

Jun 7th, 2018
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  1. 1. One's character must be in compliance to the setting of the roleplay, meaning if you make a character they must be able to explain how they got to Hell in their entrance either by portal or by death. If they can't explain properly but still want to join, a member of the room can help create one for them. Their trial will not begin until they can present a decent roleplay entrance.
  3. 2. The trial days for a standard residential membership will be set at fourteen days, in which those days the newcomer will serve Saitoka directly and on the 14th day they can decide which position they want, which Lord to serve under, then they may continue to stay under Saitoka directly. If one wants to be of a higher rank then the trial will be set at 3 weeks. After the second week they are no longer considered a trialist but a residential member under the position they want is granted. With this said, higher ranking positions are not guaranteed after the three weeks, there will be a meeting among the lords and vassals to determine if your request is accepted, if there is a test you will be notified and then if you are granted the position there will be a ceremony held to announce your promotion. If on trial and inactive (unresponsive or absent without notice) for 3 days or more, you will fail your trial and your application will be deleted. If you come back you can ask for retrial which will only be granted after 30 days, but if you fail again you will not be allowed to return.
  5. 3. Slaves and Servants are two different roles and are not to be confused with the same thing. Servants are more like maids for the Lords. Slaves are meant to be treated as dogs, used by the Lords by whatever means they please. The role of Slave and Servant must be agreed upon by both parties and approved by Saitoka. Who will then read a disclosure, so no one feels they are treated unfairly. Slaves and Servants are not allowed to challenge Lords to a duel for their seat, nor are they allowed to be used as Vassals for a duel between two Lords.
  7. 4. Everyone has a chance to move up in rank, though if one is serving under a Lord a request can be put in and the Lord shall decide how their subordinate will be moved up. After an agreement has been made, the Lord must notify Saitoka so it can be kept on record.
  9. 5. Mind you, and this is a message to everyone, this is not a democracy. Saitoka is a tyrant and will make the rules as he pleases, it is up to you to decide if you would like to agree to the terms or not join at all. While its true most of the time he is peaceful if one riles him enough he will not hesitate to kick, block, and ban. So tread carefully, do not piss off the Demon King.
  11. 6. If there is no Lord of Seven Sin, One can apply for the position which will have to be earned after completing their 3 week trial. Saitoka and the current lord sins will be the judge of the applicant who must also come up with an impressive post describing what they would do if they were to play the role of that Sin. If it impresses Saitoka the role shall be granted but they will be placed at the end of the seven ranked system.
  13. 7. Lords have the ability to compete for a higher ranking, which will result in their seat being moved closer to the Demon king's throne and their suggestions will be taken into consideration a bit more than the others. Lords can request to be moved up but must present their number of followers as well as a well deserving agreement to why they deserve a higher rank. If the Lord wants to compete in a T-1 battle for higher rank then it must be agreed upon by both parties and monitored by Saitoka. If the Lords don't want to fight each other then they have the option of choosing one of their own vassals to fight.
  15. 8.Followers cannot challenge a Lord until serving them for at least 4 weeks. This is so they are familiar with each other and can get a feel for if they would like to move higher in rank. As a reminder, No follower is allowed to challenge the Lord Sloth.
  17. 9: Reminder: There is no limit to your RP. If you want to cuss, fine, if you want to fuck, fine. As long as its appropriate to the RP I don't mind.
  19. 10. DO NOT start judging someone because of their character. Do Not mix Real Life and Roleplay also applies. I will not tolerate bullying of any kind, and if I spot it I will boot the person. The first time is a warning, the second time you are being disrespectful, so then I will ban and remove you from the group. NO more than ONE chance.
  21. 11. This is also a reminder, even though when we are in ooc, we do require you hold the same respect as you would in character. So do not try to belittle someone, disrespect, challenge, poke, touch, or call someone out of their name. Some of the Lords or Ladies may want you to address them formally, and please do. Its not hard to just call somebody by their titles. To further explain this rule i will simply say that there would be no point in ranks and mods if there was no respect towards them for their hard work to get to where they are. If you want to be addressed as such then work your ass off to reach that and earn the respect of others to be called by your title. It wouldn't be fair for the Lord/Ladies if they were treated as everyone else unless stated otherwise.
  23. 12. If you have a problem with someone in the room that is a trial/member/lord/lady you need to follow these directions. First, address the person(s)in private. I do not want any situations in regards to a personal dispute between two people to be settled in the main rooms. It does not look good when there is drama unfolding for everyone to see so if you happen to start arguing the Mods have my permission to boot both parties until they have talked it out in private. With that said if you have a problem with a Mod, you can go to a different mod and ask them to mediate between the two of you. Mods are chosen to be unbiased in situations that may ask them to choose a side, which they shouldn't and if that happens their modships will be stripped from them. (This means that if a mod is choosing sides with another mod because they are buddies, both buddies will lose their mods until further notice.) Secondly, you need to record all evidence. One of the situation, one of you trying to CALMLY diffuse the issue, if no solution is found and you have talked to a mod then your argument will be valid. If no solution is reached only then may you bring Sai or Sao to decide how to handle the situation. Saitoka will NOT be able to help anyone who has an issue with another without proper evidence (Screenshot only, if you need to copy the log be sure it is a true copy, any tampering of evidence will lead to termination of membership and being banned entirely.)
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