice, that may also Help my Research.
  78. <avariceIncarnate> i Will
  79. <remoteResearcher> i may well have Data on this Species of Cuttlefish she Uses.
  80. <avariceIncarnate> as could I
  81. <avariceIncarnate> now, i have another...
  82. <avariceIncarnate> thought, about my Current project involving genetic Material
  83. <remoteResearcher> oh goodness.
  84. <avariceIncarnate> it would likely prove nearly impossible to swap Human and Troll genetic Material
  85. <avariceIncarnate> thanks to how Human sex cells work, mostly
  86. <remoteResearcher> i would Imagine.
  87. <avariceIncarnate> so a more... simple solution may be in order
  88. <avariceIncarnate> I
  89. <avariceIncarnate> send you my genetic Material
  90. <avariceIncarnate> that you use.
  91. <remoteResearcher> ...
  92. <remoteResearcher> it.
  93. <remoteResearcher> it would be a Viable Solution.
  94. <remoteResearcher> would you..
  95. <remoteResearcher> be Okay with this?
  96. <avariceIncarnate> certainly
  97. <avariceIncarnate> it's nothing more than Preserving the life of my Business partner
  98. <remoteResearcher> ..i take it your Initial Inquiry into Synthesizing Human Genetic Material went Poorly, then?
  99. <avariceIncarnate> yes
  100. <avariceIncarnate> quite poorly to be Honest
  101. <remoteResearcher> ah well.
  102. <avariceIncarnate> and quite Painfully.
  103. <remoteResearcher> i cannot Fault you for Trying.
  104. <remoteResearcher> Lofty as the Goal was.
  105. <remoteResearcher> very well.
  106. <avariceIncarnate> i may Continue this experiment later
  107. <avariceIncarnate> i'll send you a Sample post haste.
  108. <remoteResearcher> if such a Measure is Required, i will take your Material.
  109. <remoteResearcher> but only if it comes to that.
  110. <avariceIncarnate> of Course
  111. <avariceIncarnate> i think it would be best to send you some Now, so you have it on Hand when Drones arrive
  112. <remoteResearcher> ..thank you, Kasteu.
  113. <avariceIncarnate> not a Problem
  114. <remoteResearcher> Business or otherwise, you are so very Thoughtful.
  115. <avariceIncarnate> dwdwwdwd
  116. <avariceIncarnate> ((lol oops0)
  117. <avariceIncarnate> ((thought i was in a nother tab))
  118. <remoteResearcher> ((Pfft.))
  119. <avariceIncarnate> ((i;ll edit that out))
  120. <avariceIncarnate> Thoughtful
  121. <avariceIncarnate> interseting
  122. <avariceIncarnate> interesting*
  123. <remoteResearcher> it..
  124. <avariceIncarnate> not a word I've been called before
  125. <remoteResearcher> was the best Descriptor i could come up with on the Fly,
  126. <remoteResearcher> but i Want you to Know you are Appreciated.
  127. <avariceIncarnate> Thank you
  128. <avariceIncarnate> as are you
  129. <avariceIncarnate> it's Uniquely nice to have some contact with your own Species while in Exile
  130. <remoteResearcher> i will do my best to Help your.. Matesprit as you have Helped me.
  131. <avariceIncarnate> Chuck is
  132. <avariceIncarnate> wait
  133. <avariceIncarnate> Matesprit?
  134. <avariceIncarnate> Pehria?
  135. <remoteResearcher> please, Kasteu.
  136. <avariceIncarnate> its
  137. <avariceIncarnate> I
  138. <avariceIncarnate> certainly not formalized if anything...
  139. <remoteResearcher> you are so Flushed i can See Red from several Systems away.
  140. <remoteResearcher> neither is what i have with Lyra.
  141. <remoteResearcher> yet you Thought Fit to Deem it such.
  142. <avariceIncarnate> you make a
  143. <avariceIncarnate> Viable point, certainly.
  144. <avariceIncarnate> Perhaps i'll talk to her after this
  145. <remoteResearcher> hah.
  146. <remoteResearcher> good Luck with that.
  147. <avariceIncarnate> is she alright at Current?
  148. <remoteResearcher> she is.. Happy.
  149. <remoteResearcher> so High.
  150. <remoteResearcher> and as Typical, Refusing to Comprehend Basic Concepts.
  151. <remoteResearcher> Concepts such as 'you are Severely Ill' and 'the Drugs are Bad for you.'
  152. <avariceIncarnate> i'll send her some Coffee
  153. <avariceIncarnate> sober her up some
  154. <avariceIncarnate> then give her the facts.
  155. <remoteResearcher> Coffee?
  156. <remoteResearcher> is this a Curative Native to Earth?
  157. <avariceIncarnate> oh, it's an Excellently bitter and rich drink native to Earth
  158. <avariceIncarnate> Energizing as well
  159. <remoteResearcher> it sounds Fascinating.
  160. <avariceIncarnate> from my studies, Caffiene tends to sober people up a small amount.
  161. <avariceIncarnate> It may not work for this, but i may as well Try
  162. <avariceIncarnate> i'll send you some Coffee beans soon, you can try it yourself
  163. <remoteResearcher> ah, it is Caffeinated.
  164. <avariceIncarnate> ((spelling man))
  165. <avariceIncarnate> ((too hard))
  166. <remoteResearcher> i would Love to Try some.
  167. <remoteResearcher> perhaps i can Apply it to the Samples.
  168. <remoteResearcher> Caffeine is an Addictive Substance it it's own right, but a Known one.
  169. <remoteResearcher> not to Mention far less Lethal.
  170. <avariceIncarnate> indeed
  171. <remoteResearcher> now then, let me Return this.
  172. * remoteResearcher sendificated the camera!
  173. <avariceIncarnate> thank you
  174. <remoteResearcher> and Bid you Luck in Dealing with her.
  175. <avariceIncarnate> i'll contact Pehria immediately
  176. <avariceIncarnate> and
  177. <avariceIncarnate> send you some Genetic Material
  178. <remoteResearcher> ..i really cannot Fathom how you do it.
  179. <remoteResearcher> er.
  180. <avariceIncarnate> i'll have to Scrounge up a bucket
  181. <remoteResearcher> Dealing, that is.
  182. <remoteResearcher> no, not th-!
  183. <remoteResearcher> oh goodness.
  184. <remoteResearcher> there are Quips to be had here, but i so Dearly do not want to go there.
  185. <avariceIncarnate> please dont
  186. <avariceIncarnate> this is
  187. <remoteResearcher> not with you, that would be Weird.
  188. <avariceIncarnate> Bizzare and unprecedented enough as it Is
  189. <remoteResearcher> yes.
  190. <avariceIncarnate> anyhow
  191. <avariceIncarnate> it was good talking again
  192. <remoteResearcher> ..i am just going to Leave before this gets more Awkward, yes.
  193. <avariceIncarnate> yes
  194. <avariceIncarnate> farewell
  195. <remoteResearcher> Talk to you Later.
  196. * remoteResearcher has concluded business!
  197. <avariceIncarnate> gud shit yo
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