
Dry Bowser and Toadette's Silver Banana Trip

Apr 17th, 2019
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  1. Dry Bowser and Toadette were running through a long hallway as the duo had no idea how they got there, but they must have figured that it had something to do with the weird silver colored banana that they found lying around in the dark abyss, of which they got themselves into from a portal after being sucked into 1 by the rather unfortunate circumstances. Whatever was the case, the adventurers were continuing to run as they had no idea where the end of this hallway was.
  3. "You know the fact that we're always thrown into these situations tells me that someone likes pairing us together." Dry Bowser commented as he noticed dust was starting to pop up on his bones. "That or Yoshizilla Rhedosaurus really needs to explore other characters."
  5. "Oh DB, you're always thinking too negatively!" Toadette squeaked as she let out a bassy fart while holding onto the silver banana. "You have to realize that there's always opportunity at every corner of the world!"
  7. Dry Bowser clearly didn't share Toadette's enthusiasm as the pair reached the end of the hallway, spotting a giant spinning rainbow emblem with a silver banana printed in the middle of it. Dry Bowser chucked one of his bones at the emblem, with it spinning around as it was transparent. Toadette twirled into the air to reach it, handing the banana over as the emblem disappeared, with a bright white warp opening up as Dry Bowser and Toadette looked at each other, with the skeletal reptile and pink mushroom girl being confused as to what could possibly lie within it.
  9. Dry Bowser: (taking a moment to get a deep breath in) Well let's not stand here, let's see what's in there.
  11. Toadette: Ooh, I hope it's something good! (giggles while clapping her hands)
  13. Dry Bowser and Toadette both went through the white portal, with the pairing appearing in a densely packed city as they discovered that they were in the bustling streets of Manhattan. Looking up to see that they were right at the Empire State Building, Dry Bowser and Toadette flew up, with the fungi female flying and the reptilian skeleton holding onto her hands as they reached the top, being surprised as they found an entire bunch of silver bananas spinning around. Toadette's stomach growling prompted her to collect and eat the weird colored fruit, while Dry Bowser decided to just take in the sights of New York City.
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