
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 5

Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >You are currently heading downstairs with a new change of clothes and a dusting of deodorant
  3. >However, your thoughts are now centered around one person
  4. >That is, the one sitting on your couch with her phone in her hand
  5. >She seems to have calmed down, at least
  6. >She almost looked ready to wreck the trap when you left
  7. ''Uh, hey?''
  8. >She keeps her eyes on her phone, as if trying to stare it down
  9. >''She's not answering.''
  10. >Her tone is flat, almost hollow, matching the look in her eyes
  11. >You take a seat next to her on the couch
  12. >The silence intensifies
  13. ''So, uh, what do you think is up? With the phone, I mean.''
  14. >She shakes her head absent-mindedly, still locked in a staring contest with her phone
  15. >''I have no idea. She's always picked up before, or at least called me back afterwards.''
  16. >She sighs and finally looks at you, clearly stressed
  17. >''I've called her yesterday, and the day before, and for the last twenty minutes I've been calling non-stop. I think something's wrong.''
  18. ''Maybe she lost it?''
  19. >She chuckles mirthlessly and shakes her head
  20. >''Luna doesn't lose things. She just doesn't. She's obsessed with keeping track of everything.''
  21. >She blows an errant hair out of her face, clearly deep in thought
  22. >''It probably isn't an accident either. If it was, the hospital would have called me already.''
  23. >You scratch the stubble on your chin and try to come up with a solution
  24. ''Have you thought about putting up a picture of her on FB? Like 'missing girl, please call for reward' or something.''
  25. >''Do you think it'll work?''
  26. >You shrug and give your best noncommittal smile
  27. ''Dunno, but it sure beats doing nothing.''
  28. >Suddenly Celestia flies up from the sofa and face palms violently
  29. >''The police! I haven't even notified them! Oh my God, I'm such an idiot!''
  30. >She starts rapidly tapping numbers into her phone
  31. ''You're not an idiot, come on. You're just tired and going through a lot. I mean, if it was me-''
  32. >At some point you notice that she is paying as little attention to you as possible
  33. >You decide to test her hearing
  34. ''Actually, I was kidding. You really are an idiot.''
  35. >She doesn't even notice you talking
  36. >She looks hypnotized by the dial tone
  37. >Fuck it
  38. >You decide to just go upstairs and take inventory
  39. >If she won't give you the time of day despite paying for all her useless shit, you might as well chill alone for a while
  40. >You get that her sister's disappeared, and you understand why she acts like she does
  41. >Or you want to at least
  42. >But you'd appreciate some gratitude
  43. >A hug, a kiss or just a simple fucking 'thank you' would do fine
  44. >Your 'guest' seems like she's turning into more trouble than she's worth
  45. >Or maybe you just need time to think
  46. >See it from an impartial point of view
  47. >You already know that's bullshit
  48. >As you enter your room and lock the door, you decide to lock your thoughts away for another time
  49. >It's time for work
  50. >You grab your scale, some baggies and a pair of plastic gloves from your desk drawer in preparation
  51. >Setting them neatly on the desk with your computer, you decide to put on some music
  53. >You bury yourself in your work, neatly dividing the two main sellers, crack and weed, into one-gram units and stuffing them in bags
  54. >Meanwhile, the heavy bass and ethereal melodies make you crave the creep again
  55. >Just walking slowly at night, listening to music and thinking about stuff, possibly making a delivery or two
  56. >Jesus, you really need to get out of the house
  57. >Unless anything comes up, you'll probably be out at 2 AM
  58. >You smile in anticipation
  59. >There is just something magical about those nights spent walking aimlessly, bathed in the yellow glow from the street lamps while smoking a cigarette
  60. >It was almost like Zen
  61. >A feeling of emptiness, but you've always welcomed it
  62. >You are shaken from your thoughts by the phone ringing
  63. >The number is definitely unfamiliar
  64. ''Hello?''
  65. >''Hey man, this Anon?''
  66. ''Who's asking?''
  67. >''It's Santiago, man. Ty told me you'd have some of that good old green.''
  68. ''Ty, huh? Wait a minute, bro. I'll call you back.''
  69. >''Yeah, yeah, alright-''
  70. >You quickly end the call, not bothering to listen to the rest
  71. >Ty is one of the few people you'd call a friend in this place
  72. >You met at an after party a few weeks after you'd moved in here
  73. >It was a set of unusual circumstances, to say the least
  74. >You were set to get your ass kicked by two incredibly large black males
  75. >Things had escalated to the point where talking didn't help
  76. >They were pushing your incredibly drunk ass around, when suddenly he jumped in
  77. >He hit one on the head with a beer bottle and instantly dropped him
  78. >He kicked the other one straight in the nuts, and you both spent a good few minutes exacting vengeance on him
  79. >Afterwards you got to talking, and soon grew to be friends
  80. >He'd also always been a valuable customer, and often brought more business to you
  81. >He'd always been a bit of a social butterfly, and you aren't complaining
  82. >More business is always better
  83. >You quickly tap in the numbers to his cell and press 'call'
  84. >After mere seconds, you hear his familiar voice again, and you can't help smiling
  85. >It had been way too long since you last met
  86. >''Shiieet, this Anon? What the fuck, it's been weeks brother! I almost thought you'd forgotten about me, man.''
  87. >You snort
  88. ''Yeah, you wish dude. No way I'm forgetting about your sorry ass.''
  89. >You hear some chuckling on the other side
  90. >''Anyway bro, what's up?''
  91. ''To be honest, way too fucking much right now.''
  92. >''That so? You in trouble?''
  93. ''Nah, nothing like that. Just-''
  94. >You sigh and rub your forehead
  95. ''Just got a lot on my plate right now.''
  96. >''If you wanna talk, I'm ready to listen, man.''
  97. >You chuckle, suddenly feeling better than you've felt in days
  99. ''Thanks, but it's a bit of a long story. Anyway-''
  100. >You clear your throat
  101. >Back to business
  102. ''You know anything about some Santiago guy? Motherfucker called me, told me you'd referred him.''
  103. >''Yeah, he's legit man. How so, any trouble with him?''
  104. ''No, no, nothing like that. Just checking if he's reliable.''
  105. >''Mos def, man. He's as far from a rat as they come.''
  106. ''Thanks Ty. Don't know where I'd be without you.''
  107. >He laughs
  108. >''You don't want me to answer that bro.''
  109. ''Yeah, guess so. Anyway, I got to TCOB, but if you're up for drinks any day, any time, just drop me a line.''
  110. >''Aight bro, will do. See ya.''
  111. ''Yeah, yeah, bye.''
  112. >You'd almost forgotten how fun it was to be around him
  113. >You sigh
  114. >You really need to check up on your friends more
  115. >Being completely alone here would be worse than death
  116. >Anyway, back to that Santiago guy
  117. >''Hey, who this.''
  118. ''Sup man, it's Anon.''
  119. >''Yeah yeah, what's up bro, Ty told me you'd have some green to 'distribute', so to say.''
  120. >You chuckle
  121. ''Definitely man, definitely. Where you at now?''
  122. >''Eh, you know, just cruisin'. I can be anywhere, any time, ninja style, dig?''
  123. >You chuckle again
  124. >You already like this guy
  125. ''Yeah, I hear you. When, where and how much?''
  126. >''Eh, if you can be at Donny's Liquor in like one hour or so with five gees you'd make me very happy.''
  127. ''Alright, see you then.''
  128. >''Sure bro, bye.''
  129. >Grabbing six baggies from your desk, you stuff them into your pants before walking downstairs
  130. >You still had about half an hour to drink coffee, chill and, of course, check up on Celestia
  131. >You really don't want to do that, but…
  132. >A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, right?
  133. >Walking into the thankfully silent living room, you notice that Celestia has passed out on the couch in a decidedly uncomfortable position
  134. >Grabbing a small blanket and a pillow, you gently tuck her in
  135. >She definitely pisses you off at times, but you still have to make her comfortable
  136. >She's your guest after all
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