

May 28th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. “You’re growing more confident,” Gemmel said. The other man had stopped just shy of the tip of the spire, clinging to it below Kelsier. “That’s good.”
  3. Then with a quick motion, Gemmel leaped up and swept Kelsier’s leg from underneath him. Kelsier cried out, losing control and falling into the mists. Gemmel Pushed against the vials full of metal flakes that Kelsier — like most Allomancers — carried on his belt. That Push shoved Kelsier away from the building and out into the mists.
  5. He plummeted, and lost rational thought for a moment. There was a primal terror to falling. Gemmel had spoken about controlling that, about learning not to fear heights or get disoriented while dropping.Those lessons fled Kelsier’s mind. But he was falling. Fast. Through churn-ing mists, disoriented. It would take only seconds to hit the ground. Desperate, he Pushed on those vials of metal, hoping he was pointed the right direction. They ripped from his belt and smashed downward into something. The ground.
  7. There wasn’t much metal in them. Barely enough to slow Kelsier. He hit the ground a fraction of a second after Pushing, and the blow knocked the wind from him. His vision flashed.
  9. Kelsier groaned and pushed himself up to his hands and knees. He was alive. And remarkably, nothing seemed broken — though his side and thigh smarted something wicked. He’d have awful bruises. Pewter had kept him alive. The fall, even with the Push at the end, would have broken another man’s bones
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