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Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. ERR_2HANDED_EQUIPPED = "Cannot equip that with a two-handed weapon.";
  2. ERR_2HSKILLNOTFOUND = "You cannot dual-wield";
  3. ERR_ABILITY_COOLDOWN = "Ability is not ready yet.";
  4. ERR_ACHIEVEMENT_WATCH_COMPLETED = "This achievement has already been completed.";
  5. ERR_ALREADY_INVITED_TO_ARENA_TEAM_S = "%s has already been invited to an arena team.";
  6. ERR_ALREADY_INVITED_TO_GUILD_S = "%s has already been invited to a guild.";
  7. ERR_ALREADY_IN_ARENA_TEAM = "You are already in an arena team of that size.";
  8. ERR_ALREADY_IN_ARENA_TEAM_S = "%s is already in an arena team of that size.";
  9. ERR_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_S = "%s is already in a group.";
  10. ERR_ALREADY_IN_GUILD = "You are already in a guild.";
  11. ERR_ALREADY_IN_GUILD_S = "%s is already in a guild.";
  12. ERR_ALREADY_PICKPOCKETED = "Your target has already had its pockets picked";
  13. ERR_ALREADY_QUEUED_FOR_SOMETHING_ELSE = "You are already queued for something else.";
  14. ERR_ALREADY_TRADING = "You are already trading";
  15. ERR_ALTERED_FORM_CANT_TRANSFORM_RIGHT_NOW = "You cannot transform right now";
  16. ERR_AMMO_ONLY = "Only ammo can go there.";
  17. ERR_APPROACHING_NO_PLAY_TIME = "You have %s until you enter unhealthy time, at which point you will no longer receive experience or loot until you have logged out for 5 hours.";
  18. ERR_APPROACHING_NO_PLAY_TIME_2 = "You are in tired time, and your benefits have been reduced to 50% of normal. For the sake of your own health, please go offline and rest, do some exercise, and arrange your time properly.";
  19. ERR_APPROACHING_PARTIAL_PLAY_TIME = "You have %s until you enter tired time. Your rewards will be cut in half.";
  20. ERR_APPROACHING_PARTIAL_PLAY_TIME_2 = "Your accumulated online time is %s hours.";
  21. ERR_ARENA_EXPIRED_CAIS = "You may not queue while one or more of your team members is under the effect of restricted play.";
  22. ERR_ARENA_NO_TEAM_II = "You are not in a %dv%d arena team.";
  23. ERR_ARENA_TEAMS_LOCKED = "Arena teams are currently locked.";
  24. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_CHANGE_FAILED_QUEUED = "Can't modify arena team while queued or in a match.";
  25. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_CREATE_S = "%s created. To disband, use /teamdisband [2v2, 3v3, 5v5].";
  26. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_DISBANDED_S = "%s has disbanded %s.";
  27. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_FOUNDER_S = "Congratulations, you are a founding member of %s! To leave, use /teamquit [2v2, 3v3, 5v5].";
  28. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_INTERNAL = "Internal arena team error";
  29. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_INVITE_SS = "You have invited %s to join %s.";
  30. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_JOIN_SS = "%s has joined %s.";
  31. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_LEADER_CHANGED_SSS = "%s has made %s the new captain of %s.";
  32. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_LEADER_IS_SS = "%s is the captain of %s.";
  33. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_LEADER_LEAVE_S = "You must promote a new team captain using /teamcaptain before leaving the team.";
  34. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_LEAVE_SS = "%s has left %s.";
  35. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_LEVEL_TOO_LOW_I = "You must be level %d to form an arena team.";
  36. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_NAME_EXISTS_S = "There is already an arena team named \"%s\".";
  37. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_NAME_INVALID = "That name contains invalid characters, please enter a new name.";
  38. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_NOT_ALLIED = "You cannot invite players from the opposing alliance.";
  39. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_NOT_FOUND = "That arena team has gone offline.";
  40. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_PARTY_SIZE = "Incorrect party size for this arena.";
  41. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_PERMISSIONS = "You don't have permission to do that.";
  42. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_S = "\"%s\" not found.";
  43. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_PLAYER_NOT_IN_TEAM = "You are not in an arena team of that size.";
  44. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_PLAYER_NOT_IN_TEAM_SS = "%s is not in %s.";
  45. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_QUIT_S = "You are no longer a member of %s.";
  46. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_REMOVE_SSS = "%s has been kicked out of %s by %s.";
  47. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_TARGET_TOO_HIGH_S = "%s's level is too high to join your team.";
  48. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_TARGET_TOO_LOW_S = "%s is not high enough level to join your team.";
  49. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_TOO_MANY_CREATE = "You have tried to create too many arena teams recently, wait a while, and try again.";
  50. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_TOO_MANY_MEMBERS_S = "%s is full.";
  51. ERR_ARENA_TEAM_YOU_JOIN_S = "You have joined %s. To leave, use /teamquit [2v2, 3v3, 5v5].";
  52. ERR_ATTACK_CHANNEL = "Can't attack while channeling.";
  53. ERR_ATTACK_CHARMED = "Can't attack while charmed.";
  54. ERR_ATTACK_CONFUSED = "Can't attack while confused.";
  55. ERR_ATTACK_DEAD = "Can't attack while dead.";
  56. ERR_ATTACK_FLEEING = "Can't attack while fleeing.";
  57. ERR_ATTACK_MOUNTED = "Can't attack while mounted.";
  58. ERR_ATTACK_NO_ACTIONS = "Can�t attack while actions are prevented.";
  59. ERR_ATTACK_PACIFIED = "Can't attack while pacified.";
  60. ERR_ATTACK_PREVENTED_BY_MECHANIC_S = "Can't attack while %s.";
  61. ERR_ATTACK_STUNNED = "Can't attack while stunned.";
  62. ERR_AUCTION_BAG = "You cannot sell a non-empty bag.";
  63. ERR_AUCTION_BID_INCREMENT = "Your bid increment is too small.";
  64. ERR_AUCTION_BID_OWN = "You cannot bid on your own auction.";
  65. ERR_AUCTION_BID_PLACED = "Bid accepted.";
  66. ERR_AUCTION_BOUND_ITEM = "You cannot sell a soulbound item.";
  67. ERR_AUCTION_CONJURED_ITEM = "You cannot auction a conjured item.";
  68. ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR = "Internal auction error.";
  69. ERR_AUCTION_ENOUGH_ITEMS = "You do not have enough items.";
  70. ERR_AUCTION_EQUIPPED_BAG = "You cannot sell an equipped bag.";
  71. ERR_AUCTION_EXPIRED_S = "Your auction of %s has expired.";
  72. ERR_AUCTION_HIGHER_BID = "There is already a higher bid on that item.";
  73. ERR_AUCTION_HOUSE_DISABLED = "The auction house is closed at the moment.|nPlease try again later.";
  74. ERR_AUCTION_LIMITED_DURATION_ITEM = "You cannot auction items with a limited duration.";
  75. ERR_AUCTION_LOOT_ITEM = "You cannot auction a lootable item.";
  76. ERR_AUCTION_MIN_BID = "You must meet the min bid.";
  77. ERR_AUCTION_OUTBID_S = "You have been outbid on %s.";
  78. ERR_AUCTION_QUEST_ITEM = "You cannot sell a quest item.";
  79. ERR_AUCTION_REMOVED = "Auction cancelled.";
  80. ERR_AUCTION_REMOVED_S = "Your auction of %s has been cancelled by the seller.";
  81. ERR_AUCTION_REPAIR_ITEM = "You must repair that item before you auction it.";
  82. ERR_AUCTION_SOLD_S = "A buyer has been found for your auction of %s.";
  83. ERR_AUCTION_STARTED = "Auction created.";
  84. ERR_AUCTION_USED_CHARGES = "You cannot auction an item with used charges";
  85. ERR_AUCTION_WON_S = "You won an auction for %s";
  86. ERR_AUCTION_WRAPPED_ITEM = "You cannot auction a wrapped item.";
  87. ERR_AUTOFOLLOW_TOO_FAR = "Target is too far away.";
  88. ERR_AUTOLOOT_MONEY_S = "You loot %s";
  89. ERR_BADATTACKFACING = "You are facing the wrong way!";
  90. ERR_BADATTACKPOS = "You are too far away!";
  91. ERR_BAD_ON_USE_ENCHANT = "That item already has an activated ability";
  92. ERR_BAD_PLAYER_NAME_S = "Cannot find player '%s'.";
  93. ERR_BAG_FULL = "That bag is full.";
  94. ERR_BAG_IN_BAG = "Can't put non-empty bags in other bags.";
  95. ERR_BANKSLOT_FAILED_TOO_MANY = "You've reached your limit of bag slots!";
  96. ERR_BANKSLOT_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS = "You can't afford that.";
  97. ERR_BANKSLOT_NOTBANKER = "That unit is not a banker!";
  98. ERR_BANK_FULL = "Your bank is full";
  99. ERR_BATTLEDGROUND_QUEUED_FOR_RATED = "You cannot queue for another battle while queued for a rated match";
  100. ERR_BATTLEFIELD_TEAM_PARTY_SIZE = "Incorrect party size for this battlefield.";
  101. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_ALREADY_IN = "You are already in that battleground.";
  102. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_CANNOT_QUEUE_FOR_RATED = "You cannot queue for a rated match while queued for other battles";
  103. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_INFO_THROTTLED = "You can't do that yet";
  104. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_INVITATION_DECLINED = "Your War Game invitation has been declined";
  105. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_JOIN_FAILED = "Join as a group failed";
  106. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_JOIN_RANGE_INDEX = "Cannot join the queue unless all members of your party are in the same battleground level range.";
  107. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_JOIN_TIMED_OUT = "%s was unavailable to join the queue.";
  108. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_NOT_IN_BATTLEGROUND = "You can't do that in a battleground.";
  109. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_NOT_IN_TEAM = "Your group is not in the same team";
  110. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_TEAM_LEFT_QUEUE = "Your team has left the queue";
  111. ERR_BATTLEGROUND_TOO_MANY_QUEUES = "You can only be queued for 2 battles at once";
  112. ERR_BG_DEVELOPER_ONLY = "This battleground is only available for developer testing at this time.";
  113. ERR_BG_PLAYER_JOINED_SS = "|Hplayer:%s|h[%s]|h has joined the battle";
  114. ERR_BG_PLAYER_LEFT_S = "%s has left the battle";
  115. ERR_BN_BROADCAST_THROTTLE = "Please wait a few seconds before updating your broadcast message again.";
  116. ERR_BN_FRIEND_ALREADY = "That person is already your friend";
  117. ERR_BN_FRIEND_BLOCKED = "That person is on your blocked list";
  118. ERR_BN_FRIEND_REQUEST_SENT = "Real ID Friend request has been sent";
  119. ERR_BN_FRIEND_SELF = "You can't put yourself on your friend list";
  120. ERR_BUTTON_LOCKED = "That has already been used.";
  121. ERR_CANNOTCREATEDIRECTORY = "Cannot create directory %s.";
  122. ERR_CANNOTCREATEFILE = "Cannot create file %s.";
  123. ERR_CANNOT_IGNORE_BN_FRIEND = "You cannot ignore Real ID friends.";
  124. ERR_CANTATTACK_NOTSTANDING = "You have to be standing to attack anything!";
  125. ERR_CANT_BUY_QUANTITY = "You can't buy the specified quantity of that item.";
  126. ERR_CANT_DO_THAT_IN_A_GROUP = "You can't do that while in a group.";
  127. ERR_CANT_DO_THAT_WHILE_LFM = "You can't look for a group while looking for more.";
  128. ERR_CANT_EQUIP_EVER = "You can never use that item.";
  129. ERR_CANT_EQUIP_LEVEL_I = "You must reach level %d to use that item.";
  130. ERR_CANT_EQUIP_NEED_TALENT = "You do not have the required talent to equip that.";
  131. ERR_CANT_EQUIP_RANK = "You don't have the required rank for that item";
  132. ERR_CANT_EQUIP_RATING = "You don't have the personal, team, or battleground rating required to buy that item";
  133. ERR_CANT_EQUIP_REPUTATION = "You don't have the required reputation for that item";
  134. ERR_CANT_EQUIP_SKILL = "You aren't skilled enough to use that item.";
  135. ERR_CANT_INTERACT_SHAPESHIFTED = "Can't speak while shapeshifted.";
  136. ERR_CANT_SPEAK_LANGAGE = "You cannot speak that language.";
  137. ERR_CANT_STACK = "This item cannot stack.";
  138. ERR_CANT_SWAP = "These items can't be swapped.";
  139. ERR_CANT_USE_DISARMED = "You cannot use an item that is disarmed.";
  140. ERR_CANT_USE_ITEM = "You can't use that item.";
  141. ERR_CANT_USE_ITEM_IN_ARENA = "You can't use that item in an arena.";
  142. ERR_CANT_USE_ITEM_IN_RATED_BATTLEGROUND = "You can't use that item in a rated battleground.";
  143. ERR_CANT_WRAP_BAGS = "Bags can't be wrapped.";
  144. ERR_CANT_WRAP_BOUND = "Bound items can't be wrapped.";
  145. ERR_CANT_WRAP_EQUIPPED = "Equipped items can't be wrapped.";
  146. ERR_CANT_WRAP_STACKABLE = "Stackable items can't be wrapped.";
  147. ERR_CANT_WRAP_UNIQUE = "Unique items can't be wrapped.";
  148. ERR_CANT_WRAP_WRAPPED = "Wrapped items can't be wrapped.";
  149. ERR_CHAT_PLAYER_AMBIGUOUS_S = "%s: More than one player matches, type more of their server name";
  150. ERR_CHAT_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_S = "No player named '%s' is currently playing.";
  151. ERR_CHAT_RESTRICTED = "Trial accounts cannot send unlimited tells, you must wait before you can send tells to more players.";
  152. ERR_CHAT_THROTTLED = "The number of messages that can be sent is limited, please wait to send another message.";
  153. ERR_CHAT_WHILE_DEAD = "You can't chat when you're dead!";
  154. ERR_CHAT_WRONG_FACTION = "You can only whisper to members of your alliance.";
  155. ERR_CHEST_IN_USE = "That is already being used.";
  156. ERR_CLICK_ON_ITEM_TO_FEED = "Click on an item to feed to your pet";
  157. ERR_CLIENT_LOCKED_OUT = "You can't do that right now.";
  158. ERR_COMBAT_DAMAGE_SSI = "%s hits %s for %d damage!";
  159. ERR_COMMAND_NEEDS_TARGET = "You must specify a target: /<command> <target's name>";
  160. ERR_COMPLAINT_IN_SAME_GUILD = "You can not complain about another guild member.";
  161. ERR_COMSAT_CONNECT_FAIL = "Cannot connect to voice chat service.";
  162. ERR_COMSAT_DISCONNECT = "Connection lost to Voice Chat service.";
  163. ERR_COMSAT_RECONNECT_ATTEMPT = "Voice Chat service restored!";
  164. ERR_CORPSE_IS_NOT_IN_INSTANCE = "Your corpse is not in that instance";
  165. ERR_CURRENCY_SPELL_SLOT_MISMATCH = "That item can't be used in that slot";
  166. ERR_DANCE_CREATE_DUPLICATE = "You already have a dance by that name";
  167. ERR_DANCE_DELETE_FAILED = "Failed to delete dance";
  168. ERR_DANCE_SAVE_FAILED = "Failed to save dance";
  169. ERR_DEATHBINDALREADYBOUND = "You are already bound here!";
  170. ERR_DEATHBIND_SUCCESS_S = "%s is now your home.";
  171. ERR_DECLINE_GROUP_S = "%s declines your group invitation.";
  172. ERR_DESTROY_NONEMPTY_BAG = "You can only do that with empty bags.";
  173. ERR_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_ALREADY_STARTED = "A raid difficulty change is currently in progress.";
  174. ERR_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_COMBAT = "Raid difficulty cannot be changed at this time. A player is in combat.";
  175. ERR_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_COOLDOWN_S = "Raid difficulty has changed recently, and may not change again for %s.";
  176. ERR_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_ENCOUNTER = "Raid difficulty cannot be changed at this time. An encounter is in progress.";
  177. ERR_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_HEROIC_INSTANCE_ALREADY_RUNNING = "Your heroic instance is already in running and in use by another party";
  178. ERR_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_OTHER_HEROIC_S = "Raid difficulty cannot be changed. %s is already locked to a different Heroic instance.";
  179. ERR_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_PLAYER_BUSY = "Raid difficulty cannot be changed at this time. A player is busy.";
  180. ERR_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_WORLDSTATE = "Raid difficulty cannot be changed at this time. An event is in progress.";
  181. ERR_DIFFICULTY_HEROIC_INSTANCE_ALREADY_RUNNING = "This heroic instance is already running and in use by another party.";
  183. ERR_DISMOUNT_NOTMOUNTED = "You're not mounted!";
  185. ERR_DOOR_LOCKED = "The door is locked.";
  186. ERR_DROP_BOUND_ITEM = "You can't drop a soulbound item.";
  187. ERR_DUEL_CANCELLED = "Duel cancelled.";
  188. ERR_DUEL_REQUESTED = "You have requested a duel.";
  189. ERR_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED_S = "Dungeon Difficulty set to %s.";
  190. ERR_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_FAILED = "Unable to change Dungeon Difficulty";
  191. ERR_EAT_WHILE_MOVNG = "You can't eat while moving.";
  192. ERR_EMBLEMERROR_NOTABARDGEOSET = "Change back to your normal form first!";
  193. ERR_EQUIP_TRADE_ITEM = "That item is currently being traded";
  194. ERR_EXHAUSTION_EXHAUSTED = "You feel exhausted.";
  195. ERR_EXHAUSTION_NORMAL = "You feel normal.";
  196. ERR_EXHAUSTION_RESTED = "You feel rested.";
  197. ERR_EXHAUSTION_TIRED = "You feel tired.";
  198. ERR_EXHAUSTION_WELLRESTED = "You feel well rested.";
  199. ERR_FEIGN_DEATH_RESISTED = "Resisted";
  200. ERR_FILTERING_YOU_S = "Unable to send chat to %s because your message contained reserved words.";
  201. ERR_FISH_ESCAPED = "Your fish got away!";
  202. ERR_FISH_NOT_HOOKED = "No fish are hooked.";
  203. ERR_FOOD_COOLDOWN = "You are too full to eat more now.";
  204. ERR_FRIEND_ADDED_S = "%s added to friends.";
  205. ERR_FRIEND_ALREADY_S = "%s is already your friend.";
  206. ERR_FRIEND_DB_ERROR = "Friend lookup database error.";
  207. ERR_FRIEND_DELETED = "Friend removed because the character no longer exists.";
  208. ERR_FRIEND_ERROR = "Unknown friend response from server.";
  209. ERR_FRIEND_LIST_FULL = "You don't have room for any more friends.";
  210. ERR_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND = "Player not found.";
  211. ERR_FRIEND_OFFLINE_S = "%s has gone offline.";
  212. ERR_FRIEND_ONLINE_SS = "|Hplayer:%s|h[%s]|h has come online.";
  213. ERR_FRIEND_REMOVED_S = "%s removed from friends list.";
  214. ERR_FRIEND_SELF = "You can't put yourself on your friend list.";
  215. ERR_FRIEND_WRONG_FACTION = "Friends must be part of your alliance.";
  216. ERR_GENERIC_NO_TARGET = "You have no target.";
  217. ERR_GENERIC_NO_VALID_TARGETS = "No valid targets.";
  218. ERR_GENERIC_STUNNED = "You are stunned";
  219. ERR_GMRESPONSE_DB_ERROR = "Error retrieving GM response.";
  220. ERR_GROUP_ACTION_THROTTLED = "You have attempted too many group actions in a short period of time. Please wait momentarily before attempting further group actions.";
  221. ERR_GROUP_DISBANDED = "Your group has been disbanded.";
  222. ERR_GROUP_FULL = "Your party is full.";
  223. ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_DESERTERS = "You cannot join the battleground yet because you or one of your party members is flagged as a Deserter.";
  224. ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_FAIL = "Your group has joined a battleground queue, but you are not eligible";
  225. ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_S = "Your group has joined the queue for %s";
  226. ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_TOO_MANY = "Your group is too big to join that battleground";
  227. ERR_GROUP_SWAP_FAILED = "Players in raid combat cannot change raid subgroups";
  228. ERR_GUILDEMBLEM_COLORSPRESENT = "Your guild already has an emblem!";
  229. ERR_GUILDEMBLEM_INVALIDVENDOR = "That's not an emblem vendor!";
  230. ERR_GUILDEMBLEM_INVALID_TABARD_COLORS = "Invalid Guild Emblem colors.";
  231. ERR_GUILDEMBLEM_NOGUILD = "You are not part of a guild!";
  232. ERR_GUILDEMBLEM_NOTENOUGHMONEY = "You can't afford to do that.";
  233. ERR_GUILDEMBLEM_NOTGUILDMASTER = "Only guild leaders can create emblems.";
  234. ERR_GUILDEMBLEM_SAME = "Not saved, your tabard is already like that.";
  235. ERR_GUILDEMBLEM_SUCCESS = "Guild Emblem saved.";
  236. ERR_GUILD_ACCEPT = "You have joined the guild.";
  237. ERR_GUILD_BANK_BOUND_ITEM = "You cannot store soulbound items in the guild bank";
  238. ERR_GUILD_BANK_CONJURED_ITEM = "You cannot store conjured items in the guild bank";
  239. ERR_GUILD_BANK_EQUIPPED_ITEM = "You must unequip that item first";
  240. ERR_GUILD_BANK_FULL = "This guild bank tab is full";
  241. ERR_GUILD_BANK_QUEST_ITEM = "You cannot store quest items in the guild bank";
  242. ERR_GUILD_BANK_VOUCHER_FAILED = "You must purchase all guild bank tabs before using this voucher.";
  243. ERR_GUILD_BANK_WRAPPED_ITEM = "You cannot store wrapped items in the guild bank";
  244. ERR_GUILD_BANK_WRONG_TAB = "Incorrect bank tab";
  245. ERR_GUILD_CREATE_S = "%s created.";
  246. ERR_GUILD_DECLINE_AUTO_S = "%s is declining all guild invitations.";
  247. ERR_GUILD_DECLINE_S = "%s declines your guild invitation.";
  248. ERR_GUILD_DEMOTE_SS = "%s has been demoted to %s.";
  249. ERR_GUILD_DEMOTE_SSS = "%s has demoted %s to %s.";
  250. ERR_GUILD_DISBANDED = "Guild has been disbanded.";
  251. ERR_GUILD_DISBAND_S = "%s has disbanded the guild.";
  252. ERR_GUILD_DISBAND_SELF = "You have disbanded the guild.";
  253. ERR_GUILD_FOUNDER_S = "Congratulations, you are a founding member of %s!";
  254. ERR_GUILD_INTERNAL = "Internal guild error.";
  255. ERR_GUILD_INVITE_S = "You have invited %s to join your guild.";
  256. ERR_GUILD_JOIN_S = "%s has joined the guild.";
  257. ERR_GUILD_LEADER_CHANGED_SS = "%s has made %s the new Guild Master.";
  258. ERR_GUILD_LEADER_IS_S = "%s is the leader of your guild.";
  259. ERR_GUILD_LEADER_LEAVE = "You must promote a new Guild Master using /gleader before leaving the guild.";
  260. ERR_GUILD_LEADER_S = "%s has been promoted to Guild Master.";
  261. ERR_GUILD_LEADER_SELF = "You are now the Guild Master.";
  262. ERR_GUILD_LEAVE_RESULT = "You have left the guild.";
  263. ERR_GUILD_LEAVE_S = "%s has left the guild.";
  264. ERR_GUILD_NAME_EXISTS_S = "There is already a guild named \"%s\".";
  265. ERR_GUILD_NAME_INVALID = "Invalid guild name.";
  266. ERR_GUILD_NOT_ALLIED = "You cannot invite players from the opposing alliance";
  267. ERR_GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = "The guild bank does not have enough money";
  268. ERR_GUILD_PERMISSIONS = "You don't have permission to do that.";
  269. ERR_GUILD_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_S = "\"%s\" not found.";
  270. ERR_GUILD_PLAYER_NOT_IN_GUILD = "You are not in a guild.";
  271. ERR_GUILD_PLAYER_NOT_IN_GUILD_S = "%s is not in your guild.";
  272. ERR_GUILD_PROMOTE_SSS = "%s has promoted %s to %s.";
  273. ERR_GUILD_QUIT_S = "You are no longer a member of %s.";
  274. ERR_GUILD_RANKS_LOCKED = "Temporary guild error. Please try again!";
  275. ERR_GUILD_RANK_IN_USE = "That guild rank is currently in use.";
  276. ERR_GUILD_RANK_TOO_HIGH_S = "%s's rank is too high";
  277. ERR_GUILD_RANK_TOO_LOW_S = "%s is already at the lowest rank";
  278. ERR_GUILD_REMOVE_SELF = "You have been kicked out of the guild.";
  279. ERR_GUILD_REMOVE_SS = "%s has been kicked out of the guild by %s.";
  280. ERR_GUILD_TOO_MUCH_MONEY = "The guild bank is at gold limit";
  281. ERR_GUILD_WITHDRAW_LIMIT = "You cannot withdraw that much from the guild bank.";
  282. ERR_IGNORE_ADDED_S = "%s is now being ignored.";
  283. ERR_IGNORE_ALREADY_S = "%s is already being ignored.";
  284. ERR_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS = "That name is ambiguous, type more of the player's server name";
  285. ERR_IGNORE_DELETED = "Ignore removed because the character no longer exists.";
  286. ERR_IGNORE_FULL = "You can't ignore any more players.";
  287. ERR_IGNORE_NOT_FOUND = "Player not found.";
  288. ERR_IGNORE_REMOVED_S = "%s is no longer being ignored.";
  289. ERR_IGNORE_SELF = "You can't ignore yourself.";
  290. ERR_IGNORING_YOU_S = "%s is ignoring you.";
  291. ERR_INITIATE_TRADE_S = "You have requested to trade with %s.";
  292. ERR_INSPECT_S = "%s is inspecting you.";
  293. ERR_INTERNAL_BAG_ERROR = "Internal Bag Error";
  294. ERR_INVALID_ATTACK_TARGET = "You cannot attack that target.";
  295. ERR_INVALID_FOLLOW_TARGET = "You can't follow that unit.";
  296. ERR_INVALID_GLYPH_SLOT = "That is not a valid glyph slot.";
  297. ERR_INVALID_INSPECT_TARGET = "You can't inspect that unit.";
  298. ERR_INVALID_ITEM_TARGET = "That item is not a valid target.";
  299. ERR_INVALID_PROMOTION_CODE = "Couldn't validate code, please try again.";
  300. ERR_INVALID_RAID_TARGET = "You cannot raid target enemy players";
  301. ERR_INVALID_TELEPORT_LOCATION = "You do not have a valid teleport location.";
  302. ERR_INVITED_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_SS = "|Hplayer:%s|h[%s]|h invited you to a group, but you could not accept because you are already in a group.";
  303. ERR_INVITED_TO_ARENA_TEAM = "You have already been invited into an arena team.";
  304. ERR_INVITED_TO_GROUP_SS = "|Hplayer:%s|h[%s]|h has invited you to join a group.";
  305. ERR_INVITED_TO_GUILD = "You have already been invited into a guild.";
  306. ERR_INVITED_TO_GUILD_SSS = "|Hplayer:%s|h[%s]|h invites you to join %s.";
  307. ERR_INVITE_IN_COMBAT = "You cannot invite a player in raid combat";
  308. ERR_INVITE_NO_PARTY_SERVER = "Could not create a party";
  309. ERR_INVITE_PARTY_BUSY = "Cannot invite additional players until the party is formed";
  310. ERR_INVITE_PLAYER_S = "You have invited %s to join your group.";
  311. ERR_INVITE_RESTRICTED = "Trial accounts cannot invite characters into groups.";
  312. ERR_INVITE_SELF = "You can't invite yourself to a group.";
  313. ERR_INVITE_UNKNOWN_REALM = "You cannot invite players from that realm";
  314. ERR_INV_FULL = "Inventory is full.";
  315. ERR_IN_NON_RANDOM_BG = "Can't queue for Random Battleground while in another Battleground queue.";
  316. ERR_IN_RANDOM_BG = "Can't do that while in a Random Battleground queue.";
  317. ERR_ITEM_CANT_BE_DESTROYED = "That item cannot be destroyed.";
  318. ERR_ITEM_COOLDOWN = "Item is not ready yet.";
  319. ERR_ITEM_INVENTORY_FULL_SATCHEL = "Your inventory is full. Your satchel has been delivered to your mailbox.";
  320. ERR_ITEM_LOCKED = "Item is locked.";
  321. ERR_ITEM_MAX_COUNT = "You can't carry any more of those items.";
  322. ERR_ITEM_MAX_COUNT_EQUIPPED_SOCKETED = "You have the maximum number of those gems socketed into equipped items.";
  323. ERR_ITEM_MAX_COUNT_SOCKETED = "You have the maximum number of those gems in your inventory or socketed into items.";
  324. ERR_ITEM_MAX_LIMIT_CATEGORY_COUNT_EXCEEDED_IS = "You can only carry %d %s";
  325. ERR_ITEM_MAX_LIMIT_CATEGORY_EQUIPPED_EXCEEDED_IS = "You can only equip %d |4item:items; in the %s category";
  326. ERR_ITEM_MAX_LIMIT_CATEGORY_SOCKETED_EXCEEDED_IS = "You can only equip %d |4item:items; in the %s category";
  327. ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND = "The item was not found.";
  328. ERR_ITEM_UNIQUE_EQUIPABLE = "You cannot equip more than one of those.";
  329. ERR_ITEM_UNIQUE_EQUIPPABLE = "You cannot equip more than one of those.";
  330. ERR_ITEM_UNIQUE_EQUIPPABLE_SOCKETED = "You cannot socket more than one of those gems into a single item.";
  331. ERR_JOINED_GROUP_S = "%s joins the party.";
  332. ERR_KILLED_BY_S = "%s has slain you.";
  333. ERR_LEARN_ABILITY_S = "You have learned a new ability: %s.";
  334. ERR_LEARN_COMPANION_S = "You have added the pet %s to your collection.";
  335. ERR_LEARN_MOUNT_S = "You have added the mount %s to your collection.";
  336. ERR_LEARN_RECIPE_S = "You have learned how to create a new item: %s.";
  337. ERR_LEARN_SPELL_S = "You have learned a new spell: %s.";
  338. ERR_LEFT_GROUP_S = "%s leaves the party.";
  339. ERR_LEFT_GROUP_YOU = "You leave the group.";
  340. ERR_LFG_CANT_USE_BATTLEGROUND = "You cannot queue for a battleground or arena while using the dungeon system.";
  341. ERR_LFG_CANT_USE_DUNGEONS = "You cannot queue for a dungeon while using battlegrounds or arenas.";
  342. ERR_LFG_DESERTER_PARTY = "One or more party members has a deserter debuff.";
  343. ERR_LFG_DESERTER_PLAYER = "You can not queue for dungeons until your deserter debuff wears off.";
  344. ERR_LFG_GET_INFO_TIMEOUT = "Could not retrieve information about some party members.";
  345. ERR_LFG_GROUP_FULL = "Your group is already full.";
  346. ERR_LFG_INVALID_SLOT = "One or more dungeons was not valid.";
  347. ERR_LFG_JOINED_LIST = "You are now listed in the Raid Browser.";
  348. ERR_LFG_JOINED_QUEUE = "You are now queued in the Dungeon Finder.";
  349. ERR_LFG_LEADER_IS_LFM_S = "You can't do that while %s is looking for more members.";
  350. ERR_LFG_LEFT_LIST = "You are no longer listed in the Raid Browser.";
  351. ERR_LFG_LEFT_QUEUE = "You are no longer queued in the Dungeon Finder.";
  352. ERR_LFG_MEMBERS_NOT_PRESENT = "One or more party members are pending invites or disconnected.";
  353. ERR_LFG_MISMATCHED_SLOTS = "You cannot mix dungeons, raids, and random when picking dungeons.";
  354. ERR_LFG_NO_LFG_OBJECT = "Internal LFG Error.";
  355. ERR_LFG_NO_ROLES_SELECTED = "You must select at least one role.";
  356. ERR_LFG_NO_SLOTS_PARTY = "One or more party members do not meet the requirements for the chosen dungeons.";
  357. ERR_LFG_NO_SLOTS_PLAYER = "You do not meet the requirements for the chosen dungeons.";
  358. ERR_LFG_NO_SLOTS_SELECTED = "You did not select any valid slots.";
  359. ERR_LFG_PARTY_PLAYERS_FROM_DIFFERENT_REALMS = "The dungeon you chose does not support players from multiple realms.";
  360. ERR_LFG_PENDING = "You already have a pending match.";
  361. ERR_LFG_PLAYER_DECLINED_ROLE_CHECK = "%s has not selected any roles.";
  362. ERR_LFG_PROPOSAL_DECLINED_PARTY = "You have been removed from the Dungeon queue because someone in your party did not accept the invitation.";
  363. ERR_LFG_PROPOSAL_DECLINED_SELF = "You have been removed from the Dungeon queue because you did not accept the invitation.";
  364. ERR_LFG_PROPOSAL_FAILED = "Someone has declined the dungeon invite. You have been returned to the front of the dungeon queue.";
  365. ERR_LFG_RANDOM_COOLDOWN_PARTY = "One or more party members are on random dungeon cooldown.";
  366. ERR_LFG_RANDOM_COOLDOWN_PLAYER = "You can not queue for random dungeons while on random dungeon cooldown.";
  367. ERR_LFG_ROLE_CHECK_ABORTED = "Your group leader has cancelled the Role Check.";
  368. ERR_LFG_ROLE_CHECK_FAILED = "The Role Check has failed.";
  369. ERR_LFG_ROLE_CHECK_FAILED_NOT_VIABLE = "Role Check failed because your group is not viable.";
  370. ERR_LFG_ROLE_CHECK_FAILED_TIMEOUT = "Role Check failed because group member did not respond.";
  371. ERR_LFG_ROLE_CHECK_INITIATED = "A role check has been initiated. Your group will be queued when all members have selected a role.";
  372. ERR_LFG_TOO_MANY_MEMBERS = "You can not enter dungeons with more than 5 party members.";
  373. ERR_LOGGING_OUT = "You are logging out";
  374. ERR_LOGOUT_FAILED = "You can't logout now.";
  375. ERR_LOOT_BAD_FACING = "You must be facing the corpse to loot it.";
  376. ERR_LOOT_CANT_LOOT_THAT = "You don't meet the requirements to loot that item";
  377. ERR_LOOT_CANT_LOOT_THAT_NOW = "You can't loot that item now.";
  378. ERR_LOOT_DIDNT_KILL = "You don't have permission to loot that corpse.";
  379. ERR_LOOT_GONE = "Already looted";
  380. ERR_LOOT_LOCKED = "Someone is already looting that corpse.";
  381. ERR_LOOT_MASTER_INV_FULL = "That player's inventory is full";
  382. ERR_LOOT_MASTER_OTHER = "Can't assign item to that player";
  383. ERR_LOOT_MASTER_UNIQUE_ITEM = "Player has too many of that item already";
  384. ERR_LOOT_NOTSTANDING = "You need to be standing up to loot something!";
  385. ERR_LOOT_NO_UI = "You can't loot right now.";
  386. ERR_LOOT_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND = "Player not found";
  387. ERR_LOOT_ROLL_PENDING = "That item is still being rolled for.";
  388. ERR_LOOT_STUNNED = "You can't loot anything while stunned!";
  389. ERR_LOOT_TOO_FAR = "You are too far away to loot that corpse.";
  390. ERR_LOOT_WHILE_INVULNERABLE = "Cannot loot while invulnerable.";
  391. ERR_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_EXPIRED = "That item has expired.";
  392. ERR_MAIL_BAG = "You can't mail non-empty bags.";
  393. ERR_MAIL_BOUND_ITEM = "You can't mail soulbound items.";
  394. ERR_MAIL_CONJURED_ITEM = "You cannot mail conjured items";
  395. ERR_MAIL_DATABASE_ERROR = "Internal mail database error.";
  396. ERR_MAIL_DELETE_ITEM_ERROR = "You can't delete that.";
  397. ERR_MAIL_INVALID_ATTACHMENT = "A mail attachment was invalid.";
  398. ERR_MAIL_INVALID_ATTACHMENT_SLOT = "You cannot attach more than 12 items to mail.";
  399. ERR_MAIL_LIMITED_DURATION_ITEM = "You cannot mail items with a limited duration";
  400. ERR_MAIL_QUEST_ITEM = "You can't mail quest items.";
  401. ERR_MAIL_REACHED_CAP = "You have reached the in-game cap of unique mail recipients";
  402. ERR_MAIL_SENT = "Mail sent.";
  403. ERR_MAIL_TARGET_NOT_FOUND = "Cannot find mail recipient.";
  404. ERR_MAIL_TOO_MANY_ATTACHMENTS = "A mail included too many attachments.";
  405. ERR_MAIL_TO_SELF = "You can't send mail to yourself.";
  406. ERR_MAIL_WRAPPED_COD = "You can't send wrapped items C.O.D.";
  407. ERR_MAX_SOCKETS = "That item cannot receive additional sockets";
  408. ERR_MEETING_STONE_GROUP_FULL = "You are already in a full group";
  409. ERR_MEETING_STONE_INVALID_LEVEL = "You do not meet the level requirements of this meeting stone.";
  410. ERR_MEETING_STONE_INVALID_TARGET = "No target selected";
  411. ERR_MEETING_STONE_IN_PROGRESS = "You are still seeking more members through the meeting stone.";
  412. ERR_MEETING_STONE_IN_QUEUE_S = "You are now in the queue to join a party for %s.";
  413. ERR_MEETING_STONE_LEFT_QUEUE_S = "You have left the queue to join a party for %s.";
  414. ERR_MEETING_STONE_MEMBER_ADDED_S = "%s has been added to the group by the meeting stone.";
  415. ERR_MEETING_STONE_MEMBER_STILL_IN_QUEUE = "Looking for a new party in the meeting stone queue.";
  416. ERR_MEETING_STONE_MUST_BE_LEADER = "You must be the party leader to interact with the meeting stone";
  417. ERR_MEETING_STONE_NEED_PARTY = "You need to be in a party to use a meeting stone";
  418. ERR_MEETING_STONE_NOT_FOUND = "Player not found.";
  419. ERR_MEETING_STONE_NOT_LEADER = "Only the party leader can leave the meeting stone queue";
  420. ERR_MEETING_STONE_NO_RAID_GROUP = "You cannot use a meeting stone while in a raid group";
  421. ERR_MEETING_STONE_OTHER_MEMBER_LEFT = "Party member has left. Looking for a new party in the meeting stone queue.";
  422. ERR_MEETING_STONE_SUCCESS = "Your group is complete, you have left the meeting stone queue.";
  423. ERR_MEETING_STONE_TARGET_INVALID_LEVEL = "Your target does not meet the level requirements of this meeting stone.";
  424. ERR_MEETING_STONE_TARGET_NOT_IN_PARTY = "Your target is not in the party";
  425. ERR_MOUNT_ALREADYMOUNTED = "You're already mounted.";
  426. ERR_MOUNT_FORCEDDISMOUNT = "You dismount before continuing.";
  427. ERR_MOUNT_INVALIDMOUNTEE = "You can't mount that unit.";
  428. ERR_MOUNT_LOOTING = "You can't mount while looting!";
  429. ERR_MOUNT_NOTMOUNTABLE = "That unit can't be mounted.";
  430. ERR_MOUNT_NOTYOURPET = "That mount isn't your pet!";
  432. ERR_MOUNT_RACECANTMOUNT = "You can't mount because of your race.";
  433. ERR_MOUNT_SHAPESHIFTED = "You can't mount while shapeshifted.";
  434. ERR_MOUNT_TOOFARAWAY = "That mount is too far away.";
  435. ERR_MULTI_CAST_ACTION_TOTEM_S = "Only %s spells can go in that slot.";
  436. ERR_MUST_EQUIP_ITEM = "You must equip that item to use it.";
  437. ERR_MUST_REPAIR_DURABILITY = "You must repair that item's durability to use it.";
  438. ERR_NAME_CONSECUTIVE_SPACES = "Consecutive spaces are not allowed. Enter a new name.";
  439. ERR_NAME_DECLENSION_DOESNT_MATCH_BASE_NAME = "Your declensions must match your original name. Enter a new name.";
  440. ERR_NAME_INVALID = "That name contains invalid characters, Enter a new name.";
  441. ERR_NAME_INVALID_SPACE = "Names cannot start or end with a space. Enter a new name.";
  442. ERR_NAME_MIXED_LANGUAGES = "Names must use one language. Enter a new name.";
  443. ERR_NAME_NO_NAME = "Please enter a name.";
  444. ERR_NAME_PROFANE = "That name contains mature language. Enter a new name.";
  445. ERR_NAME_RESERVED = "That name is reserved. Enter a new name.";
  446. ERR_NAME_RUSSIAN_CONSECUTIVE_SILENT_CHARACTERS = "Consecutive silent characters are not allowed. Create a new name.";
  447. ERR_NAME_RUSSIAN_SILENT_CHARACTER_AT_BEGINNING_OR_END = "Silent characters are now allowed at the beginning or end of a name. Create a new name.";
  448. ERR_NAME_THREE_CONSECUTIVE = "You cannot use the same letter three times consecutively. Enter a new name.";
  449. ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG = "That name is too long. Enter a new name.";
  450. ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG2 = "That name is too long.";
  451. ERR_NAME_TOO_SHORT = "That name is too short. Enter a new name.";
  452. ERR_NEWTAXIPATH = "New flight path discovered!";
  453. ERR_NEW_GUIDE_S = "%s is now the Dungeon Guide.";
  454. ERR_NEW_GUIDE_YOU = "You are now the Dungeon Guide.";
  455. ERR_NEW_LEADER_S = "%s is now the group leader.";
  456. ERR_NEW_LEADER_YOU = "You are now the group leader.";
  457. ERR_NEW_LOOT_MASTER_S = "%s is now the loot master.";
  458. ERR_NOAMMO_S = "%s";
  459. ERR_NOEMOTEWHILERUNNING = "You can't do that while moving!";
  460. ERR_NOTYOURPET = "That is not your pet!";
  461. ERR_NOT_A_BAG = "Not a bag.";
  462. ERR_NOT_BARBER_SITTING = "You must be sitting in a barber chair";
  463. ERR_NOT_DURING_ARENA_MATCH = "You can't do that while in an arena match";
  464. ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ARENA_POINTS = "You don't have enough arena points";
  465. ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD = "Not enough gold";
  466. ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_HONOR_POINTS = "You don't have enough honor points";
  467. ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = "You don't have enough money.";
  468. ERR_NOT_EQUIPPABLE = "This item cannot be equipped.";
  469. ERR_NOT_IN_BATTLEGROUND = "You are not in a battleground";
  470. ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT = "You can't do that while in combat";
  471. ERR_NOT_IN_GROUP = "You aren't in a party.";
  472. ERR_NOT_IN_RAID = "You are not in a raid group";
  473. ERR_NOT_LEADER = "You are not the party leader.";
  474. ERR_NOT_OWNER = "You don't own that item.";
  475. ERR_NOT_SAME_ACCOUNT = "Artifacts can only be mailed to your own characters.";
  476. ERR_NOT_WHILE_DISARMED = "You can't do that while disarmed";
  477. ERR_NOT_WHILE_FALLING = "You can't do that while jumping or falling";
  478. ERR_NOT_WHILE_FATIGUED = "You can't do that while fatigued";
  479. ERR_NOT_WHILE_MOUNTED = "You can't do that while mounted.";
  480. ERR_NOT_WHILE_SHAPESHIFTED = "You can't do that while shapeshifted.";
  481. ERR_NO_ARENA_CHARTER = "You don't have that arena team charter.";
  482. ERR_NO_ATTACK_TARGET = "There is nothing to attack.";
  483. ERR_NO_BANK_HERE = "You are too far away from a bank.";
  484. ERR_NO_BANK_SLOT = "You must purchase that bag slot first";
  485. ERR_NO_GUILD_CHARTER = "You don't have a guild charter.";
  486. ERR_NO_ITEMS_WHILE_SHAPESHIFTED = "Can't use items while shapeshifted.";
  487. ERR_NO_LOOT = "There is no loot.";
  488. ERR_NO_PET = "You don't have a pet!";
  489. ERR_NO_REPLY_TARGET = "You have nobody to reply to yet.";
  490. ERR_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE = "No equipment slot is available for that item.";
  491. ERR_NULL_PETNAME = "Error, empty pet name entered.";
  492. ERR_OBJECT_FAIL_NOT_IN_PARTY = "Must be in the owner's party or raid to use that";
  493. ERR_OBJECT_IS_BUSY = "That object is busy.";
  494. ERR_ONLY_ONE_AMMO = "You can only equip one ammo pouch.";
  495. ERR_ONLY_ONE_BOLT = "You can only equip one quiver.";
  496. ERR_ONLY_ONE_QUIVER = "You can only equip one quiver.";
  497. ERR_OUT_OF_BALANCE_NEGATIVE = "Not enough lunar energy";
  498. ERR_OUT_OF_BALANCE_POSITIVE = "Not enough solar energy";
  499. ERR_OUT_OF_ENERGY = "Not enough energy";
  500. ERR_OUT_OF_FOCUS = "Not enough focus";
  501. ERR_OUT_OF_HEALTH = "Not enough health";
  502. ERR_OUT_OF_HOLY_POWER = "Not enough holy power";
  503. ERR_OUT_OF_MANA = "Not enough mana";
  504. ERR_OUT_OF_POWER_DISPLAY = "Not enough %s";
  505. ERR_OUT_OF_RAGE = "Not enough rage";
  506. ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE = "Out of range.";
  507. ERR_OUT_OF_RUNES = "Not enough runes";
  508. ERR_OUT_OF_RUNIC_POWER = "Not enough runic power";
  509. ERR_OUT_OF_SOUL_SHARDS = "Not enough soul shards";
  510. ERR_PARTY_ALREADY_IN_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE = "Player is already in a battleground queue.";
  511. ERR_PARTY_CONFIRMING_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE = "The party is already confirming a battleground queue.";
  512. ERR_PARTY_LFG_BOOT_COOLDOWN_S = "You must wait %s before initiating another player kick.";
  513. ERR_PARTY_LFG_BOOT_DUNGEON_COMPLETE = "Players cannot be kicked after the instance is complete.";
  514. ERR_PARTY_LFG_BOOT_IN_COMBAT = "Players cannot be kicked while in combat, or shortly after combat.";
  515. ERR_PARTY_LFG_BOOT_IN_PROGRESS = "Another kick vote is already in progress.";
  516. ERR_PARTY_LFG_BOOT_LIMIT = "You can not initiate any more party kicks.";
  517. ERR_PARTY_LFG_BOOT_LOOT_ROLLS = "Players cannot be kicked during loot rolls.";
  518. ERR_PARTY_LFG_BOOT_NOT_ELIGIBLE_S = "That player can not be kicked for another %s.";
  519. ERR_PARTY_LFG_BOOT_TOO_FEW_PLAYERS = "There are not enough players in the group to initate a vote.";
  520. ERR_PARTY_LFG_BOOT_VOTE_FAILED = "The vote to kick %s has failed.";
  521. ERR_PARTY_LFG_BOOT_VOTE_SUCCEEDED = "The vote to kick %s has passed.";
  522. ERR_PARTY_LFG_INVITE_RAID_LOCKED = "%s is locked to another instance.";
  523. ERR_PARTY_LFG_TELEPORT_IN_COMBAT = "You cannot teleport out of the dungeon while in combat.";
  524. ERR_PARTY_TARGET_AMBIGUOUS = "There were multiple players in the party with that name, please include realm name";
  525. ERR_PASSIVE_ABILITY = "You can't put a passive ability in the action bar.";
  526. ERR_PETITION_ALREADY_SIGNED = "You have already signed that charter.";
  527. ERR_PETITION_ALREADY_SIGNED_BY_S = "%s has already signed your charter.";
  528. ERR_PETITION_ALREADY_SIGNED_OTHER = "You've already signed another guild charter";
  529. ERR_PETITION_CREATOR = "You can't sign your own charter.";
  530. ERR_PETITION_DECLINED_S = "%s has declined to sign your petition.";
  531. ERR_PETITION_FULL = "That petition is full";
  532. ERR_PETITION_IN_GUILD = "You are already in a guild.";
  533. ERR_PETITION_NOT_ENOUGH_SIGNATURES = "You need more signatures.";
  534. ERR_PETITION_NOT_SAME_SERVER = "That player is not from your server";
  535. ERR_PETITION_OFFERED_S = "You have requested %s's signature.";
  536. ERR_PETITION_RESTRICTED_ACCOUNT = "Trial accounts may not sign guild charters.";
  537. ERR_PETITION_SIGNED = "Charter signed.";
  538. ERR_PETITION_SIGNED_S = "%s has signed your charter.";
  539. ERR_PET_BROKEN = "Your pet has run away";
  540. ERR_PET_LEARN_ABILITY_S = "Your pet has learned a new ability: %s.";
  541. ERR_PET_LEARN_SPELL_S = "Your pet has learned a new spell: %s.";
  542. ERR_PET_NOT_RENAMEABLE = "Your pet can't be renamed.";
  543. ERR_PET_SPELL_AFFECTING_COMBAT = "Your pet is in combat.";
  544. ERR_PET_SPELL_ALREADY_KNOWN_S = "Your pet already knows %s.";
  545. ERR_PET_SPELL_DEAD = "Your pet is dead.";
  546. ERR_PET_SPELL_NOT_BEHIND = "Your pet must be behind its target.";
  547. ERR_PET_SPELL_OUT_OF_RANGE = "Your pet is out of range.";
  548. ERR_PET_SPELL_ROOTED = "Your pet is unable to move.";
  549. ERR_PET_SPELL_TARGETS_DEAD = "Your pet's target is dead.";
  550. ERR_PET_SPELL_UNLEARNED_S = "Your pet has unlearned %s.";
  551. ERR_PLAYERLIST_JOINED_BATTLE = "%d players have joined the battle: %s";
  552. ERR_PLAYERLIST_LEFT_BATTLE = "%d players have left the battle: %s";
  553. ERR_PLAYERS_JOINED_BATTLE_D = "%d players have joined the battle.";
  554. ERR_PLAYERS_LEFT_BATTLE_D = "%d players have left the battle.";
  555. ERR_PLAYER_BUSY_S = "%s is busy right now.";
  556. ERR_PLAYER_DEAD = "You can't do that when you're dead.";
  557. ERR_PLAYER_DIED_S = "%s has died.";
  558. ERR_PLAYER_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED_S = "Difficulty set to %s.";
  559. ERR_PLAYER_JOINED_BATTLE_D = "%s has joined the battle.";
  560. ERR_PLAYER_LEFT_BATTLE_D = "%s has left the battle.";
  561. ERR_PLAYER_SILENCED = "A group leader has removed your voice privileges.";
  562. ERR_PLAYER_SILENCED_ECHO = "You have removed the voice privileges of %s.";
  563. ERR_PLAYER_UNSILENCED = "A group leader has restored your voice privileges.";
  564. ERR_PLAYER_UNSILENCED_ECHO = "You have restored the voice privileges of %s.";
  565. ERR_PLAYER_WRONG_FACTION = "Target is unfriendly.";
  566. ERR_PLAY_TIME_EXCEEDED = "Maximum play time exceeded";
  567. ERR_POTION_COOLDOWN = "You cannot drink any more yet.";
  568. ERR_PROFANE_CHAT_NAME = "You may not create custom channels with profane names.";
  569. ERR_PROFICIENCY_GAINED_S = "You have gained %s proficiency.";
  570. ERR_PROFICIENCY_NEEDED = "You do not have the required proficiency for that item.";
  571. ERR_PURCHASE_LEVEL_TOO_LOW = "You must reach level %d to purchase that item.";
  572. ERR_PVP_TOGGLE_OFF = "PvP combat toggled off";
  573. ERR_PVP_TOGGLE_ON = "PvP combat toggled on";
  574. ERR_QUEST_ACCEPTED_S = "Quest accepted: %s";
  575. ERR_QUEST_ADD_FOUND_SII = "%s: %d/%d";
  576. ERR_QUEST_ADD_ITEM_SII = "%s: %d/%d";
  577. ERR_QUEST_ADD_KILL_SII = "%s slain: %d/%d";
  578. ERR_QUEST_ADD_PLAYER_KILL_SII = "Players slain: %d/%d";
  579. ERR_QUEST_ALREADY_DONE = "You have completed that quest.";
  580. ERR_QUEST_ALREADY_DONE_DAILY = "You have completed that daily quest today.";
  581. ERR_QUEST_ALREADY_ON = "You are already on that quest";
  582. ERR_QUEST_COMPLETE_S = "%s completed.";
  583. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_BAG_FULL_S = "%s failed: Inventory is full.";
  584. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_CAIS = "You cannot complete quests once you have reached tired time";
  585. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_EXPANSION = "This quest requires an expansion enabled account.";
  586. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_LOW_LEVEL = "You are not high enough level for that quest.";
  587. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_MAX_COUNT_S = "%s failed: Duplicate item found.";
  588. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_MISSING_ITEMS = "You don't have the required items with you. Check storage.";
  589. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = "You don't have enough money for that quest";
  590. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_S = "%s failed.";
  591. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_SPELL = "You haven't learned the required spell.";
  592. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_TOO_MANY_DAILY_QUESTS_I = "You have already completed %d daily quests today";
  593. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_WRONG_RACE = "That quest is not available to your race.";
  594. ERR_QUEST_FORCE_REMOVED_S = "The quest %s has been removed from your quest log";
  595. ERR_QUEST_LOG_FULL = "Your quest log is full.";
  596. ERR_QUEST_MUST_CHOOSE = "You must choose a reward.";
  597. ERR_QUEST_NEED_PREREQS = "You don't meet the requirements for that quest";
  598. ERR_QUEST_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE_S = "%s (Complete)";
  599. ERR_QUEST_ONLY_ONE_TIMED = "You can only be on one timed quest at a time";
  600. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_ACCEPTED_S = "%s has accepted your quest";
  601. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_ALREADY_DONE_S = "%s has completed that quest";
  602. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_BUSY_S = "%s is busy";
  603. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_DEAD_S = "%s is dead.";
  604. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_DECLINED_S = "%s has declined your quest";
  605. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_DIFFERENT_SERVER_DAILY_S = "%s is not eligible for that quest today";
  606. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_INVALID_S = "%s is not eligible for that quest";
  607. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_LOG_FULL_S = "%s's quest log is full";
  608. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_NOT_ALLOWED_S = "That quest cannot be shared";
  609. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_NOT_DAILY_S = "That quest cannot be shared today";
  610. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_NOT_IN_PARTY_S = "You are not in a party";
  611. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_ONQUEST_S = "%s is already on that quest";
  612. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_SUCCESS_S = "Sharing quest with %s...";
  613. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_TIMER_EXPIRED_S = "Quest sharing timer has expired";
  614. ERR_QUEST_REWARD_EXP_I = "Experience gained: %d.";
  615. ERR_QUEST_REWARD_ITEM_MULT_IS = "Received %d of item: %s.";
  616. ERR_QUEST_REWARD_ITEM_S = "Received item: %s.";
  617. ERR_QUEST_REWARD_MONEY_S = "Received %s.";
  618. ERR_QUEST_UNKNOWN_COMPLETE = "Objective Complete.";
  619. ERR_RAID_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED_S = "Raid Difficulty set to %s.";
  620. ERR_RAID_DIFFICULTY_FAILED = "Unable to change Raid Difficulty";
  621. ERR_RAID_DISALLOWED_BY_LEVEL = "Character too low level for raid.";
  622. ERR_RAID_GROUP_FULL = "The instance is full.";
  623. ERR_RAID_GROUP_LOWLEVEL = "You are too low level to enter this instance.";
  624. ERR_RAID_GROUP_ONLY = "You must be in a raid group to enter this instance.";
  625. ERR_RAID_GROUP_REQUIREMENTS_UNMATCH = "You do not meet the requirements to enter this instance.";
  626. ERR_RAID_LEADER_READY_CHECK_START_S = "%s has initiated a ready check.";
  627. ERR_RAID_LOCKOUT_CHANGED_S = "Raid Lockout set to %s.";
  628. ERR_RAID_MEMBER_ADDED_S = "%s has joined the raid group.";
  629. ERR_RAID_MEMBER_REMOVED_S = "%s has left the raid group.";
  630. ERR_RAID_YOU_JOINED = "You have joined a raid group.";
  631. ERR_RAID_YOU_LEFT = "You have left the raid group.";
  632. ERR_RANK_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATOR = "Guild rank requires an authenticator.";
  633. ERR_READY_CHECK_IN_PROGRESS = "You are already running a ready check";
  634. ERR_READY_CHECK_THROTTLED = "You can't do that yet";
  635. ERR_RECEIVE_ITEM_S = "%s received.";
  636. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_DIFFERENT_FACTION = "You cannot grant levels to a character of the opposite faction";
  637. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_GRANT_LEVEL_MAX_I = "You cannot grant levels to players level %d or higher";
  638. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_INSUFFICIENT_GRANTABLE_LEVELS = "You have not earned enough levels to grant any more levels";
  639. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_INSUF_EXPAN_LVL = "That player does not have the required expansion to access this area";
  640. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_NOT_NOW = "You cannot grant that player a level right now.";
  641. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_NOT_REFERRED_BY = "You were not referred by that player";
  642. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_SUMMON_COOLDOWN = "You can only summon your friend once per hour";
  643. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_SUMMON_LEVEL_MAX_I = "You cannot summon players above level %d";
  644. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_SUMMON_OFFLINE_S = "%s is offline and cannot be summoned";
  645. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_TARGET_TOO_HIGH = "That player's level is too high";
  646. ERR_REFER_A_FRIEND_TOO_FAR = "That player is too far away";
  647. ERR_REFORGE_ALREADY_HAS_DST_STAT = "That stat already exists on the item";
  648. ERR_REFORGE_INSUFFICIENT_SRC_STAT = "You cannot reforge that item";
  649. ERR_REFORGE_ITEM_TOO_LOW_LEVEL = "Item must be level 200 or higher";
  650. ERR_REFORGE_SRC_STAT_NOT_FOUND = "You cannot reforge that item";
  651. ERR_REFUND_RESULT_EXCEED_MAX_CURRENCY = "Cannot grant a currency refund exceeding the maximum allowed amount.";
  652. ERR_REMOVE_FROM_PVP_QUEUE_FACTION_CHANGE_NONE = "You have been removed from a PvP Queue because you changed your faction.";
  653. ERR_REMOVE_FROM_PVP_QUEUE_GRANT_LEVEL = "You have been removed from a PVP queue because another player has granted you a level";
  654. ERR_REMOVE_FROM_PVP_QUEUE_XP_GAIN = "You have been removed from a PVP queue because you have changed your XP gain settings";
  655. ERR_REQUIRES_EXPANSION_S = "Requires expansion: %s";
  656. ERR_RESTRICTED_ACCOUNT = "Trial accounts cannot perform that action";
  657. ERR_SCALING_STAT_ITEM_LEVEL_EXCEEDED = "Your level is too high to use that item";
  658. ERR_SCALING_STAT_ITEM_LEVEL_TOO_LOW = "Your level is too low to use that item";
  659. ERR_SET_LOOT_FREEFORALL = "Looting changed to Free for All.";
  660. ERR_SET_LOOT_GROUP = "Looting changed to Group Loot.";
  661. ERR_SET_LOOT_MASTER = "Looting changed to Master Looter.";
  662. ERR_SET_LOOT_NBG = "Looting set to Need Before Greed.";
  663. ERR_SET_LOOT_ROUNDROBIN = "Looting changed to Round Robin.";
  664. ERR_SET_LOOT_THRESHOLD_S = "Loot threshold set to %s.";
  665. ERR_SHAPESHIFT_FORM_CANNOT_EQUIP = "Cannot equip item in this form";
  666. ERR_SKILL_GAINED_S = "You have gained the %s skill.";
  667. ERR_SKILL_UP_SI = "Your skill in %s has increased to %d.";
  668. ERR_SLOT_EMPTY = "That slot is empty.";
  669. ERR_SOCKETING_COGWHEEL_GEM_ONLY_IN_COGWHEELSLOT = "Cogwheels can only be placed in Cogwheel slots";
  670. ERR_SOCKETING_HYDRAULIC_GEM_ONLY_IN_HYDRAULICSLOT = "Hydraulic gems can only be placed in hydraulic gem slots";
  671. ERR_SOCKETING_ITEM_TOO_LOW_LEVEL = "The item is too lowel level to accept that gem";
  672. ERR_SOCKETING_META_GEM_ONLY_IN_METASLOT = "Meta gems can only be placed in meta gem slots";
  673. ERR_SOCKETING_REQUIRES_COGWHEEL_GEM = "That slot requires a Cogwheel";
  674. ERR_SOCKETING_REQUIRES_HYDRAULIC_GEM = "That slot requires a hydraulic gem";
  675. ERR_SOCKETING_REQUIRES_META_GEM = "That slot requires a meta gem";
  676. ERR_SPECIFY_MASTER_LOOTER = "You must specify a loot master.";
  677. ERR_SPELL_ALREADY_KNOWN_S = "You already know %s.";
  678. ERR_SPELL_COOLDOWN = "Spell is not ready yet.";
  679. ERR_SPELL_FAILED_ALREADY_AT_FULL_HEALTH = "You are already at full Health";
  680. ERR_SPELL_FAILED_ALREADY_AT_FULL_MANA = "You are already at full Mana";
  681. ERR_SPELL_FAILED_ALREADY_AT_FULL_POWER_S = "You are already at full %s";
  682. ERR_SPELL_FAILED_EQUIPPED_ITEM = "Must have the proper item equipped";
  684. ERR_SPELL_FAILED_NOTUNSHEATHED = "You have to be unsheathed to do that!";
  686. ERR_SPELL_FAILED_REAGENTS_GENERIC = "Missing reagent";
  687. ERR_SPELL_FAILED_S = "%s";
  690. ERR_SPELL_OUT_OF_RANGE = "Out of range.";
  691. ERR_SPELL_UNLEARNED_S = "You have unlearned %s.";
  692. ERR_SPLIT_FAILED = "Couldn't split those items.";
  693. ERR_SYSTEM_DISABLED = "This system is currently disabled.";
  694. ERR_TALENT_FAILED_NOT_ENOUGH_TALENTS_IN_PRIMARY_TREE = "You need to spend more talents in your primary talent tree before you can put points here.";
  695. ERR_TALENT_FAILED_NO_PRIMARY_TREE_SELECTED = "Please select a primary talent tree before spending talents.";
  696. ERR_TALENT_FAILED_UNKNOWN = "Unable to learn talent.";
  697. ERR_TALENT_WIPE_ERROR = "You have not spent any talent points.";
  698. ERR_TAME_FAILED = "%s.";
  699. ERR_TARGET_LOGGING_OUT = "That player is logging out";
  700. ERR_TARGET_NOT_IN_GROUP_S = "%s is not in your party.";
  701. ERR_TARGET_NOT_IN_INSTANCE_S = "%s is not in your instance.";
  702. ERR_TARGET_STUNNED = "Target is stunned";
  703. ERR_TAXINOPATH = "The selected path doesn't exist!";
  704. ERR_TAXINOPATHS = "You don’t know any flight locations connected to this one.";
  705. ERR_TAXINOSUCHPATH = "There is no direct path to that destination!";
  706. ERR_TAXINOTELIGIBLE = "You cannot use this taxi currently.";
  707. ERR_TAXINOTENOUGHMONEY = "You don't have enough money!";
  708. ERR_TAXINOTSTANDING = "You need to be standing to go anywhere.";
  709. ERR_TAXINOTVISITED = "You haven't reached that taxi node on foot yet!";
  710. ERR_TAXINOVENDORNEARBY = "There is no taxi vendor nearby!";
  711. ERR_TAXIPLAYERALREADYMOUNTED = "You are already mounted! Dismount first.";
  712. ERR_TAXIPLAYERBUSY = "You are busy and can't use the taxi service now.";
  713. ERR_TAXIPLAYERMOVING = "You are moving.";
  714. ERR_TAXIPLAYERSHAPESHIFTED = "You can't take a taxi while shapeshifted!";
  715. ERR_TAXISAMENODE = "You are already there!";
  716. ERR_TAXITOOFARAWAY = "You are too far away from the taxi stand!";
  718. ERR_TICKET_ALREADY_EXISTS = "You already have a GM ticket.";
  719. ERR_TICKET_CREATE_ERROR = "Error creating GM ticket.";
  720. ERR_TICKET_DB_ERROR = "Error retrieving GM ticket.";
  721. ERR_TICKET_NO_TEXT = "You must enter text for your ticket.";
  722. ERR_TICKET_TEXT_TOO_LONG = "Your ticket text was too long.";
  723. ERR_TICKET_UPDATE_ERROR = "Error updating GM ticket.";
  724. ERR_TOOBUSYTOFOLLOW = "You're too busy to follow anything!";
  725. ERR_TOO_FAR_TO_ATTACK = "You are too far away from your victim!";
  726. ERR_TOO_FAR_TO_INTERACT = "You need to be closer to interact with that target.";
  727. ERR_TOO_FEW_TO_SPLIT = "Tried to split more than number in stack.";
  728. ERR_TOO_MANY_CHAT_CHANNELS = "You can only be in 10 channels at a time.";
  729. ERR_TOO_MANY_SOCKETS = "That item has too many sockets";
  730. ERR_TOO_MANY_SPECIAL_BAGS = "You cannot equip another bag of that type";
  731. ERR_TOO_MUCH_GOLD = "At gold limit";
  732. ERR_TRADE_BAG = "You can't trade non-empty bags.";
  733. ERR_TRADE_BAG_FULL = "Trade failed, you don't have enough space.";
  734. ERR_TRADE_BLOCKED_S = "%s has requested to trade. You have refused.";
  735. ERR_TRADE_BOUND_ITEM = "You can't trade a soulbound item.";
  736. ERR_TRADE_CANCELLED = "Trade cancelled.";
  737. ERR_TRADE_COMPLETE = "Trade complete.";
  738. ERR_TRADE_EQUIPPED_BAG = "You can't trade equipped bags.";
  739. ERR_TRADE_GROUND_ITEM = "You can't trade an item from the ground.";
  740. ERR_TRADE_MAX_COUNT_EXCEEDED = "You have too many of a unique item.";
  741. ERR_TRADE_NOT_ON_TAPLIST = "You may only trade bound items to players that were originally eligible to loot the item";
  742. ERR_TRADE_QUEST_ITEM = "You can't trade a quest item.";
  743. ERR_TRADE_REQUEST_S = "%s has requested to trade with you.";
  744. ERR_TRADE_SELF = "You can't trade with yourself.";
  745. ERR_TRADE_TARGET_BAG_FULL = "Trade failed, target doesn't have enough space.";
  746. ERR_TRADE_TARGET_DEAD = "You can't trade with dead players.";
  747. ERR_TRADE_TARGET_MAX_COUNT_EXCEEDED = "Your trade partner has too many of a unique item.";
  748. ERR_TRADE_TARGET_MAX_LIMIT_CATEGORY_COUNT_EXCEEDED_IS = "Your trade partner can only carry %d %s";
  749. ERR_TRADE_TEMP_ENCHANT_BOUND = "You may not trade an item with a temporary enhancement.";
  750. ERR_TRADE_TOO_FAR = "Trade target is too far away.";
  751. ERR_TRADE_WRONG_REALM = "You may only trade conjured items to players from other realms";
  752. ERR_UNHEALTHY_TIME = "You are in unhealthy time, you should log off now.";
  753. ERR_UNINVITE_YOU = "You have been removed from the group.";
  754. ERR_UNIT_NOT_FOUND = "Unknown unit.";
  755. ERR_UNKNOWN_MACRO_OPTION_S = "Unknown macro option: %s";
  756. ERR_USER_SQUELCHED = "Your chat and mail privileges have been temporarily suspended pending Game Master review.";
  757. ERR_USE_BAD_ANGLE = "You aren't facing the right angle!";
  758. ERR_USE_CANT_IMMUNE = "You can't do that while you are immune.";
  759. ERR_USE_CANT_OPEN = "You can't open that.";
  760. ERR_USE_DESTROYED = "That is destroyed.";
  761. ERR_USE_LOCKED = "Item is locked.";
  762. ERR_USE_LOCKED_WITH_ITEM_S = "Requires %s";
  763. ERR_USE_LOCKED_WITH_SPELL_KNOWN_SI = "Requires %s %d";
  764. ERR_USE_LOCKED_WITH_SPELL_S = "Requires %s";
  765. ERR_USE_OBJECT_MOVING = "Object is in motion.";
  766. ERR_USE_PREVENTED_BY_MECHANIC_S = "Can't use while %s.";
  767. ERR_USE_SPELL_FOCUS = "Object is a spell focus.";
  768. ERR_USE_TOO_FAR = "You are too far away.";
  769. ERR_VENDOR_DOESNT_BUY = "You cannot sell items to this merchant";
  770. ERR_VENDOR_HATES_YOU = "That merchant doesn't like you.";
  771. ERR_VENDOR_MISSING_TURNINS = "You do not have the required items for that purchase";
  772. ERR_VENDOR_NOT_INTERESTED = "The merchant doesn't want that item.";
  773. ERR_VENDOR_SOLD_OUT = "That item is currently sold out.";
  774. ERR_VENDOR_TOO_FAR = "You are too far away.";
  775. ERR_VOICESESSION_FULL = "The voice session you are attempting to join is full.";
  776. ERR_VOICE_CHAT_PARENTAL_DISABLE_ALL = "Voice Chat has been disabled by Parental Controls.";
  777. ERR_VOICE_CHAT_PARENTAL_DISABLE_MIC = "Microphone has been disabled by Parental Controls.";
  778. ERR_VOICE_IGNORE_ADDED_S = "%s is now being voice muted.";
  779. ERR_VOICE_IGNORE_ALREADY_S = "%s is already being voice muted.";
  780. ERR_VOICE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS = "That name is ambiguous, type more of the player's server name.";
  781. ERR_VOICE_IGNORE_DELETED = "Voice mute removed because the character no longer exists.";
  782. ERR_VOICE_IGNORE_FULL = "You can't voice mute any more players.";
  783. ERR_VOICE_IGNORE_NOT_FOUND = "Player not found.";
  784. ERR_VOICE_IGNORE_REMOVED_S = "%s is no longer being voice muted.";
  785. ERR_VOICE_IGNORE_SELF = "You can't voice mute yourself.";
  786. ERR_WARGAME_REQUEST_FAILURE = "War Game request failed";
  787. ERR_WARGAME_REQUEST_SENT = "Your War Game request has been sent.";
  788. ERR_WRONG_BAG_TYPE = "That item doesn't go in that container.";
  789. ERR_WRONG_BAG_TYPE_SUBCLASS = "Only %s can be placed in that.";
  790. ERR_WRONG_DIRECTION_FOR_ATTACK = "You aren't facing the right way to attack!";
  791. ERR_WRONG_SLOT = "That item does not go in that slot.";
  792. ERR_YELL_RESTRICTED = "Trial accounts cannot yell.";
  793. ERR_ZONE_EXPLORED = "Discovered: %s";
  794. ERR_ZONE_EXPLORED_XP = "Discovered %s: %d experience gained";
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