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Mar 29th, 2017
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  1. Tim Clarkson was project manager, although this was never outwardly agreed upon. He also designed the graphical uI that the final product was based on, though i created it using Windows forms not wpf, meaning that while the tools and controls were functionally the same thing they did not look very similar. Tim completed tasks one which involved proposing a business ,tml
  2. Matt Vale was responsible for a massive chunk of planning. He recorded the minutes of the meetings, the status reports. Creation of the gantt chart was undertaken by him, and the largest parts of tasks 1 and 2.
  4. Chris Asshat was tasked with creating the test plan and the tests. He completed the largest chucnk of this task 6, and Matt helped complete this. Myself and Tim carried out brief analysis and description of the steps involved in the tests, highlighting reasons for failure.
  5. Daniel was tasked with the mysql section of task 3. He created an ERD for this but the SQL query he wrote did not run within the VS environment so I rewrote the two tables that were used. The
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