
You Wouldn't Pirate a Robin

Aug 30th, 2014
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  1. Jul 20 21:00:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> It's later on June 3rd, 7 PM, starting to get into the evening. The Infirmary doesn't have its door blocked this time, at least
  2. Jul 20 21:01:24 <Knox> Still, Knox is feeling sort of cautious, so he knocks, this time. "...Red?"
  3. Jul 20 21:01:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> There's a pause, before "Come in."
  4. Jul 20 21:02:41 * Knox opens the door and heads in, then. He's fairly slow in his movements.
  5. Jul 20 21:04:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> She's sitting on the bed, knees hugged to her chest. Kraven is curled around her, he's looking at the door as you come in as well
  6. Jul 20 21:06:39 * Knox closes the door behind himself, quietly. He looks around the room for a moment, and then at the girl quietly huddling on the bed. "...Hey." he says quietly. " are you feeling?"
  7. Jul 20 21:07:17 <Aori_Radidjiu> "...tired." She hasn't turned to face you yet.
  8. Jul 20 21:08:46 <Knox> He looks around again, then finds a place to sit near the bed. "..." He's still a bit out of sorts after earlier, and though he did want to talk to her, he's found himself at a loss of how to start.
  9. Jul 20 21:08:57 <Knox> Not on the bed, mind, but a chair near it.
  10. Jul 20 21:09:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> "..."
  11. Jul 20 21:10:34 <Aori_Radidjiu> "So um...where am I?"
  12. Jul 20 21:10:36 <Knox> He's quiet for a few moments, and after several moments... an awkward apology stumbles out of his mouth. "...I'm... sorry. That I couldn't find you earlier..."
  13. Jul 20 21:12:32 <Knox> "...yeah, you probably noticed this isn't the Eclipse. ...This is the Mutiny, a ship owned by..." he thinks on how best to explain this. "Basically, undercover cops? That's not exactly right, it feels more like a private group of mercenaries with some legal jurisdiction. ...They offered me a chance to go after the assholes that did this."
  14. Jul 20 21:13:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> She chuckles a little. "From pirates to cops, huh?"
  15. Jul 20 21:15:17 <Knox> "Wouldn't have been my first choice." he leans back, contemplating. "But... it got me this far. I wouldn't have found you, or even known you were still alive, if I hadn't taken the deal." He smiles a bit, though. The fact that she's finding the humor in things is a good sign.
  16. Jul 20 21:17:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> " anyone else okay...?"
  17. Jul 20 21:20:29 <Knox> He breathes in, and then out heavily. "...I... don't know for the most part. You were the first I found. I think they might have Fujiko captured and being used like you were, still. I did manage to get in contact with Kimi, though, and I think she's with Selene. They're in Hermit Town, if I interpreted their message right, but Selene... might not be well. The others... I've heard nothing
  18. Jul 20 21:20:29 <Knox> about in an entire year's time."
  19. Jul 20 21:21:02 <Knox> "Dead, scattered, captured... It's impossible to tell where the rest of the crew is at the moment."
  20. Jul 20 21:21:19 <Knox> "I sure as hell intend to find out, though."
  21. Jul 20 21:21:49 <Knox> "Here, it's just you and me."
  22. Jul 20 21:22:09 <Knox> "..How much do you remember?"
  23. Jul 20 21:23:35 <Aori_Radidjiu> "'s hazy. Every now and then I remember waking up and then being put under again in some way or another..."
  24. Jul 20 21:24:42 <Knox> "They kept filling you full of drugs. Aggression enhancers. And the suit you were wearing blocked things out of your head, made you more susceptible to being commanded. That's what the chick we had look at it said."
  25. Jul 20 21:25:22 <Knox> He bites his lip. "You were fighting with them against our team when we found you."
  26. Jul 20 21:26:10 <Aori_Radidjiu> "...I was? ...huh..."
  27. Jul 20 21:27:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> She hugs her knees a little tighter.
  28. Jul 20 21:27:52 <Knox> "Yeah, but don't blame yourself, alright? Some research I did brought something into light. You gave them a hell of a fight. Probably killed one of their higher-ups, too." he leaves out the exact method of 'research' he use. "...I brought some stress relievers, if you want them." he leaves the pills on the nightstand next to the bed.
  29. Jul 20 21:29:45 <Knox> "The shit they used was powerful. You didn't really have a choice. I'm just glad you're back, now."
  30. Jul 20 21:31:04 <Aori_Radidjiu> "...I am too..."
  31. Jul 20 21:33:41 <Knox> "...Even though I got cleanly away, I went back to the place we were jumped as soon as it seemed safe to check. The ship was gone, not a damn trace of anyone or anything left behind. ...I kept looking for all of you for a while, wanted to hope for so long that I wasn't the only one who managed to get out. Every avenue I checked turned up dead ends, and if I exposed myself too much, I
  32. Jul 20 21:33:42 <Knox> was dead anyway and couldn't help anyone." he grits his teeth. "...So I hung back and laid low, studying magic and keeping my eyes and ears open. Then I get approached by this organization that tells me they know who the shady shits that jumped us were."
  33. Jul 20 21:34:15 <Knox> "Even if they were cops, there wasn't any way I could pass that up. And then... I found you."
  34. Jul 20 21:36:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> She nods along.
  35. Jul 20 21:36:51 <Knox> "Team Aether. Jasmine was right, Red. This was way bigger than we wanted to get involved in. I'm talking about a crime syndicate spanning across different realities, here. What the hell they were really after with us and everything else, I don't know. But... I'm going to keep going until I know everyone's fate and can crush Aether for what they did to us."
  36. Jul 20 21:38:55 <Knox> "After that... I guess we'll have to see. I'm apparently going to get pardoned but it only matters to me as much as they're not throwing me in jail right now."
  37. Jul 20 21:39:50 <Knox> "...anyway, sorry. Fuck, this was probably a lot to just dump on you."
  38. Jul 20 21:42:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> " there somewhere I could go...? Like...somewhere safe?"
  39. Jul 20 21:43:47 <Knox> "...I don't know that, either. We're making a stop at Mt. Abalone on the way to Hermit, but we're going to see what the situation is with Kimi. Honestly, this ship is both one of the safest and -least- safe places to be right now."
  40. Jul 20 21:44:27 <Aori_Radidjiu> "..." She pauses and stares into space for a bit
  41. Jul 20 21:44:35 <Knox> "I'm pretty damn sure Aether is well aware of us as a threat but fuck if I'll downplay safety in numbers."
  42. Jul 20 21:45:04 <Knox> "I don't blame you if you don't want to get involved in this more."
  43. Jul 20 21:45:12 <Knox> "You've been through enough shit already."
  44. Jul 20 21:48:12 <Knox> "I guess technically, Lecia's place is safe but..." he grumbles a bit, not really finishing that thought.
  45. Jul 20 21:48:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> "...I need some time. Time to uh..."
  46. Jul 20 21:48:50 <Aori_Radidjiu> "...I guess it'd be airing out my head. It's all muddled."
  47. Jul 20 21:49:46 <Knox> "Yeah, alright... You should be safe moving about the ship, if you want."
  48. Jul 20 21:50:02 <Knox> "Some fresh air might do you some good."
  49. Jul 20 21:50:47 <Knox> "And maybe get something to eat besides the broth I've been feeding you the past few days."
  50. Jul 20 21:54:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> She nods slowly. "That...sounds good."
  51. Jul 20 21:55:39 <Knox> "..." He's still quiet for a bit, like there's so much he still wants to say, but can't quite find the words for.
  52. Jul 20 21:57:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> "..." She remains quiet.
  53. Jul 20 22:00:25 <Knox> He finally just says, "...Watch out if you go on deck, there may be messes that still haven't gotten taken care of. You missed a hell of a ship battle last night." He smirks. "We took on Kanaloa himself and won.Wish you could have seen it..."
  54. Jul 20 22:02:52 * Knox gets to his feet and contemplates. "The crew here is a collection of goofballs and assholes, but you're used enough to that, huh?" and as he goes to leave... he turns back from the door, and says quietly, more seriously. "...and by the way. Welcome back, Robin." It's about as close as he can get to saying 'I missed you'.
  55. Jul 20 22:03:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> She nods. "All right.... I'll go eat in a bit." She pauses... "I missed you, and everyone else."
  56. Jul 20 22:04:38 <Knox> He's quiet a moment, his stomach twisting. He can't really find the words to respond to that so he just nods, grimly.
  57. Jul 20 22:05:09 <Knox> And then silently, he makes his exit.
  58. Jul 20 22:13:57 <Aori_Radidjiu> </mini>
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