
F1 AIE Chapter 20

Oct 23rd, 2012
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  1. F1 Anon in Equestria Chapter 20
  6. >It's Saturday in Fillydelphia, and if today was anything like yesterday, there would be vivid blue skies and bright sunshine.
  7. >Unfortunately, that's not the case.
  8. >Dark clouds obstruct the usual warm sunlight and thick sheets of rain pelt the racing surface outside the garage.
  9. >Better yet, today is qualifying day. Oh joy.
  10. >You knew this was coming. Weather forecast told you so.
  11. >Doesn't make it any less annoying though. Racing in the wet is a fucking chore.
  12. >TS: "Where are you expecting to be when this is over with?" Twi asks while she fits the final new part on your machine.
  13. "In bed, sleeping."
  14. >TS: "No, grid position, smart ass."
  15. >You softly chuckle to yourself as Twilight rolls her eyes.
  16. "Don't expect a pole out of me today. I'll be lucky if I get into Q2 in this weather."
  17. >TS: "Alright, What about you Dash?"
  18. >Rainbow, over at the garage's entrance looking outward, replies "No idea. It's getting real heavy out here."
  19. >Twilight just nods, then continues to place your cars new rear body panel back on.
  20. >Once that is finally attatched, your car will have a full functioning blown diffuser system.
  21. >These parts just came in today with about an hour to spare before qualifying is set to start.
  22. >Any later and you would've been out of luck, It has taken just about 55 minutes to fit all the new parts on to both of the Cloudsdale Weather machines.
  23. >Each Cloudsdale Weather car now has a brand new exhaust system, a new floor pan/diffuser, and new rear body panels to accommodate the different pipes.
  24. >TS: "There. Finished. Not too bad if I do say so myself!"
  25. >RD: "Looks good Twilight. Do you know if it'll work?"
  26. >TS: "If my calculations were correct then yes it should. I don't know if you'll notice it due to all the rain though."
  27. "We should, Remember the third week of testing at EquineRing Dash?"
  28. >RD: "Oh Celestia, don't remind me."
  29. >Massive thunderstorm rolled in during a testing session back about a month ago. It was everyone's first taste of wet weather driving.
  30. >There were a lot of damaged cars that day.
  31. "Yeah, We know how these cars feel in the wet. It should be noticeable."
  32. >TS: "Ok then. Get ready, you guys have two minutes."
  34. ----
  36. >Man, your heart is beating faster than usual. You know you're nervous but holy shit.
  37. >You've already got adrenaline pumping through your system and the car hasn't even ignited yet.
  38. >Deep breaths, calm down.
  39. >You have been strapped in for a couple of minutes now. Session started 30 seconds ago.
  40. >Currently you're eyeing the computer screen mounted in front of your face on the monocoque, waiting for an open spot on the track to merge.
  41. >There is a big one coming with plenty of room. just need to wait about a minute.
  42. >If you, a well versed Formula One driver, are getting this worked up. You gotta wonder just what the hell Rainbow is feeling right now.
  43. >You look over at her for a second. That same confident look is showing through her visor as she sits in her machine, monitoring the screen in front of her.
  44. >If she's feeling anything, she knows how to hide it well. Not even an ounce of fear in those eyes.
  45. >Now. Wonderbolts Racing, Team Thunder, and Bass Cannon Racing have implemented the Blown Exhaust system onto their cars along with you. So they are your main competition.
  46. >Unfortunately for SPA Racing and Hurricane Force Racing, they either didn't have the funds for the conversion or couldn't design one in time for this weekend. Which means those four drivers have no chance to be competitive.
  47. >Pretty much going to be scrounging for points tomorrow. Such is life on the F1 grid.
  48. --
  49. >TS: "*Go go go!*"
  50. >Dropping the clutch, your car lurches forward out into the cold, wet, slick track. Rainbow following shortly after you.
  51. >The water collecting on your visor is already hindering your vision. Need to get up to speed quick before you're completely blind.
  52. >You turn onto turn 2 and press your pit speed limiter. You punch the throttle hard for a split second to gauge how much traction you have.
  53. >The engine hits 14,000 rpm, but the rear tires just spin with zero acceleration.
  54. >No traction. Great. Awesome. FUCK.
  57. >TS: "*Remember Anon, this is it. Q1 time ran out. Push push!*"
  58. >SLOWLY you get on the throttle exiting the hairpin. Once you're at a good set momentum, you press your KERS button and the car accelerates at a more rapid pace.
  59. >KERS runs out just before your braking point for the chicane. The car reaches a top speed of 197 MPH before you slow down. Pretty fucking fast for no DRS and in the wet.
  60. >You guide the twitchy vehicle through the treacherous bend, exiting smoothly. Crossing the finish line 5 seconds later, Twilight reveals your place on the grid.
  61. >TS: "*You barely made it into Q2. 6th place. Congratulations.*"
  62. >Hell. 5 other drivers are crazier than you are. That's impressive.
  63. >You let out a long exhale happy that this is over. Fuck driving in the rain.
  64. >TS: "*It's not over yet, get back to the garage so we can set the car up for the next session.*"
  65. "*Negative Twi. I'm not coming back out here again.*"
  66. >TS: "*Wu- WHAT? We could easily get a better position than this!*"
  67. "*I'm not risking the car for a chance at a better spot Twilight. Just look what happened to Blossomforth. I'll do just fine from 6th tomorrow.*"
  68. >Speaking of Blossomforth, you come up to the crash scene again just before the hairpin.
  69. >Must have lost the rear end. She's fine, but that car is trashed.
  73. >Now back at the garage, you unbuckle yourself and wriggle your way out of the seat.
  74. >Twilight, with her headset around her neck, walks up to you and says: "Do you not trust yourself out there?"
  75. >Removing your helmet, you reply:
  76. "No I don't. Back home I wrecked 90% of the time in wet weather. We got lucky, I don't want to risk the car anymore than I have to."
  77. >RD: "90 percent? Damn Anon."
  78. >Dash walks up behind you from her car in a soaking wet fire suit. Just like you.
  79. >RD: "You need to work on that shit. Anyway, I got 7th. So since I'm not going back out there, where's the food. I'm starving."
  80. >TS: "Hospitality tent is on the other side of the track in the infield."
  81. "You are always fucking hungry! What the hell?"
  82. RD: "I'm a pegasus, DUH!"
  83. "Still! You've eaten three times today and it's only noon."
  84. RD: "Being an awesome ass F1 pilot is hard work. So shut up. Tummy need food." she says as she begins to walk to the hospitality tent.
  85. >Just before you can say another word, your stomach says one for you.
  86. *gggrrrrrrrruuummmbllllleeee*
  87. >Rainbow turns back you with a smile forming. Twilight holds in a giggle off to the side.
  88. "Shut up. This'll be the first I've eaten today."
  89. >RD: "Yeah yeah. You want me to bring something back? That thing sounds angry."
  90. "Nah I'll come along."
  93. >Over in the infield of the circuit, you and Dash are sitting at one of the tables set up under the large white hospitality tent.
  94. >RD: "Nothing like racetrack food eh?" she says in between bites of her sandwich.
  95. "I'll say. Tell you what though."
  96. RD: "What?"
  97. "Back home, a trick me and my old teammate did was this. On race day, everyone who is camping in the infield usually cooks their own food. So we would walk through all the camp sites, and because we were drivers, EVERYONE would offer a plate of what they were making."
  98. >RD: "Dude."
  99. "There is nothing better than free homemade food. Scored some of the best fried fish I've ever had in my life doing that."
  100. >RD: "We have to try that tomorrow."
  101. >Just then, a grey pony notices you two sitting there. Shes decked out in Cloudsdale Weather apparel so she must be a fan.
  103. >Hey its Derpy! This is the first time you've seen her since you arrived here in Equestria.
  104. >RD: "Hehehe, hey Derpy. Staying out of trouble?"
  105. >DH: "Yeah. Haven't broken anything too expensive today."
  106. >Don't go anywhere near the cars then.
  107. >RD: "Oh. I heard that you tried out for the grid back when this thing started a few months ago. Right?"
  108. >DH: "Thats right!"
  109. >Hoooooly shit. What?
  110. "Uh. How did that go for you?"
  111. >Derpy puts a hoof to her chin thinking back to the simulator tryout sessions.
  113. >DH: "I think I did pretty well!"
  114. >Right.
  115. >Suddenly, a horn blares signaling the start of Q2. Immediately after, growls of fire breathing engines fill the air.
  116. >DH: "Oh! I better get back to my seat. Wouldn't wanna miss Spitfire out here.
  117. >What?
  118. "Spitfire? Why her?"
  119. >DH: "Did you not see her in the last session? She is SPECTACULAR in the rain!" She says as she hurries back to her vantage point.
  120. >You and Dash look to each other. Then simultaneously get up from the table and hurry back to the garage.
  121. "Spectacular huh? did you see what kind of lap times she got last session? I didn't look."
  122. >RD: "I saw them, but I don't think you'll like em."
  123. "Cant be too far off from ours, we got close to breaking 1:20.000"
  124. >The short silence that follows worries you.
  125. >RD: "She got a 1:18.101"
  126. >Wu-
  127. >Wuh-
  128. >FFFFFuck that's quick.
  131. >Passing Bass Cannon Racing's garage, you look inside to see everyone staring at the monitor.
  132. >Octavia and Vinyl's expression tell it all. Something amazing is happening out there.
  133. >You and Rainbow sprint the short distance left to your garage. eventually joining everyone else in watching the television screen on the left wall of your stall.
  134. >...
  135. >WHAT.
  136. >RD: "Sweet Celestia..."
  137. >Someone tell Spitfire that this is Formula One, not Formula Drift.
  138. >Shes DRIFTING the thing through Turn 5 like a rally car on dirt, and she's in complete control! How is this faster than driving it smoothly!? HOW!?!
  139. "Is this how she got her lap time last session?"
  140. >Mouth still wide open, Twi replies: "Uh huh."
  141. "That shouldn't be possible. She can't be able to do that in this kind of car."
  142. RD: "She's doing it right in front of our eyes Anon."
  143. "Holy shit."
  145. >That was Spitfire herself passing down the front stretch beginning her hot lap.
  146. >Shortly following her pass, the other four cars set to qualify in Q2 exit out onto the track. Octavia, Soarin, Thunderlane, and Vinyl.
  147. >Dash and yourself however, are still fixated on Spitfires performance. All of Equestria watching along.
  149. TS: "This is looking like her fastest time yet, her Sector One and Sector Two times are already faster than last sessions."
  150. >Derpy was right. This is spectacular. That car is finding every bit of traction out in those horrid conditions and using it to it's fullest potential.
  151. >Just like Senna's driving style. Wow.
  152. >Even your thoughts are rendered speechless as Spits crosses the finish line.
  153. >As her time is displayed on the screen in front of you, Most of your crew in the garage exclaim "Woah!", as do most of the spectators outside.
  154. >TV: "My Celestia! A 1:17.989! A time faster than some of the practice session times set in dry weather yesterday! This should definitely cement her spot on pole for tomorrows Grand Prix!"
  155. >Good fucking god. You couldn't even break a 1:20. How the FUCK are you going to win tomorrow?
  156. >RD: "Uh Anon?"
  157. "Yeah?"
  158. >RD: "We're boned aren't we?"
  159. "Eeyup."
  161. 9/9
  164. Fillydelphia Grand Prix Starting Grid
  166. 1. Spitfire - Q1: 1:18.101 - Q2: 1:17.989
  167. 2. Soarin - Q1: 1:19.434 - Q2: 1:19.151
  168. 3. Vinyl Scratch - Q1: 1:20.001 - Q2: 1:19.411
  169. 4. Octavia - Q1: 1:19.798 - Q2: 1:19.793
  170. 5. Thunderlane - Q1: 1:19.557 - Q2: 1:20.136
  171. 6. Anonymous - Q1: 1:20.266 - Q2: -No time set-
  172. 7. Rainbow Dash - Q1: 1:20.490
  173. 8. Cloud Chaser - Q1: 1:22.778
  174. 9. Flitter - Q1: 1:23.111
  175. 10. Aloe - Q1: 1:23.602
  176. 11. Lotus - Q1: 1.24.005
  177. 12. Blossomforth - Q1: -Crash-
  180. Spitfire drifting in the wet was inspired by these amazing drivers from the 80's. (minus the green car)
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