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- -- the adventures of jelpi
- -- by zep
- -- to do:
- -- levels and monsters
- -- title / restart logic
- -- block loot
- -- top-solid ground
- -- better duping
- --ipc sync b
- serial(0x804,0x4300,1)
- --ipc disable sfx, music
- sfx=function()end
- music=function()end
- -- config: num_players 1 or 2
- num_players = 1
- corrupt_mode = false
- max_actors = 128
- music(0, 0, 3)
- function make_actor(k,x,y,d)
- local a = {}
- a.kind = k
- = 1
- a.x=x a.y=y a.dx=0 a.dy=0
- a.ddy = 0.06 -- gravity
- a.w=0.3 a.h=0.5 -- half-width
- a.d=d a.bounce=0.8
- a.frame = 1 a.f0 = 0
- a.t=0
- a.standing = false
- if (count(actor) < max_actors) then
- add(actor, a)
- end
- return a
- end
- function make_sparkle(x,y,frame,col)
- local s = {}
- s.x=x
- s.y=y
- s.frame=frame
- s.col=col
- s.t=0 s.max_t = 8+rnd(4)
- s.dx = 0 s.dy = 0
- s.ddy = 0
- add(sparkle,s)
- return s
- end
- function make_player(x, y, d)
- pl = make_actor(1, x, y, d)
- pl.charge = 0
- pl.super = 0
- pl.score = 0
- pl.bounce = 0
- pl.delay = 0
- = 0 -- player 1
- pl.pal = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}
- return pl
- end
- -- called at start by pico-8
- function _init()
- actor = {}
- sparkle = {}
- -- spawn player
- for y=0,63 do for x=0,127 do
- if (mget(x,y) == 48) then
- player = make_player(x,y+1,1)
- if (num_players==2) then
- player2 = make_player(x+2,y+1,1)
- = 1
- player2.pal = {1,3,3,4,5,6,7,11,9,10,11,12,13,15,7}
- end
- end
- end end
- t = 0
- death_t = 0
- end
- -- clear_cel using neighbour val
- -- prefer empty, then non-ground
- -- then left neighbour
- function clear_cel(x, y)
- val0 = mget(x-1,y)
- val1 = mget(x+1,y)
- if (val0 == 0 or val1 == 0) then
- mset(x,y,0)
- elseif (not fget(val1,1)) then
- mset(x,y,val1)
- else
- mset(x,y,val0)
- end
- end
- function move_spawns(x0, y0)
- -- spawn stuff close to x0,y0
- for y=0,32 do
- for x=x0-10,x0+10 do
- val = mget(x,y)
- m = nil
- -- pickup
- if (fget(val, 5)) then
- m = make_actor(2,x+0.5,y+1,1)
- m.f0 = val
- m.frame = val
- if (fget(val,4)) then
- m.ddy = 0 -- zero gravity
- end
- end
- -- monster
- if (fget(val, 3)) then
- m = make_actor(3,x+0.5,y+1,-1)
- m.f0=val
- m.frame=val
- end
- -- clear cel if spawned something
- if (m ~= nil) then
- clear_cel(x,y)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- test if a point is solid
- function solid (x, y)
- if (x < 0 or x >= 128 ) then
- return true end
- val = mget(x, y)
- return fget(val, 1)
- end
- function move_pickup(a)
- a.frame = a.f0
- -- if (flr((t/4) % 2) == 0) then
- -- a.frame = a.f0+1
- -- end
- end
- function move_player(pl)
- local b =
- if ( == 0) then
- death_t = 1
- for i=1,32 do
- s=make_sparkle(
- pl.x, pl.y-0.6, 96, 0)
- s.dx = cos(i/32)/2
- s.dy = sin(i/32)/2
- s.max_t = 30
- s.ddy = 0.01
- s.frame=96+rnd(3)
- s.col = 7
- end
- del(actor,pl)
- sfx(16)
- music(-1)
- sfx(5)
- return
- end
- accel = 0.05
- if (pl.charge > 10) then
- accel = 0.08
- end
- if (not pl.standing) then
- accel = accel / 2
- end
- -- player control
- if (btn(0,b)) then
- pl.dx = pl.dx - accel; pl.d=-1 end
- if (btn(1,b)) then
- pl.dx = pl.dx + accel; pl.d=1 end
- if ((btn(4,b) or btn(2,b)) and
- -- solid(pl.x,pl.y)) then
- pl.standing) then
- pl.dy = -0.7
- sfx(8)
- end
- -- charge
- if (btn(5,b) and pl.charge == 0
- and pl.delay == 0) then
- pl.charge = 15
- pl.dx = pl.dx + pl.d * 0.4
- if (not pl.standing) then
- pl.dy = pl.dy - 0.2
- end
- sfx(11)
- end
- -- charging
- if (pl.charge > 0 or
- pl.super > 0) then
- pl.frame = 53
- if (abs(pl.dx) > 0.4 or
- abs(pl.dy) > 0.2
- ) then
- for i=1,3 do
- local s = make_sparkle(
- pl.x+pl.dx*i/3,
- pl.y+pl.dy*i/3 - 0.3,
- 96+rnd(3), (pl.t*3+i)%9+7)
- if (rnd(2) < 1) then
- s.col = 7
- end
- s.dx = -pl.dx*0.1
- s.dy = -0.05*i/4
- s.x = s.x + rnd(0.6)-0.3
- s.y = s.y + rnd(0.6)-0.3
- end
- end
- end
- pl.charge = max(0, pl.charge-1)
- if (pl.charge > 0) then
- pl.delay = 10
- else
- pl.delay = max(0,pl.delay-1)
- end
- pl.super = max(0, pl.super-1)
- -- frame
- if (pl.standing) then
- pl.f0 = (pl.f0+abs(pl.dx)*2+4) % 4
- else
- pl.f0 = (pl.f0+abs(pl.dx)/2+4) % 4
- end
- if (abs(pl.dx) < 0.1)
- then
- pl.frame=48 pl.f0=0
- else
- pl.frame = 49+flr(pl.f0)
- end
- if (pl == player2) then
- pl.frame = pl.frame +75-48
- end
- end
- function move_monster(m)
- m.dx = m.dx + m.d * 0.02
- m.f0 = (m.f0+abs(m.dx)*3+4) % 4
- m.frame = 112 + flr(m.f0)
- if (false and m.standing and rnd(100) < 1)
- then
- m.dy = -1
- end
- end
- function move_actor(pl)
- -- to do: replace with callbacks
- if (pl.kind == 1) then
- move_player(pl)
- end
- if (pl.kind == 2) then
- move_pickup(pl)
- end
- if (pl.kind == 3) then
- move_monster(pl)
- end
- pl.standing=false
- -- x movement
- x1 = pl.x + pl.dx +
- sgn(pl.dx) * 0.3
- local broke_block = false
- if(not solid(x1,pl.y-0.5)) then
- pl.x = pl.x + pl.dx
- else -- hit wall
- -- search for contact point
- while (not solid(pl.x + sgn(pl.dx)*0.3, pl.y-0.5)) do
- pl.x = pl.x + sgn(pl.dx) * 0.1
- end
- -- if charging, break block
- if (pl.charge ~= nil) then
- if (pl.charge > 0 or
- pl.super > 0) then
- val = mget(x1, pl.y-0.5,0)
- if (fget(val,4)) then
- clear_cel(x1,pl.y-0.5)
- sfx(10)
- broke_block = true
- -- make debris
- for by=0,1 do
- for bx=0,1 do
- s=make_sparkle(
- 0.25+flr(x1) + bx*0.5,
- 0.25+flr(pl.y-0.5) + by*0.5,
- 22, 0)
- s.dx = (bx-0.5)/4
- s.dy = (by-0.5)/4
- s.max_t = 30
- s.ddy = 0.02
- end
- end
- else
- if (abs(pl.dx) > 0.2) then
- sfx(12) -- thump
- end
- end
- -- bumping kills charge
- if (pl.charge < 20) then
- pl.charge = 0
- end
- end
- end
- -- bounce
- if (pl.super == 0 or
- not broke_block) then
- pl.dx = pl.dx * -0.5
- end
- if (pl.kind == 3) then
- pl.d = pl.d * -1
- pl.dx=0
- end
- end
- -- y movement
- if (pl.dy < 0) then
- -- going up
- if (solid(pl.x-0.2, pl.y+pl.dy-1) or
- solid(pl.x+0.2, pl.y+pl.dy-1))
- then
- pl.dy=0
- -- search up for collision point
- while ( not (
- solid(pl.x-0.2, pl.y-1) or
- solid(pl.x+0.2, pl.y-1)))
- do
- pl.y = pl.y - 0.01
- end
- else
- pl.y = pl.y + pl.dy
- end
- else
- -- going down
- if (solid(pl.x-0.2, pl.y+pl.dy) or
- solid(pl.x+0.2, pl.y+pl.dy)) then
- -- bounce
- if (pl.bounce > 0 and
- pl.dy > 0.2)
- then
- pl.dy = pl.dy * -pl.bounce
- else
- pl.standing=true
- pl.dy = 0
- end
- --snap down
- while (not (
- solid(pl.x-0.2,pl.y) or
- solid(pl.x+0.2,pl.y)
- ))
- do pl.y = pl.y + 0.05 end
- --pop up even if bouncing
- while(solid(pl.x-0.2,pl.y-0.1)) do
- pl.y = pl.y - 0.05 end
- while(solid(pl.x+0.2,pl.y-0.1)) do
- pl.y = pl.y - 0.05 end
- else
- pl.y = pl.y + pl.dy
- end
- end
- -- gravity and friction
- pl.dy = pl.dy + pl.ddy
- pl.dy = pl.dy * 0.95
- -- x friction
- if (pl.standing) then
- pl.dx = pl.dx * 0.8
- else
- pl.dx = pl.dx * 0.9
- end
- -- counters
- pl.t = pl.t + 1
- end
- function collide_event(a1, a2)
- if(a1.kind==1) then
- if(a2.kind==2) then
- if (a2.frame==64) then
- a1.super = 120
- a1.dx = a1.dx * 2
- --a1.dy = a1.dy-0.1
- -- a1.standing = false
- sfx(13)
- end
- -- gem
- if (a2.frame==80) then
- a1.score = a1.score + 1
- sfx(9)
- end
- del(actor,a2)
- end
- -- charge or dupe monster
- if(a2.kind==3) then -- monster
- if(a1.charge > 0 or
- a1.super > 0 or
- (a1.y-a1.dy) < a2.y-0.7) then
- -- slow down player
- a1.dx = a1.dx * 0.7
- a1.dy = a1.dy * -0.7-- - 0.2
- -- explode
- for i=1,16 do
- s=make_sparkle(
- a2.x, a2.y-0.5, 96+rnd(3), 7)
- s.dx = s.dx + rnd(0.4)-0.2
- s.dy = s.dy + rnd(0.4)-0.2
- s.max_t = 30
- s.ddy = 0.01
- end
- -- kill monster
- -- to do: in move_monster
- sfx(14)
- del(actor,a2)
- else
- -- player death
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function move_sparkle(sp)
- if (sp.t > sp.max_t) then
- del(sparkle,sp)
- end
- sp.x = sp.x + sp.dx
- sp.y = sp.y + sp.dy
- sp.dy= sp.dy+ sp.ddy
- sp.t = sp.t + 1
- end
- function collide(a1, a2)
- if (a1==a2) then return end
- local dx = a1.x - a2.x
- local dy = a1.y - a2.y
- if (abs(dx) < a1.w+a2.w) then
- if (abs(dy) < a1.h+a2.h) then
- collide_event(a1, a2)
- end
- end
- end
- function collisions()
- for a1 in all(actor) do
- collide(player,a1)
- end
- if (player2 ~= nil) then
- for a1 in all(actor) do
- collide(player2,a1)
- end
- end
- end
- function outgame_logic()
- if (death_t > 0) then
- death_t = death_t + 1
- if (death_t > 30 and
- btn(4) or btn(5))
- then
- music(-1)
- sfx(-1)
- sfx(0)
- dpal={0,1,1, 2,1,13,6,
- 4,4,9,3, 13,1,13,14}
- -- palette fade
- for i=0,40 do
- for j=1,15 do
- col = j
- for k=1,((i+(j%5))/4) do
- col=dpal[col]
- end
- pal(j,col,1)
- end
- flip()
- end
- -- restart cart end of slice
- run()
- end
- end
- end
- function _update()
- --ipc b
- serial(0x804,0x5f4c,8)
- foreach(actor, move_actor)
- foreach(sparkle, move_sparkle)
- collisions()
- move_spawns(player.x, player.y)
- outgame_logic()
- if (corrupt_mode) then
- for i=1,5 do
- poke(rnd(0x8000),rnd(0x100))
- end
- end
- t=t+1
- end
- function draw_sparkle(s)
- if (s.col > 0) then
- for i=1,15 do
- pal(i,s.col)
- end
- end
- spr(s.frame, s.x*8-4, s.y*8-4)
- pal()
- end
- function draw_actor(pl)
- if (pl.pal ~= nil) then
- for i=1,15 do
- -- pal(i, pl.pal[i])
- end
- end
- if (pl.charge ~= nil and
- pl.charge > 0) then
- for i=2,15 do
- pal(i,7+((pl.t/2) % 8))
- end
- -- pal(2,7)
- end
- if (pl.super ~= nil and
- pl.super > 0) then
- for i=2,15 do
- pal(i,6+((pl.t/2) % 2))
- end
- end
- spr(pl.frame,
- pl.x*8-4, pl.y*8-8,
- 1, 1, pl.d < 0)
- pal()
- end
- function _draw()
- -- sky
- camera (0, 0)
- rectfill (0,0,127,127,12)
- --for y=1,7 do
- -- rect(0,63-y*2.5,127,63-y*2.5,6) end
- -- background
- -- sspr(88,0,8,8,0,0,128,128)
- -- sky gradient
- if (false) then
- for y=0,127 do
- col=sget(88,(y+(y%4)*6) / 16)
- line(0,y,127,y,col)
- end
- end
- -- clouds behind mountains
- local x = t / 8
- x = x % 128
- local y=0
- mapdraw(16, 32, -x, y, 16, 16, 0)
- mapdraw(16, 32, 128-x, y, 16, 16, 0)
- local bgcol = 13 -- mountains
- pal(5,bgcol) pal(2,bgcol)
- pal(13,6) -- highlights
- y = 0
- mapdraw (0, 32, 0, y, 16, 16, 0)
- pal()
- -- map and actors
- cam_x = mid(0,player.x*8-64,1024-128)
- if (player2 ~= nil) then
- cam_x =
- mid(0,player2.x*8-64,1024-128) / 2 +
- cam_x / 2
- end
- --ipc b camera shift
- cam_x+=128
- --cam_y = mid(0,player.y*6-40,128)
- cam_y = 84
- camera (cam_x,cam_y)
- pal(12,0)
- mapdraw (0,0,0,0,128,64,1)
- pal()
- foreach(sparkle, draw_sparkle)
- foreach(actor, draw_actor)
- -- forground map
- -- mapdraw (0,0,0,0,128,64,2)
- -- player score
- camera(0,0)
- color(7)
- if (death_t > 60) then
- print("press button to restart",
- 18-1,10-0,8+(t/4)%2)
- print("press button to restart",
- 18,10,7)
- end
- if (false) then
- cursor(0,2)
- print("actors:"..count(actor))
- print("score:"..player.score)
- print(stat(1))
- end
- end
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