
Training Scene/End of Training Sequence - Markus

Jun 11th, 2016
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  1. <Desoph> Church sent a text for Markus to come to his number included. He had plans....yes...plans. He may be limited now in his scope...but not his vision! He would succeed at -all- costs...
  2. <DarnellJermaine> Markus shows up- wearing his typical Markus get up-although he seems much bolder and more excited than before- first what happened last night- and second now he's being called by his new friend. He knocks on the door, "Ch-church? I'm here"
  3. <Desoph> "Move your ass...don't have all day." He said...british accent today. Not an annoying one either. He must practice too! He must be able to blend in anywhere...demon thing.
  4. <DarnellJermaine> (is the door unlocked?)
  5. <Desoph> Church had an assortment of clothes arranged on his bed. Dress shirts and pants. Shoes as well!(on the floor)...ties and everything. Church has been a busy bee indeed.
  6. <Desoph> (Yessum)
  7. <DarnellJermaine> Markus opens the door and walks inside, looking around before landing his eyes on Church. "H-hey man! What's up?" he still seemed a bit shaky and nervous- but much less so. Not the same bumbling idiot Church had met the other day anyways- apparently he felt a bit more comfortable around Church.
  8. <Desoph> The room was neat and clean. Church had a suit jacket and dress shirt hanging to remain wrinkle free. He was in slacks and a tanktop. Loafers of what appeared handmade quality. He was built like a gymnast with just enough body fat to smooth the lines of his definition. He was made this way he had said. Muscular but not puffy. The bed had crimson wrappings of
  9. <Desoph> silk and the room held a smell of a cologne most inticing. Aqua Di Gio? Nautica? A custom blend? Church looked to Markus. "You are my project. My dear Lady Elspeth must be seen with only the creme. Do you wish to rise to the top? Or remain behind for pastuerizing?"
  10. <DarnellJermaine> Markus stepped looked Church in the eyes- with boldness and determination. He wasn't sure what Church was talking about... but he was cool- and he liked Elspeth too! He nodded his head, "I-I don't know what you mean- but if I can be on top, then that's where I want to be!" he said rather firmly.
  11. <Desoph> "Oh gods...really?" Churched laughed. He waved a hand. "Too easy...I pass...this one time." Another chuckled and he sighed. "Ok...what is the difference between you and I? What made you dislike me until I beat sense into you so you understood I was playing?"
  12. <DarnellJermaine> "N-not you really" he said, taking a seat wherever he could, "You're alright- you trade blows as a pass time- it's who you are. And I respect that" he looked up with a smile, "Some people just- take it too far. I've kinda..." he didn't know if he should mention this to Church or not- he didn't want him to think he was uncool... "been bullied a lot. But I always get my revenge" he seems to mean these words.
  13. <Desoph> "My point is too sharp and passed through your head. My apologies. No. Difference is I own who I am." He made a fist and held it out. "Look upon me...see mighty and despair." He laughed a bit at that spot of paraphrase. "This is who I am. Escapist...paradise seeker and aid to one most honorable. I wear my skin and does not wear me." He looked
  14. <Desoph> Markus over. "I am a wolf are a chihuahua. I own my lineage and you do not...inside you flows the blood of ancient strength...I...will make you a suit and it is up to you to wear it...or be worn by it. Do you want to own the room upon enterance? Or be a cute plushie waiting to be played with?"
  15. <DarnellJermaine> Markus stood firm- no anger or hatred- just desire. "D-damn right I want to own the room upon entrance! I want to be strong- I want to be a wolf. I want to be the biggest wolf- the Fenrir of wolves!" he put up his scrawny arms for emphasis. "C-come on then. I'm ready. Tell me what I need to do"
  16. <Desoph> "First...take a bloody shower." He grabbed a shower caddy with shampoo and such in it. "Then..." tossed him some boxers and a part of shorts. "Come back and we will...fix what we can and get you looking the part."
  17. <DarnellJermaine> Markus seemed a bit surprised. The first step to success was taking another shower? Welp, he trusted Church. "Ok' he says with a firm head nod and heads off to the shower with the soap and clothes in hand-coming back about 15 minutes later looking sparkly clean. "N-now what?"
  18. <Desoph> "Park your ass." Church replied and got a fresh comb out. A shrug and the head was tamed properly. Next...Church got a trimmer kit. "The nails are your...signature...but they are ass. They are baaad. So...clean them up. Don't remove them...just...unfuglify them." Kit is offered.
  19. <DarnellJermaine> Markus takes the kit warily- he didn't plan on cutting his fingernails- but maybe a bit of a trim was in order? He carefully whittles them down and cleans them- still a bit creepy but not nearly as ugly or horrifying.
  20. * [1]SpookyBee ( has joined
  21. <Desoph> Church looks him over a bit and sits in his reading chair. "There it is..." he said with a grin. "Out fuckin' standing. Now...what makes you hesitate in a room? What is it that keeps the wolf caged and the plushie on display?"
  22. <DarnellJermaine> Markus clenches his fists a bit- afraid to admit it- "D-damn popular kids! Just because they look good and can talk easier- they think they're the shit. They just step all over people- all the same" he looks down a bit, anger in his eyes.
  23. * DarcellJermaine has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  24. * SpookyBee has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  25. * [1]SpookyBee is now known as SpookyBee
  26. * DarcellJermaine ( has joined
  27. <Desoph> "I bet I could get a tampax if you need it..." He said easily...he crossed his legs casually and his hands gripped his knee. "See what I did there? It is called...plug it. So popular people are pricks and jerks. They step on and manipulate...but...I am a prick...a jerk. *perfect southern accent on this one* a sumbitch *back to british* and we are.
  28. <Desoph> You sitting here and theworld fucking itself to death around us." A shrug and a smile. "So they look good and talk easier...did you know the human animal attributes 60% of all memory and emotional judgements based on the sense of smell? So...first...smell fantastic. Look the best you can -at all times- and know that you are a sexy beast. Own it
  29. <Desoph> and they will see you have confidence...visual there. IF your words are difficult..." another shrug and he talks slower a bit, "then...choose to speak with an aire of...mysterious intensity that leaves them wondering what thoughts you have that cause distraction." He rubs his chin a moment. "You are putting on a show...sir. You are an actor and the part you
  30. <Desoph> play is the star...the hero. This is -your- time. Guess how many times I have been told -no- by the opposite sex. Go ahead...guess."
  31. <DarnellJermaine> Markus looked up, a bit confused by his words. Maybe a change of appearance -would- help, but it's not like Markus rejected his appearance due to fear or lack of care. "I don't care for appearances. I will follow your instructions so I can be creme of the crop- but I don't care how those popular kids look. I care about who a person is on the inside" he points to his chest around where the heart would be, "It's
  32. <DarnellJermaine> their attitudes that drive me mad" he releases a sigh, and then responds to Sebastian's question, "I don't know... never? Once?"
  33. * RosyBud ( has joined
  34. <Desoph> "Eight in ten." He chuckled. "80% failure rate." He shrugged. "Well...when I was active that is. may not care about what someone looks like but this world is like my pool of compassion...shallow. IF the package doesn't look good...the prize inside must be a trinket...a bobble." He tilted his head enough for his neck to pop. "I dress
  35. <Desoph> nicely...overly so in most cases...because -I- love the feel of being dressed like that. Fuck everyone else. This is about me and what I want. desires align with my beloved Elspeth's because she is of a rare caliber. But the point remains...I take pride in myself and treat myself with honor and respect. If you take care of the will
  36. <Desoph> show confidence. They see that and act in accordance. Why should they care if you don't?"
  37. <DarnellJermaine> Markus nods his head, "Take pride in myself...huh?" he starts nodding his head, a smile appearing on his face- a creepy one at that! "Y-yeah... my powers are strong! I'm tough- I'm the only one who gets REAL music!" he straightens himself out- looking pumped up. "I am the man- I'm Markus Singer god damn it!"
  38. <Desoph> "Ding dong mother fucker...ding dong." Church chuckled a bit. " stinks in here because you are the shit." What was he gonna do with this kid? "Repeat that in your head when you approach a room or a group. You are the man. Not everyone likes all flavors. I, myself, am one that has to be desired to enjoy. Heat and sweet. Regardless...understand
  39. <Desoph> that not everyone is able or willing. Who cares if they say no? Move to the next because thelaw of averages are in your favor." Church stands and...dark colors would be best. "Yes...a gothic thing would suit you well...paint those nails black and get a Count Singer thing going on..." he said to himself and...dress pants, shoes, socks, tie. Go bold
  40. <Desoph> and against the grain! "In this order...pants socks shoes then stop. Ok?"
  41. <DarnellJermaine> He nods, and puts them on on as instructed. "Church, I umm, kind of already have a girlfriend..I think?" he seems a bit more relaxed- his newfound confidence slowly growing inside of him. Meeting Kali and now this little arrangement with Church seems to have reforged Markus- much bolder and more determined than before. "I...I am the man. I am. Who cares about the popular kids? People like you and me are far
  42. <DarnellJermaine> above them!" he says, a wide creepy smile spreading on his face. Markus- you ok man?
  43. * RosyBud is now known as Corpse
  44. * Corpse is now known as RosyBud
  45. * RosyBud is now known as Gluttony
  46. * Gluttony is now known as RosyBud
  47. <Desoph> Church smiled a bit and handed Markus an undershirt and he spritz LIGHTLY with a bit of cologne. "One other thing polite...and try to care even if there is none. Don't be heartless...don't be cruel. would Church react to this ass hat? If your answer comes to insult or theopposite. Even if you absolutely hate the
  48. <Desoph> polite. Don't be a bitch now...but don't be like I would be. Trust would be better. It will open up more options."
  49. <DarnellJermaine> Markus looks up- the hatred in his eyes fading. He offers a smaller smile- much less creepy now and nods his head. "Ok...thanks. I mean it, thank you Church. I'm gonna do my best. I wanna be the creme of the crop- for you, for Elspeth, for Kali. I'll be better, I promise" he says, accepting the cologne and putting on the shirt.
  50. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Kioku
  51. <Desoph> Church helped Markus into the dress shirt. And buttoned it for the man...making sure all lines were even and the collar was 'just so' before offering a belt. "Tuck it in...belt up...and go have fun kid. Smile...have a blast. Be kind...shiw compassion if you can.'re as awesome as you wanna be. Now get out if here before I go demon
  52. <Desoph> and try to polute your mind or something." Waved a hand in a shoo gesture and a laugh after another spritz of cologne for Markus. Not too much...Church had it down to an art of how much...just a hint to make them want to move closer to know what it is...
  53. <DarnellJermaine> Markus stood up, not sure what to do. Church had taken the time to talk to him- to help him. He moved in to give him a bro hug, "Thanks...I won't let you down. I'm Markus Singer after all" a new expression of confidence on his face as he pulled away- Markus has been reforged! He moves to the door and walks out, waving one last goodbye.
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