

Mar 21st, 2020
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  1. Nur Najiha Puteri: Can we discuss here?
  2. Wayne Ng: yeah ok
  3. Nur Najiha Puteri: My ideas are a mess - still figuring out to tie fantasy concepts to surrealistic artworks
  4. Wayne Ng: i've only read the texts so i haven't decided what to do yet, we try to get this part at least decided by tonight
  5. Nur Najiha Puteri: Ok
  6. Which texts?
  7. have you read
  8. Wayne Ng: the three you linked
  9. Nur Najiha Puteri: wasnt that pei ning?
  10. Wayne Ng: oh, well those 3 anyway
  11. last monday we mentioned something about a definition we each had to talk about right?
  12. or aspect
  13. Nur Najiha Puteri: Yeah we need to unpack the fantasy
  14. Traits of fantasy in slide 4. However, we need to explain those elements
  15. Wayne Ng: which one are you going to focus on?
  16. Nur Najiha Puteri: Before linking them to our artworks.. I think I can tap on irrationality
  17. Spontaneity too
  18. becaue some artists use a technique that's related
  19. Wayne Ng: so you're going to cover the irrational/spontaneity aspect ?
  20. Nur Najiha Puteri: Yes. Irrationality and spontaneity.
  21. What about you?
  22. Wait, idk leh spontaneity or dreamlike ... coz I need to figure out how to explain
  23. Wayne Ng: then i'll look into satire
  24. Nur Najiha Puteri: Ok
  25. Great
  26. Wayne Ng: the definitions we can iron out later
  27. Nur Najiha Puteri: OKay
  28. sure thats good then
  29. I'm not going to elborate on time periods for surrealist fantasy though, I think this can be introduced at the beginning
  30. Pei Ning can touch on that
  31. Wayne Ng: yeah sure
  32. Nur Najiha Puteri: Idk much about that
  33. We need to mention Freud
  34. Because his theories on psychoanalysis influenced Surrealistic art
  35. Wayne Ng: so anyway from a cursory glance satire in surrealism: i'll probably be focusing more on the dada artists
  36. Nur Najiha Puteri: Ok
  37. The artists or artworks?
  38. And how do they tie in to surrealists
  39. Wayne Ng: dada precedes surrealism
  40. both have similarities with avant garde representations, but dada was less fantastical than surrealist art
  41. Dada was an artistic/poetic response to the bourgeois madness that caused the first WW.
  42. Surrealism built on this nonsensicle foundation by incorporating dreams, fleeting thoughts, and "automatic writing" into artistic production.
  43. Surrealism later became a style noted for its dreaminess.... illogic, irrational visualization or rendition of seemingly random, unrelated elements tapping the subconscious.
  45. Dada was a first resort for aiding in the shedding of rationality in the aftermath of mass slaughter in the name of nationalist self expression, ie war between nations.
  46. i'll just adapt this and paraphrase
  47. Nur Najiha Puteri: Wow, great explanation
  48. That's good
  49. Wayne Ng: don't use word for word i copied it off quora
  50. but for my case i'm thinking i'll focus on the more satirical elements, which should be straightforward in dada but i'll have to find something for normal surrealism
  51. Nur Najiha Puteri: Normal surrealism meaning a surrealistic artwork that doesnt have dada in them?
  52. Wayne Ng: as in artworks situated right during the surrealism movement
  53. dada isn't exactly surrealism
  54. Nur Najiha Puteri: I know dada isnt surrealism. I thought you were going to talk about a transitional artwork
  55. Wayne Ng: more or less
  56. though i'm not too sure so i'll need to look something up
  57. Nur Najiha Puteri: Dali's lobster telephone
  58. Wayne Ng: most obvious choice would be fountain but i don't think i should put it in
  59. Nur Najiha Puteri: It's not a painting, they are objects put together - which can be dada
  60. and it is by dali
  61. Wayne Ng: hmm
  62. Nur Najiha Puteri: it looks like a readymade like fountain. can use for transition
  63. Do you want to talk about Freud?
  64. Wayne Ng: we can probably mention him
  65. or are you asking me to talk about him
  66. Nur Najiha Puteri: if you want to talk about him, it would be good
  67. i was referring to that ^
  68. Wayne Ng: i don't mind
  69. Nur Najiha Puteri: Ok, we need to make an order for when to present. I was thinking The Kiss artwork, which is related to unconscious - can be a follow up
  70. of Freud's explanation, which you will talk about
  71. I will talk on The Kiss
  72. * The Lovers, not the kiss
  73. Wayne Ng: ok
  74. Nur Najiha Puteri: What do you think?
  75. Wayne Ng: i don't mind
  76. can fine tune tomorrow
  77. Nur Najiha Puteri: Ok
  78. Anyways, Todorov is one fantasy author, another one is alfred burr, the one Pei Ning talked about
  79. I have Todorov's book rn, maybe if we meet I'll share them
  80. *ir
  81. *it
  82. Wayne Ng: sure
  83. also when and where would be good to meet tomorrow?
  84. Nur Najiha Puteri: If Central Area, maybe Bugis
  85. NLB
  86. Wayne Ng: ok
  87. Nur Najiha Puteri: Tomorrow noon onwards is ok for me. We need to ask Pei Ning too
  88. Wayne Ng: i'm ok with noon
  89. Nur Najiha Puteri: Yes, I'm ok with afternoon too
  90. Wayne Ng: just put it on whatsapp first, if she can't come that early then we can start first
  91. Nur Najiha Puteri: Ok
  92. What else
  93. do we need to discuss? I need to sleep soon
  94. Wayne Ng: we can discuss the rest tomorrow
  95. right now what we need to tie down is getting the definitions, pieces, logistics, flow
  96. logistics least important imo
  97. Nur Najiha Puteri: Ok
  98. Wayne Ng: that should be it then, see you
  99. Nur Najiha Puteri: Ok sure. tmr's plan we update again on whattsapp
  100. see you
  101. Nur Najiha Puteri has left.
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