
Shen - Flowers. Chicks Dig Flowers!

Feb 11th, 2014
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  1. [19:46] <Deedles> Around the end of the first week of training Ziulong was sat by the lake again, a satchel on his lap that he was looking through the pockets of with a focused expression.
  2. [19:49] <Shen> Shen walked up to the man, his body covered in various places by bandages as he 'enjoyed' his rather peaceful day of self-reflection - or as Shen saw it: Doing nothing. "Ziulong." he greeted him with a nod as he approached.
  3. [19:53] <Deedles> The Water Mentor looked up at Shen and nodded in return "Good evening." he greeted, glancing down at his satchel again "How are you feeling?"
  4. [19:58] <Shen> "My body is tired, by my soul aches to continue." he worded in slight annoyance to himself. "Meditation on the lake seems to help a lot though." he admitted.He had grown addicted to walking on the lake after discovering the ability to do so, no longer needing to submerge his body to properly connect himself. "How about you?" he asked Ziulong.
  5. [20:01] <Deedles> "Sorting the seeds I've collected." Ziulong replied as he held one up to demonstrate to the young Storm Dragon. "Many rare plants around here. Make potent medicines."
  6. [20:05] <Shen> Shen's mist passively swept across them as Ziulong showed him the seed. Shen had begun to fuse his chi sense with that of the mist to form a much better andclearer picture of the world around him. It was also much easier to keep a small amount of mist around him than a full sphere of it, finding it almost too easy to control now. He rubbed his jaw as he remembered a thought he had previously.
  7. [20:05] <Shen> "What would you say the rarest of them all is?" he questioned curiously.
  8. [20:06] <Deedles> The Water Mentor pondered for a moment before he fished up another seed "This. The seed of a Snow Lily." he told Shen "Can be used for a lot of medicine. Strong and versatile."
  9. [20:08] <Shen> "Its perfect." he nodded firmly, though his words were more directed back at himself than the Water mentor. "Where abouts do they grow?"
  10. [20:09] <Deedles> "Close to water. Howso?" Ziulong peered at him, his expression holding a hint of curiousity.
  11. [20:11] <Shen> "It seems like my liver has been very active lately." he looked back to Ziulong with a blank, but jokeful expression.
  12. [20:13] <Deedles> The doctor uttered the dull sound Shen had heard before as he nodded "I think she will like it." he said quietly.
  13. [20:18] <Shen> "I hope so." he smiled faintly as he thought of her, eager to continue training, but also to return home to her. Even if it was only for a short while. "I don'tsuppose you have any pot or container of some kind I can use to carry one back with me?" Shen asked, suddenly thinking of the trip home. "I'm fresh out of plant pots." he patted his pockets.
  14. [20:21] <Deedles> Ziulong opened his satchel fully, digging deeper inside before he brought out a weaved pot to hand to Shen "This should do." he said quietly
  15. [20:23] <Shen> "I owe you one, Ziulong." he bowed in thanks with a grin as he took the pot. "Do you need anything while I'm up there, by chance?"
  16. [20:32] <Deedles> The mentor pondered on that for a moment "No, but once we return to the village..." he trailed off as he simply nodded.
  17. [20:35] <Shen> Shen raised an eyebrow as he straightened up again, idly placing the pot into his pack as he looked towards the man. "Yes?..." he encouraged, a slight look of amusement creeping onto his face.
  18. [20:36] <Deedles> "I wish to ask the Empress a favour." The Silent Ice answered, glancing up at Shen.
  19. [20:38] <Shen> "A favour?" he asked curiously, rubbing his jaw. "...I can take you to see her if you want." he offered with a shrug, though he didn't know what she could do for him.
  20. [20:39] <Deedles> "Thank you." Ziulong returned his attention to the satchel, and though he's normally silent... this silence seemed more pressing.
  21. [20:41] <Shen> Shen looked down at the man suspiciously, though not unfondly, as his mist began to dance him...
  22. [20:42] <Deedles> As the mist surronded the Mentor Shen could feel the usual calm that followed Ziulong everywhere, but nestled in there was a feeling Shen can't recall seeing or sensing in the Silent Ice previously; He was a bit nervous.
  23. [20:55] <Shen> He didn't know wether to be nervous himself or amused, either way he was intrigued. Shen took a seat on his folded legs next to the mentor as he continued to watch him. "For one who is usually as deadly calm as this lake, you're giving off some rather noticeable ripples." he jested quietly.
  24. [20:57] <Deedles> Despite Ziulong not moving Shen could notice that he stiffened faintly at that. He was quiet at first before he nodded. "I am... not entirely calm." he confessed vaguely, before he mumbled. "My liver has been active for a while now."
  25. [21:07] <Shen> "Huh?" Shen barked in sheer suprise a little too loudly, quickly lowering his voice as he continued. "You mean you... you know... but who?" Shen wavered as he thought himself too nosy, but he was just so curious, so suprised. "Its not Blossom, is it?" he narrowed his eyes faintly as he watched the man.
  26. [21:10] <Deedles> Ziulong shook his head "Of course not. While a talented Doctor, calm and benevolent..." he trailed off before sighing silently "... Tsula." he admitted, his voice barely audible.
  27. [21:14] <Shen> "Tsula?" he barked again loudly as he recoiled, his face a mix of horror and sheer incredulity. He meekly put a hand over his mouth in silence, as he just staredat the mentor. "Thats... But shes..." he sighed and shook his head. He knew far too well about the complications of such feelings and it was really no different. "Thats a good thing though." he reassured quietly to Ziulong. "Its nothing to be nervous about."
  28. [21:16] <Deedles> "... I want to tell her." Ziulong stated, as if to explain his feelings, closing his satchel as he put it to the side.
  29. [21:23] <Shen> "So tell her." Shen replied casually, though his tone wasn't insensitive. "Is that not the logical thing to do?"
  30. [21:25] <Deedles> "I assume so." Ziulong said with a thoughtful expression. "The only way to get an answer."
  31. [21:27] <Shen> "She can't answer if you don't tell her." Shen quoted the mans own words not a week earlier in agreement with a muted grin. "What is the worst that can happen if you do?"
  32. [21:44] <Deedles> The Water Mentor shrugged, having no real answer for that question.
  33. [21:53] <Shen> Shen made to rise from his sitting position with a stiff groan as his body complained. "I'll take you to see Blossom either way." he let out a heavy sigh as he stood fully. "For now, I have a flower to find."
  34. [22:10] <Deedles> "Good luck. I usually find some close by the hot springs." Ziulong told him as he followed Shen with his gaze.
  35. [22:14] <Shen> "Then I'll investigate there first, if I just so happen to end up looking in the hot spring itself... then so be it." he muttered sagely as he turned and began to walk. "Make sure you listen to your liver more." he advised, lazily waving back to him.
  36. [22:14] <Deedles> Ziulong chuckled dully as Shen walked away, waving slightly in return.
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