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  78. <div class="feedburnerFeedBlock"><ul><li><span class="headline"><a href="" target="_blank">Free Time Information for Windows</a></span><div>Speaking time information is a small application which make your computer talks and telling you about time. This is my first application for windows..</div></li></ul></div>
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  87. <h1 class="nospace"><i class="fa fa-home title-icon"></i> Damn's Virtual Studio Project and Creativity</h1>
  88. <p><a href=" " title=""><strong></strong></a> is the official site of DVS (Damn's Virtual Studio). The "Damn" itself is standing for Dean Adjie Minwarie, the owner. It's simply a manifestation of our works and creativity on the internet. Our goal is to share information and experience as well as providing free services such as ads submission and web development. Our free ads submission is completely free and will live forever as long as it goes along our TOS and agreement. We are also working on project of windows software, android application and web development especially wordpress blogging platform and blogger. You can use our interesting plugins and widgets for free. You can also find valuable infos, tutorials, unique articles, tips and tricks of internet and web design here. Please browse our site and feel free to use our services.</p>
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  105. <span>Hi, my name is Dean Adjie Minwarie. I was born November 11, 198x. I'm currently live in Gardusayang No. 32,<br/>Cisalak - Subang,<br/> West Java<br/>Indonesia </span>
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  117. <p>Share, Quote, Discuss, Invention (the tagline), guess that quite good enough to describe all I write here. Simply share all I know about the internet, web design and plugin development, computer tweaks and multimedia, unique tutorial tips and trick, and lot more. Most are taken from my own experiences, combined with new things I found and recreate it into something different or maybe new. Curious? Well, let's save the chitchat, just browse it all on my here <strong><a href="" target="_blank" title=""></a></strong>.</p>
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  138. <p>If you are interested to be a web designer or curious in developing the javascript, here then you can learn hundreds or javascripts collection from the simplest to advanced type, all in examples and briefly well explained. Well, I'm not the original author of these javascripts (credit intact) but I believe it's a good idea to share it with you. Find hundreds of unique javascripts files with live example here for free...</p>
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  145. <h2 class="nospace">Must Used Apps, Plugins and Widgets</h2>
  146. <p><br/>Check out my projects where you can find cool Android apps such as BBM with Extended features, Speaking Time Information for Windows and more.</p>
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  148. <div class="one_quarter"><p><i class="fa fa-download"></i> Time Information For Windows<br/><i class="fa fa-download"></i> Custom Notification Plugin</p><p><i class="fa fa-download"></i> Stylish Flash Mp3 Player</p><p>and more...</p></div>
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  156. <h2 class="nospace"><a href="" target="_blank" title="BBM Essential v2 - Extended Features with Privacy Lock">BBM Essential v2 with Privacy Lock</a></h2>
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  158. <p>BBM Essential v2 offer you secure and privacy protect with new features added. You can now hide the message / chat notification from notification panel and will not shows message in the top of the phone. The Block Read Status still can help you to read the message without showing the "R" (Read) sign...</p>
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  165. <h2 class="nospace"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Free Stylish Flash Mp3 Player">Free Stylish Flash Mp3 Player</a></h2>
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  167. <p>Get this free stylish embeddable flash mp3 player to play music on your blog or website. This player is able to play multiple mp3 files stored in any server, completed with volume control and seeker, also playing options that enables autoplay and autoreplay (loop). More than that, this player is pretty small only 8kb...</p>
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  174. <h2 class="nospace"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Speaking Time Information for Windows">Speaking Time Information for Windows</a></h2>
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  176. <p>Speaking time information is a small application which make your computer talks and telling you about time hourly, half an hour or every 15 minutes. The Speaking Time Information uses the computer default voice for windows. I just make use of it and call the computer voice using simple visual bas...</p>
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  195. <p>Thank's God n Malaikat Jibril for all the gifts n ideas. My Family and friends for the magnificent integrity. A special thanks to "Si Budugul" Nokia 6600, I learn a lot with U</p>
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