
day 1

May 3rd, 2015
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  1. Day 1:
  2. Age? Date of Birth?
  3. Noel: Noel was born in 1936 on the 9th of March in Paris , France. At a young age he was orphaned when abandoned by his parents and spent most of his life kicking it up in orphanages, causing hell. In 1942 when Germany occupied France as a part of the Reich he was living in hell, frequently he didn’t eat for days and not a lot of people where at the orphanages taking care of the children. Growing up through rough times he managed to learn almost fluent German for his young age and would converse with several German children he saw during his time.
  5. Loviisa: Loviisa was born in 1933 on the 1st of September in Kotka, Finland. In her youth she has lots of lovely moments playing in the snow. When the second world war came, her father already enlisted fighting against invading soviet troops , ended up signing up for the waffen-ss-wiking division along with his two brothers, or her uncles. Neither of the uncles returned , presumably either captured or dead, but her father did in 1944. After that her family did live quite comfortably, but her father was never the same after that war. He still has his uniform to this day, well Loviisa does anyways.
  7. Holly: Holly was born on 7th day of February in 1937. Growing up she had a rather normal life for someone like her, being of mixed race but easily passable as white she didn’t have any troubles growing up. She grew up in a very religious Texan household and is still to date very disciplined, for example she despises swearing and vulgar language in general. It generally makes her uncomfortable.
  9. Frideric: Frideric was born on the 6th day of April in 1912. He’s pretty fucking old I know gross. Growing up he had a pretty good childhood up until world war one, Sure it wasn’t til 1914, and he was still young, but seeing his father leave when he was only 4 years of age and watching his mother break down really broke the poor child. He lost his innocence at a young age, and It didn’t help that he’s father never returned. After the war he was still only young, but he did whatever he could to help his mum pay for basic needs, she ended up working multiple jobs just to keep food on the table. They had really hard times.
  11. Hair colour? Eye colour? Skin colour/nationality? Accent?
  12. Noel: Noel, he has the thickest, most volumnised hair dark brown hair you will see , Young Stalin called Noel he wants his hair back. Being French he has pretty decent genes, his jaw is more on the weak side however, he has a more feminine round face shape, with small , thin lips and a upturned nose, his eyes are in hooded stated with icy blue iris with a small ring of deep blue around them. His skin is very pale, and he doesn’t tan, he only burns. He has a very thick French accent, yet somehow manages to speak German fluently without the French, maybe he just doesn’t try with English.
  14. Loviisa: Loviisa has quite stringy, thin light blonde hair, whoever it’s long and has some volume to it, She usually has it tied into two tight plats, or in an old vintage updo if shes feeling it. Suited with very pale skin that barely tans, She has a quite defined, triangular face shaped, accompanied with fuller lips with an exaggerated cupids bow. She has a very nice, petit nose, free of any bumps, and generally smooth. Accompanied by closed set eyes, with glimmering deep blue iris’s. She overall has a very aesthetically pleasing appearance, with a decent accent, she has more of a German accent then she does a Swedish or Finnish. Seeing as shes fluent in all three. She tends to say V instead of W and just has trouble with English at times.
  16. Holly: Sweet Sweet Holly, she has probably the nicest green eyes you have ever seen , starting off light green into the centre soon fading into a dark ivy green at the edges. Her eyes are quite deep set however. They suit her heart shaped face though, everything about her is quite round and she lacks strong angles. Her hair is long and dark brown, almost black and reaches her butt almost. She almost always ties it up in a ponytail. She has small bit defined lips with somewhat suit he quite large hooked nose. She’s very self-conscious about her nose and got bullied because of it growing up (better than being bullied for being of colour). She has passable tan skin and the most Texan accent you will ever hear, like calm down Holly.
  18. Frideric: Frideric huh, oh yeah. He has thick brown hair, cut into a undercut, even in his older age (hes only 48 cut him a break,) he is slightly greying but other than that he has aged well like fine wine. Literally he could pass for a 30 year old easily. He has a very well defined rectangular face shape, downturned lips, a straight nose and almond eyes with sea green iris. His eyes are usually what people notice first on him. Either that or his outstand masculine plucked eyebrows. Like hot damn son. He has the thickest German accent (fitting as he is german like who would pick that out) and sort of broken English. He manages to fit in as “just an immigrant” even though he is/was a wanted war criminal, don’t tell anyone about that though. :^)
  20. Height? Weight?
  21. Noel: 5’9”, and weighing 132 pounds, He again with the feminine attribute has a quite feminine body shape, with quite wide hips for a male.
  22. Loviisa: 6’ and 143 pounds, shes a bit on the underweight side if anything, but she has a very curvy figure, very high metabolism. (nice boobers too)
  23. Holly: 5’4”, 154 pounds, shes on the overweight side, but not obese. She has a defined pear shaped body. Her hips certainly do not lie.
  24. Frideric: 6’1” and 149 pounds, he’s definitely on the tall and lanky side, he could use with some more weight but his muscles are fine and he’s a pretty healthy weight.
  26. Tattoos? Piercings? Birthmarks? Disfigurements? Scars?
  27. Noel: He has a scar running across his nose, he got it as a child when an officer in occupied Paris decided he deserved it for trying to steal bread.
  28. Loviisa: She has a birthmark on her right wrist in the shape of a heart. (isn’t that cool)
  29. Holly: She has a wolf tattoo on her left shoulder. Her mum took her to get it to represent her small Native American Wichita heritage.
  30. Frideric: He has multiple scars from the war, mainly on his body and upper arms, because of this he doesn’t take his shirt off in public or around anyone hes not comfortable with, he’s quite ashamed of it.
  33. Do they have any nicknames? Where did they come from?
  35. Noel: Frog man or slimy French. He doesn’t have any formal pet names. He comes from Paris, France.
  36. Loviisa: Lovi, Bitch, crazy. Ect… She really only accepts Lovi as a nickname, the other too are demeaning to her. She comes from Kotka, Finland.
  37. Holly: She doesn’t have any, she’s from Armarillo, Texas.
  38. Frideric: He did often get called Captain, as a nickname , well more formally Hauptsturmfuhrer, but not a lot of people call him as late ,seeing as a majority of his friends are dead and or in life imprisonment. He resides from Hamburg, Germany.
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