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Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. In any case, you should not have used /kill as a punishment for me accusing you of cheating. Through this whole ordeal, I have found you to be far less mature than I once thought. Even if this is not worthy of a demotion, and consta decides to override my decision, which she can, and I will not blame her if she does, than I think your large display of immaturity should be enough to convince anyone that you are not worthy to represent The constant harassment I have had to put up with since I was promoted to Sr. Admin was enough, but now that I am being called out for abuse in a constant manner so that I can only assume that you want to take my position even though "It's just a title in front of your name, that's all". On top of that, you are calling the reasons which Consta gave "Bullshit". A mature person would have accepted that the [b]owner of the server[/b] could have had good judgement, and if you truly felt you had been wronged, you would have quietly taken it up with her, not berating the person who has no control over it.
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