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Sep 20th, 2013
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  1. A Tale of Two MVCs (A brief history of GUIs) - Yehuda Katz
  2. - Introduction
  3. - speaker doing best to keep from being dry
  4. - technical detail about what does it mean when one says GUI
  5. - Motivation
  6. - "Current JavaScript solutions suffer from "Double MVC". You need both server and client-side MVC stacks. Conceptual complexity is very high." - DHH
  7. - Speaker says it makes no sense, MVC means two different things in different context.
  8. - In the beginning you must:
  9. - bootstrap objects
  10. - becomes more complicated the more complex your application gets
  11. - draw initial UI
  12. - translate Raw Input into User Intent
  13. - user did something into user means something
  14. - update application state
  15. - use the UI to drive the application state machine
  16. - update domain objects
  17. - make the state persistent (if objects are persistent)
  18. - notify UI of changes
  19. - update UI
  20. - Every system has stages of these... no matter how they manage to implement the MVC concept
  21. - At the beginning Everything manual (jQuery)
  22. - DOM ready, Event Handlers, Save with some AJAX thing.. do everything in your event handlers except for bootstrap objects and draw initial UI
  23. - In the '80s and oddly enough in '06 people learned this was a bad thing
  24. - example: backbone
  25. - separating presentation from state is very much like "MVC"
  26. - instead of everything happening in the view, all input goes through the controller and the view only draws
  27. - overview
  28. - bootstrap objects: adhoc
  29. - draw initial UI: view
  30. - translates raw input into intent: controller
  31. - update app state: controller
  32. - update domain objects: controller
  33. - notify UI of changes: observers and controller
  34. - update UI: view
  35. - problems
  36. - bootstrapping (it's adhoc)
  37. - hierarchy
  38. - application state
  39. - Rails
  40. - all raw user input is intercepted by the browser
  41. - effectively HTTP becomes a transport which we communicate with via markup
  42. - overview
  43. - bootstrap objects: router and controller
  44. - draw inital UI: view
  45. - raw input to user interpret: template/browser precomputed
  46. - update app state: controller in the session
  47. - update domain objects: controller persisted by ActiveRecord
  48. - notify UI of changes: http
  49. - update UI: browser
  50. - problems
  51. - hierarchy (no mechanism)
  52. - maintain browser state
  53. - latency
  54. - limited to browser mark-up
  55. - JavaScript
  56. - an improvement but still has problems
  57. - Presentation Model (VisualWorks)
  58. - Model notifies Presentation Model which then notifies the view, instead of model notifying view directly
  59. - adds a lot of value
  60. - related to presenters
  61. - easy to test, not bound up in UI
  62. - job is to separate the preparation of the view from drawing it
  63. - retains separation of drawing from raw event handling and interpretation
  64. - a special place to put logic for view information that isn't related to rendering
  65. - examples:
  66. - convert model number to visual colour
  67. - Coordinating/Mediating Controller (Cocoa)
  68. - Doesn't have the separation of View and Controller
  69. - goes back to the original interpretation where one object handles input and draws
  70. - Very similar to the Presentation Model but collapses the view into one thing because it admits they're tightly coupled anyway
  71. - Manages application wide state with coordinating controllers which respond to notifications (a decoupling strategy)
  72. - overview
  73. - bootstrap: coordinating controller
  74. - draw initial UI: view
  75. - raw input to user intent: view
  76. - application state: coordinating controller
  77. - <speaker moved too fast, couldn't copy>
  78. - problems
  79. - figuring out what to bootstrap
  80. - organising coordinating controllers
  81. - <speaker running out of time... moves too fast to copy>
  82. - Ember
  83. - Similar to the cocoa model above
  84. - UI, View, Controller, Model
  85. - Route is the coordinating controller
  86. - overview
  87. - <speaker is moving too fast to copy>
  88. - visual overview (see slides)
  89. - Double MVC doesn't matter -- who cares. It's just a pattern to solve a problem. With Ember Rails is only responsible for persistence.
  90. - Closing and Thanks
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