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Jan 18th, 2019
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  1. piolha98:masse1098|Email Verified? false
  2. Last Played @ 20:43:53 24-05-2018
  3. 3 Refunds Remaining
  4. Summoner Level - 6
  5. 0
  6. 0
  7. 2 Rune Pages
  8. 3 Champions Garen Ashe Brand
  9. 0 Skins
  10. takumipopstar:x1zaaclubs|Email Verified? true
  11. Last Played @ 06:24:13 23-12-2018
  12. 3 Refunds Remaining
  13. Summoner Level - 13
  14. 150
  15. 1127
  16. 2 Rune Pages
  17. 4 Champions Soraka Annie Teemo Sona
  18. 0 Skins
  19. saczralntanial:123qweasd|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  20. joacorodriguez123:papita01|Email Verified? false
  21. Last Played @ 14:46:36 01-11-2018
  22. 3 Refunds Remaining
  23. Summoner Level - 4
  24. 0
  25. 3000
  26. 2 Rune Pages
  27. 2 Champions Caitlyn Ahri
  28. 0 Skins
  29. mrstaypuft27:ryan1313|Email Verified? false
  30. Last Played @ 22:22:47 16-04-2017
  31. 3 Refunds Remaining
  32. Summoner Level - 5
  33. 0
  34. 1134
  35. 2 Rune Pages
  36. 3 Champions Warwick Garen Ashe
  37. 2 Skins Sherwood Forest Ashe Feral Warwick
  38. pirandog:willow531|Email Verified? false
  39. Last Played @ 01:22:28 31-03-2017
  40. 3 Refunds Remaining
  41. Summoner Level - 2
  42. 0
  43. 497
  44. 2 Rune Pages
  45. 0 Champions
  46. 0 Skins
  47. angottk:Sabri1994|Email Verified? true
  48. Last Played @ 18:15:05 16-11-2016
  49. 3 Refunds Remaining
  50. Summoner Level - 2
  51. 0
  52. 187
  53. 2 Rune Pages
  54. 0 Champions
  55. 0 Skins
  56. 0frosted1:Superdj39|Email Verified? true
  57. Last Played @ 07:56:17 18-11-2017
  58. 3 Refunds Remaining
  59. Summoner Level - 8
  60. 0
  61. 783
  62. 2 Rune Pages
  63. 4 Champions Garen Ashe Tryndamere Master Yi
  64. 0 Skins
  65. KingxRaven:Thelastkingdom21|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  66. zerek723:squinty723|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  67. ndenear16:infernal09|Email Verified? false
  68. Last Played @ 13:13:22 04-07-2017
  69. 3 Refunds Remaining
  70. Summoner Level - 1
  71. 0
  72. 207
  73. 2 Rune Pages
  74. 0 Champions
  75. 0 Skins
  76. liork911:lior2003|Email Verified? false
  77. Last Played @ 12:54:27 29-05-2018
  78. 3 Refunds Remaining
  79. Summoner Level - 2
  80. 0
  81. 0
  82. 2 Rune Pages
  83. 1 Champions Ashe
  84. 0 Skins
  85. shmeowz:danville93|Email Verified? false
  86. Last Played @ 02:21:02 22-11-2017
  87. 3 Refunds Remaining
  88. Summoner Level - 4
  89. 0
  90. 1
  91. 3 Rune Pages
  92. 3 Champions Ashe Garen Brand
  93. 0 Skins
  94. erickjscharf:Vivaldi05|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  95. thescarletbelle:MonicaBerry00!|Email Verified? true
  96. Last Played @ 14:22:31 01-07-2016
  97. 3 Refunds Remaining
  98. Summoner Level - 15
  99. 140
  100. 5714
  101. 2 Rune Pages
  102. 4 Champions Annie Vayne Ashe Sivir
  103. 1 Skins Prom Queen Annie
  104. 3abden:Dudaduda1|Email Verified? true
  105. Last Played @ 01:02:07 04-08-2018
  106. 0 Refunds Remaining
  107. Summoner Level - 65
  108. 388
  109. 23632
  110. 6 Rune Pages
  111. 72 Champions Annie Olaf Xin Zhao Urgot Aurelion Sol Fiddlesticks Kayle Nami Alistar Ryze Sion Sivir Zyra Soraka Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Zac Singed Thresh Cho'Gath Amumu Vel'Koz Rammus Dr. Mundo Sona Janna Karma Taric Bard Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Nocturne Maokai Jarvan IV Orianna Wukong Lee Sin Vayne Braum Udyr Poppy Gragas Pantheon Mordekaiser Yorick Kennen Garen Leona Riven Jinx Tahm Kench Shen Lux Xerath Volibear Rengar Lucian Varus Nautilus Rakan Sejuani Ekko Lulu Hecarim Vi
  112. 51 Skins Pool Party Lee Sin Full Metal Pantheon Elderwood Bard Deadly Kennen Swamp Master Kennen Viscero Xin Zhao Boom Boom Blitzcrank Riot Blitzcrank 154003 Northern Storm Volibear Time Machine Zilean Judgment Kayle 154004 154005 Riot Kayle Scuba Gragas AstroNautilus Victorious Sivir Zombie Nunu & Willump El Tigre Braum Defender Leona Blackthorn Morgana Haunted Maokai Surprise Party Fiddlesticks Victorious Morgana Noxus Poppy Arctic Ops Varus Neon Strike Vi Resistance Caitlyn Commando Lux Big Bad Warwick SKT T1 Vayne Frost Queen Janna Forecast Janna Arcade Hecarim Tribal Ryze 61008 Glacial Olaf Surgeon Shen Yellow Jacket Shen Blood Moon Shen Redeemed Riven Bloodstone Taric Infernal Alistar Deep Terror Thresh Bear Cavalry Sejuani FrankenTibbers Annie Giant Enemy Crabgot Commando Jarvan IV Hextech Singed Traditional Karma
  113. lonzo323:sanvicente14|Email Verified? true
  114. Last Played @ 16:31:11 10-12-2018
  115. 0 Refunds Remaining
  116. Summoner Level - 77
  117. 1427
  118. 6142
  119. 6 Rune Pages
  120. 138 Champions Annie Olaf Galio Twisted Fate Ornn Xin Zhao Urgot Neeko LeBlanc Vladimir Fiddlesticks Aatrox Kayle Master Yi Nami Alistar Azir Ryze Sion Sivir Soraka Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Singed Evelynn Twitch Karthus Cho'Gath Amumu Rammus Anivia Shaco Dr. Mundo Sona Kassadin Irelia Janna Gangplank Corki Pyke Karma Taric Veigar Trundle Swain Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Katarina Nocturne Maokai Renekton Jarvan IV Elise Orianna Wukong Brand Lee Sin Vayne Rumble Cassiopeia Skarner Heimerdinger Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Gragas Pantheon Ezreal Mordekaiser Yorick Akali Kennen Garen Leona Malzahar Talon Riven Kog'Maw Shen Lux Xerath Shyvana Ahri Graves Fizz Volibear Rengar Varus Nautilus Viktor Sejuani Fiora Ziggs Lulu Draven Hecarim Kha'Zix Darius Jayce Lissandra Diana Quinn Syndra Aurelion Sol Kayn Zoe Zyra Kai'Sa Gnar Zac Thresh Yasuo Vel'Koz Taliyah Camille Illaoi Rek'Sai Kalista Bard Braum Jhin Kindred Jinx Tahm Kench Lucian Zed Ekko Vi
  121. 358 Skins Traditional Lee Sin Dragon Fist Lee Sin Muay Thai Lee Sin 555008 Knockout Lee Sin Blood Moon Kennen Arcade Miss Fortune Runeguard Volibear Ice Toboggan Corki El Rayo Volibear Captain Volibear Arcade Corki Apocalyptic Brand 42011 Blade Queen Lissandra Cryocore Brand 42013 42014 Sasquatch Nunu & Willump Grungy Nunu & Willump Nunu & Willump Bot Zombie Nunu & Willump Fisherman Fizz Void Fizz Full Metal Jayce Dreadnova Gangplank Officer Vi Volcanic Wukong General Wukong Forsaken Jayce Debonair Jayce Jayce Brighthammer Radiant Wukong Lancer Stratus Wukong Pentakill Yorick Firefang Warwick Mafia Graves Hextech Janna Pool Party Graves Snow Day Graves Sewn Chaos Orianna Dark Star Orianna Riot Girl Tristana Rocket Girl Tristana 104026 Divine Sword Irelia Death Blossom Elise Victorious Elise SKT T1 Elise Super Galaxy Elise Bullet Angel Kai'Sa Astronaut Teemo Pulsefire Ezreal Cottontail Teemo TPA Ezreal Omega Squad Teemo Ironscale Shyvana Pre-Void Kassadin Championship Shyvana Cosmic Reaver Kassadin Ice Drake Shyvana 17017 Beemo Dragonslayer Jarvan IV Star Guardian Ezreal Runeborn Xerath DJ Sona Eternum Rek'Sai Galactic Renekton Bloodfury Renekton Dunkmaster Darius Pool Party Renekton Prehistoric Renekton SKT T1 Renekton 122009 Haunted Zyra Renektoy Santa Gragas 58010 Hillbilly Gragas Snowstorm Sivir God-King Darius 58014 Corporate Mundo Arctic Ops Gragas TPA Mundo Mecha Kha'Zix Pool Party Mundo El Macho Mundo 36010 36011 Haunted Maokai 36012 36013 Meowkai 36014 36015 Barbarian Sion Championship Kha'Zix Lumberjack Sion Lollipoppy Battle Regalia Poppy Warmonger Sion 121012 Mecha Zero Sion 14006 14007 Scarlet Hammer Poppy 14008 14009 14010 14011 Steel Legion Lux 14012 14013 Elementalist Lux Star Guardian Lux Frozen Terror Nocturne Arcade Hecarim Eternum Nocturne Worldbreaker Hecarim Odyssey Kayn Spirit Guard Udyr Uncle Ryze Soulhunter Kayn Dark Crystal Ryze Pirate Ryze Frozen Shen Ryze Whitebeard Surgeon Shen 121043 Yellow Jacket Shen 121042 Warlord Shen Hextech Anivia Blood Moon Shen Blackfrost Anivia TPA Shen 121046 Soul Reaver Draven 98011 Pulsefire Shen Snow Bunny Nidalee French Maid Nidalee Leopard Nidalee Bewitching Nidalee Unchained Alistar Gravelord Azir Infernal Alistar Sweeper Alistar Headhunter Nidalee SKT T1 Alistar Definitely Not Vel'Koz Challenger Nidalee Moo Cow Alistar Battlecast Vel'Koz 12011 Molten Rammus Freljord Rammus Full Metal Rammus Guardian of the Sands Rammus Obsidian Malphite Mecha Malphite 54010 Chosen Master Yi 54011 Pharaoh Nasus Infernal Nasus 54012 54013 Koi Nami Odyssey Malphite 54017 PROJECT: Yi 54018 Cosmic Blade Master Yi Eternal Sword Yi 54019 54020 Lion Dance Kog'Maw 11013 54021 Almost-Prom King Amumu 11014 54022 11015 Deep Sea Kog'Maw Goalkeeper Blitzcrank Dragon Trainer Lulu Definitely Not Blitzcrank iBlitzcrank 266004 Alien Invader Heimerdinger 266005 266006 Battle Boss Blitzcrank Battleborn Kayle Justicar Aatrox Mecha Aatrox PROJECT: Jhin Sea Hunter Aatrox Riot Kayle Nightmare Cho'Gath Urf Kench Master Chef Tahm Kench Gentleman Cho'Gath Loch Ness Cho'Gath Jurassic Cho'Gath Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank Prehistoric Cho'Gath 31008 31009 31010 31011 31012 31013 Dragonslayer Braum Fiddle Me Timbers 201006 201005 Mafia Braum Santa Braum Grim Reaper Karthus 201015 201014 Fnatic Karthus 201013 201019 201018 Resistance Caitlyn 201017 201016 Major Ziggs Lunar Wraith Caitlyn Earthrune Skarner Nosferatu Vladimir Vandal Vladimir Blood Lord Vladimir PROJECT: Yasuo High Noon Yasuo Gangster Twitch Vandal Twitch Tyrant Swain PROJECT: Fiora Redeemed Riven High Noon Thresh Dark Star Thresh Blood Moon Thresh Soaring Sword Fiora Arcade Riven 412012 Darkrider Sejuani Bear Cavalry Sejuani Sejuani Dawnchaser Atlantean Syndra 518007 518006 518005 518003 518002 518001 High Noon Urgot Blood Moon Talon 518009 518008 Black Scourge Singed Lil' Slugger Trundle Beekeeper Singed Snow Day Bard Traditional Trundle Desperada Cassiopeia Corsair Quinn Imperial Xin Zhao Viscero Xin Zhao Siren Cassiopeia Jade Fang Cassiopeia Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao Old Saint Zilean Shadow Prince Malzahar Special Weapon Zac 5012 Dragonslayer Xin Zhao 5017 AstroNautilus 5018 Subterranean Nautilus Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao 5022 5023 5024 5025 Super Galaxy Rumble The Magnificent Twisted Fate Tango Twisted Fate High Noon Twisted Fate Thunder Lord Ornn Sinful Succulence Morgana Iron Solari Leona Blood Moon Twisted Fate Defender Leona Pool Party Leona Victorious Morgana PROJECT: Zed Barbecue Leona PROJECT: Leona Shockblade Zed 89011 Arclight Varus 89010 Varus Swiftbolt Dragonslayer Vayne Lunar Goddess Diana Commando Galio SKT T1 Vayne Gatekeeper Galio 238012 Nemesis Jax Veigar Greybeard God Staff Jax Final Boss Veigar Omega Squad Veigar Glacial Olaf Brolaf King Tryndamere Demonblade Tryndamere Nightmare Tryndamere Beast Hunter Tryndamere Chemtech Tryndamere Striker Lucian Armor of the Fifth Age Taric PROJECT: Lucian Red Riding Annie Annie in Wonderland Frostfire Annie Reverse Annie FrankenTibbers Annie Sand Wraith Pyke 555002 Commando Garen Woad Ashe Dino Gnar 555003 555004 Amethyst Ashe Dreadknight Garen 555005 555006 Marauder Ashe 555007 Steel Legion Garen Warring Kingdoms Garen Night Hunter Rengar Rogue Admiral Garen SSG Gnar God-King Garen Super Galaxy Gnar
  122. azikrogar:azirules2|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  123. hanorotu:Jcac7773|Email Verified? true
  124. Last Played @ 03:06:29 26-01-2017
  125. 0 Refunds Remaining
  126. Summoner Level - 30
  127. 1391
  128. 12170
  129. 4 Rune Pages
  130. 67 Champions Annie Olaf Twisted Fate Xin Zhao Urgot Fiddlesticks Kayle Master Yi Alistar Ryze Sion Zyra Sivir Soraka Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Singed Yasuo Twitch Cho'Gath Amumu Vel'Koz Anivia Taliyah Gangplank Corki Karma Taric Veigar Kalista Bard Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Katarina Vayne Braum Heimerdinger Jhin Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Pantheon Ezreal Yorick Akali Garen Leona Malzahar Riven Jinx Kog'Maw Lux Ahri Varus Lulu Ekko Darius
  131. 36 Skins Little Knight Amumu Kingpin Twitch Gangster Twitch Warden Jax Baron Von Veigar Mafia Miss Fortune Lord Darius Team Spirit Anivia Viridian Kayle Piltover Customs Heimerdinger High Noon Jhin Pentakill Olaf Prehistoric Anivia Riot Kayle Arcade Corki Dragon Trainer Tristana Battle Bunny Riven The Magnificent Twisted Fate Special Forces Gangplank Super Teemo Captain Gangplank Ace of Spades Ezreal Freljord Ashe Rugged Garen Dreadknight Garen Amethyst Ashe Star Guardian Jinx PROJECT: Ashe Resistance Caitlyn Chosen Master Yi Spellthief Lux Freljord Taliyah Pentakill Yorick Infernal Nasus Warden Karma Star Guardian Lux
  132. thebearfromboise:SmileJPG13|Email Verified? true
  133. Last Played @ 09:02:07 21-12-2018
  134. 0 Refunds Remaining
  135. Summoner Level - 66
  136. 15
  137. 5438
  138. 1 Rune Pages
  139. 4 Rune Pages
  140. 60 Champions Annie Diana Syndra LeBlanc Fiddlesticks Kayle Alistar Azir Ryze Sion Zyra Sivir Soraka Kai'Sa Tristana Warwick Miss Fortune Gnar Ashe Morgana Thresh Twitch Taliyah Illaoi Sona Irelia Janna Taric Bard Trundle Katarina Nocturne Jarvan IV Orianna Rumble Braum Jhin Nasus Nidalee Poppy Mordekaiser Yorick Akali Garen Leona Riven Jinx Tahm Kench Lux Shyvana Ahri Zed Nautilus Rakan Fiora Lulu Kha'Zix Darius Vi Lissandra
  141. 137 Skins Cowgirl Miss Fortune Waterloo Miss Fortune Dragon Trainer Lulu Secret Agent Miss Fortune Candy Cane Miss Fortune Pool Party Lulu Road Warrior Miss Fortune Winter Wonder Lulu Mafia Miss Fortune Star Guardian Lulu Arcade Miss Fortune Captain Fortune Blood Moon Jhin Riot Kayle Bloodstone Lissandra Blade Queen Lissandra Infernal Akali Blood Moon Akali Nurse Akali Headhunter Akali Sashimi Akali Star Guardian Jinx Demon Vi Grey Warwick Pentakill Yorick Frost Queen Janna Fnatic Janna Star Guardian Janna Sewn Chaos Orianna Medieval Twitch Winter Wonder Orianna Heartseeker Orianna Dark Star Orianna Riot Girl Tristana Earnest Elf Tristana Pool Party Fiora PROJECT: Fiora Rocket Girl Tristana Dynasty Ahri Nightblade Irelia Prestigious LeBlanc Dragon Trainer Tristana Foxfire Ahri Mistletoe LeBlanc Midnight Ahri Challenger Ahri Ravenborn LeBlanc Popstar Ahri Order of the Lotus Irelia Arcade Ahri Academy Ahri Dragonblade Riven Blood Moon Thresh Arcade Riven Star Guardian Ahri Ironscale Shyvana Boneclaw Shyvana Snow Day Syndra Darkforge Jarvan IV Dryad Soraka Traditional Trundle Reaper Soraka Order of the Banana Soraka Star Guardian Soraka Muse Sona Pentakill Sona Silent Night Sona Guqin Sona Arcade Sona DJ Sona Sweetheart Sona 37008 Warrior Princess Sivir AstroNautilus Spectacular Sivir Bandit Sivir Snowstorm Sivir Dragon Sorceress Zyra Warden Sivir Rumble in the Jungle Bilgerat Rumble Exiled Morgana Iron Solari Leona Blade Mistress Morgana Blackthorn Morgana Ghost Bride Morgana Pool Party Leona PROJECT: Zed Barbecue Leona PROJECT: Leona Shockblade Zed Lunar Wraith Morgana Bewitching Morgana Ragdoll Poppy Mecha Zero Sion Infernal Diana Freljord Taliyah Lunar Goddess Diana Spellthief Lux Steel Legion Lux Imperial Lux Elementalist Lux Star Guardian Lux Blood Moon Diana Eternum Nocturne Tribal Ryze Uncle Ryze Professor Ryze Zombie Ryze Dark Crystal Ryze Pirate Ryze Mercenary Katarina Kitty Cat Katarina High Command Katarina Slay Belle Katarina Snow Bunny Nidalee PROJECT: Katarina Armor of the Fifth Age Taric French Maid Nidalee Leopard Nidalee Gravelord Azir Warring Kingdoms Nidalee Headhunter Nidalee Challenger Nidalee Red Riding Annie Prom Queen Annie Frostfire Annie Reverse Annie Panda Annie Sweetheart Annie Rugged Garen Heartseeker Ashe Marauder Ashe PROJECT: Ashe Pharaoh Nasus Rogue Admiral Garen Archduke Nasus
  142. mihaelotok:dw7hblk9|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  143. rebone200:tersero200|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  144. G3T3M43V3R:Pb25318700|Email Verified? true
  145. Last Played @ 16:48:59 22-11-2018
  146. 0 Refunds Remaining
  147. Summoner Level - 28
  148. 978
  149. 2500
  150. 2 Rune Pages
  151. 20 Champions Amumu Annie Lux Taliyah Ahri Fizz Kayle Master Yi Ryze Udyr Veigar Sivir Teemo Ezreal Tristana Nunu & Willump Ashe Jax Riven Wukong
  152. 3 Skins Riot Kayle Spirit Guard Udyr Arcade Ahri
  153. drewskies35:merrymerry35|Email Verified? true
  154. Last Played @ 08:48:05 26-12-2018
  155. 0 Refunds Remaining
  156. Summoner Level - 43
  157. 25
  158. 27635
  159. 6 Rune Pages
  160. 122 Champions Annie Olaf Galio Twisted Fate Xin Zhao Neeko LeBlanc Vladimir Fiddlesticks Aatrox Kayle Master Yi Nami Alistar Ryze Sion Sivir Soraka Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Evelynn Twitch Karthus Cho'Gath Amumu Rammus Anivia Dr. Mundo Sona Kassadin Irelia Janna Gangplank Corki Karma Taric Veigar Trundle Swain Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Katarina Nocturne Maokai Renekton Jarvan IV Orianna Wukong Brand Lee Sin Vayne Rumble Cassiopeia Skarner Heimerdinger Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Pantheon Ezreal Mordekaiser Akali Kennen Garen Leona Malzahar Talon Riven Kog'Maw Shen Lux Xerath Shyvana Ahri Graves Fizz Volibear Rengar Varus Nautilus Viktor Fiora Ziggs Lulu Draven Kha'Zix Darius Jayce Lissandra Diana Quinn Syndra Aurelion Sol Zoe Zyra Kai'Sa Zac Thresh Yasuo Taliyah Illaoi Rek'Sai Ivern Kalista Bard Jhin Kindred Zed Rakan Xayah Ekko Vi
  161. 116 Skins Cosmic Blade Master Yi Emumu Pool Party Lee Sin Pug'Maw Deadly Kennen Boom Boom Blitzcrank iBlitzcrank Riot Blitzcrank Blast Zone Heimerdinger Northern Storm Volibear Hot Rod Corki Dragonwing Corki Riot Kayle Bloodstone Lissandra Zombie Brand Bandito Fiddlesticks Dark Candy Fiddlesticks Officer Vi 254007 254006 Mad Scientist Ziggs 254010 Grey Warwick Pool Party Ziggs 254009 Major Ziggs 254008 Snow Day Ziggs Hired Gun Graves Marquis Vladimir Pool Party Graves Blood Lord Vladimir Riot Graves Snow Day Graves Winter Wonder Orianna Pickpocket Twitch Victorious Graves Dragon Knight Mordekaiser Riot Girl Tristana Northern Front Swain 104016 Headmistress Fiora Challenger Ahri Academy Ahri Dark Star Thresh Championship Riven 2016 Recon Teemo Frosted Ezreal Atlantean Syndra Star Guardian Syndra Bard Bard Lil' Slugger Trundle Junkyard Trundle Full Metal Pantheon Battlecast Xerath Prehistoric Renekton Haunted Zyra Abyssal Nautilus Renektoy Bandit Sivir Snowstorm Sivir Executioner Mundo Rageborn Mundo TPA Mundo Red Card Twisted Fate Mecha Kha'Zix Exiled Morgana Death Blossom Kha'Zix Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix Blight Crystal Varus PROJECT: Zed Arclight Varus Sorceress Lux Commando Galio The Mighty Jax Jaximus Nemesis Jax Spirit Guard Udyr Veigar Greybeard Championship Kalista Professor Ryze Zombie Ryze Dark Crystal Ryze Bad Santa Veigar Final Boss Veigar Team Spirit Anivia SKT T1 Ryze Mercenary Katarina Gladiator Draven Bilgewater Katarina Sultan Tryndamere High Command Katarina Sandstorm Katarina French Maid Nidalee Longhorn Alistar Unchained Alistar Warring Kingdoms Nidalee Infernal Alistar Chrome Rammus Red Riding Annie Frostfire Annie Panda Annie Freljord Ashe Sherwood Forest Ashe Commando Garen Woad Ashe Queen Ashe Amethyst Ashe Heartseeker Ashe Chosen Master Yi Deep Sea Nami Traditional Karma Pharaoh Nasus Samurai Yi Warden Karma Headhunter Master Yi
  162. fodezzius:Greentable139|Email Verified? true
  163. Last Played @ 01:58:17 06-12-2018
  164. 0 Refunds Remaining
  165. Summoner Level - 31
  166. 93
  167. 3473
  168. 6 Rune Pages
  169. 98 Champions Annie Olaf Galio Twisted Fate Xin Zhao Urgot LeBlanc Fiddlesticks Kayle Aatrox Master Yi Nami Alistar Ryze Sion Sivir Soraka Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Singed Evelynn Twitch Karthus Cho'Gath Amumu Rammus Shaco Dr. Mundo Sona Janna Gangplank Corki Pyke Karma Taric Veigar Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Katarina Nocturne Jarvan IV Elise Orianna Lee Sin Vayne Cassiopeia Skarner Heimerdinger Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Gragas Pantheon Ezreal Mordekaiser Akali Garen Leona Riven Kog'Maw Shen Lux Xerath Shyvana Graves Fizz Rengar Varus Ziggs Lulu Draven Kha'Zix Jayce Lissandra Quinn Syndra Zyra Zac Thresh Vel'Koz Bard Braum Jhin Jinx Tahm Kench Lucian Zed Vi
  170. 122 Skins Dragon Fist Lee Sin Muay Thai Lee Sin Almost-Prom King Amumu Waterloo Miss Fortune Piltover Customs Blitzcrank Winter Wonder Lulu Definitely Not Blitzcrank iBlitzcrank Arcade Miss Fortune Ice Toboggan Corki Hazmat Heimerdinger Dragonwing Corki Bloodstone Lissandra Grungy Nunu & Willump Nunu & Willump Bot TPA Nunu & Willump Spectral Fiddlesticks Dragonslayer Braum Surprise Party Fiddlesticks Officer Vi Mafia Jinx Resistance Caitlyn Grey Warwick Sheriff Caitlyn Pool Party Ziggs Safari Caitlyn Big Bad Warwick Snow Day Ziggs Hired Gun Graves Tempest Janna Pool Party Graves Forecast Janna Medieval Twitch Riot Girl Tristana Earnest Elf Tristana Firefighter Tristana Buccaneer Tristana Rocket Girl Tristana Wicked LeBlanc Death Blossom Elise Nottingham Ezreal Frosted Ezreal Badger Teemo Striker Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal Explorer Ezreal Super Teemo Giant Enemy Crabgot Commando Jarvan IV Surfer Singed Myrmidon Pantheon Divine Soraka Dragonslayer Pantheon Commando Xin Zhao Viscero Xin Zhao Winged Hussar Xin Zhao Jade Fang Cassiopeia Arcade Sona Haunted Zyra Santa Gragas Wildfire Zyra Vandal Gragas Victorious Sivir Mr. Mundoverse High Noon Twisted Fate Executioner Mundo TPA Mundo Valkyrie Leona Sinful Succulence Morgana Pool Party Leona Blight Crystal Varus Noxus Poppy Shockblade Zed Blacksmith Poppy Lollipoppy Battle Regalia Poppy Star Guardian Poppy Vindicator Vayne Dragonslayer Vayne Royal Shaco Commando Galio Gatekeeper Galio Asylum Shaco The Mighty Jax Vandal Jax Angler Jax Jaximus Temple Jax Nemesis Jax Spirit Guard Udyr Tribal Ryze Bad Santa Veigar Brolaf King Tryndamere Kitty Cat Katarina High Command Katarina Slay Belle Katarina Snow Bunny Nidalee Emerald Taric Hired Gun Lucian Golden Alistar Death Sworn Katarina French Maid Nidalee Armor of the Fifth Age Taric Bloodstone Taric Longhorn Alistar Unchained Alistar Red Riding Annie Battlecast Vel'Koz Freljord Ashe Shamrock Malphite Sherwood Forest Ashe Woad Ashe Queen Ashe Glacial Malphite Amethyst Ashe Heartseeker Ashe Assassin Master Yi Pharaoh Nasus Traditional Karma Infernal Nasus Koi Nami
  171. hk753951:753951hk|Email Verified? false
  172. Last Played @ 04:31:36 22-08-2016
  173. 3 Refunds Remaining
  174. Summoner Level - 2
  175. 0
  176. 284
  177. 2 Rune Pages
  178. 0 Champions
  179. 0 Skins
  180. s23233841:yoyo0360|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  181. thealmightysuff:mtdisbeast1234|Email Verified? true
  182. Last Played @ 02:19:47 23-02-2018
  183. 3 Refunds Remaining
  184. Summoner Level - 8
  185. 50
  186. 2176
  187. 2 Rune Pages
  188. 7 Champions Anivia LeBlanc Jax Kayle Kindred Nasus Zed
  189. 2 Skins Riot Kayle Galactic Nasus
  190. coolbrook21:amanda21|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  191. chandanjeets:sabby2002|Email Verified? true
  192. Last Played @ 05:41:31 22-12-2018
  193. 3 Refunds Remaining
  194. Summoner Level - 40
  195. 23
  196. 2515
  197. 2 Rune Pages
  198. 23 Champions Amumu Annie Dr. Mundo Heimerdinger Kayle Master Yi Ryze Poppy Sivir Soraka Kled Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Lulu Miss Fortune Garen Ashe Jax Singed Riven Orianna Twitch
  199. 6 Skins 61008 Lord Darius Forsaken Olaf Shadow Prince Malzahar Riot Kayle Goalkeeper Maokai
  200. mholl967:lrings967|Email Verified? true
  201. Last Played @ 04:19:34 01-11-2016
  202. 3 Refunds Remaining
  203. Summoner Level - 10
  204. 0
  205. 1423
  206. 2 Rune Pages
  207. 9 Champions Amumu Annie Ashe Garen Master Yi Singed Ryze Poppy Sivir
  208. 1 Skins Sanguine Garen
  209. andres500159:zxc147zxc147|Email Verified? false
  210. Last Played @ 00:39:05 10-09-2018
  211. 3 Refunds Remaining
  212. Summoner Level - 2
  213. 0
  214. 0
  215. 2 Rune Pages
  216. 1 Champions Master Yi
  217. 0 Skins
  218. marceloxdxp:9caralho0|Email Verified? false
  219. Last Played @ 19:28:51 16-10-2018
  220. 3 Refunds Remaining
  221. Summoner Level - 3
  222. 0
  223. 3000
  224. 2 Rune Pages
  225. 1 Champions Darius
  226. 0 Skins
  227. kanekihalfdone:icefrogzero0|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  228. chaseyboy6:chase428|Email Verified? true
  229. Last Played @ 12:26:47 26-12-2018
  230. 0 Refunds Remaining
  231. Summoner Level - 30
  232. 101
  233. 5958
  234. 2 Rune Pages
  235. 49 Champions Annie Galio Twisted Fate LeBlanc Aurelion Sol Kayle Nami Master Yi Azir Soraka Teemo Nunu & Willump Ashe Gnar Tryndamere Zilean Yasuo Twitch Karthus Amumu Vel'Koz Anivia Taliyah Janna Corki Ivern Veigar Caitlyn Malphite Orianna Vayne Skarner Jhin Nasus Poppy Pantheon Akali Leona Talon Jinx Kog'Maw Shen Lux Xerath Lucian Zed Viktor Fiora Ekko
  236. 18 Skins Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol PROJECT: Lucian Gravelord Azir Arclight Vel'Koz PROJECT: Ekko Guardian of the Sands Xerath Barbecue Leona Shamrock Malphite Snow Day Gnar Woad Ashe Battleborn Kayle Hextech Anivia Blackfrost Anivia Riot Kayle Championship Zed Deep Sea Nami Steel Legion Lux Star Guardian Lux
  237. rygoin:Powerade1|Email Verified? false
  238. Last Played @ 20:28:01 29-09-2017
  239. 3 Refunds Remaining
  240. Summoner Level - 4
  241. 0
  242. 1275
  243. 2 Rune Pages
  244. 0 Champions
  245. 0 Skins
  246. mathiaslg3:edh34scv|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  247. Snickerdude428:Kaylee2007|Email Verified? false
  248. Last Played @ 16:17:03 19-11-2017
  249. 3 Refunds Remaining
  250. Summoner Level - 7
  251. 0
  252. 0
  253. 3 Rune Pages
  254. 5 Champions Caitlyn Xin Zhao Garen Ashe Brand
  255. 0 Skins
  256. chico080398:15985245n|Email Verified? false
  257. Last Played @ 14:38:22 03-07-2017
  258. 3 Refunds Remaining
  259. Summoner Level - 2
  260. 0
  261. 492
  262. 2 Rune Pages
  263. 0 Champions
  264. 0 Skins
  265. arabeyda:nicholas01|Email Verified? false
  266. Last Played @ 02:07:32 08-11-2017
  267. 3 Refunds Remaining
  268. Summoner Level - 1
  269. 0
  270. 0
  271. 2 Rune Pages
  272. 0 Champions
  273. 0 Skins
  274. xevion88:reaper20|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  275. brazzdragon1992:Tf7edvttr2ny|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  276. crazywo13:bernard1|Email Verified? true
  277. Last Played @ 18:09:18 10-10-2018
  278. 1 Refunds Remaining
  279. Summoner Level - 66
  280. 73
  281. 3559
  282. 2 Rune Pages
  283. 60 Champions Annie Xin Zhao Syndra Fiddlesticks Kayle Master Yi Alistar Ryze Kayn Sion Sivir Soraka Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Singed Cho'Gath Amumu Rammus Shaco Dr. Mundo Illaoi Sona Irelia Janna Veigar Swain Blitzcrank Renekton Jarvan IV Brand Vayne Heimerdinger Nasus Udyr Poppy Mordekaiser Garen Leona Riven Jinx Tahm Kench Lux Xerath Zed Varus Kled Fiora Xayah Draven Kha'Zix Darius Vi Lissandra
  284. 26 Skins Lunar Guardian Warwick PROJECT: Vayne Eternal Sword Yi Celestine Soraka 19014 Little Knight Amumu Black Belt Udyr iBlitzcrank Woad King Darius Blood Moon Zilean Cosmic Dusk Xayah Riot Kayle Soul Reaver Draven Renektoy Spectacular Sivir Gentleman Cho'Gath Frostblade Irelia Chrome Rammus Cottontail Teemo Desert Trooper Garen Warring Kingdoms Garen Dragonslayer Vayne Hextech Singed Darkforge Jarvan IV Mad Scientist Singed 86012
  285. alderic619:hubert321|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  286. carvaupar4:Wilson00|Email Verified? false
  287. Last Played @ 05:54:07 13-06-2017
  288. 3 Refunds Remaining
  289. Summoner Level - 3
  290. 5
  291. 435
  292. 2 Rune Pages
  293. 2 Champions Heimerdinger Sion
  294. 0 Skins
  295. n8orious12:Nathaniel12|Email Verified? false
  296. Last Played @ 21:25:48 06-10-2017
  297. 3 Refunds Remaining
  298. Summoner Level - 4
  299. 0
  300. 680
  301. 2 Rune Pages
  302. 0 Champions
  303. 0 Skins
  304. pierreetienne12:Embauche1|Email Verified? true
  305. Last Played @ 18:47:16 28-10-2018
  306. 2 Refunds Remaining
  307. Summoner Level - 30
  308. 261
  309. 27632
  310. 3 Rune Pages
  311. 45 Champions Annie Vayne Twisted Fate Quinn Fiddlesticks Braum Kayle Jhin Master Yi Nami Azir Sivir Pantheon Soraka Ezreal Warwick Miss Fortune Gnar Ashe Morgana Singed Thresh Riven Jinx Tahm Kench Vel'Koz Shen Lux Camille Sona Xerath Ahri Janna Graves Ivern Taric Kalista Veigar Varus Sejuani Ziggs Caitlyn Ekko Draven Kha'Zix
  312. 33 Skins Mafia Graves Celestine Soraka Reaper Soraka Corsair Quinn Academy Ekko Sandstorm Ekko Battlecast Xerath Superb Villain Veigar Heartseeker Quinn Arcade Miss Fortune Riot Kayle Pentakill Kayle Bandit Sivir Snowstorm Sivir Dragonblade Riven Blood Moon Thresh Musketeer Twisted Fate El Tigre Braum Blackthorn Morgana Poro Rider Sejuani Panda Annie Santa Braum Ace of Spades Ezreal Heartseeker Varus Heartseeker Ashe Big Bad Warwick Deep Sea Nami Master Arcanist Ziggs Koi Nami Snow Day Singed Firefang Warwick River Spirit Nami Urf the Nami-tee
  313. nssole:puggley1|Email Verified? true
  314. Last Played @ 18:01:40 28-06-2018
  315. 0 Refunds Remaining
  316. Summoner Level - 27
  317. 25
  318. 2636
  319. 2 Rune Pages
  320. 27 Champions Annie Diana Urgot Kayle Jhin Heimerdinger Master Yi Ryze Poppy Sivir Soraka Teemo Tristana Nunu & Willump Ashe Garen Jax Singed Riven Twitch Yasuo Cho'Gath Taric Veigar Katarina Vi Brand
  321. 17 Skins The Mighty Jax SKT T1 Jax Uncle Ryze Panda Teemo Alien Invader Heimerdinger Final Boss Veigar Panda Annie Riot Girl Tristana Officer Vi Guerilla Tristana Rugged Garen Dreadknight Garen Snowmerdinger Riot Kayle Spectacular Sivir Chosen Master Yi Surfer Singed
  322. AnthonyDMarano:Geographical1|Email Verified? true
  323. Last Played @ 07:33:51 16-06-2018
  324. 2 Refunds Remaining
  325. Summoner Level - 35
  326. 148
  327. 14110
  328. 2 Rune Pages
  329. 32 Champions Annie Twisted Fate Xin Zhao LeBlanc Fiddlesticks Kayle Master Yi Ryze Sivir Ezreal Teemo Warwick Akali Kennen Garen Tryndamere Jax Leona Talon Singed Evelynn Riven Jinx Shen Lux Ahri Graves Veigar Katarina Nocturne Orianna Wukong
  330. 4 Skins 61008 104016 Union Jack Fiddlesticks Victorious Graves
  331. raffydturtle:tTK033089|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
  332. crunninggrl21:Beast21|Email Verified? true
  333. Last Played @ 02:12:21 11-07-2018
  334. 3 Refunds Remaining
  335. Summoner Level - 46
  336. 107
  337. 3303
  338. 3 Rune Pages
  339. 45 Champions Annie Cassiopeia Quinn LeBlanc Fiddlesticks Kayle Nasus Master Yi Nidalee Ryze Zyra Sivir Soraka Ezreal Teemo Mordekaiser Tristana Warwick Kennen Miss Fortune Gnar Garen Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zac Karthus Cho'Gath Kog'Maw Anivia Lux Dr. Mundo Illaoi Sona Janna Volibear Corki Veigar Varus Lulu Ekko Malphite Jarvan IV Brand
  340. 21 Skins Reaper Soraka Spectral Fiddlesticks Silent Night Sona Prom Queen Annie Guqin Sona Leprechaun Veigar 69006 25007 Gentleman Gnar Sanguine Garen Snow Day Gnar Riot Girl Tristana Runeguard Volibear Dino Gnar Varus Swiftbolt Guerilla Tristana Amethyst Ashe Dark Star Varus Riot Kayle 150011 Nightmare Tryndamere
  341. baqaya7:ah3332928|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  342. darkenblade49:Regi3059|Email Verified? true
  343. Last Played @ 05:11:25 13-11-2018
  344. 3 Refunds Remaining
  345. Summoner Level - 16
  346. 0
  347. 1338
  348. 3 Rune Pages
  349. 4 Champions Kayle Ryze Veigar Karthus
  350. 1 Skins Judgment Kayle
  351. toroshima21:Qazx12345|Email Verified? true
  352. Last Played @ 01:16:32 04-12-2016
  353. 3 Refunds Remaining
  354. Summoner Level - 11
  355. 400
  356. 2782
  357. 2 Rune Pages
  358. 3 Champions Annie Lux Kayle
  359. 1 Skins Riot Kayle
  360. geovannigamerbr:gabico123|Email Verified? false
  361. Last Played @ 20:38:24 24-11-2017
  362. 3 Refunds Remaining
  363. Summoner Level - 15
  364. 0
  365. 408
  366. 2 Rune Pages
  367. 11 Champions Teemo Annie Tristana Ashe Garen Master Yi Singed Evelynn Veigar Ryze Poppy
  368. 0 Skins
  369. halomater51:Alejandr0|Email Verified? true
  370. Last Played @ 19:31:45 08-10-2018
  371. 3 Refunds Remaining
  372. Summoner Level - 12
  373. 0
  374. 1400
  375. 2 Rune Pages
  376. 4 Champions Sona Miss Fortune Ashe Garen
  377. 0 Skins
  378. logandudley10101:mrawesome10101|Email Verified? false
  379. Last Played @ 20:22:03 27-08-2016
  380. 3 Refunds Remaining
  381. Summoner Level - 4
  382. 400
  383. 2013
  384. 2 Rune Pages
  385. 0 Champions
  386. 0 Skins
  387. miloman1001:Miles1234|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  388. fartgas12:decsix1972|Email Verified? true
  389. Last Played @ 12:15:10 21-03-2017
  390. 3 Refunds Remaining
  391. Summoner Level - 12
  392. 0
  393. 2020
  394. 2 Rune Pages
  395. 10 Champions Teemo Annie Warwick Twisted Fate Xerath Ashe Garen Tryndamere Kayle Master Yi
  396. 1 Skins Riot Kayle
  397. joshjlee1016:lck4w592xox|Email Verified? true
  398. Last Played @ 00:45:06 21-12-2018
  399. 0 Refunds Remaining
  400. Summoner Level - 71
  401. 8
  402. 945
  403. 2 Rune Pages
  404. 31 Champions Lee Sin Annie Vayne Twisted Fate Jhin Master Yi Alistar Ryze Sivir Soraka Kai'Sa Ezreal Tristana Warwick Miss Fortune Ashe Garen Jax Morgana Singed Riven Twitch Jinx Kog'Maw Kassadin Janna Varus Zed Xayah Caitlyn Brand
  405. 17 Skins PROJECT: Vayne Soulstealer Vayne Pulsefire Caitlyn Muay Thai Lee Sin Unchained Alistar God Fist Lee Sin Zombie Ryze Omega Squad Twitch Riot Girl Tristana Firecracker Jinx Arclight Varus 29011 Sweetheart Xayah Dreadknight Garen Dragonslayer Vayne Spectacular Sivir Heartseeker Vayne
  406. playtner:turtle69|Email Verified? false
  407. Last Played @ 01:21:37 25-11-2017
  408. 3 Refunds Remaining
  409. Summoner Level - 3
  410. 0
  411. 0
  412. 2 Rune Pages
  413. 2 Champions Garen Ashe
  414. 0 Skins
  415. alanjoellanzi:serpent55|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
  416. poiviopz:crystal0|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  417. mugfacetge:Mommyluv1|Email Verified? true
  418. Last Played @ 14:01:55 23-12-2018
  419. 0 Refunds Remaining
  420. Summoner Level - 50
  421. 67
  422. 20416
  423. 11 Rune Pages
  424. 86 Champions Annie Galio Diana Ornn Twisted Fate Quinn Xin Zhao Urgot Fiddlesticks Kayle Aatrox Master Yi Alistar Ryze Sion Sivir Soraka Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Gnar Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Zac Singed Evelynn Thresh Yasuo Twitch Karthus Cho'Gath Rammus Shaco Dr. Mundo Sona Rek'Sai Kassadin Janna Gangplank Corki Karma Veigar Kalista Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Renekton Elise Wukong Lee Sin Vayne Rumble Cassiopeia Skarner Braum Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Gragas Pantheon Mordekaiser Yorick Akali Kennen Garen Leona Talon Riven Jinx Tahm Kench Shen Shyvana Ahri Volibear Lucian Sejuani Fiora Ziggs Ekko Hecarim Kha'Zix
  425. 52 Skins Traditional Lee Sin Glaive Warrior Pantheon Star Guardian Soraka Woad Scout Quinn Imperial Xin Zhao Boom Boom Blitzcrank Riot Blitzcrank Riot Kayle Bandit Sivir Snowstorm Sivir Prehistoric Cho'Gath Warden Sivir Nunu & Willump Bot Cutpurse Twisted Fate Blade Mistress Morgana Special Forces Gangplank Captain Gangplank Slayer Jinx Lumberjack Sion Lollipoppy Battle Regalia Poppy Vindicator Vayne Undertaker Yorick Royal Shaco Commando Galio Gatekeeper Galio Heartseeker Vayne Blood Moon Diana Hextech Janna Battlecast Alpha Skarner Arcade Hecarim Guardian of the Sands Skarner White Mage Veigar Medieval Twitch Blood Moon Kalista Warlord Shen Snow Bunny Nidalee Tango Evelynn Matador Alistar Unchained Alistar Annie in Wonderland Bear Cavalry Sejuani Ironscale Shyvana Deep One Kassadin Pre-Void Kassadin Dreadknight Garen Mecha Malphite Assassin Master Yi Order of the Lotus Karma Mad Scientist Singed Infernal Nasus Warden Karma
  426. shunho819:shunho1997|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  427. paralethal50:cork914inch500|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  428. pukevines2:jfqczh71592|Email Verified? false
  429. Last Played @ 17:26:39 17-09-2016
  430. 3 Refunds Remaining
  431. Summoner Level - 8
  432. 0
  433. 4758
  434. 2 Rune Pages
  435. 10 Champions Annie Warwick Nunu & Willump Garen Ashe Kayle Master Yi Ryze Poppy Sivir
  436. 1 Skins Riot Kayle
  437. kimminsuk03:pepp45Sd|Email Verified? true
  438. Last Played @ 23:14:04 10-07-2017
  439. 3 Refunds Remaining
  440. Summoner Level - 5
  441. 0
  442. 943
  443. 2 Rune Pages
  444. 0 Champions
  445. 0 Skins
  446. 19nmiller1:ilikepie99|Email Verified? false
  447. Last Played @ 20:23:47 10-01-2017
  448. 3 Refunds Remaining
  449. Summoner Level - 1
  450. 0
  451. 1
  452. 2 Rune Pages
  453. 0 Champions
  454. 0 Skins
  455. josh211c:Sneaker211a!|Email Verified? true
  456. Last Played @ 05:11:21 05-09-2017
  457. 3 Refunds Remaining
  458. Summoner Level - 14
  459. 275
  460. 4114
  461. 3 Rune Pages
  462. 3 Champions Garen Kayle Darius
  463. 1 Skins Riot Kayle
  464. dclappert:Apr4591dcl|Email Verified? false
  465. Last Played @ 04:42:24 07-08-2017
  466. 3 Refunds Remaining
  467. Summoner Level - 6
  468. 400
  469. 2148
  470. 2 Rune Pages
  471. 1 Champions Kayle
  472. 1 Skins Riot Kayle
  473. aranzokun:Forever1|Email Verified? false
  474. Last Played @ 03:02:56 08-01-2018
  475. 3 Refunds Remaining
  476. Summoner Level - 12
  477. 150
  478. 4969
  479. 2 Rune Pages
  480. 4 Champions Twisted Fate Malphite Ashe Kayle
  481. 2 Skins Ironside Malphite Riot Kayle
  482. whddlf5689:yeungi7896|Email Verified? true
  483. Last Played @ 03:07:44 05-12-2018
  484. 3 Refunds Remaining
  485. Summoner Level - 8
  486. 0
  487. 1487
  488. 2 Rune Pages
  489. 1 Champions Tristana
  490. 1 Skins Riot Girl Tristana
  491. slimcent12345:slimcent123|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  492. jhkiskiel:wildcats78|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
  493. stupidboy0721:junjie0721|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  494. megomeg123:awesome13|Email Verified? false
  495. Last Played @ 18:21:31 14-10-2018
  496. 3 Refunds Remaining
  497. Summoner Level - 3
  498. 0
  499. 3000
  500. 2 Rune Pages
  501. 1 Champions Ahri
  502. 0 Skins
  503. malb1035:sharky10|Email Verified? true
  504. Last Played @ 00:19:21 29-07-2018
  505. 3 Refunds Remaining
  506. Summoner Level - 15
  507. 0
  508. 125
  509. 2 Rune Pages
  510. 8 Champions Amumu Shen Warwick Miss Fortune Ashe Garen Kayle Master Yi
  511. 4 Skins Blood Moon Shen Riot Kayle Tundra Hunter Warwick Hyena Warwick
  512. nachoaang:nachulis03|Email Verified? true
  513. Last Played @ 23:43:45 17-12-2016
  514. 3 Refunds Remaining
  515. Summoner Level - 6
  516. 0
  517. 700
  518. 2 Rune Pages
  519. 2 Champions Ashe Kayle
  520. 1 Skins Riot Kayle
  521. sungeuna:vhehskan777|Email Verified? false
  522. Last Played @ 01:58:29 09-01-2017
  523. 3 Refunds Remaining
  524. Summoner Level - 1
  525. 0
  526. 261
  527. 2 Rune Pages
  528. 0 Champions
  529. 0 Skins
  530. jahnnix:juan1199|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
  531. chenweilam:chenweilam0|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  532. nightdavila:cabuloso1!F|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  533. hotshot950:roadripper95|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  534. didrik05:Skipper07|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  535. AbrahamLeanin:Tetsuiga1|Email Verified? true
  536. Last Played @ 03:04:01 30-05-2018
  537. 3 Refunds Remaining
  538. Summoner Level - 7
  539. 400
  540. 3173
  541. 2 Rune Pages
  542. 2 Champions Ashe Brand
  543. 0 Skins
  544. madpinchr:Dildozed86|Email Verified? true
  545. Last Played @ 01:30:39 12-02-2018
  546. 3 Refunds Remaining
  547. Summoner Level - 33
  548. 18
  549. 3670
  550. 3 Rune Pages
  551. 22 Champions Annie Twisted Fate Graves Master Yi Nasus Alistar Udyr Poppy Varus Gragas Ezreal Tristana Warwick Blitzcrank Malphite Ashe Garen Jax Morgana Vi Jinx Cho'Gath
  552. 16 Skins Lunar Guardian Nasus 75013 Unchained Alistar 75012 75015 75014 Frosted Ezreal Red Riding Annie Boom Boom Blitzcrank Pulsefire Ezreal Definitely Not Blitzcrank Blight Crystal Varus Riot Girl Tristana Arclight Varus Dreadknight Garen Samurai Yi
  553. funclockwork:stormtrooper99|Email Verified? false
  554. Last Played @ 00:02:30 29-05-2017
  555. 3 Refunds Remaining
  556. Summoner Level - 5
  557. 400
  558. 1910
  559. 2 Rune Pages
  560. 0 Champions
  561. 0 Skins
  562. gallis1000:Jamrock1|Email Verified? true
  563. Last Played @ 00:40:17 10-07-2018
  564. 0 Refunds Remaining
  565. Summoner Level - 50
  566. 155
  567. 2232
  568. 9 Rune Pages
  569. 82 Champions Annie Olaf Twisted Fate Quinn Xin Zhao Aurelion Sol Fiddlesticks Kayle Master Yi Nami Azir Alistar Ryze Zoe Sion Sivir Soraka Teemo Kai'Sa Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Gnar Ashe Jax Morgana Zilean Singed Thresh Yasuo Karthus Cho'Gath Amumu Taliyah Shaco Illaoi Dr. Mundo Sona Janna Gangplank Karma Pyke Veigar Blitzcrank Katarina Jarvan IV Orianna Wukong Brand Lee Sin Vayne Rumble Skarner Jhin Heimerdinger Kindred Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Ezreal Mordekaiser Akali Garen Leona Malzahar Jinx Kog'Maw Lux Graves Fizz Volibear Rengar Lucian Varus Zed Kled Sejuani Fiora Ekko Darius
  570. 48 Skins PROJECT: Yi Nemesis Jax Surprise Party Amumu PROJECT: Yasuo Academy Ekko Corsair Quinn Tribal Ryze Boom Boom Blitzcrank Definitely Not Blitzcrank Final Boss Veigar Viridian Kayle Blast Zone Heimerdinger King of Clubs Mordekaiser Riot Kayle Spectacular Sivir Warden Sivir Grungy Nunu & Willump Bewitching Nidalee Unchained Alistar Atlantean Fizz Challenger Nidalee Astronaut Teemo Ghost Bride Morgana Frostfire Annie Void Fizz Blight Crystal Varus Super Galaxy Fizz Volcanic Wukong Sweetheart Annie Lunar Wraith Morgana Arctic Ops Varus General Wukong Mafia Jinx Arclight Varus Desert Trooper Garen Varus Swiftbolt Underworld Wukong Heartseeker Varus Radiant Wukong Dark Star Varus Marauder Ashe Steel Legion Garen SSW Rengar Ionia Master Yi SKT T1 Vayne Infernal Nasus Riot K-9 Nasus Star Guardian Lux
  571. tankernot:Shadow582|Email Verified? true
  572. Last Played @ 23:03:47 05-12-2018
  573. 3 Refunds Remaining
  574. Summoner Level - 24
  575. 0
  576. 3000
  577. 2 Rune Pages
  578. 12 Champions Teemo Tristana Warwick Lux Caitlyn Garen Ahri Irelia Graves Darius Master Yi Poppy
  579. 0 Skins
  580. techandc8:TalonFace12345|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  581. IAMSHROEDA:IAMSHROEDA1|Email Verified? true
  582. Last Played @ 04:27:37 18-12-2018
  583. 3 Refunds Remaining
  584. Summoner Level - 27
  585. 50
  586. 6162
  587. 2 Rune Pages
  588. 16 Champions Annie Twisted Fate Fiddlesticks Kayle Master Yi Nasus Udyr Poppy Sivir Soraka Mordekaiser Warwick Ashe Garen Jax Singed
  589. 2 Skins Tango Twisted Fate Primal Udyr
  590. kcella912:stop16RIOT|Email Verified? true
  591. Last Played @ 21:27:25 01-04-2017
  592. 3 Refunds Remaining
  593. Summoner Level - 30
  594. 25
  595. 1887
  596. 2 Rune Pages
  597. 26 Champions Annie Kayle Nasus Master Yi Alistar Ryze Poppy Sivir Soraka Pantheon Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Kennen Garen Ashe Singed Amumu Shen Lux Volibear Taric Nautilus Blitzcrank Hecarim Elise
  598. 6 Skins Riot Girl Tristana Blood Moon Elise Unchained Alistar Dreadknight Garen Boom Boom Blitzcrank Kennen M.D.
  599. ahuangzixuan:Ahuangzixuan0|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  600. gavafergu:Tauntaun1|Email Verified? false
  601. Last Played @ 04:00:38 22-12-2017
  602. 3 Refunds Remaining
  603. Summoner Level - 11
  604. 0
  605. 1428
  606. 2 Rune Pages
  607. 9 Champions Warwick Garen Ashe Tryndamere Kayle Singed Master Yi Taric Sivir
  608. 1 Skins Riot Kayle
  609. kileur88:88kileur|Email Verified? true
  610. Last Played @ 18:52:38 25-12-2018
  611. 2 Refunds Remaining
  612. Summoner Level - 57
  613. 1
  614. 4357
  615. 2 Rune Pages
  616. 88 Champions Annie Olaf Twisted Fate Quinn Xin Zhao Urgot LeBlanc Fiddlesticks Kayle Master Yi Azir Alistar Kayn Ryze Zoe Sion Sivir Zyra Soraka Kai'Sa Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Gnar Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zac Zilean Singed Thresh Evelynn Yasuo Twitch Cho'Gath Amumu Rammus Vel'Koz Shaco Taliyah Dr. Mundo Kassadin Janna Gangplank Karma Taric Veigar Bard Blitzcrank Malphite Katarina Orianna Lee Sin Vayne Heimerdinger Jhin Kindred Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Gragas Pantheon Ezreal Mordekaiser Akali Garen Riven Lux Xerath Ahri Graves Fizz Lucian Zed Nautilus Kled Fiora Xayah Ziggs Ekko Draven Darius Jayce Lissandra
  617. 30 Skins Runeborn Xerath PROJECT: Yasuo SKT T1 Jax PROJECT: Ekko Soulhunter Kayn Road Warrior Miss Fortune Final Boss Veigar Lord Darius Riot Girl Tristana Time Machine Zilean Buccaneer Tristana Riot Kayle Warrior Princess Sivir AstroNautilus Prestigious LeBlanc King Tryndamere Superfan Gragas Academy Ahri Blood Moon Thresh Ninja Rammus Debonair Ezreal TPA Ezreal FrankenTibbers Annie Super Galaxy Fizz Lollipoppy Dino Gnar Shadowfire Kindred Headhunter Master Yi Wild Card Shaco Arclight Vayne
  618. swagtank96:ghalib12|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  619. andreserax:1525354565a|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  620. boared33:Waitimconfused1|Email Verified? true
  621. Last Played @ 15:53:11 22-11-2018
  622. 3 Refunds Remaining
  623. Summoner Level - 6
  624. 400
  625. 2118
  626. 3 Rune Pages
  627. 1 Champions Kayle
  628. 1 Skins Riot Kayle
  629. knucklezz300:b68553562|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  630. LastShotCA:Linar1029|Email Verified? true
  631. Last Played @ 07:20:40 10-12-2018
  632. 2 Refunds Remaining
  633. Summoner Level - 32
  634. 18
  635. 3013
  636. 2 Rune Pages
  637. 37 Champions Lee Sin Annie Olaf Twisted Fate Fiddlesticks Kayle Nasus Master Yi Alistar Udyr Ryze Poppy Sivir Ezreal Teemo Tristana Warwick Miss Fortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Evelynn Cho'Gath Amumu Rammus Shen Janna Graves Corki Karma Veigar Caitlyn Malphite Maokai Darius
  638. 8 Skins Silver Kayle Shadow Evelynn High Noon Twisted Fate Judgment Kayle Blood Moon Evelynn Traditional Karma Ninja Rammus Victorious Maokai
  639. Mutiny12x:May231998|Email Verified? true
  640. Last Played @ 23:54:50 05-09-2017
  641. 3 Refunds Remaining
  642. Summoner Level - 11
  643. 0
  644. 5239
  645. 2 Rune Pages
  646. 1 Champions Garen
  647. 1 Skins Sanguine Garen
  648. danny2003200:danny20032003|Email Verified? true
  649. Last Played @ 07:12:23 24-07-2018
  650. 3 Refunds Remaining
  651. Summoner Level - 16
  652. 5
  653. 602
  654. 2 Rune Pages
  655. 12 Champions Soraka Teemo Warwick Caitlyn Ashe Garen Kassadin Kayle Master Yi Sion Cho'Gath Sivir
  656. 2 Skins Riot Kayle Spectacular Sivir
  657. gioserpo:Ch89risnak35|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  658. jordancmoran:18jcmcmm5|Email Verified? false
  659. Last Played @ 01:24:11 22-05-2018
  660. 3 Refunds Remaining
  661. Summoner Level - 4
  662. 0
  663. 0
  664. 2 Rune Pages
  665. 3 Champions Ashe Garen Brand
  666. 0 Skins
  667. owenyan0905:skyking101|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  668. olarson666:njd3vils|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  669. lotus7dream3:Frksho88|Email Verified? false
  670. Last Played @ 01:19:28 12-06-2017
  671. 3 Refunds Remaining
  672. Summoner Level - 8
  673. 0
  674. 675
  675. 2 Rune Pages
  676. 7 Champions Amumu Annie Garen Ashe Kayle Master Yi Ryze
  677. 1 Skins Sanguine Garen
  678. guguiads123:gads2106|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  679. shadow78755:peanutbutter123|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  680. nickmillermuaythai:nandrew1|Email Verified? true
  681. Last Played @ 20:18:43 21-12-2018
  682. 3 Refunds Remaining
  683. Summoner Level - 17
  684. 195
  685. 225
  686. 2 Rune Pages
  687. 12 Champions Amumu Soraka Annie Teemo Tristana Dr. Mundo Ashe Garen Kayle Heimerdinger Karthus Sivir
  688. 1 Skins Beemo
  689. roboto911:cheetah23|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  690. theohzonelayer:70211two|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
  691. itexan123:sonic123|Email Verified? true
  692. Last Played @ 06:55:18 25-12-2018
  693. 3 Refunds Remaining
  694. Summoner Level - 87
  695. 116
  696. 3042
  697. 2 Rune Pages
  698. 50 Champions Annie Twisted Fate Xin Zhao Fiddlesticks Kayle Master Yi Alistar Ryze Sivir Zyra Soraka Teemo Kai'Sa Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Singed Evelynn Twitch Amumu Rammus Sona Karma Taric Veigar Trundle Blitzcrank Malphite Brand Lee Sin Vayne Nasus Udyr Poppy Pantheon Mordekaiser Garen Kog'Maw Lux Fizz Lucian Draven Kha'Zix Vi
  699. 9 Skins Omega Squad Veigar Lion Dance Kog'Maw Tango Twisted Fate Riot Kayle PROJECT: Ashe Dragon Trainer Tristana Beemo Blade Mistress Morgana Battle Boss Brand
  700. dylannell87:beaverhead87|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  701. wkdnguyen:Aimang8i|Email Verified? false
  702. Last Played @ 04:47:43 10-10-2017
  703. 3 Refunds Remaining
  704. Summoner Level - 10
  705. 10
  706. 570
  707. 2 Rune Pages
  708. 6 Champions Teemo Ashe Garen Irelia Master Yi Nidalee
  709. 1 Skins Ionia Master Yi
  710. wootbastard:neopets2423220|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  711. spiderzumbie:dk124881|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  712. Nithalarakamg:Skyrim4Ever|Email Verified? true
  713. Last Played @ 00:50:37 25-07-2018
  714. 3 Refunds Remaining
  715. Summoner Level - 11
  716. 140
  717. 604
  718. 2 Rune Pages
  719. 11 Champions Amumu Annie Warwick Malphite Ashe Fiddlesticks Kayle Master Yi Ryze Sivir Cho'Gath
  720. 2 Skins Panda Annie Unmasked Kayle
  721. thezealandman:Trixie0310|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  722. tkennedy256:Bambi0214|Email Verified? true
  723. Last Played @ 02:40:10 11-12-2017
  724. 3 Refunds Remaining
  725. Summoner Level - 6
  726. 400
  727. 1722
  728. 2 Rune Pages
  729. 1 Champions Garen
  730. 0 Skins
  731. michaelcmorrison94:192837Mm|Email Verified? false
  732. Last Played @ 05:52:09 13-10-2017
  733. 3 Refunds Remaining
  734. Summoner Level - 6
  735. 0
  736. 1923
  737. 2 Rune Pages
  738. 1 Champions Ryze
  739. 1 Skins Professor Ryze
  740. sekshunzer0:canine210|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  741. charlesthawley:naha2003|Email Verified? true
  742. Last Played @ 21:50:48 20-10-2018
  743. 3 Refunds Remaining
  744. Summoner Level - 13
  745. 305
  746. 141
  747. 2 Rune Pages
  748. 4 Champions Annie Fiora Lux Katarina
  749. 0 Skins
  750. anda790:2001anda00|Email Verified? true
  751. Last Played @ 16:13:46 26-12-2018
  752. 0 Refunds Remaining
  753. Summoner Level - 56
  754. 117
  755. 2225
  756. 4 Rune Pages
  757. 77 Champions Annie Galio Diana Twisted Fate Xin Zhao Vladimir Fiddlesticks Kayle Master Yi Alistar Ryze Kayn Sion Sivir Soraka Kai'Sa Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Gnar Tryndamere Jax Morgana Singed Evelynn Yasuo Twitch Amumu Vel'Koz Shaco Sona Rek'Sai Irelia Janna Gangplank Taric Bard Trundle Caitlyn Blitzcrank Katarina Wukong Lee Sin Vayne Jhin Nasus Kindred Udyr Poppy Gragas Pantheon Ezreal Yorick Akali Kennen Garen Leona Riven Jinx Kog'Maw Lux Shyvana Ahri Fizz Volibear Rengar Lucian Zed Kled Fiora Xayah Ekko Kha'Zix Darius
  758. 36 Skins Cosmic Blade Master Yi Nemesis Jax PROJECT: Yasuo 24009 24010 Sandstorm Ekko 24011 Pool Party Miss Fortune Riot Girl Tristana Battle Boss Blitzcrank Captain Volibear Riot Kayle Midnight Ahri Order of the Lotus Irelia Nightmare Tryndamere Warden Sivir Battle Bunny Riven Tango Evelynn PROJECT: Lucian Unchained Alistar Musketeer Twisted Fate Valkyrie Leona Blade Mistress Morgana Void Fizz Debonair Ezreal PROJECT: Zed 81013 Radiant Wukong Dreadknight Garen 81014 Galactic Nasus Enchanted Galio Championship Zed Chosen Master Yi Wild Card Shaco Arclight Vayne
  759. bobbyk157:Mcleod1213|Email Verified? true
  760. Last Played @ 04:02:05 16-12-2018
  761. 0 Refunds Remaining
  762. Summoner Level - 31
  763. 109
  764. 1446
  765. 4 Rune Pages
  766. 124 Champions Annie Olaf Galio Twisted Fate Xin Zhao Urgot LeBlanc Vladimir Fiddlesticks Kayle Nami Master Yi Alistar Ryze Sion Sivir Soraka Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Singed Evelynn Twitch Karthus Cho'Gath Amumu Rammus Anivia Shaco Dr. Mundo Sona Kassadin Irelia Janna Gangplank Corki Karma Taric Veigar Swain Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Katarina Nocturne Maokai Renekton Jarvan IV Elise Orianna Brand Lee Sin Vayne Rumble Cassiopeia Heimerdinger Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Gragas Pantheon Ezreal Mordekaiser Yorick Akali Kennen Garen Leona Malzahar Talon Riven Kog'Maw Shen Lux Xerath Shyvana Ahri Graves Fizz Rengar Varus Nautilus Viktor Sejuani Fiora Ziggs Lulu Draven Hecarim Kha'Zix Darius Lissandra Diana Quinn Syndra Aurelion Sol Kayn Zyra Gnar Zac Thresh Yasuo Taliyah Camille Illaoi Kalista Bard Braum Jhin Kindred Tahm Kench Lucian Zed Rakan Ekko Vi
  767. 45 Skins The Mighty Jax Blood Lord Vladimir Silent Night Sona Kennen M.D. Bad Santa Veigar Ryze Whitebeard Viridian Kayle Red Baron Corki Hot Rod Corki Blood Moon Zilean Rocket Girl Tristana Riot Kayle Soul Reaver Draven Challenger Ahri Slay Belle Katarina Nightmare Tryndamere 236003 Fnatic Gragas Super Galaxy Rumble SSW Thresh Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate Bloodstone Taric Championship Thresh Unchained Alistar 236005 Infernal Alistar 236004 Sweeper Alistar Arcade Riven Totemic Maokai Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks Freljord Rammus Cottontail Teemo Frostfire Annie Ghost Bride Morgana Debonair Ezreal TPA Ezreal Atlantean Syndra Festival Kassadin Ace of Spades Ezreal Grim Reaper Karthus Super Galaxy Annie Warmonger Sion Traditional Karma
  768. antcangas:rene1023|Email Verified? true
  769. Last Played @ 01:59:50 24-12-2018
  770. 3 Refunds Remaining
  771. Summoner Level - 32
  772. 27
  773. 802
  774. 2 Rune Pages
  775. 20 Champions Amumu Annie Dr. Mundo Braum Kayle Master Yi Alistar Veigar Ryze Poppy Sivir Soraka Warwick Nunu & Willump Kennen Garen Malphite Ashe Morgana Singed
  776. 3 Skins Matador Alistar Longhorn Alistar Riot Kayle
  777. svenkicks:Kazel121|Email Verified? true
  778. Last Played @ 06:56:26 26-12-2018
  779. 0 Refunds Remaining
  780. Summoner Level - 85
  781. 186
  782. 55341
  783. 10 Rune Pages
  784. 142 Champions Annie Olaf Galio Twisted Fate Ornn Xin Zhao Neeko Urgot LeBlanc Vladimir Fiddlesticks Kayle Aatrox Master Yi Nami Alistar Azir Ryze Sion Sivir Soraka Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Singed Evelynn Twitch Karthus Cho'Gath Amumu Rammus Anivia Shaco Dr. Mundo Sona Kassadin Irelia Janna Gangplank Corki Karma Pyke Taric Veigar Trundle Swain Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Katarina Nocturne Maokai Renekton Jarvan IV Elise Orianna Wukong Brand Lee Sin Vayne Rumble Cassiopeia Skarner Heimerdinger Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Gragas Pantheon Ezreal Mordekaiser Yorick Akali Kennen Garen Leona Malzahar Talon Riven Kog'Maw Shen Lux Xerath Shyvana Ahri Graves Fizz Volibear Rengar Varus Nautilus Viktor Sejuani Fiora Ziggs Lulu Draven Hecarim Kha'Zix Darius Jayce Lissandra Diana Quinn Syndra Aurelion Sol Kayn Zoe Zyra Kai'Sa Gnar Zac Thresh Yasuo Vel'Koz Taliyah Camille Illaoi Rek'Sai Ivern Kalista Bard Braum Jhin Kindred Jinx Tahm Kench Lucian Zed Kled Rakan Xayah Ekko Vi
  785. 182 Skins Lunar Guardian Nasus Muay Thai Lee Sin Lion Dance Kog'Maw Pool Party Lee Sin SKT T1 Lee Sin Dragon Trainer Lulu Goalkeeper Blitzcrank Waterloo Miss Fortune Wicked Lulu Winter Wonder Lulu Ice Toboggan Corki 53010 Urfrider Corki Justicar Aatrox Riot Kayle Cryocore Brand All-star Akali Infernal Akali El Tigre Braum Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks Void Fizz Sultan Gangplank 105006 Dark Candy Fiddlesticks Volcanic Wukong Officer Vi General Wukong Mafia Jinx Pentakill Karthus 254010 Pool Party Ziggs Sheriff Caitlyn Big Bad Warwick Headhunter Caitlyn Firefang Warwick Hyena Warwick Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol Pool Party Graves Soulstealer Vladimir PROJECT: Yasuo High Noon Yasuo TPA Orianna 157007 Pickpocket Twitch 157004 104015 Victorious Graves Riot Girl Tristana 104016 Earnest Elf Tristana Pentakill Mordekaiser Tyrant Swain Firefighter Tristana Rocket Girl Tristana Dynasty Ahri Nightblade Irelia Frostblade Irelia Popstar Ahri Order of the Lotus Irelia Redeemed Riven Battle Bunny Riven 103011 103010 Crimson Elite Riven Dragonblade Riven Championship Thresh Championship Riven 2016 92009 Sabretusk Sejuani 92008 92010 Striker Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal 92013 92012 Super Teemo 92014 Ironscale Shyvana Omega Squad Teemo Dawnbringer Riven Ace of Spades Ezreal Festival Kassadin Battlecast Urgot Pulsefire Riven Championship Shyvana Star Guardian Syndra Ice Drake Shyvana Snow Day Syndra Commando Jarvan IV Dragonblade Talon Darkforge Jarvan IV Snow Day Singed Dryad Soraka Lil' Slugger Trundle Ruthless Pantheon Program Soraka Dragonslayer Pantheon Woad Scout Quinn Scorched Earth Xerath 80010 69005 80012 80015 80014 Lord Darius Groovy Zilean Bioforge Darius Rune Wars Renekton Dunkmaster Darius Scorched Earth Renekton 154004 Pool Party Renekton 122009 122011 122010 Huntress Sivir Vandal Gragas Snowstorm Sivir Superfan Gragas Victorious Sivir Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate Program Camille Valkyrie Leona Mecha Kha'Zix Haunted Maokai Pool Party Leona Victorious Maokai 89006 SKT T1 Zed Shockblade Zed Scarlet Hammer Poppy Death Sworn Zed Championship Zed Lunar Goddess Diana 131005 SKT T1 Vayne 131004 Debonair Galio Heartseeker Vayne 131007 Arclight Vayne 131008 PROJECT: Vayne 131010 Eternum Nocturne Black Belt Udyr Spirit Guard Udyr Blood Moon Kalista Team Spirit Anivia Forsaken Olaf Brolaf Pentakill Olaf Blackfrost Anivia TPA Shen Soul Reaver Draven Primetime Draven Red Card Katarina Gladiator Draven High Command Katarina Sultan Tryndamere 2014 Warring Kingdoms Katarina PROJECT: Katarina Hired Gun Lucian Heartseeker Lucian Galactic Azir PROJECT: Lucian Santa Draven Unchained Alistar Infernal Alistar Headhunter Nidalee Freljord Rammus Commando Garen Dino Gnar Rugged Garen Glacial Malphite El León Gnar 86009 Headhunter Rengar Pharaoh Nasus Night Hunter Rengar Infernal Nasus
  786. nehuenmery:he8narco|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  787. ljack976:avenger123|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  788. a397261997:a19931210|Email Verified? true
  789. Last Played @ 02:28:16 09-09-2017
  790. 3 Refunds Remaining
  791. Summoner Level - 9
  792. 0
  793. 4773
  794. 2 Rune Pages
  795. 0 Champions
  796. 0 Skins
  797. samwrighteous:Alize4037|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  798. kamals96:qj9242kk91|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  799. mkaryashraf:mkary_1992|Email Verified? false
  800. Last Played @ 23:47:07 10-04-2018
  801. 3 Refunds Remaining
  802. Summoner Level - 3
  803. 0
  804. 0
  805. 2 Rune Pages
  806. 2 Champions Garen Ashe
  807. 0 Skins
  808. broskiumad:nedle4691|Email Verified? true
  809. Last Played @ 13:02:23 17-01-2017
  810. 3 Refunds Remaining
  811. Summoner Level - 21
  812. 60
  813. 155
  814. 2 Rune Pages
  815. 10 Champions Teemo Ashe Garen Fiddlesticks Kayle Master Yi Orianna Ryze Twitch Tahm Kench
  816. 2 Skins Judgment Kayle Assassin Master Yi
  817. nazaritreinoso:reynoso4607|Email Verified? false
  818. Last Played @ 14:06:17 16-10-2018
  819. 3 Refunds Remaining
  820. Summoner Level - 2
  821. 0
  822. 0
  823. 2 Rune Pages
  824. 1 Champions Darius
  825. 0 Skins
  826. shawnpscott91:march1891|Email Verified? false
  827. Last Played @ 06:12:38 20-01-2017
  828. 3 Refunds Remaining
  829. Summoner Level - 5
  830. 0
  831. 1249
  832. 2 Rune Pages
  833. 1 Champions Poppy
  834. 0 Skins
  835. andynguyen201:flame123|Email Verified? false
  836. Last Played @ 15:20:25 24-09-2016
  837. 3 Refunds Remaining
  838. Summoner Level - 4
  839. 0
  840. 581
  841. 2 Rune Pages
  842. 0 Champions
  843. 0 Skins
  844. kanashikoto:VOLUME260799|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
  845. mynosebad:g9520010|Email Verified? true
  846. Last Played @ 03:21:26 25-03-2018
  847. 3 Refunds Remaining
  848. Summoner Level - 12
  849. 0
  850. 3032
  851. 2 Rune Pages
  852. 3 Champions Garen Tryndamere Nasus
  853. 0 Skins
  854. aahlyia:Blow0819|Email Verified? true
  855. Last Played @ 01:59:26 09-09-2018
  856. 3 Refunds Remaining
  857. Summoner Level - 10
  858. 140
  859. 3773
  860. 2 Rune Pages
  861. 3 Champions Annie Ashe Ryze
  862. 1 Skins Red Riding Annie
  863. hofe815:Kikiba123|Email Verified? false
  864. Last Played @ 20:19:15 28-03-2018
  865. 3 Refunds Remaining
  866. Summoner Level - 1
  867. 0
  868. 0
  869. 2 Rune Pages
  870. 0 Champions
  871. 0 Skins
  872. likeorz:fuck0844|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
  873. khoale1983:khoa5667556|Email Verified? false
  874. Last Played @ 04:51:13 27-01-2018
  875. 3 Refunds Remaining
  876. Summoner Level - 1
  877. 0
  878. 0
  879. 2 Rune Pages
  880. 0 Champions
  881. 0 Skins
  882. theory1:P1nwh33l|Email Verified? true
  883. Last Played @ 04:26:47 03-12-2018
  884. 2 Refunds Remaining
  885. Summoner Level - 26
  886. 224
  887. 1773
  888. 9 Rune Pages
  889. 20 Champions Vayne Ahri Kayle Aatrox Master Yi Nasus Nidalee Ryze Sivir Soraka Tristana Swain Ashe Garen Malphite Jax Maokai Zilean Malzahar Riven
  890. 8 Skins Groovy Zilean Shadow Prince Malzahar Reaper Soraka Judgment Kayle Buccaneer Tristana Heartseeker Ashe Battle Boss Malzahar Warring Kingdoms Garen
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