
CYOA - Luna pt. 4

Jul 19th, 2013
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  1. >Days came and went after the party
  2. >Caesar spent the majority of his time in his room
  3. >No matter what you said or did, he never cheered up
  4. >In the end, you accepted Luna's wise words and let him be
  5. >Although you were his father, there was nothing you could do
  6. >Caesar had lost something important, and you could not replace it
  7. >And so the days turned to months
  8. >Autumn rolled around
  9. >And with it the conflicts between the zebras and gryphons
  10. >The two races had never gotten along very well
  11. >But it seemed full-scale war was nearing
  12. >As such, Luna spent most of her time with her sister
  13. >The two of them were planning, organizing, and conversing
  14. >Countless diplomats were sent to each party
  15. >But they all returned with the same message
  16. >Ponies were not to involve themselves
  17. >Not even the rulers of Equestria
  18. >So your days were spent mostly alone
  19. >You'd talk to guards, sure
  20. >But none of them were the company which you sought
  21. >Until a particular day came
  22. >An unsuspecting Tuesday
  23. >At midnight, Luna returned from her duties
  24. >Exhaustion had taken its toll on her body
  25. >Her legs were gently shaking
  26. >Big, black bags had formed underneath her eyes
  27. >Her gaze was unfocused
  28. >And although her return made you happy
  29. >Caesar still wasn't home
  30. >You hadn't even seen him leave in the morning
  31. >He hadn't been home for the entire day
  32. >After months of solitude in his room, he was gone
  33. >No note, no word from the guards
  34. >He had simply vanished
  35. >"Shall we go to bed, dear?"
  36. >Luna looks to you with a faint smile
  38. >You walk to your wife and embrace her
  39. >Immediately she relaxes in your arms
  40. "I think I can't sleep tonight. I'm concerned about our son."
  41. >Luna simply sighs quietly
  42. >"Honey, he will come around. He'll be happy again one day."
  43. >As you pet her mane, you reply with a sigh of your own
  44. "He's gone, Luna. I haven't seen him all day."
  45. >You feel Luna's muscles clenching in your arms
  46. >She breaks the hug and looks you right in the eye
  47. >"Gone? But he barely leaves his room."
  48. >Making sure to breathe calmly, you nod at her
  49. "When I woke up, he wasn't in his room. He hasn't returned either."
  50. >Luna immediately rushes to his room
  51. >She bothers not with knocking
  52. >You can hear her frantic panting from inside
  53. >She's shuffling around the room
  54. >It doesn't take long before she returns, however
  55. >"There's nothing! He didn't even leave a note!"
  56. >There is no anger nor disappointment in her voice
  57. >Only worry and sadness
  58. "The guards haven't said anything either. But he's an adult. He can take care of himself. Maybe he just wanted to get out for the day."
  59. >Your words do nothing to help Luna's staggered breathing
  60. >"Or maybe he went and got himself killed! He could have been attacked! He's the prince! Someone could have assassinated him! The zebras, the gryphons!"
  61. >Luna's eyes are as wide as dinner plates
  62. >Each of her hooves frantically tap against the floor
  64. "Luna, I'm sure he's fine. Calm down. He can handle himself."
  65. >You gently put your hand on her shoulder and look her in the eye
  66. >As she stares at you, her breathing slows down
  67. >"You're right. We can't panic now. But we need to find him."
  68. >While thinking through your options, you nod
  69. >It seemed no one knew his whereabouts
  70. >And you weren't even sure where to find his friends
  71. >Suddenly an idea hits you
  72. "Can't we use magic to find him? Don't you have some sort of locater spell?"
  73. >Luna ponders your question for a brief moment
  74. >"You're right."
  75. >She sighs and shakes her head
  76. >"Why didn't I just do that from the start? Well, let's find him."
  77. >Luna's horn immediately starts glowing brightly
  78. >She closes her eyes and does her best to focus
  79. >As the light brightens, her legs start shaking
  80. >Locating objects was one thing
  81. >But tracking living beings was difficult, even for a princess
  82. >At least that's what Luna told you
  83. >It doesn't seem to be particularly difficult
  84. >Only a few moments after beginning, Luna ends the spell
  85. >Fear has taken her face
  86. >A frightening, intoxicating kind of fear
  87. >"H-He's at the hospital..."
  89. >Without thinking or speaking, you turn
  90. >Your mind is clear and focused
  91. >And your legs are doing exactly as commanded
  92. >As the adrenaline pumps through your body, you run
  93. >Faster than you have ever ran in your life
  94. >With speed rivaling Rainbow Dash, you run
  95. >Down the halls and through the rooms
  96. >Paying no mind to anyone around you
  97. >Two guards notice you and immediately start following
  98. >You hear them shouting orders at guards you pass
  99. >But they are simply following you for protection
  100. >Whenever you ran, something bad was about to happen
  101. >It was something every guard knew
  102. >Into the fresh night air you run
  103. >Trees and flowers blaze past you
  104. >Your footsteps echo into the night
  105. >Luna has caught up and is flying above you
  106. >But neither of you speak a word
  107. >Words are meaningless in this moment
  108. >There is only you and the hospital
  109. >And into the hospital you run
  110. >You stop at the nearest desk
  111. >Although breathless and exhausted, you manage to yell
  112. "WHERE IS CAESAR?!?"
  113. >It was not your intention to scare the nurse
  114. >But she answers calmly and quietly
  115. >"First floor, room 156-"
  116. >You immediately start running
  117. >"Sir!"
  118. >The nurse is calling out, but you ignore her
  119. >Up the stairs you go
  120. >Two steps at a time
  121. >Luna is sobbing behind you
  122. >Preparing herself for the blow
  123. >Into the hall and through it you go
  124. >Until you reach the room
  125. >156
  126. >With shaking hands, you open the door
  127. >In the room next to the bed sits Caesar
  128. >And in it lies Lavender
  129. >A broken, sickly Lavender
  131. "What?"
  132. >Caesar turns his head to you almost as slowly as Lavender
  133. >"Hi, dad."
  134. >The sorrow in his voice and his eyes are unbearable
  135. >Although he does not cry, his sorrow is far greater than on his birthday
  136. >A truly pained son sits there in front of you
  137. >His hand is on Lavender's hoof
  138. >And his finger caresses it just like at the picnic
  139. >Both you and Luna walk inside slowly
  140. >Your eyes go from him to her
  141. >Although in a hospital bed, Lavender is smiling
  142. >At least to the best of her abilities
  143. >"I'm keeping her company."
  144. >Caesar's voice is shaking
  145. >On the verge of breaking
  146. >"What's happened to you?"
  147. >Luna is looking right at the mare
  148. >Her otherwise colorful self has faded
  149. >Grown gray and dull
  150. >Even her cutie mark seems to be disappearing slowly
  151. >Like someone is sucking out the life of her
  152. >"I don't know... Nobody does..."
  153. >She coughs at the end of her sentence
  154. >A weak and painful cough
  155. >"But I won't be around for much longer..."
  156. >Those words send Caesar over the edge
  157. >He throws his head into the edge of the bed and cries
  158. >His hand grips Lavender's hoof tightly
  159. >Through his crying, his muffled voice is heard
  160. >"M-Make her be-better! S-Save her! M-Mom, d-dad, please!"
  162. >You feel your mouth open
  163. >And you so dearly want to speak
  164. >But your throat is twisted and your tongue incapable
  165. >All you can do is look at the scene in front of you
  166. >The weakness is settling in your knees
  167. >Making your legs shake and wobble
  168. >As you ponder everything, Luna's horn lights up
  169. >Tears are streaming from her eyes as she prepares her spell
  170. >You can almost feel it yourself
  171. >She's bending the air around you
  172. >"Caesar, step back."
  173. >Her pained voice sweeps through the room
  174. >Caesar looks at his mother and a flash of happiness appears on his face
  175. >Immediately he moves back from the pony
  176. >Just as he gets out of the way, Luna points her horn at Lavender
  177. >Out of it shoots a beam of wondrous colors
  178. >It hits Lavender square in the chest and
  179. >"AAAAAAAAAH!"
  180. >The mare's horrified voice fills the entire hospital
  181. >Her eyes have gone wide and her body is flailing wildly
  182. >"NO!"
  183. >Caesar is staring at her in shock
  184. >He is reaching out, just out of the beam's reach
  185. >At the sound of their voices, Luna immediately cancels her spell
  186. >After a flash of light, you look to Lavender
  187. >She has rolled up in the fetal position
  188. >Her body is trembling
  189. >But her gaze is distant and pained
  190. >"I-I'm so... I d-didn't..."
  191. >Luna has pressed herself towards the back of the room
  192. >She, too, is shaking violently
  193. >Before anyone can do anything, the door slams open
  194. >"LAVENDER!"
  195. >In rushes a light blue unicorn
  196. >To the side of Lavender she goes
  197. >Embracing her and crying freely
  198. >"I-It's okay, sw-sweetie. M-Mom's here, don't, don't you w-worry."
  199. >Trixie is gently stroking her daughter's mane
  200. >For a moment she lies there, shushing her daughter
  201. >Speaking sweet words of love into her ear
  202. >But all of that love and care disappears when she sniffs
  203. >Her eyes shoot open and her horn glows for just a second
  204. >Trixie turns her gaze right towards the princess
  205. >"YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO?!?"
  206. >The mother rushes right at Luna
  207. >She throws herself at the princess and tumbles to the floor
  209. >Luna is simply shielding herself from the blows
  210. >Caesar tries to pull Trixie away, but he is immediately forced back by her magic
  211. >She doesn't relent
  212. >Her pitiful strikes keep coming
  213. >"WHAT DID YOU DO?!?"
  215. >You rush towards Trixie
  216. >Although her blows are ineffectual, they have to stop
  217. "Luna just tried to help! I swear, Trixie!"
  218. >Although you want her to stop, you keep your distance
  219. >Trixie is a powerful unicorn, and you do not wish to get injured
  220. "Trixie, calm down! We're just trying to help!"
  221. >The mare's strikes become weaker and weaker
  222. >And as they do, her crying becomes louder and louder
  223. >Slowly, her strikes turn to simple nudges
  224. >On top of Luna she sits, crying loudly
  225. >Poking the mare underneath her
  226. >You move forward and embrace the unicorn
  227. >She does not return the hug, but she accepts it
  228. >You gently pull her off of your wife and put her on the floor
  229. "Luna, what spell did you cast?"
  230. >She stares at the floor, panting
  231. >Her eyes, too, are wet
  232. >But her voice is calm
  233. >"The strongest healing spell known to ponykind. It shifts life essence from the user to the recipient. It is a last resort only. But it should have helped her. Healed her."
  234. >Trixie slowly turns her gaze towards the night goddess
  235. >"It can heal any wound, any disease. I have never seen anything like this."
  236. >The conversation is interrupted by a whimper from Lavender
  237. >Before you can do anything, both Trixie and Caesar have rushed to her side
  238. >The two of them caress her gently
  239. >They speak quietly to her
  240. >Assuring her of her well-being
  241. >"I didn't know it would harm her..."
  243. >You put your hand on her shoulder and squeeze it gently
  244. "I know you didn't."
  245. >The two of you quietly watch the scene in front of you
  246. >Although the air is thick with sorrow and pain, you feel nothing
  247. >There is emptiness in your mind and heart
  248. "We have to ask Celestia what might have happened later."
  249. >Luna simply nods
  250. >There is something in her eye
  251. >Something you have seen before
  252. >It shows up once in a blue moon
  253. >When she speaks of former students and friends
  254. >And of her time locked inside the moon
  255. >A twinge of an emotion unknown to you
  256. >An emotion only a goddess could feel
  257. >You leave her standing there, knowing she needs time
  258. >Instead of speaking to her, you go to Trixie
  259. >She is still at her daughter's side, still crying
  260. >Lavender seems to be sleeping
  261. >But still she twitches and shakes
  262. >Her gray body looks so frail and innocent
  263. >Like the finest of porcelain
  264. "Trixie?"
  265. >The mare turns her head to you
  266. >You can barely recognize her through age and the tears
  267. "What happened to her? Why is she here?"
  268. >You gently nod towards the sleeping pony
  269. >Trixie merely shakes her head
  270. >"I-I don't k-know. I o-only just g-got word. T-The doctors d-don't know w-what's wrong."
  271. >Once again she turns her gaze to Lavender
  272. >"My little angel... Please don't go..."
  274. >Although you knew Lavender, she was not your pony
  275. >She was not your responsibility
  276. >Although you find sadness in your heart, this is not your place to be
  277. >You cannot do any more than you have done
  278. >Accepting the reality of the situation, you turn to leave
  279. >With a nod, you call Luna with you
  280. >In utter silence the two of you walk
  281. >All the way until you get to the door
  282. >"Dad?"
  283. >You turn to face your son
  284. >It's too much
  285. >His face, his body language
  286. >There is naught but pain and sorrow
  287. >Whatever pieces of his heart remained were now gone
  288. >You will never be able to help him
  289. >"Please... help her."
  290. >There are things in life so difficult, not even words can describe it
  291. >Words that are so difficult to speak, even death seems better
  292. >And those words leave your lips in calm fashion
  293. "There's nothing I can do, my son. I can't help her. I'm sorry."
  294. >The last of your spirits break
  295. >Not a single shed of happiness remains
  296. >And you cannot bear to watch his face
  297. >You cannot bear to watch the effect of your words
  298. >And as such, you leave the room in silence
  299. >Leave the satyr and mother to care for the mare
  300. >Leave them to their grief and pain
  301. >The door closes with a quiet click
  303. "Get Celestia."
  304. >You stare at the floor while speaking
  305. >There's no need for eyes or body language
  306. >There is only need for the most powerful being
  307. >"Sir?"
  308. "Get Celestia this instant. That's an order."
  309. >You feel the nervous looks of the guards upon you
  310. >But their voices remain calm and determined
  311. >Just as they were trained to be
  312. >"Sir."
  313. >Hoofsteps echo through the hospital hall
  314. >Slowly they die down
  315. >Until silence reigns supreme
  316. >And that is when you fall
  317. >To the floor your knees go
  318. >Down your sides hangs your arms
  319. >You have no strength
  320. >Every shed of decency and humanity has left you
  321. >You are but a blank canvas
  322. >An empty slate
  323. >Everything you have done no longer matters
  324. >Uncontrollable forces decide everything now
  325. >There is nothing you can do
  326. >And it breaks you
  327. >"Tia will help, I know it."
  328. >Luna gently pats your shoulder as she speaks
  329. >"She is powerful. Everything will be fine."
  330. "Will it?"
  331. >Although you cannot see her, you feel her nodding
  332. >"I'm sure of it."
  333. >Minutes in silence pass
  334. >Minutes of unbearable nothingness
  335. "Our son..."
  336. >"We can help him through this, dear. We have the power to help him."
  337. >As the image of Caesar enters your mind
  338. >His little body in Luna's arms
  339. >His first steps and first words
  340. >It finally forces emotion into you
  341. >You cannot help but sob
  342. >How would you ever help him?
  343. >Caesar was a stubborn kid
  344. >And his grief was too much
  345. >You would be useless
  347. >But you would do your best
  348. >Whatever it took, you would try
  349. >Forcing yourself up, you finally look at your wife
  350. >She is smiling gently
  351. >You return her smile
  352. >But it is a forced smile
  353. >Still, it is better than a frown
  354. >Pinkie taught you that many years ago
  355. >With the smile still on your lips, you open the door again
  356. >It takes all of your strength to keep the smile afloat
  357. >Caesar is sobbing loudly
  358. >Trixie is still stroking her daughter's mane
  359. "Caesar, come. Let Trixie have her time with Lavender."
  360. >Slowly he raises his head and looks to you
  361. >"I'm not leaving her."
  362. >As he speaks, he grips her hoof tightly
  363. "There's nothing we can do for now. Please, Caesar, come."
  364. >Your son flares his teeth at you
  365. >A slight hiss escapes his throat
  366. >"I love her. And I am NOT leaving her. You can't force me."
  367. >As always, Caesar was stubborn
  368. >Instead of letting him be, you go inside
  369. >With every step you take, his grip on her hoof tightens
  370. >Once in touching distance, you reach out to him
  371. "Caesar-"
  372. >He immediately strikes your hand away
  373. >The force makes you recoil
  374. >"You can't do anything. You can't help her. You told me. But I'm not abandoning her. She deserves better than that."
  375. >His sting your entire body
  376. >Their poisonous venom seeps through you
  377. >As he speaks, he doesn't even blink
  378. >"Get out."
  380. >As slowly as you can, you back away
  381. >Your eyes never leave your sons
  382. >All the way to the door you go
  383. >Treading carefully on the hospital floor
  384. >Not needing to look, you grab the doorknob
  385. >As you open the door and stand in the hallway, Caesar finally blinks
  386. "Then we'll just wait here."
  387. >"Whatever."
  388. >Caesar turns his attention back to Lavender
  389. >Her shaking has finally stopped
  390. >She simply lies in her bed, sleeping
  391. >Once again, you close the door behind you
  392. >Luna immediately embraces you
  393. >"It's not your fault."
  394. >She wraps her wings around you
  395. "I know it isn't. But he's my son."
  396. >Luna nuzzles her head into your neck
  397. >"He's OUR son. Let's wait for Tia, now. Caesar needs time."
  398. >Exhaustion claims your body as you nod
  399. >Walking no more than a few steps, you collapse onto a chair
  400. >There is nothing you can do but wait
  402. >It takes Celestia mere minutes to get to the hospital
  403. >A full escort is with her
  404. >But she orders them away as she approaches the two of you
  405. >As always, her motherly, tender smile is visible
  406. >"Is it Caesar?"
  407. >Celestia wastes no time with pleasantries
  408. >Calling upon her is a rare occurrence
  409. >But when it happens, she knows not to waste time
  411. >Fighting the weakness, you point at the door
  412. >It is all you can muster for now
  413. "Luna tried to heal her, but it didn't work."
  414. >Celestia looks to the door and back to you
  415. >"Who? Anon, who is in there?"
  416. >At this point, you're running on autopilot
  417. "Lavender Mirage. Trixie's daughter."
  418. >"I see."
  419. >Celestia turns her attention to her sister
  420. >Your job is done for now
  421. >"Luna, what did you do?"
  422. >Her voice is not accusing
  423. >It is merely asking gently
  424. >And Luna responds with simple calmness
  425. >"I attempted to cure the mare by offering my own life essence."
  426. >Celestia actually chuckles at that
  427. >"Generous as always. But what do you mean by 'attempted'?"
  428. >Luna sighs heavily
  429. >"The spell didn't work. In fact, it caused poor Lavender great pain."
  430. >The white alicorn's eyes go wide
  431. >It catches your attention
  432. >Celestia is not the pony you want to see surprised
  433. >For any reason
  434. >Before you can ask anything of her, she has entered the room
  435. >And for a few breathless moments, you wait
  436. >It doesn't take long before the ruler returns
  437. >A look of defeat adorns her face
  438. >With her magic, she closes the door behind her
  439. >"There is nothing I can do. I am sorry."
  441. "What happened to her? What's wrong with Lavender? Why can't you help?"
  442. >Celestia moves in front of you
  443. >Her eyes meet yours
  444. >And they are so very full of sadness
  445. >So very full of that which you wish to never see again
  446. >"Lavender is not sick. There is no disease in her body."
  447. >Even Luna raises an eyebrow at that
  448. >"Ponies posses great power. Power they do not understand. But all power can fade. And it does so for everyone."
  449. >Celestia sighs before continuing
  450. >"Ponies can break. Ponies can lose the spark. And when that spark is gone, there is no reigniting it."
  451. >Tears well up in the ruler's eyes
  452. >And as you see those tears, you give up
  453. >If Celestia does cry, there is nothing to be done
  454. >"Lavender will perish. She will wither and die. Her spark is gone. And even I can do nothing to help. No one can."
  455. >She turns away from you and sniffs once
  456. >It is a quiet sniff, but a sniff nonetheless
  457. >Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, has shed a tear
  458. >For the pony she will never be able to save
  459. >For the dying Lavender in the room next door
  460. >"She doesn't need to know. None of them do."
  461. >Celestia's voice is quiet, so very quiet
  462. >Just audible to you and Luna
  463. >"Let her live her remaining time in peace."
  465. >Even the mighty Celestia must bow
  466. >Even she must admit to her lack of power
  467. >Her goodness and kindness can do nothing
  468. >But perhaps what is needed is not kindness
  469. >A strange thought enters your mind
  470. >But it is one you dare not let rest
  471. "We could summon Discord. He might know something. He could help."
  472. >Both of the princesses turn their heads toward you
  473. >And they both carry the same expression
  474. >"Summon Discord? Anon, I know you haven't seen what he can do, but I will not, under any circumstances, release Discord from his prison."
  475. >Celestia's royal and stern tone finally returns
  476. >She is acting like the ruler she is
  477. >"Lavender will die, and we cannot stop that."
  478. "But Discord could-"
  479. >"Discord will remain in his prison!"
  480. >You are almost blown back by the volume of her voice
  481. >It was rare for Celestia to use the old Canterlot voice
  482. >But as quickly as she summoned it, it disappears
  483. >"You have not seen what he can do, but I promise you, releasing Discord is the worst thing we could ever do at such a time. With the increasing conflict to the east, who knows what he would do?"
  484. >Celestia is whispering to you
  485. >Her voice still stern and scolding
  486. "But, Lavender-"
  487. >"Lavender will die, and while tragic, it cannot be stopped. Not even by Discord. Do you understand me?"
  489. >You refuse to accept her words
  490. >For the first time, you wish Celestia was wrong
  491. >She had been wrong in the past, too
  492. "Could Caesar's love for her not reignite that 'spark'?"
  493. >For the first time since arriving, Celestia seems surprised
  494. >She turns her gaze towards the door
  495. >And she stares for minutes
  496. >Her eyes never leave it for a second
  497. >You wonder what goes on in her mind
  498. >"I suppose it could."
  499. >Warmth immediately spreads through your body
  500. >Hope and happiness slowly lighting up in your heart
  501. "Really?"
  502. >Celestia nods slowly
  503. >"I have only ever seen two other ponies lose their spark. Neither of them made it. But I suppose Caesar could help her, if his love is true and pure."
  504. >She notices the smile creeping upon your lips
  505. >"But that is a very big IF."
  506. >Her eyes meet yours
  507. >"However much I wish for that to happen, Anon, I do not believe it will. Don't get your hopes up."
  508. >You nod furiously
  509. >Although she said not to, you can feel it
  510. >Hope is within you
  511. >There is still hope for Lavender
  512. >She doesn't have to die
  513. >Caesar could save her
  514. >All he had to do was show her
  515. >Show her his love
  516. >Share with her his feelings
  517. >It could happen
  519. >With newfound happiness, you get up
  520. >You make it no more than two steps towards the door before being stopped
  521. >"You cannot tell him."
  522. >Celestia has created a magical field in front of you
  523. >There is no way for you to get to the door
  524. >"If you tell him, it won't happen."
  525. "What, why?"
  526. >Celestia sighs and bows her head
  527. >"Because if he knows, his affection will be forced. It will not be pure. He has to do this on his own, without the knowledge."
  528. >All the happiness in your heart disappears
  529. >Just as it had arrived, it runs off
  530. >You clench your fist and strike the magical field
  531. >Over and over you punch it
  532. >Letting out all the anger you built up
  533. >"If Caesar is truly strong, he could do it, even with the knowledge."
  534. >Celestia's voice is full of regret
  535. >"But his chances would be severely lowered. He is your son. It's up to you."
  536. >The magical field disappears in an instant
  537. >You're staring at the door as Celestia speaks
  538. >"But think of Lavender. Although Caesar is your son, it is Lavender's life that is on the line."
  539. >You feel a hoof on your back
  540. >It's gently stroking you
  541. >Comforting your weary mind
  543. >You turn around and smile
  544. >Celestia is standing there
  545. >Her warm and tender smile back on her lips
  546. >Right where it belongs
  547. "Thank you, Celestia. Thank you for being so kind."
  548. >She merely chuckles and nods
  549. >Without thinking, you lean forward
  550. >Closing the distance between your mouth and hers
  551. >In the blink of an eye, Celestia's head is out of the way
  552. >But she wraps her hooves around you
  553. >And you wrap your arms around her
  554. >Burying your face in her soft fur, you thank her again
  555. >Celestia merely strokes your back
  556. >She doesn't need to speak
  557. >She has spoken much already
  558. >Good words and horrible words
  559. >But it has come to this
  560. >"So, does this mean you will stay silent?"
  562. >You simply nod at Celestia
  563. >Caesar needed the best chances possible
  564. >Unfortunately, that meant getting Trixie out of there
  565. >But it had to be done
  566. >You walk to the door and gently open it
  567. >Caesar looks at you in anger
  568. >But you simply smile at him before turning your attention to Trixie
  569. "Trixie, could you come out here for a moment?"
  570. >She turns her weary gaze to you
  571. >"My daughter..."
  572. >You nod and smile at her
  573. "I know. It'll only be a minute, I promise."
  574. >Trixie looks back to her daughter
  575. >She runs her hoof through the gray mane before getting up
  576. >Her walking is slow and tired
  577. >But she makes it out into the hallway
  578. >You give Caesar a second smile before closing the door
  579. >"Y-Your highness. What are you doing here?"
  580. >Trixie is bowing deeply in front of Celestia
  581. >"There is no need for that. I am here at the request of Anon."
  582. >Trixie looks at you in disbelief
  583. "I asked her to come, so that she might help."
  584. >The unicorn lights up much like you did earlier
  585. >"Well, can you? Can you save Lavender?"
  586. >Celestia holds up a hoof to silence Trixie
  587. "Caesar might be able to. If his love for her can reignite the spark she has lost, she could survive. It's our only chance."
  588. >Trixie looks saddened, but hopeful
  589. "But we can't tell him. If he knows, he will try to force it, leading to nothing. He has to do it on his own, okay?"
  590. >Trixie bites her lower lip before sighing
  591. >"All right. Your son better love my daughter more than anything in this world."
  592. >She gives you a weak smile
  594. >You return her smile with great warmth
  595. "Trust me, he does."
  596. >Trixie manages a stifled chuckle before sitting down
  597. >"To think my life has come to this."
  598. >She is merely speaking to herself, and as such, no one answers her
  599. >You walk up and down the hallway, waiting for anything to happen
  600. >Caesar could cure her any minute
  601. >But how would he without the knowledge you have?
  602. >The entire situation is frustrating
  603. >You can only sit by and idly watch
  604. >Or maybe
  605. >You stop in the middle of the hall
  606. >A genius idea just entered your mind
  607. >It would hurt, it would be cruel
  608. >But it could be a life saving pain
  609. >You rush back to the door and put your hand on the knob
  610. >"What are you doing?"
  611. >Luna's voice rings out in the hall
  612. >You simply turn to face her and smile
  613. "I won't tell him. But I've got an idea. You just have to trust me."
  614. >Luna smiles warmly at you and nods
  615. >"I will always trust you, Anon."
  616. >Leaving her with a nod, you open the door
  617. >Caesar once again shoots you a dissatisfied look
  618. >You close the door and go to him
  619. >Lavender is still sleeping
  620. >At least she's still alive
  621. >"What do you want?"
  622. >Caesar's voice is cold and foreign
  623. >But his anger with you is not a concern
  624. "Caesar, I've just spoken to Celestia. She can't help Lavender."
  625. >Your son looks up at you
  626. >His anger gone, replaced by fear
  627. "Lavender is going to die. There is nothing we can do."
  628. >"W-What?"
  629. "I'm sorry. Use the time you have left wisely."
  630. >You put your hand on his head
  631. >"But she... she can't die..."
  633. >You gently stroke his hair
  634. >It's soft and cold
  635. "It is inevitable. Everyone dies, Caesar. Lavender is just going to go early, I'm afraid."
  636. >The tears are coming
  637. >Creeping up in the corners of his eyes
  638. >Slowly slipping down his cheeks
  639. >All while he is caressing her hoof
  640. >"But... it's not fair..."
  641. "I know, Caesar. But maybe you could be strong for her. Maybe that might help, you know? You could make a difference."
  642. >Caesar never takes his eyes off of the mare
  643. >He simply stares at her
  644. >But he nods
  645. >One single time
  646. >"Yeah."
  647. >A faint smile appears on his lips
  648. >With his second hand, he grabs yours
  649. >His grip is tight
  650. >It's almost hurting you
  651. >But you say not a word
  652. >"I'll make her happy. Whatever it takes. Anything to see her smile again."
  653. >Caesar commands his words with grace
  654. >Speaks calmly and quietly into the room
  655. >You pat his head and he releases you
  656. >"I'll make her happy."
  657. >You simply turn to leave the room
  658. >A smile is plastered on your face
  659. >The plan worked
  660. >Caesar doesn't pay you any mind as you leave
  661. >For now, Lavender is the most important thing in the world
  662. >All of the ponies are eagerly awaiting your return
  663. >Trixie is the first to speak
  664. >"What did you do? Does he know?"
  666. "He's aware."
  667. >Now it would be time to leave
  668. >There is nothing more you can do
  669. >Everything rests upon Caesar's shoulders
  670. >Without further explanation, you walk down the hall
  671. >After a few moments of walking, you hear a cascade of hoof-steps behind you
  672. >"You told him?!"
  673. >Trixie's scolding voice hits you hard
  674. >But you brush it off easily
  675. "He is aware of the fact that Lavender will die. But not that he can save her. I only told him he could try to make her happy in her final moments."
  676. >Silence falls upon the ponies behind you
  677. >You get all the way down the stairs before Trixie replies
  678. >"Well, it seems you've got your wits about you. That might just work, Anon. Thank you."
  679. >Her voice no longer carries anger
  680. >It does speak of her exhaustion, however
  681. >"Can't we stay with them? She is my daughter, after all."
  682. >You get to the front door of the hospital
  683. >With your hand on the doorknob, you turn to reply
  684. "Everything is in Caesar's hands now. We can't do any more. If you wish to stay, I ask only that you leave them be. Caesar needs all the time alone he can get."
  685. >Trixie smiles weakly and nods
  686. >"I'll stay here, just in case."
  687. "Take care."
  688. >You exit the hospital and take a deep breath
  689. >Early morning is coming
  690. >Only now do you realize how tired you are
  691. >"We have to return to the castle, Anon. We cannot leave our duties behind, however much I wish we could."
  692. >Celestia's voice is serene
  693. >You just nod at her
  694. >"Go home, honey. Get some rest."
  695. >Luna gives you a peck on the cheek
  697. >You nod and smile at your mare
  698. "Yeah, I'll head home. Go on ahead, I'd just slow you down."
  699. >Luna presses her lips onto yours
  700. >The two of you share a short, exhausted kiss before she flies off
  701. >With weary legs, you start walking
  702. >Walking all the way back to the castle would take a while
  703. >It was quite the distance after all
  704. >Especially with no adrenaline to help you run
  705. >But that was fine
  706. >The fresh morning air felt great
  707. >It was truly refreshing
  708. >Normally, you'd be walking much faster
  709. >But you slump down the roads
  710. >After everything that has happened, you care not for speed
  711. >All you really long for is some strong liquor
  712. >Granted, you would need sleep once home
  713. >But first liquor
  714. >Minutes pass as you walk
  715. >They creep by slowly, but rack up so quickly
  716. >After twenty minutes of walking, you have gotten merely halfway home
  717. >You didn't think it possible, but you were almost sleeping while walking
  718. >It was too relaxing not to, however
  719. >Everything is peace and quiet in these streets
  720. >Another ten minutes pass
  721. >The castle is in sight
  722. >Your grand home
  723. >It looks so peaceful in the mornings
  724. >And the sun is hitting the facade in just the right way
  725. >You stand for a few minutes and simply look at it
  726. >When living inside it, it was easy to forget how fantastic it looked on the outside
  727. >Truly it was a magical place
  728. >You are pulled from your thoughts suddenly and immediately
  729. >Behind you roars the sound of an explosion
  730. >Louder than anything you have ever heard
  731. >It consumes all sound
  733. >The light emitting from Caesar was blinding
  734. >Like a reborn phoenix he shone
  735. >Focusing with every inch of his mind on casting this one spell
  736. >His mind is almost hurting from exertion
  737. >But he has to keep going
  738. >Has to try this one spell
  739. >Lavender had accepted her death
  740. >She had smiled and told him it'd be okay
  741. >But what Caesar's father told him
  742. >It made him think
  743. >He had power unlike any other
  744. >And though he hadn't yet tamed it, it could be used
  745. >So he put all of his mind to casting this one spell
  746. >So he could finally save Lavender
  747. >Struggling on with all he has, Caesar feels the end coming
  748. >The spell was actually working
  749. >Clenching all of his muscles, he finally completes it
  750. >A deafening bang emits from the satyr
  751. >Although no explosion came
  752. >The sound, however, was enough to knock him off-balance
  753. >Caesar stumbles to the ground, panting and sweating
  754. >His ears are ringing
  755. >His body is weak, and his mind blank
  756. >After sitting there for a few moments, he speaks
  757. >"Lavender?"
  758. >The mare does not reply
  759. >Maybe she still hadn't regained her hearing after the noise
  760. >Caesar forces himself towards the bed
  761. >Putting all the strength he's gotten into moving forward
  762. >"Lavender?"
  763. >He puts his hand on the bed and pulls himself up
  764. >What he sees makes his blood freeze
  765. >His heart stops for a moment
  766. >Mouth agape and mind numb, he stares
  767. >In front of him she lies
  768. >The only pony Caesar had ever truly loved
  769. >She, who cheated on him
  770. >She, who brought him such joy
  771. >Lying lifeless in the bed
  773. >Something is gravely wrong
  774. >Explosions in Equestria were unheard of
  775. >Whatever it was, it is nothing but bad
  776. >For the second time today, you start running
  777. >Much slower this time, but still you run
  778. >Your legs are burning like fire
  779. >But you continue on
  780. >Whatever is going on is important
  781. >You need to get there
  782. >You need to
  783. >The world starts spinning as you run
  784. >You feel yourself going off track
  785. >You might have fallen
  786. >All you know is that darkness comes
  787. >And it grips you in an instant
  789. >You wake up shaking and sweating
  790. >The bed you're lying in is familiar
  791. >Comfortable
  792. >Your body aches as you get up
  793. >Frantic voices fill the room in which you lie
  794. >Specifically the voices of Luna and Celestia
  795. >As you sit up, you groan loudly
  796. >Luna immediately rushes to your side
  797. >She pushes you back down into the bed
  798. >A cold, wet sensation overtakes your forehead
  799. >"Relax, Anon. You're all right."
  800. >"How could this happen? I can't..."
  801. >Celestia is pacing back and forth behind Luna
  802. >Although groggy, you notice tears in her eyes
  803. >Luna is gently wiping your face with the wet cloth
  804. >She, too, has been crying
  805. >And it seems she is ready for another round
  806. >"Everything will be fine, Anon. I promise."
  808. "Will Pinkie throw me a get well party?"
  809. >For some reason, it's all you can think of
  810. >Your mind hurts as you try to think
  811. >Like a hot iron bashing your brain at every minor thought
  812. >As a result, you simply speak what comes through your mouth
  813. >"Yes, Anon, she will. And there'll be c-cakes and f-fun hats. I-It'll be g-great!"
  814. >A frantic smile is placed on Luna's face
  815. >The tears are streaming down her cheeks
  816. >"A-And we'll b-be a happy f-family. J-Just the t-two of us."
  817. >Her words strike you as odd
  818. >Something about it is wrong
  819. >Two
  820. >Not three
  821. "Where's Caesar?"
  822. >Your speech is almost nothing more than groaning
  823. >But you manage to get it out
  824. >"Anon, h-he's g-gone."
  825. >Luna is whispering to you
  826. >"Everyone at the hospital was found dead."
  827. >Celestia finally speaks
  828. >But her voice is dark and rough
  829. >Not the voice you want to hear
  830. >"The cause of death is unknown. It is as if life simply left their bodies. Only Caesar was missing."
  831. >Celestia walks over to the bed
  832. >She stares intently at you
  833. >"Ponies think it was a zebra attack. They demand justice."
  834. >Luna buries her face in your duvet and cries
  835. >"I think Caesar did it."
  837. >Caesar would never do that
  838. >Your son would never kill a living thing
  839. "W-What if he just ran away? If he did it and got scared, he'd get in trouble? Was his body found?"
  840. >Celestia sighs heavily
  841. >"This was the work of very old and powerful magic. Magic even I don't quite understand. The only one with such power is Caesar, my sister and I. There is no trace of the boy. It must have been him."
  842. >Celestia was lying
  843. >You knew she was
  844. >This was some sort of sick prank
  845. >They were getting back at you for that flour bomb you made last year
  846. >"C-Caesar..."
  847. >Luna's muffled voice brings with it pain
  848. >You don't want to hear this
  849. >You refuse to
  850. "Caesar would never kill anyone! He loves Lavender! You're lying, I know you are! In a moment, you're going to say 'Got you! Lavender is all right!'"
  851. >Celestia's eyes change
  852. >She looks at you that way
  853. >The way a mother looks at her unknowing child
  854. "N-No! He didn't! T-They're all fine! Luna, tell her!"
  855. >Luna is no longer crying
  856. >Her head is lying sideways on the bed
  857. >Her eyes staring at nothing
  858. >"They're all dead... Caesar's gone... It's over..."
  859. >You grab Celestia and shake her violently
  861. >Celestia merely continues her stare
  862. "SAY IT! DON'T LIE TO ME! DON'T!"
  863. >A single tear drops from her eye
  864. >Creeps down her cheek and onto the floor
  865. >"I'm sorry, Anon."
  867. >Celestia is crying
  868. >Celestia never cries
  869. >Celestia is a good leader, yes
  870. >She would never cry
  871. >And Luna has given up
  872. >Nothing here makes sense
  873. >You passed out as well
  874. >There is only one logical explanation
  875. >This is all a dream
  876. >Yes, of course!
  877. >That's the only way this could make sense
  878. "Ehehehe."
  879. >Relief washes over you
  880. >Like a gentle wave
  881. >It feels good, yes
  882. >This whole situation
  883. >It's so very funny
  884. >Dreams can be tricky like that
  885. "Heheheh."
  886. >Dreams were tricky things, yes
  887. >You couldn't control them either
  888. >And they could play tricks on your mind
  889. >Oh, dreams were bad
  890. >Dreams were
  891. >A sharp pain sears through your face
  892. >You immediately cover it with your hands
  893. >There's blood flowing from your nose
  894. >Everything is blurry
  895. >All you can feel is that searing flame in your face
  896. >"SNAP OUT OF IT!"
  897. >Celestia is yelling louder than you have ever heard before
  898. >"Get it together, Anon! We can't allow ourselves to break down like that!"
  899. >All you can reply with is a pained groan
  900. >"I'm sorry I had to hit you, but you weren't responding."
  901. >Celestia is panting loudly
  902. >"I've sent the guards out to look for Caesar. But my guards can only do so much. We will have to get lucky. For now, I have political matters to attend to. An uprising has begun, and I need to calm things down. I'm sorry."
  903. >You register the sound of a door being opened and closed
  904. >But what you really care about is the wet cloth wiping away the blood
  905. >"I'm sorry about Tia. She is... distraught..."
  907. "Yeah..."
  908. >Luna continues to wipe away the blood
  909. >In silence you lie there
  910. >Thinking as your wife tends to you
  911. "He's really gone... isn't he?"
  912. >"Yeah..."
  913. >You are void of emotions in this moment
  914. >Too many things have happened
  915. >Too many words have been spoken
  916. "He'll come back... right?"
  917. >"Yeah..."
  918. >You're glad Luna is wiping your face
  919. >For she cannot see the tears welling up in your eyes
  920. "My son... gone..."
  921. >Mustering all the strength you can find, you get up
  922. >Luna tries to push you down, but you brush her off
  923. >There is no point in resting
  924. >It won't help anyone
  925. >Instead, you walk through the room and to the door
  926. >With a heavy heart and weak hands you open it
  927. >You're greeted by the familiar smell of teenager
  928. >The smell of Caesar
  929. >His room hasn't changed one bit
  930. >It's still the same
  931. >You'll keep it nice for when he comes back
  932. >If he ever comes back
  933. >With tears in your eyes, you walk to his bed
  934. >Right there, in the middle of it
  935. >There is his plush toy
  936. >The one he always slept with
  937. >You pick it up and caress its head
  938. "He's gone, Luna..."
  939. >"I-I know."
  940. >She sits down next to you
  941. >A wing slowly folds itself around you
  942. >You grab Luna's hoof with your free hand
  943. >"It's s-so cute."
  944. "Adorable. He'll like it, don't you think?"
  945. >"I t-think he'll l-love it."
  946. >You bring the plushie close and hug it
  947. >"I-I l-love, you, A-Anon."
  948. >You stare at Caesar's bed
  949. >Perfectly made and ready for usage
  950. "I love you too, Luna."
  952. End of part 4.
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