
Letter to Juan

Jun 29th, 2018
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  1. Dear Juan,
  2. I sincerely hope you didn't die in this kerfuffle. You are a very fun one to watch. I doubt we'll ever get the chance to meet face to face unfortunately. We lost a lost of Homunculi that we are going to need a long time to recover from so I can't make my grand debut like I planned. But, you lot are still kicking, so I don't regret a thing. Be sure your bosses don't think we're gonna be chummy from now on, after we both get back to full strength we are going to clash again in full force! I really do wish I had a chance to talk with you though, you seem to know your stuff about magic and the like. I do have a small gift for you in exchange for being such a good sport! It's not magical or anything, but I hope you'll remember me and what I did for the rest of your life. Oh, and tell your bosses to give us a call from the Beacon you contained if you need help rebuilding. I have a few Homunculi I could send if you need it. I've always hated goodbyes. I wanted to keep my antics up for a bit longer instead of cowering and hiding while we rebuild ourselves. It can't be helped though. Best wishes!
  3. From, The Curator <3
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