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Dec 11th, 2017
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  1. Compilation failed: 17 error(s), 104 warnings
  2. -----CompilerOutput:-stderr----------
  3. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Net/FBNet.cs(655,74): warning CS0436: The type `Vivox.Core.IParticipant' conflicts with the imported type of same name'. Ignoring the imported type definition
  4. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/IParticipant.cs(6,18): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  5. D:\BuildAgent\work\56bbbcdbac7b7f88\Assets/Plugins/x86_64/Vivox.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  6. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/MouseControl/AirplaneMoveByMouseInternalViewPrototype.cs(34,21): warning CS0108: `FighterBase.Game.FB.Fights.Airplanes.Moves.AirplaneMoveByMouseInternalViewPrototype.UpdateTarget(UnityEngine.Transform, UnityEngine.Quaternion, UnityEngine.Vector3, FighterBase.Game.FB.Fights.Cameras.MouseCameraSettings, bool)' hides inherited member `FighterBase.Game.FB.Fights.Airplanes.Moves.AirplaneMoveByMouse.UpdateTarget(UnityEngine.Transform, UnityEngine.Quaternion, UnityEngine.Vector3, FighterBase.Game.FB.Fights.Cameras.MouseCameraSettings, bool)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended
  7. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/MouseControl/AirplaneMoveByMouse.cs(35,21): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  8. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/MouseControl/AirplaneMoveByMouseInternalViewPrototype.cs(119,21): warning CS0108: `FighterBase.Game.FB.Fights.Airplanes.Moves.AirplaneMoveByMouseInternalViewPrototype.FixedUpdate()' hides inherited member `FighterBase.Game.FB.Fights.Airplanes.Moves.AirplaneMoveByMouse.FixedUpdate()'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended
  9. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/MouseControl/AirplaneMoveByMouse.cs(120,21): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  10. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/MouseControl/AirplaneMoveByMouseInternalViewPrototype.cs(322,29): warning CS0108: `FighterBase.Game.FB.Fights.Airplanes.Moves.AirplaneMoveByMouseInternalViewPrototype.AngleSigned(UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.Vector3)' hides inherited member `FighterBase.Game.FB.Fights.Airplanes.Moves.AirplaneMoveByMouse.AngleSigned(UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.Vector3)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended
  11. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/MouseControl/AirplaneMoveByMouse.cs(322,29): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  12. Assets/Game/Scripts/Network/VoiceChat/VoiceClient.cs(763,12): warning CS0436: The type `Vivox.Core.IAudioDevices' conflicts with the imported type of same name'. Ignoring the imported type definition
  13. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/IAudioDevices.cs(7,18): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  14. D:\BuildAgent\work\56bbbcdbac7b7f88\Assets/Plugins/x86_64/Vivox.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  15. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/AccountId.cs(22,42): warning CS0436: The type `Vivox.Core.AccountId' conflicts with the imported type of same name'. Ignoring the imported type definition
  16. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/AccountId.cs(4,25): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  17. D:\BuildAgent\work\56bbbcdbac7b7f88\Assets/Plugins/x86_64/Vivox.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  18. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/IAudioDevices.cs(9,16): warning CS0436: The type `Vivox.Core.IAudioDevice' conflicts with the imported type of same name'. Ignoring the imported type definition
  19. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/IAudioDevice.cs(7,18): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  20. D:\BuildAgent\work\56bbbcdbac7b7f88\Assets/Plugins/x86_64/Vivox.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  21. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/IAudioDevices.cs(10,16): warning CS0436: The type `Vivox.Core.IReadOnlyDictionary<TK,T>' conflicts with the imported type of same name'. Ignoring the imported type definition
  22. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/IReadOnlyDictionary.cs(10,18): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  23. D:\BuildAgent\work\56bbbcdbac7b7f88\Assets/Plugins/x86_64/Vivox.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  24. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/IReadOnlyDictionary.cs(17,35): warning CS0436: The type `Vivox.Core.KeyEventArg<TK>' conflicts with the imported type of same name'. Ignoring the imported type definition
  25. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/KeyEventArg.cs(6,25): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  26. D:\BuildAgent\work\56bbbcdbac7b7f88\Assets/Plugins/x86_64/Vivox.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  27. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/IReadOnlyDictionary.cs(18,35): warning CS0436: The type `Vivox.Core.ValueEventArg<TK,TV>' conflicts with the imported type of same name'. Ignoring the imported type definition
  28. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/ValueEventArg.cs(6,25): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  29. D:\BuildAgent\work\56bbbcdbac7b7f88\Assets/Plugins/x86_64/Vivox.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  30. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/IReadOnlyDictionary.cs(19,35): warning CS0436: The type `Vivox.Core.KeyEventArg<TK>' conflicts with the imported type of same name'. Ignoring the imported type definition
  31. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/Vivox/KeyEventArg.cs(6,25): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  32. D:\BuildAgent\work\56bbbcdbac7b7f88\Assets/Plugins/x86_64/Vivox.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  33. Assets/Game/Scripts/Ui/Common/CommonMenuAirplanes/UiCommonMenuAirplanesCardsItemCaption.cs(38,18): warning CS0108: `UiCommonMenuAirplanesCardsItemCaption.Width' hides inherited member `FighterBase.Game.Core.Ui.UiObject.Width'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended
  34. Assets/Game/Scripts/Core/Ui/UiObject.cs(34,22): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  35. Assets/Game/Scripts/UI_old/MenuCalibrationMobileViewHandler.cs(25,21): warning CS0108: `FighterBase.Game.FB.MenuCalibrationMobileViewHandler.Start()' hides inherited member `FighterBase.Engine.Core.BaseViewHandler.Start()'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended
  36. Assets/Engine/Scripts/Core/UIManager/BaseViewHandler.cs(16,21): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  37. Assets/Game/Scripts/Managers.cs(15,23): warning CS0612: `FighterBase.Engine.Core.FPSDisplayManager' is obsolete
  38. Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Stats.cs(12,9): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUIText' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  39. Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_StatusText.cs(12,2): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUIText' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  40. Assets/Cardboard/Scripts/UI/CardboardReticle.cs(68,25): warning CS0252: Possible unintended reference comparison. Consider casting the left side expression to type `CardboardReticle' to get value comparison
  41. Assets/Cardboard/Scripts/VRDevices/BaseCardboardDevice.cs(100,8): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GL.IssuePluginEvent(int)' is obsolete: `IssuePluginEvent(eventID) is deprecated. Use IssuePluginEvent(callback, eventID) instead.'
  42. Assets/Engine/Scripts/Core/BaseManagerCollection/FPSDisplayManager.cs(113,23): warning CS0219: The variable `msec' is assigned but its value is never used
  43. Assets/Engine/Scripts/Core/Utility/Utility.cs(89,22): warning CS0219: The variable `mat' is assigned but its value is never used
  44. Assets/Engine/Scripts/ThirdParty/Analytics/Scripts/Analytics.cs(234,17): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUIText' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  45. Assets/Engine/Scripts/ThirdParty/Analytics/Scripts/Analytics.cs(234,64): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUIText' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  46. Assets/Engine/Scripts/ThirdParty/MarkerMetro.Unity.Ionic.ZLibUnity/ParallelDeflateOutputStream.cs(1160,21): warning CS0219: The variable `myItem' is assigned but its value is never used
  47. Assets/Engine/Scripts/ThirdParty/MarkerMetro.Unity.Ionic.ZLibUnity/ParallelDeflateOutputStream.cs(1206,17): warning CS0219: The variable `rc' is assigned but its value is never used
  48. Assets/FX/EZ Camera Shake/Demo/ShakeDemo.cs(21,47): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Application.loadedLevel' is obsolete: `Use SceneManager to determine what scenes have been loaded'
  49. Assets/FX/EZ Camera Shake/Demo/ShakeDemo.cs(21,25): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Application.LoadLevel(int)' is obsolete: `Use SceneManager.LoadScene'
  50. Assets/FX/EZ Camera Shake/Scripts/CameraShaker.cs(74,13): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected
  51. Assets/Game/Scripts/Core/Ui/Tweens/TweenUiAlpha.cs(25,30): warning CS0168: The variable `e' is declared but never used
  52. Assets/Game/Scripts/Core/Ui/Tweens/TweenUiAlpha.cs(36,30): warning CS0168: The variable `e' is declared but never used
  53. Assets/Game/Scripts/Core/Ui/Tweens/TweenUiScale.cs(22,30): warning CS0168: The variable `e' is declared but never used
  54. Assets/Game/Scripts/Core/Ui/Tweens/TweenUiScale.cs(33,30): warning CS0168: The variable `e' is declared but never used
  55. Assets/Game/Scripts/Core/Ui/UiMenu.cs(47,30): warning CS0219: The variable `tween' is assigned but its value is never used
  56. Assets/Game/Scripts/Core/Ui/UiPopup.cs(41,26): warning CS0219: The variable `tweenAlpha' is assigned but its value is never used
  57. Assets/Game/Scripts/Core/Ui/UiPopup.cs(42,26): warning CS0219: The variable `tweenScale' is assigned but its value is never used
  58. Assets/Game/Scripts/Core/Ui/UiPopup.cs(65,26): warning CS0219: The variable `tweenScale' is assigned but its value is never used
  59. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/AI/AntiAircraft.cs(297,19): warning CS0219: The variable `turretEta' is assigned but its value is never used
  60. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/AI/AntiAircraft.cs(298,19): warning CS0219: The variable `turretTheta' is assigned but its value is never used
  61. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/AI/AntiAircraftFlak.cs(129,13): warning CS0219: The variable `gtOrg' is assigned but its value is never used
  62. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/AI/FlyTo.cs(303,26): warning CS0219: The variable `pPlane' is assigned but its value is never used
  63. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Net/FBNet_GameRecv.cs(341,31): warning CS0612: `FighterBase.Engine.Core.FPSDisplayManager' is obsolete
  64. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Net/FBNet_GameRecv.cs(1142,24): warning CS0219: The variable `rtt' is assigned but its value is never used
  65. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Net/FBNet_GameRecv.cs(1378,18): warning CS0219: The variable `onGround' is assigned but its value is never used
  66. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/CPlnBayOrRack.cs(716,26): warning CS0219: The variable `bLong' is assigned but its value is never used
  67. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/CPlnBayOrRack.cs(739,25): warning CS0219: The variable `nLayer' is assigned but its value is never used
  68. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/Pln_Ctrl.cs(155,19): warning CS0219: The variable `aTet' is assigned but its value is never used
  69. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(44,17): warning CS0219: The variable `nBox' is assigned but its value is never used
  70. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(118,18): warning CS0219: The variable `bWasBurning' is assigned but its value is never used
  71. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(295,17): warning CS0219: The variable `nBox' is assigned but its value is never used
  72. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(365,18): warning CS0219: The variable `bWasBurning' is assigned but its value is never used
  73. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(539,17): warning CS0219: The variable `nBox' is assigned but its value is never used
  74. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(632,17): warning CS0219: The variable `nBox' is assigned but its value is never used
  75. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(729,17): warning CS0219: The variable `nBox' is assigned but its value is never used
  76. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(834,17): warning CS0219: The variable `nBox' is assigned but its value is never used
  77. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(932,17): warning CS0219: The variable `nBox' is assigned but its value is never used
  78. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(1029,17): warning CS0219: The variable `nBox' is assigned but its value is never used
  79. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(1152,23): warning CS0219: The variable `rcoef' is assigned but its value is never used
  80. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(1256,17): warning CS0219: The variable `nBox' is assigned but its value is never used
  81. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(1320,18): warning CS0219: The variable `bWasBurning' is assigned but its value is never used
  82. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhysCut.cs(1359,19): warning CS0219: The variable `part' is assigned but its value is never used
  83. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhys.cs(10903,21): warning CS0219: The variable `Bombs' is assigned but its value is never used
  84. Assets/Game/Scripts/FB/Phys/PlnPhys.cs(10904,21): warning CS0219: The variable `Rocks' is assigned but its value is never used
  85. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/Airplane.cs(2367,20): warning CS0219: The variable `b' is assigned but its value is never used
  86. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/AirplaneCollider.cs(740,31): warning CS0219: The variable `CInfo' is assigned but its value is never used
  87. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/AirplaneCollider.cs(1315,31): warning CS0219: The variable `CInfo' is assigned but its value is never used
  88. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/AirplaneDamageAcceptor.cs(75,33): warning CS0219: The variable `prevHitOrg' is assigned but its value is never used
  89. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/AirplaneGunManager.cs(362,23): warning CS0219: The variable `turretEta' is assigned but its value is never used
  90. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/AirplaneGunManager.cs(363,23): warning CS0219: The variable `turretTheta' is assigned but its value is never used
  91. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/AirplaneGunManager.cs(424,17): warning CS0219: The variable `travel' is assigned but its value is never used
  92. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/AirplaneNetObject.cs(1323,36): warning CS0219: The variable `apfw' is assigned but its value is never used
  93. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/BulletObjects/Cartridge.cs(69,21): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected
  94. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/Controllers/AirplaneControllerUserInput.cs(260,47): warning CS0219: The variable `controlSettingsY' is assigned but its value is never used
  95. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/Controllers/AirplaneControllerUserInput.cs(534,19): warning CS0219: The variable `abCenter' is assigned but its value is never used
  96. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/Controllers/AirplaneControllerUserInput.cs(680,40): warning CS0219: The variable `pPlane' is assigned but its value is never used
  97. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/Moves/AirplaneMoveDive2Org.cs(52,74): warning CS0219: The variable `a' is assigned but its value is never used
  98. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/Moves/AirplaneMoveDive2Org.cs(392,43): warning CS0219: The variable `aT' is assigned but its value is never used
  99. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/Moves/AirplaneMoveDive2Tgt.cs(57,74): warning CS0219: The variable `a' is assigned but its value is never used
  100. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/Moves/AirplaneMoveDive2Tgt.cs(406,43): warning CS0219: The variable `aT' is assigned but its value is never used
  101. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/Moves/AirplaneMoveRollSnap.cs(195,27): warning CS0219: The variable `fgGamma' is assigned but its value is never used
  102. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Airplanes/Moves/AirplaneMoveTurn.cs(1180,19): warning CS0219: The variable `adTet' is assigned but its value is never used
  103. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/BattleRoyale/BR_ChangeAirplaneOnTheFly.cs(14,18): warning CS0219: The variable `streamerPowerUp' is assigned but its value is never used
  104. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/BattleRoyale/BR_ChangeAirplaneOnTheFly.cs(15,18): warning CS0219: The variable `cloakPowerUp' is assigned but its value is never used
  105. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Cameras/DieCameras.cs(37,85): warning CS0219: The variable `y' is assigned but its value is never used
  106. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/GameLoopUpdate.cs(316,30): warning CS0219: The variable `airplane' is assigned but its value is never used
  107. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Map/FightMap.cs(545,22): warning CS0219: The variable `proWaterActive' is assigned but its value is never used
  108. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/MouseControl/AirplaneMoveByMouse.cs(78,17): warning CS0219: The variable `angleToRequiredUp' is assigned but its value is never used
  109. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/MouseControl/AirplaneMoveByMouseInternalViewPrototype.cs(77,17): warning CS0219: The variable `angleToRequiredUp' is assigned but its value is never used
  110. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/MouseControl/Camera/F3MouseInputForAirplane.cs(76,25): warning CS1717: Assignment made to same variable; did you mean to assign something else?
  111. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/MouseControl/Camera/F3MouseInputForAirplane.cs(89,25): warning CS1717: Assignment made to same variable; did you mean to assign something else?
  112. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Terrain/FightTerrain.cs(252,4): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  113. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Terrain/FightTerrain.cs(394,6): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  114. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Terrain/FightTerrain.cs(454,5): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  115. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Terrain/FightTerrain.cs(487,5): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  116. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Terrain/FightTerrain.cs(505,5): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  117. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Terrain/FightTerrain.cs(587,5): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  118. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Terrain/FightTerrain.cs(621,5): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  119. Assets/Game/Scripts/Fight/Terrain/FightTerrain.cs(667,4): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  120. Assets/Game/Scripts/GameManager.cs(219,4): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  121. Assets/Game/Scripts/GameManager.cs(226,5): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  122. Assets/Game/Scripts/GameManager.cs(344,4): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  123. Assets/Game/Scripts/Index.cs(95,6): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  124. Assets/Game/Scripts/Index.cs(319,9): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  125. Assets/Game/Scripts/Index.cs(467,6): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  126. Assets/Game/Scripts/Managers.cs(72,37): warning CS0612: `FighterBase.Engine.Core.FPSDisplayManager' is obsolete
  127. Assets/Game/Scripts/Network/Http/Requests/HttpRequest.cs(131,37): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Send()' is obsolete: `Use SendWebRequest. It returns a UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation which contains a reference to the WebRequest object.'
  128. Assets/Game/Scripts/Network/Http/Requests/HttpRequestURLs.cs(70,13): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected
  129. Assets/Game/Scripts/System/ResourcesManager/ResourcesManager.cs(32,13): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected
  130. Assets/Game/Scripts/System/ResourcesManager/WebResourceManager.cs(44,5): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  131. Assets/Game/Scripts/ThirtParty/LitJson/JsonWriter.cs(368,10): warning CS3021: `LitJson.JsonWriter.Write(ulong)' does not need a CLSCompliant attribute because the assembly is not marked as CLS-compliant
  132. Assets/Game/Scripts/Ui/Common/CommonMenuArena/UiCommonMenuArenaListItem.cs(144,5): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  133. Assets/Game/Scripts/Ui/Common/CommonMenuArena/UiCommonMenuArenaListItem.cs(231,4): error CS0103: The name `CoroutineManager' does not exist in the current context
  134. Assets/Game/Scripts/Ui/Common/CommonMenuSettings/UiCommonMenuSettingsCommandsItem.cs(192,55): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected
  135. Assets/OSVRUnity/src/K1RadialDistortion.cs(137,58): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures' is obsolete: `supportsRenderTextures always returns true, no need to call it'
  136. Assets/OSVRUnity/src/OsvrRenderManager.cs(348,33): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures' is obsolete: `supportsRenderTextures always returns true, no need to call it'
  137. Assets/OVR/Scripts/Util/OVRSceneSampleController.cs(122,20): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Screen.lockCursor' is obsolete: `Use Cursor.lockState and Cursor.visible instead.'
  138. Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Camera.cs(205,32): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUILayer' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  139. Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Camera.cs(209,34): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUILayer' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  140. Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Camera.cs(236,36): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUILayer' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  141. Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Camera.cs(240,28): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUILayer' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  142. Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Stats.cs(21,24): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUIText' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  143. Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_StatusText.cs(9,26): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUIText' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  144. Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_StatusText.cs(16,23): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUIText' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
  145. -----EndCompilerOutput---------------
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