
Odovent HI

Sep 20th, 2018
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  1. 8:48 PM <%ArseneLupin> Stephen is tripping balls
  2. 8:49 PM <Odocoileus> Stephen reality shifts away from you and you feel like you're just vibrations
  3. 8:49 PM <Odocoileus> But suddenly there are hands on the backs of your shoulders.
  4. 8:50 PM <%ArseneLupin> "I AM NOT COMFORTABLE WITH THIS!"
  5. 8:51 PM <Odocoileus> They rub his shoulders lightly, in a comforting manner. He blinks and he is sitting on the ceiling looking down at his body as nicole and tanya deal with the borbs
  6. 8:52 PM <%ArseneLupin> He is very confused about all this and looks around and down at himself
  7. 8:53 PM <Odocoileus> "Stephen Angelo." Its a soft motherly tone but its many female voices.
  8. 8:54 PM <Odocoileus> As he looks around the world shifts violently and he feels like he falling fast. The wind whipping against his face
  9. 8:54 PM → DrSavage joined (
  10. 8:54 PM <%ArseneLupin> He is just screaming at this
  11. 8:56 PM <Odocoileus> He can feel the wind start to rip of slices of flesh and suddenly he sees the ground coming fast!
  12. 8:56 PM <Odocoileus> Really fast!
  13. 8:57 PM → @DSJ|Mobile (opped) joined
  14. 8:57 PM <%ArseneLupin> He closes his eyes. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" sO ON SO FORTH
  15. 8:57 PM <Odocoileus> He can feel hit whole body crumple under him and crack as he hits the ground.
  16. 8:58 PM <Odocoileus> But suddy his body is launched backwards and is thrown into icy cold water. "You should join us.."
  17. 8:58 PM <%ArseneLupin> "W-w-what are you?" He asks weakly
  18. 8:58 PM ⇐ @DSJ quit (~DSJ@B7A7B97A.DA0B803D.3C0890BC.IP) Ping timeout: 187 seconds
  19. 9:00 PM <Odocoileus> "we're the Conductors of this concert you"
  20. 9:01 PM <%ArseneLupin> "C-could you be less cryptic p-please?"
  21. 9:02 PM <Odocoileus> A hand punches through his chest and holds out his heart in front of him. A nother hand begins to play a soft melody on the veins and arteries attached to his rapidly beating heart.
  22. 9:03 PM <%ArseneLupin> "I-I-I need that..."
  23. 9:04 PM <Odocoileus> "no you dont silly child. All you need are....... oscillations."
  24. 9:04 PM Taffeta → %TafNAPa
  25. 9:05 PM <%ArseneLupin> "I-is that so?" His voice is shaking by this point
  26. 9:05 PM <Odocoileus> He can feel tune through his entire body and it feels familiar some how.
  27. 9:06 PM <Odocoileus> He snaps back to reality for split second but its brought back into a deep void of violet. He is laying face up in a feild of grey poppy flowers.
  28. 9:07 PM <%ArseneLupin> He pats his chest seeing if he still is heartless. "W-what do you want?"
  29. 9:09 PM <Odocoileus> There is a little girl next to him. Long white hair and light blue eyes. She smiles sweetly at him. "Your soul."
  30. 9:09 PM ⇐ @DSJ|Mobile quit (~DSJ@B7A7B97A.DA0B803D.3C0890BC.IP) Ping timeout: 183 seconds
  31. 9:10 PM <Odocoileus> "pretty please." She cant be much older than 10. She hugs her knees to her chest and stares at him.
  32. 9:10 PM <%ArseneLupin> He cant help but chuckle a little nervously. "O-oh man, y-you've been w-watching too many horror movies."
  33. 9:12 PM <Odocoileus> She punches his face, but her hand seems to go through his skull. He can feel her finger in his brain. He loses control over his eyes and breathing, his mouth lolls open and drools as she digs her nails in to his frontal lobe.
  34. 9:13 PM <Odocoileus> But just as fast as she hits him he snaps back to reality.
  35. 9:13 PM <Odocoileus> Go back to tt2
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