

Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. *** Scrubchoo [] has joined #bam
  2. <Scrubchoo> hi Piexplode
  3. <Piex> hey
  4. <Piex> :D
  5. <Piex> [
  6. <Piex> lol
  7. <Piex> well I guess idk who you are then
  8. <Scrubchoo> i copied his hostname
  9. <Scrubchoo> just to mess with him
  10. <Piex> o
  11. <Piex> coo
  12. <Piex> what other channels are u in?
  13. <Scrubchoo> so you never explained something
  14. <Piex> yea?
  15. <Scrubchoo> his and some dead ones
  16. <Scrubchoo> but you never told me why you hated him in the first place
  17. <Piex> I don't hate him
  18. <Piex> >_>
  19. <Piex> I just don't like
  20. <Piex> the mess of shitposting that was that skype chat
  21. <Piex> and he rubs off badly with a lot of people which is unhelpful
  22. <Scrubchoo> no
  23. <Scrubchoo> even i know that was just him hating me
  24. <Piex> idk what it was
  25. <Piex> idc what it was
  26. <Piex> point is it's unproductive and uncohesive
  27. <Scrubchoo> not at all
  28. <Scrubchoo> as much as im mad at him he has a point
  29. <Scrubchoo> he knows a lot of people and can easily get attention and get people
  30. <Scrubchoo> thousands even
  31. <Piex> we don't desparately need thousands
  32. <Piex> at this point we just need like
  33. <Piex> quality coders
  34. <Piex> quality spriters
  35. <Piex> quality battlers
  36. <Scrubchoo> he is 2/3 of those
  37. <Scrubchoo> i am 3/3
  38. <Piex> and at this point with quality battlers I mean people who like are
  39. <Piex> well
  40. <Piex> spl levelwould be nice
  41. <Scrubchoo> did i ever tell you about his alt
  42. <Piex> but I'd settle for able to be like 1 level below that
  43. <Scrubchoo> he got banned the 2nd time by accident
  44. <Scrubchoo> because people thought he had 3 alts
  45. <Scrubchoo> all of those were tour winners
  46. <Scrubchoo> so obviously he has some type of reputation if they buy that
  47. <Piex> yea but I have tour rep too lol
  48. <Piex> tour rep isn't all that much of a thing
  49. <Piex> or at least
  50. <Piex> it depends on
  51. <Piex> the tour and the competitors
  52. <Scrubchoo> yeah
  53. <Scrubchoo> i guess
  54. <Scrubchoo> who even made that new skype group
  55. <Scrubchoo> i was wondering
  56. <Scrubchoo> can you kick me from it
  57. <Piex> I don't know
  58. <Piex> who made it
  59. <Piex> and you can do /leave or something probably
  60. <Scrubchoo> you can type a command to find out
  61. <Scrubchoo> do /showmembers
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