
F1 AIE Chapter 14

Jul 6th, 2012
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  1. F1 Anon In Equestria: Chapter 14
  3. "Where is the care center?"
  4. >TS: "Next door."
  5. >Oh. Duh.
  6. "Come on, lets go check up on her."
  7. >You leave the ball room heading towards Rainbows position. Twilight immediately following behind you.
  8. >Back pain after a race is never a good sign. Either the custom seat was bad or she hit something. Hard.
  9. >Her scuffle with Vinyl might be the cause of it.
  10. >You don't know what exactly happened yet. Haven't been able to catch up on any play-by-plays of the race.
  11. >So you do the next best thing and ask the p0ny who had every bit of info at her hoof tips during the Grand Prix.
  12. >Yeah that one, the one walking next to you.
  13. "Any idea what might have caused the pain?"
  14. >TS: "On her telemetry, the suspension showed a spike when she went off at turn 12 on lap 56. I think her floor pan hit the curb itself."
  15. >Holy fucking shit OW.
  16. >You know exactly what that feels like. Not fun.
  17. >To compare it to anything, it would be like an MLB player taking a baseball bat to your lower back.
  18. >Shes gonna be sore all the way to the Grand Prix in Fillydelphia 2 weeks from now.
  19. >TS: "Her bouncing at the chicane after that probably didn't help."
  20. "Yeah no. Shes hurt."
  21. >Exiting the drivers quarters you both make the short walk to the care center.
  23. >You two enter the care center and inquire to an assistant to where Dash might be.
  24. >The p0ny directs you to the room shes in. The second down the hall on the right.
  25. >You both enter and see her sitting along side a doctor.
  26. >In a wheelchair.
  27. >Twilight gasps as you yell:
  28. "Oh my god! Rainbow!"
  29. >RD: "Calm down you drama queen, It's not as bad as it looks like."
  30. >Well that's a relief.
  31. "Okay, one: Fuck you, and two: How bad is it?"
  32. >RD: "I'm not paralyzed so it isn't that bad. It just hurts to walk and fly right now. That's why I'm in this thing."
  33. >The doctor then speaks to you.
  34. >DOC: "It's only a mild back sprain. She should be fit for racing again before the next Grand Prix."
  35. >He then turns to Rainbow.
  36. >DOC: "Rainbow, You will still be a bit sore, so be careful going around that circuit in Filly. I heard the chicane there is even more treacherous than this one is."
  37. >RD: "You're kidding me."
  38. "No he's right. The curbs are bigger and a wall sits right next to the track at the exit."
  39. >RD: "Fuck."
  40. >Couldn't have said it better yourself. That "Wall of Champions" is notable for a reason.
  41. >
  43. >After saying goodbye to the doctor, you three begin to leave the care center when Dash calls out to you.
  44. >RD: "Oh Anon! Guess who's in charge of pushing me around now."
  45. >You can see from a mile away where this is going.
  46. "Yourself. You have arms. Use em."
  47. >RD: "But I'm tired. I Just did an hour and a half of racing."
  48. "Uh... Me too?"
  49. >RD: "Just fuckin push me."
  50. >Fuckin lazy ass Rainbow Dash.
  51. ----
  52. >Its time to pack up and get ready to start heading out. You three head out of the care center, You yourself assisting Rainbow in her chair of course.
  53. "Twilight. How will we get our cars to the next grand prix?"
  54. >TS: "Everything for every team is teleported to the next circuit by Celestia herself. Shes the only one who can perform that large of a task and do it right."
  55. "Ok, neat. All we need to worry about is our own personal stuff."
  56. >TS: "Yep. That and transportation to the next circuit."
  57. >Entering the very 'Embassy Suites' like lobby of the drivers quarters, You three head to each of your respective rooms.
  58. >Conveniently, you're all on the same floor. On the elevator ride up, Dash asks.
  59. >RD: "What is the name of the next track again?"
  60. "Circuit Villep0ny."
  61. >TS: "Nope! Not anymore. They changed it."
  62. "What? What is it now?"
  63. >TS: "Fillydelphia Street Circuit. Seems like they figured out that the old name is literally 'P0nyville' switched around."
  64. >HA! Holy Shit it is! So much for that.
  66. >The Elevator doors open up, top floor. Twilight turns toward her room as you guys head on to yours.
  67. >TS: "I'll see you guys in a few."
  68. "Later."
  69. >On the way to your room, Dash looks up to you.
  70. >RD: "You know I'm gonna need help packing right?"
  71. "What? Dash needing help? This is a first!"
  72. >The sarcasm coming out of you is palpable.
  73. >RD: "Oh fuck you I'm injured."
  74. "Only kidding. I'm not just gonna leave you at your door." You say as you ruffle up her mane. Rainbow quickly batting your arm away.
  75. >You reach Dash's room and she hands you her room key.
  76. >*Swipe*
  77. >*Beep*
  78. >*Click*
  79. >Equestria has definitely gotten a bit more modern since you've shown up about 5 months ago.
  80. >You walk in and begin helping her pack her things.
  81. >As you would expect, not alot to pack. Unlike human females she doesn't have a plethora of clothes, shoes, and accessories she has to take with her.
  82. >RD: "I'll get my toiletries from the bathroom. It takes a lot to keep a mane looking this good."
  83. "How do you mean? Do you color it?"
  84. RD: "HA NO! Wow, that would a BITCH to maintain. This shit is all natural. I just have to use a lot of shampoo & conditioner which I need to keep track of cause it's very expensive. Rare mane color and all that."
  86. >Expensive eh? Guess we should tell her the good news.
  87. "Things being expensive might not be a problem anymore. Remember that spokesp0ny that talked to us before the race?"
  88. >She speaks to you from inside the bathroom.
  89. >RD: "No... Wait, ye- HOLY SHIT DID WE GET IT!?"
  90. "Well I won and you got fourth right?"
  91. >RD: "FUCK. YES. DUDE. If I could get out of this chair I would hug the shit outta you right now."
  92. "Think about this for a second" You say as you pack the last of Dash's things in her bags. "If I win the next Grand Prix, Its pretty much guaranteed that we'll both be splitting that 200,000 bits."
  93. >50 championship points will put you so far in the lead, all you'd have to do at the Grand Prix of P0nyville is start the car and the championship is yours.
  94. >RD: "As amazing as that sounds, Don't think that's your ticket for me to go easy on you next race. I wanna win just as badly as you do."
  95. "Yeah, so do 10 other drivers."
  96. >RD: "Forget them. This is our show! Cloudsdale Weather at the top baby!"
  97. >As you two finish packing up, There is a knock at the door.
  98. >RD: "Who is it?" She yells out.
  99. >??: "Just open the door."
  100. >Oh god, you know exactly whose voice that was.
  101. >You get up and cautiously open the door to reveal...
  102. >RD: "-You-"
  104. >VS: "Look, I didn't come here to stir up trouble okay? I'm already in deep shit with my team, I don't need more on top of that."
  105. >RD: "Then what is it?" She says still in that flat tone. You go over and take a seat on the bed.
  106. >VS: "I came to apologize. When I saw you get pulled out of your car by three other p0nies I knew something had happened. And seeing you here like this proves it."
  107. >RD: "Yeah."
  108. >VS: "So I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you injured."
  109. >Not such of a cunt after all eh?
  110. >RD: "Ok, Even though that was a real bitch move out there, you're forgiven. For now.
  111. >Vinyl nods.
  112. >RD: "I still have to deal with this pain though. So as long as this hurts, don't expect me to be nice to you."
  113. >VS: "Fair enough."
  114. >She begins to walk out as you ask:
  115. "So does this mean you'll race us cleaner next time?"
  116. >VS: "Buck that."
  117. *Slam*
  118. >Welp.
  119. >A few moments of silence pass by as Vinyl walks away.
  120. >...
  121. >RD: "Shes still a cunt."
  122. "Eeyup."
  124. ----
  125. >A few hours later. Its now getting close to sundown. You, Dash, and Twilight are at the Baltimare train station, luggage in hand/hoof, patiently awaiting the next train to P0nyville.
  126. >It's two weeks till the next Grand Prix. So no need to travel to Fillydelphia yet. Track doesn't open for activity till that Thursday.
  127. >All you would do for a week and a half is look at the circuit. How fun.
  128. >Plus it would be good to get back to the library. The one place that feels like home here to you.
  129. >Sure it's not your luxury condo overlooking the coast of Monaco. But it has the same feel.
  130. >A place where you can wind down, relax, have a nice drink, and read a good book.
  131. >Ah, It's soothing just thinking about it.
  132. >You need to thank Twilight soon for her hospitality. You've been living along side her and Spike for a while now. No need to come across as a mooch.
  133. >RD: "Hey look! The race highlights are on!" She exclaims as she points over to the other side of the room.
  134. >Sure enough there was a large flat screen up in the corner of the waiting area. Race highlights in full view.
  135. >Of course, what do they show first out of everything? You launching yourself off of that curb before the race even started.
  136. >Jeez you got some air! Travis Pastrana would be proud.
  137. >What made you do that again? Oh yeah! Rainbow was getting ready to tell you something.
  138. >Before you stopped her...
  139. >Oh fuck.
  140. >You look over to Rainbow. Her ears are folded down and shes looking away from you. Blushing lightly.
  141. >She remembers too, and it very well might be what you think...
  143. >You are not ready for it.
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